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We are all facing the same problem --- oops!

Can any body help? Even after logging in it does not help.

Sam Dastoor

raj upadhyay wrote:

Dear dasji,namskar,i'm unable to download as massage displyed on website like

this:Oops...You must be signed in to access the group gjlist.To sign in, please

Sign Inas i already d the same ????pl.

confirm........regardsit's me......raj

Das Goravani <das (AT) goravani (DOT) com>gjlistTo:

gjlistSubject: [GJ] Jyotish Cue Card Files PostedSun, 14

Oct 2001 14:42:58 -0700Hello Everyone,I have created some key basic Jyotish

information pdf files you candownload.These are 8.5 by 11 inch documents, in

Acrobat pdf format, so you canview them on any computer (hopefully) and print

them.I post these in service to the free spread of this science. They

areprofessional quality items.One is a page devoted to the basics of the

planets, and includes all thebasic main information about the planets.Two are

similar- the Nakshatra wheel, showing the signs, nakshat

ras, andnavamsas of the Zodiac, all in one big wheel- with main significationsof

the signs and nakshatras.Another is an introductory page to Jyotish. Real

basic.The Nakshatra wheel is in color (highly recmnd) and in black and white(if

you only have a black and white printer).These files can be printed, but not

changed.You can download them

from:gjlistBasics/You can share them with

other people, but the copyright holder requeststhat you not profit from them in

a commercial product, as if you createdthem. Do not include them as a value in

any commercial product. You mayshare them directly yourself. If attempting to

share them in any way onthe web, please share only the above URL. Do not repost

them at yoursite or any site.The files are copyright 2001 by Brig

hter Days TrustIf you experience any problems with these files, please inform

me, viaemail,das (AT) goravani (DOT) comPeace Shanti OM TAT SATJai Sri Vishnu--Das

Goravanidas (AT) goravani (DOT) comhttp://www.goravani.comD'>http://www.goravani.comDancing Moon, Inc.2852

Willamette St # 353Eugene OR USA 97405 or Fax:

541-343-0344"Goravani Jyotish"Vedic/Hindu Astrology SoftwareOm Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:


ani.comYour use of is subject to

_______________Get your FREE

download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.aspOm Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.com Your use of

is subject to

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I was able to log in and retrieve the files without problems.


When was taken over by , all were asked to link their

ID with a IDs. To do that, go to the main page


On the left side of the page that says:

'Link your accounts to a ID here'.

Then fill in your email address in the 2nd (lower) form that is presented.

(the upper form requires a password, which you probably don't remember, so

don't use that).

You will then be emailed your new ID. I don't remember if you are also

emailed a new password, anyway, if you are not, you can come back to the

web site and fill out a password request form by clicking on the link

'trouble signing in ?' on the left side of the main page.

Now, use that ID and the new password to log in.


The whole process takes less than 5 minutes.

Regards, Sunita.



>Sam Dastoor <sam.dastoor



>Re: [GJ] Download

>Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:29:24 +0530


>We are all facing the same problem --- oops!


>Can any body help? Even after logging in it does not help.


>Sam Dastoor


>raj upadhyay wrote:



>>Dear dasji,


>>i'm unable to download as massage displyed on website like this:


>>You must be signed in to access the group gjlist.


>>To sign in, please Sign In


>>as i already d the same ????

>>pl. confirm........



>>it's me......raj


>>>Das Goravani <>



>>>[GJ] Jyotish Cue Card Files Posted

>>>Sun, 14 Oct 2001 14:42:58 -0700



>>>Hello Everyone,


>>>I have created some key basic Jyotish information pdf files you can



>>>These are 8.5 by 11 inch documents, in Acrobat pdf format, so you can

>>>view them on any computer (hopefully) and print them.


>>>I post these in service to the free spread of this science. They are

>>>professional quality items.


>>>One is a page devoted to the basics of the planets, and includes all the

>>>basic main information about the planets.


>>>Two are similar- the Nakshatra wheel, showing the signs, nakshatras, and

>>>navamsas of the Zodiac, all in one big wheel- with main significations

>>>of the signs and nakshatras.


>>>Another is an introductory page to Jyotish. Real basic.


>>>The Nakshatra wheel is in color (highly recmnd) and in black and white

>>>(if you only have a black and white printer).


>>>These files can be printed, but not changed.


>>>You can download them from:





>>>You can share them with other people, but the copyright holder requests

>>>that you not profit from them in a commercial product, as if you created

>>>them. Do not include them as a value in any commercial product. You may

>>>share them directly yourself. If attempting to share them in any way on

>>>the web, please share only the above URL. Do not repost them at your

>>>site or any site.


>>>The files are copyright 2001 by Brighter Days Trust


>>>If you experience any problems with these files, please inform me, via





>>>Peace Shanti OM TAT SAT

>>>Jai Sri Vishnu





>>>Das Goravani







>>>2852 Willamette St # 353

>>>Eugene OR USA 97405


>>> or

>>>Fax: 541-343-0344


>>>"Goravani Jyotish"

>>>Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software




>>>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

>>>: gjlist-




>>>Your use of is subject to






>>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp





>>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

>>: gjlist-




>>Your use of is subject to








Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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