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Hello jyotish friends,


I know this may be long, but nevertheless I think it may be worth to

read it and make

your independent opinion as the present US/world situation is

touching all of us.










Tracking The Elusive Truth





Edited by Anita Sands Hernandez






If you were a mystery

writer, say, an Agatha Christie chess brain, and were confronted

with a pair of corpses, two

very tall, well loved, glamorous, American TWINS) , you

would review the clues with

avidity wouldn't you?


If you read every article in

cyberspace, you would see, as researchers do, that U.S.

spooks knew the two,

beautiful twins were a.) scheduled to be offered, and b.) their

death by fire would get you

so crazy-flag-waving that they could put a long, long war

before you and you'd bite

down on it, hook and all.


The USA, CIA, NSC, Joint

Chiefs, George Senior, and Dick Cheney, KNEW the WTC attack

was FINALLY, about to

happen. You'll see it if you hold the following clues in mind all at



1) ECHELON spies gave U.S

authorities a 3 month warning of attacks. A German paper

reported U.S. and Israeli

intelligence agencies received warning signals at least three

months ago that terrorists

were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as

weapons to attack important

symbols of American culture, according to a story in

Germany's daily Frankfurter

Allgemeine Zeitung http://wwwnewsbytes.com


2) The U.S. already in JULY

2001, had planned to attack the Taliban before the

WTC/Pentagon attacks: a

former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the U.S.A.

was planning military action

against Osama and the Taliban even before last weekís

attacks. Niaz Naik, a former

Pakistani foreign secretary, was told by senior American

officials in mid-July that

military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the

middle of October. (BBC news 9-18-01)



already planned and attack on the Taliban.





This former Paki diplomat

told the BBC that the U.S was planning military action

against Osama Bin Laden and

the Taliban even before last weekís attacks. Niaz Naik, a

former Pakistani foreign

secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July

that military action against

Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.


Mr Naik said U.S. officials

told him of the plan at a U.N. sponsored international, contact

group on Afghanistan which

took place in Berlin. He told the BBC that at the meeting

the us representatives told

him that unless Bin Laden was handed over swiftly,

America would take military

action to kill or capture both Bin Laden and the Taliban

leader, Mullah Omar.


The wider objective,

according to Mr Naik, who is MIND YOU RETIRED and a PAKI, would

be to topple the Taliban

regime and install a transitional government of moderate

(read manageable by US Oil

men) Afghans in its place - possibly under the leadership

of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah.


Mr Naik was told that

Washington would launch its operation from bases in Tajikistan,

(implying full Ruski

cooperation) where American advisers were already in place. He

was told that

Uzbekistanwould also participate in the operation and that 17,000

Russian troops were on

standby to AID IN THIS SEIZURE. (!) (At this point your AGATHA


starts clicking and you realize that RUSSIA and USA

had imperialist aims related

to that sand pit, i.e. it was to be pipeline for OIL biz

between the new

Capitalistniks in the Aparatchik Formerly known as Russia and the

combined Bush/Houston/Global

Marine, Sta Fe Internat'l cum Kuwait forces, i.e. their

brand new corporation, only

weeks old, merged September 4th, 2001.)


Naik had been told by his

contacts that if the military action went ahead it would take

place before the snows

started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the

latest. He said that he was

in no doubt that after the world trade center bombings this

pre-existing us plan had

been built upon and would be implemented within two or

three weeks and he said it

was doubtful that Washington would drop its plan even if

Bin Laden were to be

surrendered immediately by the Taliban.


3.) Russia knew in

advance...(obviously, see above) proven by fact IT encouraged

citizens to cash out

dollars: Russian press accounts and other activities by the russian

government this summer

indicate that the russians knew in advance that something

would happen to america,

including a "financial attack" against the u.s. during the past

three months, russian media

and officials have encouraged citizens to cash out of u.s.

dollars pending an economic

collapse there after an "attack."

http://www/newsmax.com 9-17-01


4) The FBI tracked a PILOT

TERRORIST (currently in custody) 2 weeks before attacks:

"two weeks before the

terrorist attacks in new york city and Washington, D.C., FBI

agents were at a flight

school in Oklahoma asking questions about a man now

suspected of having a link

to those attacks", according to CNN.


"The fact that FBI agents

were at the airman flight school in Norman, Oklahoma, two

weeks before any attacks

would seem to contradict the agencyís assertion that it was

not aware of any connection

between aviation schools and suspected terrorists. FBI

director Robert Mueller has

stated publicly, "there were no warning signs that Iím

aware of that would indicate

this type of operation in the country," http://cnn.com

9-18-01 somebody is lying!


5) USA pulled plug on 500

Arab/Muslim websites the day before jetliner attacks: five

hundred websites - many of

them with an arab or muslim connection - crashed when an

anti-terrorism task force

raided infocom corporation in texas. The 80-strong task

force that descended upon

the company included FBI agents, secret service agents,

diplomatic security agents,

tax inspectors, immigration officials, customs officials,

department of commerce

officials and computer experts. (Brian Whitaker 9-12-01)


6) 6 YEARS AGO, U.S. was

warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings: the

FBI was warned of a

terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes and slam them into the

Pentagon, the CIA

headquarters and other buildings, Philippine investigators told CNN

just a few days ago. The

plan was termed ''Project Bojinka.' (manila, philippines cnn



7) U.S government had prior

knowledge of OSAMA CELLS. As ex CIA chief Stansfield

Turner admitted, Oct 3rd, on

CNN cable, US/ FBI had prior knowledge of 4 to 6 Bin

Laden cells in the USA. That

means the cells were completely bugged. Every phone

line, every cell phone,

every email. Turner said they couldn't move in and arrest them

as a.) they'd done nothing

illegal, and b.) each man was here LEGALLY. Which brings us

to the fact:


8.) INS sold citizenship to

terrorists for 6 thousand dollars a piece, as an 'under the

table' bribe. There was

interest in having these Bin Laden cells 'peopled' or 'filled out,

as here inside USA, it was

easy to watch and eavesdrop on them. An INS career officer,

out of the ORLANDO FLorida

INS office, caught and ratted out her bosses for selling

citizenship to terrorists.

When her bosses abused her, she sued the INS/ USA as a

whistleblower and she won in

court, a large cash settlement. The INS is currently

appealing that decision. She

Filed with aid of lawyer Donald Apignani in Florida. During

her lawsuit, the INS officer

sent all her evidence to John Ashcroft, head man at Dept of

Justice, Atty Gen for USA.

He did not answer her but sent the whole package back to

her bosses. He did not want

to know about it. The outraged INS officer woman is suing

again in California, and

while file any day, now. But let's go back to NUMBER 7, U.S had






Sept 11th birthday of ISRAEL might be the day. (72 years

ago) Among the foreign

intelligence agencies who penetrated the plots were French


MOSSAD units of both often working with one another.

Foreign intelligence sources

confirm the validity of this story and they state that

they informed the U.S.

Secret police who absolutely failed, neglected, and outright

refused to take action as to

known prior specifics of which the top-level of the CIA

were informed in advance.

http://www.skolnicksreport.com 9-13-01


8.) THERE WAS A deliberate

leak from a double agent in the White House. Terrorists

had ultra secret codes day

they attacked WTC and said as much. That they had the

secret phones at White

House, knew where POTUS was, Air Force One, all reported on

http://worldnetdaily.com as

well as in all media, Sept 22nd, 2001.


9) DEAD GIVEAWAY in unusual

and SUSPICIOUS market activity reported before the

attacks: "Chicago traders on

Wednesday cited unusual activity in airline options up to

a month before 911 emergency

and German bankers reported brisk activity in

Reinsurer Munich adding to

speculation that those behind the attacks tried to profit

from their acts. (Reuters

9-20-01) How come everyone knew this was going to

happen? Why would the USA.

refuse to investigate when told, unless it was their own

plan all along? FDR knew of

Japanís coming attack on Pearl Harbor. It certainly appears

that the USA/ NWO/ CIA /NSC

NSA Secret White house elite who govern US backed by


advance that a great catastrophe was about to occur on

American soil and did

absolutely nothing in order to prevent it.


What could have been done?

Plenty. For starters, weapon-seeking X-ray security at all

airports could have been

beefed up. Air bases could have been put on alert. Planes

should have been airborne

upon the first indication of a hijacking. as it was, these

hijacked planes were in the

air for as much as a 30 minutes or more, after being

hijacked and diverted, and

yet totally unchallenged by military aircraft. At best, this

was totally inept; and at

worst, stinks of collusion.


There are many, many

unanswered questions concerning the collapse of the towers.

For example, why did the

towers collapse? many engineers have stated that they were

built to withstand an

aircraft hit, and also to endure temperatures of 2,000 degrees. in

addition, why did the south

tower fall first, considering that it was hit by the second

aircraft? CBC news replayed

an ABC interview with two American heroes that rescued

a handicapped person in the

north tower. they said that while leaving the tower, they

heard an explosion, turned

around and saw the tower collapsing, and then ran for their

lives. The question is: what

explosion? the first tower was hit an hour and 45 minutes

before this explosion,

therefore, it could not have been from the jet fuel.


Another quote from the same

article previously mentioned: why did the towers

implode instead of explode?

The towers came down as gracefully as a fountain of

water. "too methodical to be

a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures"

said Van Romero, vice

president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and

Technology. "My opinion is

that after the airplanes hit the world trade center there

were some explosive devices

inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse,"

romero said. romero is a

former director of the energetic materials research and

testing center at tech,

which studies explosive materials and the effects of

explosions on buildings,

aircraft and other structures. The towers imploded! they did

not explode! a fuel fire

causes an explosion, not an implosion. explosions explode out.

implosions, implode in!

implosions can only occur with immense planning by a highly

skilled group of craftsmen

educated in the unique skill of demolishing buildings by

strategically placing

explosive devices within the building. this requires many

experts, much time and

significant access to the building beforehand. the skill of

implosion of buildings was

developed primarily to demolish buildings in areas of high

building density, so the

destruction of the structure will not cause damage to the

surrounding buildings. in

addition, the towers came down long after the planes struck.


