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US begins it's air strikes

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Hi Robert,yes i can see that Mars is still in the Vainasika naksatra

(destruction), Purvashadha. In the chart when US forces started their attack on

Afhganistan, Mars is at 22°52 of Sagitarius.


I found somethings. In the chart when Bush Jr became president on 20/Jan/2001

at 12:02, Ketu is at 20°47 Sag in Purva. So, in this chart Ketu the owner of

the 8th house (destruction, the end of things) is in the 9th house, in Sag a

sign of fire and war and trigered by a belicous Mars.


I am curious about mundane charts and i have been following the inauguration

chart to fit the news. As you know, we can take the moon sign as lagna and in

this chart the moon in scorpio indicates the lagna moon. Adding that the chart

has Aries lagna and Scorpio as moon lagna, we get a very interesting picture.


My feeling is that the moon in its speed across the signs is indicating the

trends for the present US regimen.


When the war started the moon is in taurus or the 7th house from Scorpio.

According to Raphael, the 7th house indicates foreign countries, disputes, wars.

But this war is based on the attack to the twin towers on 11 Sep when the moon

was in Gemini or the 8th house from Sco. According to Raphael, the 8th means

death and mortality.


Some people may say that the Moon has been in Gemini 8 times since the

inauguration time in January and that nothing like this have happened before.


My answer to this is in the dasas. At the time of inauguration, the chart gives

a balance of Marcury and at the time of the tragedy in Manhattan, the chart is

in MeRaVe.


For those that are in the 2nd level, follow this and you will see that it is

easy to follow.


First, Mercury main period (that is what i call it for ordinary people to

understand) started on 15 March 1990 and it lasts for 17 years.


Those 17 years or the lenght of the main period are divided by two and we get 8

and a half years per half. Now, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo which from Aries

rising, rule the 3rd and 6th house. So the first half belongs to Gemini or the

3rd house and the 2nd half rules Virgo (the 6th house) or the 2nd half.


Because Mercury main period started in 1990, by 15 Sep 1998, its first half

expired and we are now in the 2nd half. This 2nd half is ruled by Virgo or the

6th house from Aries rising. As all students of astrology know, the 6th house

indicates among other 100 things, open enemies, obstacles etc.


There is not doubt that those enemies became known on this attack.


Now, lets take Rahu, the owner of the sub-period or bukti. For this, we take

the position of the planet and Rahu is in the 3rd from aries but 8th from the

moon indicating death.


We are dealing here with a mixture of houses from the lagna and moon lagna.


Every horoscope has a main period, bukti and inter-period. Whatever those

planets are indicating in the chart by ownership, occupation or aspect is likely

to become more evident in those periods, but in general we follow this simple



Main period, look for the ownership of that planet.

Bukti, look for the occupation as main indicator, and aspects as secundary


inter-period, look for both ownership and occupation.


Just like every hour is divided in 60 minutes, those minutes are divided in 60

seconds each. In vedic astrology, every dasa is divided in 9 buktis, and those

buktis are divided in 9 inter-periods.


It is the inter-periods that trigger the happenings as you can see by



Another important thing is the angle between the planets. Planets in 2nd, 6th,

8th or 12 houses from each other have the tendencies of bringing struggles.


In this inauguration chart, Mercury and Rahu are in 6th/8th position and

therefore indicating some struggle.


Now, take Venus the inter lord which started on 1 May 2001 and ends on 2 Oct

2001. Rahu and Venus are in 5th/9th angle and ok but Mercury and venus are in

2/12 angle and therefore struggling. Venus is lord of the 7th (foreign

policies) and is in 11 (legislations, friends, income).


The 11th house is call labha or income, profit. During its inter-period, we saw

attacks (7th house rulership) but profit for some.


We can go deep into this like the moon in Gemini is in the 3rd from Aries rising

and Rahu is there causing disruption in communications etc. But i want to make

things as easy as possible for newcomers.


There are about 190 countries in the UN and assuming that most of those leaders

are freemasons. They take astrology as a science and some of them have their



The chart for the attack looks like if advised by astrologers.


Lagna at 19°34 Taurus with the moon decreasing at 19°23 Taurus. The moon is

just above the horizon and opposite Pluto setting at 19°12 Sco. Saturn at 20°59

Taurus is getting ready to rise over the horizon. Rohini is already visible at

15°55 Tau and Krittika is at 6°07 Tau. A very nice view of the sky.


It looks like if we are going to see sparkles when Mars goes into Capricorn cos

of having sun and merc there. But look when the moon goes into Scorpio between

22:12 on 18 Oct to 21 Oct at 3:39 GMT for Lahiri's ayanamsa.


Mars will go into Cap on 18 Oct 2001 at 4:11 for 6 weeks.


I hope this study helps.


Best wishes

natabara das




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