It is ludicrous to suggest

that fuel dumping from the airplanes caused a fire hot

enough to melt the inner

structure first of all, who can prove the planes dumped all of

their fuel into the core of

the building? second, why did the fuel take so long to catch

fire? third, fuel-fires

cause explosions, not implosions! fourth, the structure was built

to withstand temperatures of

2000 degrees fahrenheit, according to the architect and

designer of the building, a

man who is now deceased, but who preserved this nugget of

information in an interview

he recorded in 1998. Hyman Brown, a university of

colorado civil engineering

professor and the world trade centerís construction

manager, watched in

confusion as the towers came down. "it was over-designed to

withstand almost anything

including hurricanes, high winds, bombings and an airplane

hitting it," he said.

(Scripps Howard news service 9-11,01 and 9-12-01)So, why was it

necessary to implode the

whole structure? to eliminate evidence, just as was done to

the Murrah building in

Oklahoma City, before the forensic specialists could get in to

examine the evidence. Just

like the branch davidian compound at Waco was bulldozed

by the government before any

evidence could be examined. And the expert hired to

look at 'flashes' caught on

video who told his friends that flashes proved FBI shot

every child that tried to

get outÖ. that man was himself killed, the day before he was

to testify to Congress.


Conclusion: this was a

highly skilled endeavor by a large group of well-trained people

with access to the

buildings, the airplanes and the explosives. they would have had to

blend into the population

and not look suspicious. and the bldgs in question had, a few

weeks earlier, been sold BY

GOV to Mr. Silverstein. NYC previously owned them (read

Chase Manhattan Bank, and

Citibank and those two together ARE the IMF..) Poor Mr

Silverstein was 3.2 billion

short and STEPFATHER BANK was out from under. Look on

the Bright Side Mr.

Silverstein. Not many renters get a chance to rebuild on the spot

with the IMF financing them.

Demolition was cheap! a few sticks of dynamite here,

there. You still have a

hundred year lease....


The real question is when it

comes to downing two skyscrapers, who would have these

qualifications? certainly

not a group of Arab "terrorists" who bungled the l993

bombing and got caught. Who

gained from these attacks? Not terrorists, not Al-Qaeda.

It was the plantary

oligarchs that let the terrorists have 'count that little coup',

indulged them their one

ugly, 15 minutes of fame as they needed AMERICANS TO



Now the Middle East has the

wrath of the American eagle descending upon them. What

Stone age sand flea in his

right mind would want that?


Houston had to do it. They

were essentially drillers without fields. Pity the poor

oligarchs, a plantary

economy in deep recession. We weren't buying their stuff

(snuffle, sniff) Oligarchs

with nowhere to invest. That's how recessions start. When the

POOR don't open their

wallet, then the rich can't either.


Instead of concentrating on

the terrorists, take a good look at what was transpiring in

the USA and what can be

extrapolated from it. They were like Godzillas feasting on our

productivity. They took away

our factories and salaries and still hoped we'd buy cars.

We couldn't. What can they

do with a trillion Fords that break down at l00,000 miles

and are overpriced when

Koreans can make a car that works? SELL US A WAR is what!


PART II. What else has

happened since the attacks?


1) the population has been

in one moment, prepared psychologically and economically,

for a long term war where

the number of U.S.. casualties will be high (Washington Post

online September 21, 2001).


2) Bush created a new office

of "homeland security" (read SS, ) supposedly to protect

Americans from attack. The

job would involve coordination of government-wide

domestic security efforts,

including meshing domestic FBI, and foreign CIA

intelligence, working

alongside US. military, emergency officials and state and local

governments. Wanna bet that

this new, patriotic homeland defense position will

probably not need senate

confirmation, which other cabinet jobs require, nor

legislation to create" white

house officials said. so there will be no investigation,

oversight nor accountability

for this group's actions. An abrogation of our

Constitution. (Reuters -

Washington 9-21-01)


3) U.S. orders 40 million

doses of smallpox vaccine for $343 million in preparation for

a possible bioterrorism

assault. the contract has been given to a small,

cambridge-based firm

Acambis, a British biotechnology company who reported a net

loss of $8 million in the

six months prior to June 30, unchanged from last year. (how

convenient to get this huge

order! It would be interesting to find the crony-ism

involved, here.) (Reuters

news, London 9-20-01) And the media is blaring everywhere

about anthrax, small box,

Saran gas, preparing the population to expect bio-terrorism.


4) America and Britain are

co-producing secret plans to launch a ten year "war on

terrorism" - Operation Noble

Eagle - involving a completely new military and

diplomatic strategy to

eliminate terrorist networks and cells around the world." (The

Times -London 9-20-01).


5) The American Senate

already OKAYED the FBI spying on the internet: fbi agents soon

will be able to spy on

internet users legally without a court order. Two days after the

terrorist attack, the senate

approved the "combating terrorism act of 2001" which

enhances police wiretap

powers and permits monitoring in more situations. the fbiís

surveillance system is

called carnivore. (Lycos network 9-20-01)


6) The U.S. plans to

overthrow taliban and put Afghanistan under United Nations

control, according to The

Manchester Guardian - London (9-21-01) note: Yugoslavia is

already under U.N. control.


7) A global surveillance

system known as echelon exists and has the ability to

eavesdrop on telephone

calls, faxes and e-mail messages. Face-id technology gains

new support. "State

lawmakers who were planning to sponsor legislation restricting

its use now say they are

reassessing their plans." (Denver Post Capitol Bureau,



9) "Experts see a

high-security america of surveillance & seizures": new york:

security experts in the

united states are describing a new kind of country that could

emerge, where electronic

identification might become the norm, immigrants might be

tracked far more closely and

the airspace over cities like new york and washington

might be off-limits to all

civilian aircraft." (the nternational herald tribune 9-19-01)

more surveillance of u.s. citizens.


10) "Lawmakers see need to

loosen rules on CIA" Congressional leaders, who oversee

the nationís intelligence

system (yeah right!) have concluded that americaís spy

agencies should be allowed

to combat terrorism with more aggressive tactics,

including the hiring of

unsavory foreign agents, including revived discussion of

reversing the us 25 year ban

on using covert agents to assassinate foreigners. R.

James Woolsey, the former

director of the CIA said that "Washington has absolutely

undergone a change in

thinking this week." (New York Times, 9-16-01) So what we're

getting for our intelligence

nickle is a dime's worth of surveillance of u.s.citizens!


11) NATO announces a third

world war is almost upon us. A Pentagon spokesman hinted

towards potential targets

being Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, north korea, Syria and

others. (NATO

secretary-general lord Robertson)


12) California

congresswoman, Mary Bono, R-Palm Springs warned that the country

should prepare for a fight

against international terrorists that will likely include

personal sacrifice, the use

of ground troops overseas and the risk of retaliation

against civilians by the

enemy. she alsopredicts intense scrutiny of airline

passengers, a national

system of fingerprinting and identification cards and the

spectre of chemical and

biological attacks on the u.s. (the Desert Sun 9-18-01)


13) An enemy is needed to

justify a $344 billion war budget, when the federal

government currently spends

only $42 billion on education, $26 billion on affordable

housing and bizarrely low,

$1 billion on school construction.


14) President Bush sent his

anti-terrorism bill to Congress one week after the

WTC/Pentagon attack,

launching an emotional debate that will force u.s. politicians to

choose between continued

freedom for americans or greater security. (Lycos network

9-20-01) does anybody know

how long it takes to write one of these bills? it takes

months! they are hundreds of

pages long. this one was obviously written before the

attack! how convenient! wake

up America!


15) "President Bush focused

his energy on building a global alliance for a fight against

terrorism..." (MSNBC

9-18-01) here comes the new world order! 1984!


16) fast-moving house bill

restricts liberties - much of it unrelated to terrorism!

congress is being asked to

rush to pass emergency anti-terrorist legislation written

by the department of

justice, but much of the legislation turns out to have nothing to

do with fighting terrorism.

instead, the legislation contains a host of items which have

been on the bureaucratic

wish lists for many years.


17) "we must ignore the

peace lobby and show no restraint" says the Independent

(hardly!)- London (9-24-01)

1 bush suspends habeas corpus: legal immigrants may be

held without cause: "the

bush administration today announced it is using its powers

under the national emergency

act to suspend the right of habeas corpus for all

immigrants in the country,

including legal immigrants, meaning that any immigrant in

the u.s. right now can be

held indefinitely by the police or government without trial or

demonstration of cause to

hold them." and daily on the tv they talk of putting chips in

us so we can be identified,

ostensibly so no Arab can steal our identity. They want us

to have our true identity!

though no one has yet suggested infringing the rights of U.S.

citizens, the move is a

frightening first step to a national tyranny, based on perpetual

suspension of the

constitution in the name of fighting perpetual war." l984 came, l7

years LATE.


19) President bush has

agreed to bail out the airlines with billions of dollars, an

industry that was swimming

in red ink long before the wtc/pentagon attacks. It is

obvious to anyone who has

eyes to see, and ears to hear, that American citizens are

going to lose their freedom.

the process has already begun. eventually the entire

world will lose theirs as

well. Consider for a moment, the national I.D.card that is being

proposed. Like any passport

it could be counterfeited. A national ID card can only be

concluded as the logical

first step. when it is acknowledged, as not accomplishing its

task, and then, guess what's

waiting in the wings? A switch to micro chip technology

would be sought as the only

viable solution. 666 I believe the bible prophecy freaks

call it. It means that you

can wear a chip in your butt just like your Dalmation.



When you have surfed around

there, and read just a few articles, youíll be ready to

play this Agatha Christie

Solve the Mystery of who killed the Big Twins game, armed

with the following secret

maps I'm going to give you of what you should be seeking,

searching out...



IQ 80 Bush Jr. really had no idea that the terrorists were

coming. (cough!). Very

unlikely as we have seen but what if there was actually a nation

state that did this as a

covert military action. Someone behind Osama. Someone

running him. Who might that

be? http://www.morphmaster.com/binladen.htm (surf

there). Who was close to

Osama in his lifetime?


Someone was running him

before or after the USA ran him in the 80's. Reporters who

know him say heís a happy

space case dunce. Kind of like our old friend Lee Harvey

Oswald whose last words

alive were ' I'm a Patsy.' In another famous, CIA/OSS/SS

action called the JFK HIT.

It took a team of sharp shooters on the GrassyKnoll to take

out JFK. Look at the Twins

Murder. It was was waaaay too organized. The terrorists are

said to have spoken German.

Residents there for a long time, maybe? What German

Terrorist movements exists

full of ex nazi handlers who work the local natives

aligned with a faction of

the ancient Teutonic OSS/ CIA/ SS? Working the European end

of the street on behalf of

the Planet's mega oligarchs, the Cash numero unos of the

planet? Who but a devious

Dr. Strangelove Mastermind could have created a German

based Arab branch of the

Meiner Badhof gang? You do know that after WWII, half the SS

was moved to Langley, the

other half stayed in Europe to watch the Commies. The NWO

CIA has had ex nazis running

its think tanks since '45..


Next, SO WHAT if they had

Arab names? They still could be GERMANIFIED Arabs. In

Germany, having an Arab is

like having a Rottweiler. Maybe the poor Arabs are patsies.

Maybe the Taliban was a kind

of red herring bacteria allowed to grow rife through the

middle east so that the

Nazi/ NWO OPEC CIA could demonstrate it was high time for

Sulfa. It was warrented and

they should be allowed to bring in the bleach.


Why did IQ 80's handlers

take out 6k people and blame the Stone Age Al-Qaeda? What

did they stand to gain if

Arabs were implicated? OK. Think back. What did Hitler gain

when he got people to

believe that THREE DEAD POLACKS he'd dressed up in GERMAN

uniforms were HIS OWN GERMAN

BOYS, 'attacked on the border by Nasty old Poland' in

1939? He got to have WWII

making his handlers happy.


What did Lyndon Johnson gain

when he made it seem that a simple lightning strike on

the high seas was a VIET

CONG attack on US Battleships? Answer: He got to send US

soldiers to Nam. (before

only instructors were there, it was a local civil war,

remember?) Then Lyndon was

trying to nab the richest oil field of planet which is right

off shore south of Nam for

his Handlers. The Seven SISTERS wanted that war. Dutch

Petroleum, Mobil, Exon, Shell, etc..


The Commander of that

American battleship later said it was just lightning flashes.

Said so in his bio! 56,000

American lives later.


And what did FDR get when he

let Japs bomb Hawaii? To get his peacenik people to go

to a EUROPEAN war! So here,

2001, what's the cui bonum and in whose lap do the cui

bonum goodies possibly land?

Follow the money trail of the future. Sniff the air

blowing down upon your sons

and daughters. What are the other possible future

scenarios and cui bonums of

re-zoning the mideast into Exxonia? Mobilia? Instead of

Iraq and Iran?


DIRTY AIR is what. Our

babies dying of cancer of the lungs, tumors in the brain as every

Chinaman gets a Ford.


They want to sell us cars

and gasoline forever. We can run fine on electric cars, ask Ed

Begley Jr. but they want us

in hock to the company store. Now that sounds pretty

venal (of them, not me. I'm

just reporting it) but why else would they risk throwing

planet into war? Is there

anything else they might want over there? Goats? Harem girl

with cymbals? Camels? NO.

OIL and only OIL. And where is it? IN THE CASPIAN. Russia

has it. That's why RUSSIA is

in on this. She is selling us the oil, she is drilling it. she

enters the world economy and

only this war gets her in. (Heck, every war does!) I say

let her in, but let her sell

us Russian art, fur coats, electric cars, anything but OIL to

befoul the planet's air with

fuel! FOSSIL FUEL is sheer poison!


Ten possible reasons why the

rich and greedy would commit, or allow the commission

of the crimes in new york

and d.c. and blame the taliban:


1.) Prior to sept. 11, 2001:

(1) the world was about to enter a deep

recession/depression because

the super rich could not find a single thing worth

investing in. They had tried

everything, moved factories to the third world, paying a

dollar a day salaries, which

threw US citizens out of work. They build/ tried to sell

cheaper washingmachines and

cars, but as Marx predicted, at that point, NOBODY

anywhere could afford them.

Sales slowed to a trickle. The rich pulled their money out

of everything! They

recognized the stock market was bogus. They had to regroup.

Depression is when the

people stop buying, as they are in debt. That debt is a result of

high prices, low wages, the

growing inequities, the lack of the ëfamedí Keynesian

"trickle down" and the gross

exploitation of labor in the USA and all over the world.


2.) Create an enemy to take

the heat. Destruction of the WTC gives the appearance

that this phenomenon is the

result of the "terrorists" attack. it makes hungry, angry

disenfranchised, 'outcrowd'

third worlders, who ëwonít work their way up in the world,

seem puny, jealous,

miserable, backbiting and makes all those who may inwardly also

be a little jealous of

wealth guilty and quiet.


4.) The wtc property was

sold only two weeks before the atack by the INTERNATIONAL


manhattan, Citibank and the ostensible 'owner', the Port Authority

of NYC who all together HAD

owned the twin towers. They sold for 3.2 billion, a huge

profit by the way, for an

Eco-disaster bldg that every Arab psychopath was KNOWN to

be targeting...! And they

sold it to an individual, Silverstein. The ultimate pig in a poke!

The property was 30 years

old, (from time of opening) and in need of millions of

dollars in renovation and repairs.


5.) the airline industry was

about to go bankrupt due to mismanagement, high fuel

costs and simply having too

many planes for the declining passenger volume. now they

can blame their troubles on

the wtc attack and get billions of dollars in government

bail-out cash.


(6) George Dubya, IQ 80, and

his Dad's friends in the Houston oil community had just

consummated the biggest

merger of oil related businesses ever, with 3 partners.

First, kuwait as a 17%

partner, next, cia propriatary global marine, and third, houston

based sta fe petrol, all of

career CIA guy Bush Sr's oil pals. A war on the arabs might

well put them in a position

to confiscate many oilfields and other minerals in the

middle east, turn

Afghanistan to toast, so they can lay pipes wall to wall and get the

huge ruski oil deposits to

the saudis for processing.


(7) The "military-industrial

complex" Ike warned us about cannott make their huge

profits on weapons and other

war related hardware without a war and the army can't

make fruit salad for its

bosom without war.


8.) Thereís nothing like a

"good" war to rally the misinformed public around the

corrupt and fraudulent

government, taking the focus off of all of the stupidity,

criminal conduct and

immorality of so many of the "honorable gentlemen" in congress

and the other branches of government.


9.) There is nothing in the

social security and medicare trusts except i.o.u's from THE

USA to its people. the money

was spent long ago, and thereís no way that

theretirement and medical

needs of the "baby-boomers" can be funded. a huge, drawn

out war will provide an

excuse as to why the money is gone, ie. to pay for the war.

(more lies)


10.) Taliban heroin isn't

controlled by CIA the way Burma, Thai, Laotian Hmong, Golden

Triangle china white was

(see Air America the movie --again.) CIA is like the MAFIA.

They take out the

competition. The French Connection movie (rent it) was about NY

COPS taking out the other

exporters, the Corsicans, destroying them so that all

ingresses from "made in Asia

by Americans , i.e. loyal patriotic dope, sold to American

addicts, goes to cia coffers

and cia nugan hand BCCI type CIA banks. Thanks to Ronnieís

wife nancy, there are less

and less addicts every day so no chance CIA wants most of

its diminishing dope biz

going to competitors! The CIA has been dealing drugs for 52

years with the help of Meyer

Lansky's Syndicate, Nixon, the Bush CIA/OIL lineage, and

it's rumored with the help

of Nixon's pals' Pepsi Cola bottling companies in Vietnam.






What happened in New York,

is indeed, a terrible act, regardless of whom is

responsible. like many webs

of deceit, we probably will not know the complete truth

until much later. what we do

know, is that god allowed it. He is in total control and we

must have faith in his

judgement. Is america now going to have its wings cut with this

assault on innocent, little

stone age Afghanistan? These and many other questions will

eventually be answered. It

is our duty to wait and see the hand of the eternal, and just

pray for and seek his

protection, mercy, love and deliverance from all that seems to

be about to come to pass?

are we sure that these NWO types need to rejuggle the

borders, organize things,

chip us, fiche us? for the right reasons? is it useful to the

whole? my spiritual friends

say ëeverything that happens is perfect.í My also very

spiritual and pragmatic

economist friend karl marx said ëmake something better

happen than what the men in

power are doing for their own solvency. Trickle down is a



So, if this is the truth,

what do we do? read up, study. . intelligence gathering should

have many inputs. SEND this

article or others like it to the news agencies. The

information you read at the

URLS above may be rejected by a few, brain-washed jerks,

and it may be reported to

those who take orders from the Nazis BY OTHER JERKS who

take orders from the Nazis.

But so what? If enough of us share the truth, they don't rap

knuckles cuz there are too

many knuckles to rap.


Surfing to any of these URLS

would be a test to see if your head is on your shoulders

or if some one else, some

robot behind you, is doing your thinking for you. It is quite

possible that when you watch

CNN and NBC and ABC and even CBS, you are being

PLAYED like a lute and led

like a rooster in a Tijuana Cockfight into blinding, killing

yourself and your sons..


Only by researching can you

save your family from being part of this bloody spectacle.

Only by using that PC to

surf will you save your grandkids from living in a burnt fuel

cloud that burns holes in

their brain. Only by demanding that Detroit build

ALTERNATIVE fuel cars will

you save your great grandchildren from death by bullet or

tumor. Only by volunteering

to drive an alt fueled car will you save your sweet air,

your planet's agriculture,

your descendants. Only by writing your Congressman and

saying it in your own, quiet

way in a hard copy letter, (they don't read email!) And

while you're at it, drop a

note to alt fuel car proponent Ed Begley Jr. at c/o Screen

Actors Guild, Sunset Blvd.

Hollywood 90028 saying "tell me more, who can I write to

for details?" Only then,

when you've communicated to your elected officials, can you

say that you did your job to

keep your children from fighting a decade long war that

would kill millions, enrich

a few billionaires, poison every nation's air with this demon

smog making fossil fuel,

which has thrown the planet entirely off kilter so that nothing

clean grows here so that

your grandchildren starve to death.


We are at a precipice. A

cliff is before us. Don't leap into war. Our name is not LEMMING.

We do not jump foolishly

into the void. We are the Humans of Earth. We have a voice.

We have the internet. We

type. We read. WE WRITE! USE those TALENTS to stop

America from going on

another stupid, cruel oil war and one based on lies and fraud at












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Dear Michael

I think you have covered nearly every conspiracy theory of the last hundred

years !


My own opinion is that the US has proper ends but pursues them by very

doubtful means .Mussolini ,God bless his soul ,had practically eradicated

the Mafia until the OSS enlisted them in the fight against fascism

..Similarly Western countries happily sold Saddam military hardware when Iran

went Anti American .Then the Taliban became powerful with American guns and

training. Now that the Taliban is the bogey organisation the US happily

provides Pakistan with its self appointed president (who overthrew a

corrupt but democratically elected government) and the Northern Alliance

with military aid .In Sri Lanka the US arms industry sells military hardware

to both sides .It can be argued that the ends justifies the means but under

the strict laws of karma the means produce an end in themself. So making

money on the back of human misery is to be avoided by any sane individual or

society .

In Srimad Bhagavatam it mentions that when goodness prevails the Demigods

become powerful, when passion prevails the demons become powerful and when

ignorance prevails the most sinful persons become powerful . Therefore the

prevalence of corrupt or wicked leaders all over the world shows there is a

great need for an increase in spiritual consciousness .



Best Wishes


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Dear Nicholas,


I fully agree. But in Kali Yuga to find a genuine sadhu is also very very rare,

as I have learned.


Best regards,






>Dear Michael

>I think you have covered nearly every conspiracy theory of the last hundred

>years !


>My own opinion is that the US has proper ends but pursues them by very

>doubtful means .Mussolini ,God bless his soul ,had practically eradicated

>the Mafia until the OSS enlisted them in the fight against fascism

>.Similarly Western countries happily sold Saddam military hardware when Iran

>went Anti American .Then the Taliban became powerful with American guns and

>training. Now that the Taliban is the bogey organisation the US happily

>provides Pakistan with its self appointed president (who overthrew a

>corrupt but democratically elected government) and the Northern Alliance

>with military aid .In Sri Lanka the US arms industry sells military hardware

>to both sides .It can be argued that the ends justifies the means but under

>the strict laws of karma the means produce an end in themself. So making

>money on the back of human misery is to be avoided by any sane individual or

>society .

>In Srimad Bhagavatam it mentions that when goodness prevails the Demigods

>become powerful, when passion prevails the demons become powerful and when

>ignorance prevails the most sinful persons become powerful . Therefore the

>prevalence of corrupt or wicked leaders all over the world shows there is a

>great need for an increase in spiritual consciousness .



>Best Wishes









>Your use of is subject to

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Dear Michael

Even if we cannot find a genuuine sadhu we can help eliminate terror by

considering that any animal in the slaughterman's queue probably feels

terror seeing his comrades get the chop .By becoming vegetarian we can make

our own individual protest against terrorism .Bad leadership draws karmic

fuel from the sins of the populace .

Light and peace



> Dear Nicholas,


> I fully agree. But in Kali Yuga to find a genuine sadhu is also very very


> as I have learned.


> Best regards,


> Michael


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I must say some one is doing there homework..... That is so refreshing to

see, I was becoming worried there...*s*

The whole thing was allowed to happen, it is just the kind of event they use

as a pretext to further their agenda of greater global control....the few

out witting the many through incredible deception.....

I can only say thank you for this food for thought...






"Michael PDR" <ccc55863


Saturday, October 06, 2001 2:04 AM

[gjlist] some food for though



Hello jyotish friends,


I know this may be long, but nevertheless I think it may be worth to

read it and make

your independent opinion as the present US/world situation is

touching all of us.










Tracking The Elusive Truth





Edited by Anita Sands Hernandez






If you were a mystery

writer, say, an Agatha Christie chess brain, and were confronted

with a pair of corpses, two

very tall, well loved, glamorous, American TWINS) , you

would review the clues with

avidity wouldn't you?


If you read every article in

cyberspace, you would see, as researchers do, that U.S.

spooks knew the two,

beautiful twins were a.) scheduled to be offered, and b.) their

death by fire would get you

so crazy-flag-waving that they could put a long, long war

before you and you'd bite

down on it, hook and all.


The USA, CIA, NSC, Joint

Chiefs, George Senior, and Dick Cheney, KNEW the WTC attack

was FINALLY, about to

happen. You'll see it if you hold the following clues in mind all at



1) ECHELON spies gave U.S

authorities a 3 month warning of attacks. A German paper

reported U.S. and Israeli

intelligence agencies received warning signals at least three

months ago that terrorists

were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as

weapons to attack important

symbols of American culture, according to a story in

Germany's daily Frankfurter

Allgemeine Zeitung http://wwwnewsbytes.com


2) The U.S. already in JULY

2001, had planned to attack the Taliban before the

WTC/Pentagon attacks: a

former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the U.S.A.

was planning military action

against Osama and the Taliban even before last weekís

attacks. Niaz Naik, a former

Pakistani foreign secretary, was told by senior American

officials in mid-July that

military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the

middle of October. (BBC news




already planned and attack on the Taliban.





This former Paki diplomat

told the BBC that the U.S was planning military action

against Osama Bin Laden and

the Taliban even before last weekís attacks. Niaz Naik, a

former Pakistani foreign

secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July

that military action against

Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.


Mr Naik said U.S. officials

told him of the plan at a U.N. sponsored international, contact

group on Afghanistan which

took place in Berlin. He told the BBC that at the meeting

the us representatives told

him that unless Bin Laden was handed over swiftly,

America would take military

action to kill or capture both Bin Laden and the Taliban

leader, Mullah Omar.


The wider objective,

according to Mr Naik, who is MIND YOU RETIRED and a PAKI, would

be to topple the Taliban

regime and install a transitional government of moderate

(read manageable by US Oil

men) Afghans in its place - possibly under the leadership

of the former Afghan King Zahir



Mr Naik was told that

Washington would launch its operation from bases in Tajikistan,

(implying full Ruski

cooperation) where American advisers were already in place. He

was told that

Uzbekistanwould also participate in the operation and that 17,000

Russian troops were on

standby to AID IN THIS SEIZURE. (!) (At this point your AGATHA


starts clicking and you realize that RUSSIA and USA

had imperialist aims related

to that sand pit, i.e. it was to be pipeline for OIL biz

between the new

Capitalistniks in the Aparatchik Formerly known as Russia and the

combined Bush/Houston/Global

Marine, Sta Fe Internat'l cum Kuwait forces, i.e. their

brand new corporation, only

weeks old, merged September 4th, 2001.)


Naik had been told by his

contacts that if the military action went ahead it would take

place before the snows

started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the

latest. He said that he was

in no doubt that after the world trade center bombings this

pre-existing us plan had

been built upon and would be implemented within two or

three weeks and he said it

was doubtful that Washington would drop its plan even if

Bin Laden were to be

surrendered immediately by the Taliban.


3.) Russia knew in

advance...(obviously, see above) proven by fact IT encouraged

citizens to cash out

dollars: Russian press accounts and other activities by the russian

government this summer

indicate that the russians knew in advance that something

would happen to america,

including a "financial attack" against the u.s. during the past

three months, russian media

and officials have encouraged citizens to cash out of u.s.

dollars pending an economic

collapse there after an "attack."

http://www/newsmax.com 9-17-01


4) The FBI tracked a PILOT

TERRORIST (currently in custody) 2 weeks before attacks:

"two weeks before the

terrorist attacks in new york city and Washington, D.C., FBI

agents were at a flight

school in Oklahoma asking questions about a man now

suspected of having a link

to those attacks", according to CNN.


"The fact that FBI agents

were at the airman flight school in Norman, Oklahoma, two

weeks before any attacks

would seem to contradict the agencyís assertion that it was

not aware of any connection

between aviation schools and suspected terrorists. FBI

director Robert Mueller has

stated publicly, "there were no warning signs that Iím

aware of that would indicate

this type of operation in the country," http://cnn.com

9-18-01 somebody is lying!


5) USA pulled plug on 500

Arab/Muslim websites the day before jetliner attacks: five

hundred websites - many of

them with an arab or muslim connection - crashed when an

anti-terrorism task force

raided infocom corporation in texas. The 80-strong task

force that descended upon

the company included FBI agents, secret service agents,

diplomatic security agents,

tax inspectors, immigration officials, customs officials,

department of commerce

officials and computer experts. (Brian Whitaker 9-12-01)


6) 6 YEARS AGO, U.S. was

warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings: the

FBI was warned of a

terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes and slam them into the

Pentagon, the CIA

headquarters and other buildings, Philippine investigators told CNN

just a few days ago. The

plan was termed ''Project Bojinka.' (manila, philippines cnn



7) U.S government had prior

knowledge of OSAMA CELLS. As ex CIA chief Stansfield

Turner admitted, Oct 3rd, on

CNN cable, US/ FBI had prior knowledge of 4 to 6 Bin

Laden cells in the USA. That

means the cells were completely bugged. Every phone

line, every cell phone,

every email. Turner said they couldn't move in and arrest them

as a.) they'd done nothing

illegal, and b.) each man was here LEGALLY. Which brings us

to the fact:


8.) INS sold citizenship to

terrorists for 6 thousand dollars a piece, as an 'under the

table' bribe. There was

interest in having these Bin Laden cells 'peopled' or 'filled out,

as here inside USA, it was

easy to watch and eavesdrop on them. An INS career officer,

out of the ORLANDO FLorida

INS office, caught and ratted out her bosses for selling

citizenship to terrorists.

When her bosses abused her, she sued the INS/ USA as a

whistleblower and she won in

court, a large cash settlement. The INS is currently

appealing that decision. She

Filed with aid of lawyer Donald Apignani in Florida. During

her lawsuit, the INS officer

sent all her evidence to John Ashcroft, head man at Dept of

Justice, Atty Gen for USA.

He did not answer her but sent the whole package back to

her bosses. He did not want

to know about it. The outraged INS officer woman is suing

again in California, and

while file any day, now. But let's go back to NUMBER 7, U.S had






Sept 11th birthday of ISRAEL might be the day. (72 years

ago) Among the foreign

intelligence agencies who penetrated the plots were French


MOSSAD units of both often working with one another.

Foreign intelligence sources

confirm the validity of this story and they state that

they informed the U.S.

Secret police who absolutely failed, neglected, and outright

refused to take action as to

known prior specifics of which the top-level of the CIA

were informed in advance.

http://www.skolnicksreport.com 9-13-01


8.) THERE WAS A deliberate

leak from a double agent in the White House. Terrorists

had ultra secret codes day

they attacked WTC and said as much. That they had the

secret phones at White

House, knew where POTUS was, Air Force One, all reported on

http://worldnetdaily.com as

well as in all media, Sept 22nd, 2001.


9) DEAD GIVEAWAY in unusual

and SUSPICIOUS market activity reported before the

attacks: "Chicago traders on

Wednesday cited unusual activity in airline options up to

a month before 911 emergency

and German bankers reported brisk activity in

Reinsurer Munich adding to

speculation that those behind the attacks tried to profit

from their acts. (Reuters

9-20-01) How come everyone knew this was going to

happen? Why would the USA.

refuse to investigate when told, unless it was their own

plan all along? FDR knew of

Japanís coming attack on Pearl Harbor. It certainly appears

that the USA/ NWO/ CIA /NSC

NSA Secret White house elite who govern US backed by


advance that a great catastrophe was about to occur on

American soil and did

absolutely nothing in order to prevent it.


What could have been done?

Plenty. For starters, weapon-seeking X-ray security at all

airports could have been

beefed up. Air bases could have been put on alert. Planes

should have been airborne

upon the first indication of a hijacking. as it was, these

hijacked planes were in the

air for as much as a 30 minutes or more, after being

hijacked and diverted, and

yet totally unchallenged by military aircraft. At best, this

was totally inept; and at

worst, stinks of collusion.


There are many, many

unanswered questions concerning the collapse of the towers.

For example, why did the

towers collapse? many engineers have stated that they were

built to withstand an

aircraft hit, and also to endure temperatures of 2,000 degrees. in

addition, why did the south

tower fall first, considering that it was hit by the second

aircraft? CBC news replayed

an ABC interview with two American heroes that rescued

a handicapped person in the

north tower. they said that while leaving the tower, they

heard an explosion, turned

around and saw the tower collapsing, and then ran for their

lives. The question is: what

explosion? the first tower was hit an hour and 45 minutes

before this explosion,

therefore, it could not have been from the jet fuel.


Another quote from the same

article previously mentioned: why did the towers

implode instead of explode?

The towers came down as gracefully as a fountain of

water. "too methodical to be

a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures"

said Van Romero, vice

president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and

Technology. "My opinion is

that after the airplanes hit the world trade center there

were some explosive devices

inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse,"

romero said. romero is a

former director of the energetic materials research and

testing center at tech,

which studies explosive materials and the effects of

explosions on buildings,

aircraft and other structures. The towers imploded! they did

not explode! a fuel fire

causes an explosion, not an implosion. explosions explode out.

implosions, implode in!

implosions can only occur with immense planning by a highly

skilled group of craftsmen

educated in the unique skill of demolishing buildings by

strategically placing

explosive devices within the building. this requires many

experts, much time and

significant access to the building beforehand. the skill of

implosion of buildings was

developed primarily to demolish buildings in areas of high

building density, so the

destruction of the structure will not cause damage to the

surrounding buildings. in

addition, the towers came down long after the planes struck.


It is ludicrous to suggest

that fuel dumping from the airplanes caused a fire hot

enough to melt the inner

structure first of all, who can prove the planes dumped all of

their fuel into the core of

the building? second, why did the fuel take so long to catch

fire? third, fuel-fires

cause explosions, not implosions! fourth, the structure was built

to withstand temperatures of

2000 degrees fahrenheit, according to the architect and

designer of the building, a

man who is now deceased, but who preserved this nugget of

information in an interview

he recorded in 1998. Hyman Brown, a university of

colorado civil engineering

professor and the world trade centerís construction

manager, watched in

confusion as the towers came down. "it was over-designed to

withstand almost anything

including hurricanes, high winds, bombings and an airplane

hitting it," he said.

(Scripps Howard news service 9-11,01 and 9-12-01)So, why was it

necessary to implode the

whole structure? to eliminate evidence, just as was done to

the Murrah building in

Oklahoma City, before the forensic specialists could get in to

examine the evidence. Just

like the branch davidian compound at Waco was bulldozed

by the government before any

evidence could be examined. And the expert hired to

look at 'flashes' caught on

video who told his friends that flashes proved FBI shot

every child that tried to

get outÖ. that man was himself killed, the day before he was

to testify to Congress.


Conclusion: this was a

highly skilled endeavor by a large group of well-trained people

with access to the

buildings, the airplanes and the explosives. they would have had to

blend into the population

and not look suspicious. and the bldgs in question had, a few

weeks earlier, been sold BY

GOV to Mr. Silverstein. NYC previously owned them (read

Chase Manhattan Bank, and

Citibank and those two together ARE the IMF..) Poor Mr

Silverstein was 3.2 billion

short and STEPFATHER BANK was out from under. Look on

the Bright Side Mr.

Silverstein. Not many renters get a chance to rebuild on the spot

with the IMF financing them.

Demolition was cheap! a few sticks of dynamite here,

there. You still have a

hundred year lease....


The real question is when it

comes to downing two skyscrapers, who would have these

qualifications? certainly

not a group of Arab "terrorists" who bungled the l993

bombing and got caught. Who

gained from these attacks? Not terrorists, not Al-Qaeda.

It was the plantary

oligarchs that let the terrorists have 'count that little coup',

indulged them their one

ugly, 15 minutes of fame as they needed AMERICANS TO



Now the Middle East has the

wrath of the American eagle descending upon them. What

Stone age sand flea in his

right mind would want that?


Houston had to do it. They

were essentially drillers without fields. Pity the poor

oligarchs, a plantary

economy in deep recession. We weren't buying their stuff

(snuffle, sniff) Oligarchs

with nowhere to invest. That's how recessions start. When the

POOR don't open their

wallet, then the rich can't either.


Instead of concentrating on

the terrorists, take a good look at what was transpiring in

the USA and what can be

extrapolated from it. They were like Godzillas feasting on our

productivity. They took away

our factories and salaries and still hoped we'd buy cars.

We couldn't. What can they

do with a trillion Fords that break down at l00,000 miles

and are overpriced when

Koreans can make a car that works? SELL US A WAR is what!


PART II. What else has

happened since the attacks?


1) the population has been

in one moment, prepared psychologically and economically,

for a long term war where

the number of U.S.. casualties will be high (Washington Post

online September 21, 2001).


2) Bush created a new office

of "homeland security" (read SS, ) supposedly to protect

Americans from attack. The

job would involve coordination of government-wide

domestic security efforts,

including meshing domestic FBI, and foreign CIA

intelligence, working

alongside US. military, emergency officials and state and local

governments. Wanna bet that

this new, patriotic homeland defense position will

probably not need senate

confirmation, which other cabinet jobs require, nor

legislation to create" white

house officials said. so there will be no investigation,

oversight nor accountability

for this group's actions. An abrogation of our

Constitution. (Reuters -

Washington 9-21-01)


3) U.S. orders 40 million

doses of smallpox vaccine for $343 million in preparation for

a possible bioterrorism

assault. the contract has been given to a small,

cambridge-based firm

Acambis, a British biotechnology company who reported a net

loss of $8 million in the

six months prior to June 30, unchanged from last year. (how

convenient to get this huge

order! It would be interesting to find the crony-ism

involved, here.) (Reuters

news, London 9-20-01) And the media is blaring everywhere

about anthrax, small box,

Saran gas, preparing the population to expect bio-terrorism.


4) America and Britain are

co-producing secret plans to launch a ten year "war on

terrorism" - Operation Noble

Eagle - involving a completely new military and

diplomatic strategy to

eliminate terrorist networks and cells around the world." (The

Times -London 9-20-01).


5) The American Senate

already OKAYED the FBI spying on the internet: fbi agents soon

will be able to spy on

internet users legally without a court order. Two days after the

terrorist attack, the senate

approved the "combating terrorism act of 2001" which

enhances police wiretap

powers and permits monitoring in more situations. the fbiís

surveillance system is

called carnivore. (Lycos network 9-20-01)


6) The U.S. plans to

overthrow taliban and put Afghanistan under United Nations

control, according to The

Manchester Guardian - London (9-21-01) note: Yugoslavia is

already under U.N. control.


7) A global surveillance

system known as echelon exists and has the ability to

eavesdrop on telephone

calls, faxes and e-mail messages. Face-id technology gains

new support. "State

lawmakers who were planning to sponsor legislation restricting

its use now say they are

reassessing their plans." (Denver Post Capitol Bureau,



9) "Experts see a

high-security america of surveillance & seizures": new york:

security experts in the

united states are describing a new kind of country that could

emerge, where electronic

identification might become the norm, immigrants might be

tracked far more closely and

the airspace over cities like new york and washington

might be off-limits to all

civilian aircraft." (the nternational herald tribune 9-19-01)

more surveillance of u.s.



10) "Lawmakers see need to

loosen rules on CIA" Congressional leaders, who oversee

the nationís intelligence

system (yeah right!) have concluded that americaís spy

agencies should be allowed

to combat terrorism with more aggressive tactics,

including the hiring of

unsavory foreign agents, including revived discussion of

reversing the us 25 year ban

on using covert agents to assassinate foreigners. R.

James Woolsey, the former

director of the CIA said that "Washington has absolutely

undergone a change in

thinking this week." (New York Times, 9-16-01) So what we're

getting for our intelligence

nickle is a dime's worth of surveillance of u.s.citizens!


11) NATO announces a third

world war is almost upon us. A Pentagon spokesman hinted

towards potential targets

being Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, north korea, Syria and

others. (NATO

secretary-general lord Robertson)


12) California

congresswoman, Mary Bono, R-Palm Springs warned that the country

should prepare for a fight

against international terrorists that will likely include

personal sacrifice, the use

of ground troops overseas and the risk of retaliation

against civilians by the

enemy. she alsopredicts intense scrutiny of airline

passengers, a national

system of fingerprinting and identification cards and the

spectre of chemical and

biological attacks on the u.s. (the Desert Sun 9-18-01)


13) An enemy is needed to

justify a $344 billion war budget, when the federal

government currently spends

only $42 billion on education, $26 billion on affordable

housing and bizarrely low,

$1 billion on school construction.


14) President Bush sent his

anti-terrorism bill to Congress one week after the

WTC/Pentagon attack,

launching an emotional debate that will force u.s. politicians to

choose between continued

freedom for americans or greater security. (Lycos network

9-20-01) does anybody know

how long it takes to write one of these bills? it takes

months! they are hundreds of

pages long. this one was obviously written before the

attack! how convenient! wake

up America!


15) "President Bush focused

his energy on building a global alliance for a fight against

terrorism..." (MSNBC

9-18-01) here comes the new world order! 1984!


16) fast-moving house bill

restricts liberties - much of it unrelated to terrorism!

congress is being asked to

rush to pass emergency anti-terrorist legislation written

by the department of

justice, but much of the legislation turns out to have nothing to

do with fighting terrorism.

instead, the legislation contains a host of items which have

been on the bureaucratic

wish lists for many years.


17) "we must ignore the

peace lobby and show no restraint" says the Independent

(hardly!)- London (9-24-01)

1 bush suspends habeas corpus: legal immigrants may be

held without cause: "the

bush administration today announced it is using its powers

under the national emergency

act to suspend the right of habeas corpus for all

immigrants in the country,

including legal immigrants, meaning that any immigrant in

the u.s. right now can be

held indefinitely by the police or government without trial or

demonstration of cause to

hold them." and daily on the tv they talk of putting chips in

us so we can be identified,

ostensibly so no Arab can steal our identity. They want us

to have our true identity!

though no one has yet suggested infringing the rights of U.S.

citizens, the move is a

frightening first step to a national tyranny, based on perpetual

suspension of the

constitution in the name of fighting perpetual war." l984 came, l7

years LATE.


19) President bush has

agreed to bail out the airlines with billions of dollars, an

industry that was swimming

in red ink long before the wtc/pentagon attacks. It is

obvious to anyone who has

eyes to see, and ears to hear, that American citizens are

going to lose their freedom.

the process has already begun. eventually the entire

world will lose theirs as

well. Consider for a moment, the national I.D.card that is being

proposed. Like any passport

it could be counterfeited. A national ID card can only be

concluded as the logical

first step. when it is acknowledged, as not accomplishing its

task, and then, guess what's

waiting in the wings? A switch to micro chip technology

would be sought as the only

viable solution. 666 I believe the bible prophecy freaks

call it. It means that you

can wear a chip in your butt just like your Dalmation.



When you have surfed around

there, and read just a few articles, youíll be ready to

play this Agatha Christie

Solve the Mystery of who killed the Big Twins game, armed

with the following secret

maps I'm going to give you of what you should be seeking,

searching out...



IQ 80 Bush Jr. really had no idea that the terrorists were

coming. (cough!). Very

unlikely as we have seen but what if there was actually a nation

state that did this as a

covert military action. Someone behind Osama. Someone

running him. Who might that

be? http://www.morphmaster.com/binladen.htm (surf

there). Who was close to

Osama in his lifetime?


Someone was running him

before or after the USA ran him in the 80's. Reporters who

know him say heís a happy

space case dunce. Kind of like our old friend Lee Harvey

Oswald whose last words

alive were ' I'm a Patsy.' In another famous, CIA/OSS/SS

action called the JFK HIT.

It took a team of sharp shooters on the GrassyKnoll to take

out JFK. Look at the Twins

Murder. It was was waaaay too organized. The terrorists are

said to have spoken German.

Residents there for a long time, maybe? What German

Terrorist movements exists

full of ex nazi handlers who work the local natives

aligned with a faction of

the ancient Teutonic OSS/ CIA/ SS? Working the European end

of the street on behalf of

the Planet's mega oligarchs, the Cash numero unos of the

planet? Who but a devious

Dr. Strangelove Mastermind could have created a German

based Arab branch of the

Meiner Badhof gang? You do know that after WWII, half the SS

was moved to Langley, the

other half stayed in Europe to watch the Commies. The NWO

CIA has had ex nazis running

its think tanks since '45..


Next, SO WHAT if they had

Arab names? They still could be GERMANIFIED Arabs. In

Germany, having an Arab is

like having a Rottweiler. Maybe the poor Arabs are patsies.

Maybe the Taliban was a kind

of red herring bacteria allowed to grow rife through the

middle east so that the

Nazi/ NWO OPEC CIA could demonstrate it was high time for

Sulfa. It was warrented and

they should be allowed to bring in the bleach.


Why did IQ 80's handlers

take out 6k people and blame the Stone Age Al-Qaeda? What

did they stand to gain if

Arabs were implicated? OK. Think back. What did Hitler gain

when he got people to

believe that THREE DEAD POLACKS he'd dressed up in GERMAN

uniforms were HIS OWN GERMAN

BOYS, 'attacked on the border by Nasty old Poland' in

1939? He got to have WWII

making his handlers happy.


What did Lyndon Johnson gain

when he made it seem that a simple lightning strike on

the high seas was a VIET

CONG attack on US Battleships? Answer: He got to send US

soldiers to Nam. (before

only instructors were there, it was a local civil war,

remember?) Then Lyndon was

trying to nab the richest oil field of planet which is right

off shore south of Nam for

his Handlers. The Seven SISTERS wanted that war. Dutch

Petroleum, Mobil, Exon, Shell,



The Commander of that

American battleship later said it was just lightning flashes.

Said so in his bio! 56,000

American lives later.


And what did FDR get when he

let Japs bomb Hawaii? To get his peacenik people to go

to a EUROPEAN war! So here,

2001, what's the cui bonum and in whose lap do the cui

bonum goodies possibly land?

Follow the money trail of the future. Sniff the air

blowing down upon your sons

and daughters. What are the other possible future

scenarios and cui bonums of

re-zoning the mideast into Exxonia? Mobilia? Instead of

Iraq and Iran?


DIRTY AIR is what. Our

babies dying of cancer of the lungs, tumors in the brain as every

Chinaman gets a Ford.


They want to sell us cars

and gasoline forever. We can run fine on electric cars, ask Ed

Begley Jr. but they want us

in hock to the company store. Now that sounds pretty

venal (of them, not me. I'm

just reporting it) but why else would they risk throwing

planet into war? Is there

anything else they might want over there? Goats? Harem girl

with cymbals? Camels? NO.

OIL and only OIL. And where is it? IN THE CASPIAN. Russia

has it. That's why RUSSIA is

in on this. She is selling us the oil, she is drilling it. she

enters the world economy and

only this war gets her in. (Heck, every war does!) I say

let her in, but let her sell

us Russian art, fur coats, electric cars, anything but OIL to

befoul the planet's air with

fuel! FOSSIL FUEL is sheer poison!


Ten possible reasons why the

rich and greedy would commit, or allow the commission

of the crimes in new york

and d.c. and blame the taliban:


1.) Prior to sept. 11, 2001:

(1) the world was about to enter a deep

recession/depression because

the super rich could not find a single thing worth

investing in. They had tried

everything, moved factories to the third world, paying a

dollar a day salaries, which

threw US citizens out of work. They build/ tried to sell

cheaper washingmachines and

cars, but as Marx predicted, at that point, NOBODY

anywhere could afford them.

Sales slowed to a trickle. The rich pulled their money out

of everything! They

recognized the stock market was bogus. They had to regroup.

Depression is when the

people stop buying, as they are in debt. That debt is a result of

high prices, low wages, the

growing inequities, the lack of the ëfamedí Keynesian

"trickle down" and the gross

exploitation of labor in the USA and all over the world.


2.) Create an enemy to take

the heat. Destruction of the WTC gives the appearance

that this phenomenon is the

result of the "terrorists" attack. it makes hungry, angry

disenfranchised, 'outcrowd'

third worlders, who ëwonít work their way up in the world,

seem puny, jealous,

miserable, backbiting and makes all those who may inwardly also

be a little jealous of

wealth guilty and quiet.


4.) The wtc property was

sold only two weeks before the atack by the INTERNATIONAL


manhattan, Citibank and the ostensible 'owner', the Port Authority

of NYC who all together HAD

owned the twin towers. They sold for 3.2 billion, a huge

profit by the way, for an

Eco-disaster bldg that every Arab psychopath was KNOWN to

be targeting...! And they

sold it to an individual, Silverstein. The ultimate pig in a poke!

The property was 30 years

old, (from time of opening) and in need of millions of

dollars in renovation and repairs.


5.) the airline industry was

about to go bankrupt due to mismanagement, high fuel

costs and simply having too

many planes for the declining passenger volume. now they

can blame their troubles on

the wtc attack and get billions of dollars in government

bail-out cash.


(6) George Dubya, IQ 80, and

his Dad's friends in the Houston oil community had just

consummated the biggest

merger of oil related businesses ever, with 3 partners.

First, kuwait as a 17%

partner, next, cia propriatary global marine, and third, houston

based sta fe petrol, all of

career CIA guy Bush Sr's oil pals. A war on the arabs might

well put them in a position

to confiscate many oilfields and other minerals in the

middle east, turn

Afghanistan to toast, so they can lay pipes wall to wall and get the

huge ruski oil deposits to

the saudis for processing.


(7) The "military-industrial

complex" Ike warned us about cannott make their huge

profits on weapons and other

war related hardware without a war and the army can't

make fruit salad for its

bosom without war.


8.) Thereís nothing like a

"good" war to rally the misinformed public around the

corrupt and fraudulent

government, taking the focus off of all of the stupidity,

criminal conduct and

immorality of so many of the "honorable gentlemen" in congress

and the other branches of



9.) There is nothing in the

social security and medicare trusts except i.o.u's from THE

USA to its people. the money

was spent long ago, and thereís no way that

theretirement and medical

needs of the "baby-boomers" can be funded. a huge, drawn

out war will provide an

excuse as to why the money is gone, ie. to pay for the war.

(more lies)


10.) Taliban heroin isn't

controlled by CIA the way Burma, Thai, Laotian Hmong, Golden

Triangle china white was

(see Air America the movie --again.) CIA is like the MAFIA.

They take out the

competition. The French Connection movie (rent it) was about NY

COPS taking out the other

exporters, the Corsicans, destroying them so that all

ingresses from "made in Asia

by Americans , i.e. loyal patriotic dope, sold to American

addicts, goes to cia coffers

and cia nugan hand BCCI type CIA banks. Thanks to Ronnieís

wife nancy, there are less

and less addicts every day so no chance CIA wants most of

its diminishing dope biz

going to competitors! The CIA has been dealing drugs for 52

years with the help of Meyer

Lansky's Syndicate, Nixon, the Bush CIA/OIL lineage, and

it's rumored with the help

of Nixon's pals' Pepsi Cola bottling companies in Vietnam.






What happened in New York,

is indeed, a terrible act, regardless of whom is

responsible. like many webs

of deceit, we probably will not know the complete truth

until much later. what we do

know, is that god allowed it. He is in total control and we

must have faith in his

judgement. Is america now going to have its wings cut with this

assault on innocent, little

stone age Afghanistan? These and many other questions will

eventually be answered. It

is our duty to wait and see the hand of the eternal, and just

pray for and seek his

protection, mercy, love and deliverance from all that seems to

be about to come to pass?

are we sure that these NWO types need to rejuggle the

borders, organize things,

chip us, fiche us? for the right reasons? is it useful to the

whole? my spiritual friends

say ëeverything that happens is perfect.í My also very

spiritual and pragmatic

economist friend karl marx said ëmake something better

happen than what the men in

power are doing for their own solvency. Trickle down is a



So, if this is the truth,

what do we do? read up, study. . intelligence gathering should

have many inputs. SEND this

article or others like it to the news agencies. The

information you read at the

URLS above may be rejected by a few, brain-washed jerks,

and it may be reported to

those who take orders from the Nazis BY OTHER JERKS who

take orders from the Nazis.

But so what? If enough of us share the truth, they don't rap

knuckles cuz there are too

many knuckles to rap.


Surfing to any of these URLS

would be a test to see if your head is on your shoulders

or if some one else, some

robot behind you, is doing your thinking for you. It is quite

possible that when you watch

CNN and NBC and ABC and even CBS, you are being

PLAYED like a lute and led

like a rooster in a Tijuana Cockfight into blinding, killing

yourself and your sons..


Only by researching can you

save your family from being part of this bloody spectacle.

Only by using that PC to

surf will you save your grandkids from living in a burnt fuel

cloud that burns holes in

their brain. Only by demanding that Detroit build

ALTERNATIVE fuel cars will

you save your great grandchildren from death by bullet or

tumor. Only by volunteering

to drive an alt fueled car will you save your sweet air,

your planet's agriculture,

your descendants. Only by writing your Congressman and

saying it in your own, quiet

way in a hard copy letter, (they don't read email!) And

while you're at it, drop a

note to alt fuel car proponent Ed Begley Jr. at c/o Screen

Actors Guild, Sunset Blvd.

Hollywood 90028 saying "tell me more, who can I write to

for details?" Only then,

when you've communicated to your elected officials, can you

say that you did your job to

keep your children from fighting a decade long war that

would kill millions, enrich

a few billionaires, poison every nation's air with this demon

smog making fossil fuel,

which has thrown the planet entirely off kilter so that nothing

clean grows here so that

your grandchildren starve to death.


We are at a precipice. A

cliff is before us. Don't leap into war. Our name is not LEMMING.

We do not jump foolishly

into the void. We are the Humans of Earth. We have a voice.

We have the internet. We

type. We read. WE WRITE! USE those TALENTS to stop

America from going on

another stupid, cruel oil war and one based on lies and fraud at

























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Dear Nicholas

Nicely said!!!

I wholeheartedly agree.

I cannot believe that compassionate, intelligent people still eat animal meat

when they understand the slaughterhouse reality.

It is truly terrorism at its base level.

Why is it so awful when humans get killed, and yet

ok for billions of animals to get raised simply for the

purpose of feeding our sensual appetites?

Sorry for the soapbox.

It just sickens me.




At 06:03 AM 10/7/01 +1000, you wrote:

>Dear Michael

>Even if we cannot find a genuuine sadhu we can help eliminate terror by

>considering that any animal in the slaughterman's queue probably feels

>terror seeing his comrades get the chop .By becoming vegetarian we can make

>our own individual protest against terrorism .Bad leadership draws karmic

>fuel from the sins of the populace .

>Light and peace






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Dear Michael,

Excellent article.


Dear Nicholas,


>It can be argued that the ends justifies the means but under the

>strict laws of karma the means produce an end in themself. So making

>money on the back of human misery is to be avoided by any sane

>individual or society .


Good Point.


Best Regards, Venkat



> In Srimad Bhagavatam it mentions that when goodness prevails the


> become powerful, when passion prevails the demons become powerful

and when

> ignorance prevails the most sinful persons become powerful .

Therefore the

> prevalence of corrupt or wicked leaders all over the world shows

there is a

> great need for an increase in spiritual consciousness .



> Best Wishes

> Nicholas

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What does anyone think about fish? It is still flesh, but considered

semi-vegetarian. I eat salmon every day - I feel so healthy. I would hate

to have to give it up - but am anxious to hear opinions of what is proper.





"Marcia" <marcia


Saturday, October 06, 2001 10:42 PM

Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> Dear Nicholas

> Nicely said!!!

> I wholeheartedly agree.

> I cannot believe that compassionate, intelligent people still eat animal


> when they understand the slaughterhouse reality.

> It is truly terrorism at its base level.

> Why is it so awful when humans get killed, and yet

> ok for billions of animals to get raised simply for the

> purpose of feeding our sensual appetites?

> Sorry for the soapbox.

> It just sickens me.

> Marcia



> At 06:03 AM 10/7/01 +1000, you wrote:

> >Dear Michael

> >Even if we cannot find a genuuine sadhu we can help eliminate terror by

> >considering that any animal in the slaughterman's queue probably feels

> >terror seeing his comrades get the chop .By becoming vegetarian we can


> >our own individual protest against terrorism .Bad leadership draws karmic

> >fuel from the sins of the populace .

> >Light and peace

> >Nicholas








> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to




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Dear Julia,

hmm, you induced fuzziness in Vegetarianism.


semi, 10% Non Veg, 20% Non Veg, x percent Non Veg:-)


Best Regards, Venkat





> What does anyone think about fish? It is still flesh, but

> considered semi-vegetarian. I eat salmon every day - I feel so

> healthy. I would hate to have to give it up - but am anxious to

> hear opinions of what is proper.

> Julia

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Dear Julia

Fish have a somewhat developed nervous system so better to go without and

save them distress .Such foods are also in lower modes and are not conducive

to higher consciousness .



"Julia Swanson" <juliaswanson1


Sunday, October 07, 2001 2:47 PM

Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> What does anyone think about fish? It is still flesh, but considered

> semi-vegetarian. I eat salmon every day - I feel so healthy. I would


> to have to give it up - but am anxious to hear opinions of what is proper.

> Julia



> -

> "Marcia" <marcia

> <gjlist>

> Saturday, October 06, 2001 10:42 PM

> Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> > Dear Nicholas

> > Nicely said!!!

> > I wholeheartedly agree.

> > I cannot believe that compassionate, intelligent people still eat animal

> meat

> > when they understand the slaughterhouse reality.

> > It is truly terrorism at its base level.

> > Why is it so awful when humans get killed, and yet

> > ok for billions of animals to get raised simply for the

> > purpose of feeding our sensual appetites?

> > Sorry for the soapbox.

> > It just sickens me.

> > Marcia

> >

> >

> > At 06:03 AM 10/7/01 +1000, you wrote:

> > >Dear Michael

> > >Even if we cannot find a genuuine sadhu we can help eliminate terror by

> > >considering that any animal in the slaughterman's queue probably feels

> > >terror seeing his comrades get the chop .By becoming vegetarian we can

> make

> > >our own individual protest against terrorism .Bad leadership draws


> > >fuel from the sins of the populace .

> > >Light and peace

> > >Nicholas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >




> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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The discussion abt Vegetarianism vs. non-Vegetarianism is an ongoing

one. I myself am a total veggie. but arent we missing a point? For

non-veg people, not going to the butcher shop is like avoiding the

resposibility of the act of killing... and coming to veggies...

yes... they do not eat living/killed animal.. but at the same time

hurt people in a lot of ways... as i said, the concept of veg vs.

non.veg needs to be seen in a new light.


the fact remains that we need to be aware of our thought process than

to get slotted in categories.


This is my personal opinion.








gjlist, "Venkateshwara A Reddy"

<venkateshwara_reddy> wrote:

> Dear Julia,

> hmm, you induced fuzziness in Vegetarianism.


> semi, 10% Non Veg, 20% Non Veg, x percent Non Veg:-)


> Best Regards, Venkat





> > What does anyone think about fish? It is still flesh, but

> > considered semi-vegetarian. I eat salmon every day - I feel so

> > healthy. I would hate to have to give it up - but am anxious to

> > hear opinions of what is proper.

> > Julia

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Thank you, Nicholas. This makes a lot of sense to me. I plan to start

addressing this. I have always worried about the sensitivity of fish.-

especially as a Pisces navamsha lagna!




"Nicholas" <costa


Sunday, October 07, 2001 4:54 AM

Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> Dear Julia

> Fish have a somewhat developed nervous system so better to go without and

> save them distress .Such foods are also in lower modes and are not


> to higher consciousness .

> Nicholas

> -

> "Julia Swanson" <juliaswanson1

> <gjlist>

> Sunday, October 07, 2001 2:47 PM

> Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> > What does anyone think about fish? It is still flesh, but considered

> > semi-vegetarian. I eat salmon every day - I feel so healthy. I would

> hate

> > to have to give it up - but am anxious to hear opinions of what is


> > Julia

> >

> >

> > -

> > "Marcia" <marcia

> > <gjlist>

> > Saturday, October 06, 2001 10:42 PM

> > Re: [gjlist] some food for though

> >

> >

> > > Dear Nicholas

> > > Nicely said!!!

> > > I wholeheartedly agree.

> > > I cannot believe that compassionate, intelligent people still eat


> > meat

> > > when they understand the slaughterhouse reality.

> > > It is truly terrorism at its base level.

> > > Why is it so awful when humans get killed, and yet

> > > ok for billions of animals to get raised simply for the

> > > purpose of feeding our sensual appetites?

> > > Sorry for the soapbox.

> > > It just sickens me.

> > > Marcia

> > >

> > >

> > > At 06:03 AM 10/7/01 +1000, you wrote:

> > > >Dear Michael

> > > >Even if we cannot find a genuuine sadhu we can help eliminate terror


> > > >considering that any animal in the slaughterman's queue probably


> > > >terror seeing his comrades get the chop .By becoming vegetarian we


> > make

> > > >our own individual protest against terrorism .Bad leadership draws

> karmic

> > > >fuel from the sins of the populace .

> > > >Light and peace

> > > >Nicholas

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > gjlist-

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject to


> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >




> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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hare krishna

basically, vegetarians don't eat anything with a face...eating fish of any

kind is not considered to be vegetarian..not by vaisnavas anyway...

please kindly read srila prabhupada's books for further clarification

stavavali devi dasi




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Dear Hari,


> yes... they do not eat living/killed animal.. but at the same time

> hurt people in a lot of ways... as i said, the concept of veg vs.

> non.veg needs to be seen in a new light.


Hurting and Killing are not at all equal :-)


Best Regards, Venkat

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Thanks Das for your thoughts.

Just to clarify, to everyone, my words were

not generated to disrespect people that eat

meat. Karma is karma...and people follow

their karma.

What is harder to understand is how people

get so horrified at terrorism geared towards humans,

but don't even notice how humans terrorize other

creatures on a daily level.

Its just hard to grok.






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Aum Gurave Namah!

Dear Julia


I am there in this list for quite some time, however this is the first time

I got something to write. I liked many intricate and thought provoking

discussions here both by the stalwarts like Das Goravani, Robert, Wendy and

beginners as well...


In hindu philosophy we don't have anything like vegetarian and non

vegetarian however we do have food categorised based on the Gunas, the

Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. Sattwa can be analogous to vegetarian food of the

west, however we do have plant products such as onion and garlic which are

considered non-sattwik (non-vegetarian).... This classification is based on

the effect of these food on the mind. Sattwa give serenity and mental bliss,

this also gives steadyness of mind. Rajasik food gives a lot of energy

(fire) and mind gets exited soon. Tamasic food increases lazyness and

lethargy, this also traps a person in ignorance. Generally people like foods

based on their inherent nature. Also otherwise, eating habits can also shape

the mental temperament..






"Julia Swanson" <juliaswanson1


Sunday, October 07, 2001 8:48 PM

Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> Thank you, Nicholas. This makes a lot of sense to me. I plan to start

> addressing this. I have always worried about the sensitivity of fish.-

> especially as a Pisces navamsha lagna!

> Julia


> -

> "Nicholas" <costa

> <gjlist>

> Sunday, October 07, 2001 4:54 AM

> Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> > Dear Julia

> > Fish have a somewhat developed nervous system so better to go without


> > save them distress .Such foods are also in lower modes and are not

> conducive

> > to higher consciousness .

> > Nicholas

> > -

> > "Julia Swanson" <juliaswanson1

> > <gjlist>

> > Sunday, October 07, 2001 2:47 PM

> > Re: [gjlist] some food for though

> >

> >

> > > What does anyone think about fish? It is still flesh, but considered

> > > semi-vegetarian. I eat salmon every day - I feel so healthy. I would

> > hate

> > > to have to give it up - but am anxious to hear opinions of what is

> proper.

> > > Julia

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > "Marcia" <marcia

> > > <gjlist>

> > > Saturday, October 06, 2001 10:42 PM

> > > Re: [gjlist] some food for though

> > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Nicholas

> > > > Nicely said!!!

> > > > I wholeheartedly agree.

> > > > I cannot believe that compassionate, intelligent people still eat

> animal

> > > meat

> > > > when they understand the slaughterhouse reality.

> > > > It is truly terrorism at its base level.

> > > > Why is it so awful when humans get killed, and yet

> > > > ok for billions of animals to get raised simply for the

> > > > purpose of feeding our sensual appetites?

> > > > Sorry for the soapbox.

> > > > It just sickens me.

> > > > Marcia

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > At 06:03 AM 10/7/01 +1000, you wrote:

> > > > >Dear Michael

> > > > >Even if we cannot find a genuuine sadhu we can help eliminate


> by

> > > > >considering that any animal in the slaughterman's queue probably

> feels

> > > > >terror seeing his comrades get the chop .By becoming vegetarian we

> can

> > > make

> > > > >our own individual protest against terrorism .Bad leadership draws

> > karmic

> > > > >fuel from the sins of the populace .

> > > > >Light and peace

> > > > >Nicholas

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > gjlist-

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Your use of is subject to

> >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > gjlist-

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> > >

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> gjlist-




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Thank you so much, Sarajit, for this thoughtful reply. In context, this is

really helpful to me. It is so simple. I appreciate having this come up


Thanks again, Julia




"Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp


Monday, October 08, 2001 7:03 AM

Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> Aum Gurave Namah!

> Dear Julia


> I am there in this list for quite some time, however this is the first


> I got something to write. I liked many intricate and thought provoking

> discussions here both by the stalwarts like Das Goravani, Robert, Wendy


> beginners as well...


> In hindu philosophy we don't have anything like vegetarian and non

> vegetarian however we do have food categorised based on the Gunas, the

> Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. Sattwa can be analogous to vegetarian food of the

> west, however we do have plant products such as onion and garlic which are

> considered non-sattwik (non-vegetarian).... This classification is based


> the effect of these food on the mind. Sattwa give serenity and mental


> this also gives steadyness of mind. Rajasik food gives a lot of energy

> (fire) and mind gets exited soon. Tamasic food increases lazyness and

> lethargy, this also traps a person in ignorance. Generally people like


> based on their inherent nature. Also otherwise, eating habits can also


> the mental temperament..


> Regards

> Sarajit


> -

> "Julia Swanson" <juliaswanson1

> <gjlist>

> Sunday, October 07, 2001 8:48 PM

> Re: [gjlist] some food for though



> > Thank you, Nicholas. This makes a lot of sense to me. I plan to start

> > addressing this. I have always worried about the sensitivity of fish.-

> > especially as a Pisces navamsha lagna!

> > Julia

> >

> > -

> > "Nicholas" <costa

> > <gjlist>

> > Sunday, October 07, 2001 4:54 AM

> > Re: [gjlist] some food for though

> >

> >

> > > Dear Julia

> > > Fish have a somewhat developed nervous system so better to go without

> and

> > > save them distress .Such foods are also in lower modes and are not

> > conducive

> > > to higher consciousness .

> > > Nicholas

> > > -

> > > "Julia Swanson" <juliaswanson1

> > > <gjlist>

> > > Sunday, October 07, 2001 2:47 PM

> > > Re: [gjlist] some food for though

> > >

> > >

> > > > What does anyone think about fish? It is still flesh, but


> > > > semi-vegetarian. I eat salmon every day - I feel so healthy. I


> > > hate

> > > > to have to give it up - but am anxious to hear opinions of what is

> > proper.

> > > > Julia

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > "Marcia" <marcia

> > > > <gjlist>

> > > > Saturday, October 06, 2001 10:42 PM

> > > > Re: [gjlist] some food for though

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Dear Nicholas

> > > > > Nicely said!!!

> > > > > I wholeheartedly agree.

> > > > > I cannot believe that compassionate, intelligent people still eat

> > animal

> > > > meat

> > > > > when they understand the slaughterhouse reality.

> > > > > It is truly terrorism at its base level.

> > > > > Why is it so awful when humans get killed, and yet

> > > > > ok for billions of animals to get raised simply for the

> > > > > purpose of feeding our sensual appetites?

> > > > > Sorry for the soapbox.

> > > > > It just sickens me.

> > > > > Marcia

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > At 06:03 AM 10/7/01 +1000, you wrote:

> > > > > >Dear Michael

> > > > > >Even if we cannot find a genuuine sadhu we can help eliminate

> terror

> > by

> > > > > >considering that any animal in the slaughterman's queue probably

> > feels

> > > > > >terror seeing his comrades get the chop .By becoming vegetarian


> > can

> > > > make

> > > > > >our own individual protest against terrorism .Bad leadership


> > > karmic

> > > > > >fuel from the sins of the populace .

> > > > > >Light and peace

> > > > > >Nicholas

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > gjlist-

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Your use of is subject to

> > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > gjlist-

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Your use of is subject to

> >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > gjlist-

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject to


> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >




> gjlist-




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