Guest guest Posted January 1, 1999 Report Share Posted January 1, 1999 DEAR SANJAY RATH, I wished to avoid this conversation , because if i was to write email , it would have been my choice to answer long pending cases before falling into any conversation. With sorry to my friends , and please wait for some more time , whose casesare pending with me. I HAD WRITTEN MY VIEWS IN CAPITAL LETTERS. - "Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath <gjlist> Saturday, October 20, 2001 6:02 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Om Gurave Namah -------------------------- Dear Inder Jit & Sarajit, I am a humble SIKSHA GURU like so many others in this line and am human and can err. I am not a Diksha Guru and am not qualified for the same, so please do not expect that level of perfection from me. We are all walking on a very dark path and can only pray to Vasudeva to throw some light in this darkness. You had started a very nice thread and this is very nice to discuss as this questions the very foundations of Jyotish itself. Had it not been for external interference, this would have continued that you ask, may Jagannatha Mahaprabhu guide my hand.. Karma & Free will 1. After death, a person carries with him the dharma and the Karma which can be divided into two broad parts called Sanchita Karma and Prarabdha Karma. Sanchita Karma is finished in various types of hells and suffering in the life after death whereas Prarabdha Karma has to be carried into another body and can be burnt only through experience. So, only the most elevated souls who have complete control over their Indriya's (sense's) are not affected by these experiences in this life. All others are. PRABADHA KARMA IS THE NAME OF THOSE KARMA ,THE CONSEQUENCES OF WHICH ONE WILL FACE DURING THIS LIFE , THE SCHEME WITH WHICH ONE IS BORN.WHICH IS SHOWN BY THE BIRTH CHART. SANCHIT KARMA ARE ALL THOSE KARMA'S WHICH ONE WILL FACE IN THE NEXT BIRTHS , THOSE DONE IN THIS BIRTH MAY ALSO ADD TO THESE SANCHIT KARMA, IF ARE DONE WITH PROUD? ONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONLY THOSE KARMA'S WHICH HE DO WITH PROUD, SURRENDER AND WORKS WITHOUT PROUD ARE NOT ADDED TO SANCHIT KARMA'S AND CAUSE ENLIGHTENMENT OF ONE'S SELF. HEAVENS AND HELL AND SALVATION ALL ARE WITHIN THIS BODY AND NOTHNG IS AWAY FROM IT. NATURE HAS PERFECT RULES AND EVERY ACTION HAS ITS COUNTER REACTION AND FORM THE SEED WITHIN OUR JIVA. THESES SEEDS ARE THE SANCHIT KARMA. AGAIN SOME SEEDS BECOMES TREE IMMEDIATELY AND SOME TAKES BIRTHS TO GROW. 2. Based on the Prarabdha Karma, Krishna decides the circumstances of birth, experiences and length of life that a person has to undergo to complete this Prarabdha. Sometimes one life is not enough and many births maybe necessary. The conception chart is used to determine the past karma. In fact the Dwadasamsa (D-12 Chart) of the Nisheka (Conception) tells us many details. This is not a practical proposition, but not an impossibility given the direction of development of the biological sciences. The Janma Kundali (Birth Chart) is the perfect map of the Prarabdha Karma and the Shastyamsa (D-60 Chart) is the most vital in the Shodasavarga scheme of Parasara. The D-60 gets the highest weightage in the Vimsopaka Bala scheme and hence establishes its priority over others. This chart also tells us about the Prarabdha Karma in addition to the Navamsa, Rasi and other charts in their relative importance (weights assigned by Parasara in Vimsopaka scheme). THESE ARE THE FATALISTIC VIEWS , WHO DECIDES FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT BELEIVE IN KRISHNA? JANMA KUNDLI SHOWS THE PRALABADH OTHERVISE CALLED DESTINY IS AGREED AS A.LREADY DISCUSSED ABOVE. 3. Given this paradigm of the theory of Karma and rebirth, we hardly have any space to maneuver and it seems that the journey through this life is an inevitable jail term that we must bear. This is true. Now the hard question is what is the role of Jyotish and in what way is the Jyotish going to help in altering the inalterable or changing that which cannot be changed as the term is fixed and so is the sentence inevitable. In reply some astrologers offer platitudes like making the suffering easier by knowing that this was an eventuality and that this is only a natural reaction to what we had done, but then this is a nice logical analysis and is not really supported by the traditional texts or literature. This question was answered in detail by Har ihara the author of Prasna Marga (translation Dr B V Raman). After reading that, all doubts will disappear and you will realize the great job that Dr Raman has done. WHY JAIL , THE BIRTH IS DUE TO INCOMPLETE DESIRES OF THE MIND AND TO KNOW THYSELF, THIS KNOWLEDGE WILL COME THROUGH THIS BODY AND THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO ACHIEVE THIS. 4. Like every other birth, the Atma rides (Arudha) this Mana (Mind-Moon) which controls this Sareera (Body). The Atma remebers all tis past incarnations but the Mana, being new and aware of this incarnation alone cannot understand the reason behind the various forms of suffering that it sees and experiences. It expresses anger when a feeling that injustice has been done (based on its awareness and concept of justice) this is Mars and later this passion results in sorrow as the atma does not cooperate with the Mana being aware that the Prarabdha Karma is being burnt through this anubhava (experience). It is here that Jupiter intervenes. If Jupiter is strong in simhalokamsa or is strengthened by adoration of one's DIKSHA GURU (be careful here - not Siksha Guru's like K N Rao or myself and Achyutananda Dasa has warned us to be very careful with the advent and advancement of Kali Yuga w.r.t guru's), then one is directed in the path of self correction through recitation of prayers for forgiveness and protection from evil experiences that are destined to come. WE ARE BECAUSE OF MIND ,THOUGHTS AND DESIRES, WHAT IS ME A BUNCH OF THOUGTHS AND DESIRES LYING ON THE GREATER CONSCIOUS WHO IS HOLDING THE WHOLE WORLD , AND AWAY FROM THIS MIND , MIND ELOPES THEN I AM THE GREATER CONSCIOUS, WHO HAS SEVERAL HANDS TWO OF WHICH ARE YOURS AND ADDED TO IT ARE OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. DIFFERNT IDEAS , DIFFERENT MINDS ARE RESTING , BUT AWAY FROM MIND NO DESIRE NOTHING . A BIRTH CHART IS A MEASURE OF PARAMETERS OF VARIOUS KARMA'S , JUPITER ITSSELF IS NOT AKASH BUT IT REPRESENTS THE AKASH TATWA ,ITS MOMENTS AND PLACEMENTS SPEAKS ABOUT THE MEASURE OF VARIOUS AUSPISIOUSKARMA OF A PERSON. LIKE WE READ ON THERMOMETER THE TEMPREATURE OF AN INDIVIDUAL, HERE THE INSTRUMENTS IS A WAY TO MEASURE THE TEMPREATURE AND IT IS NOT THE TEMPREATURE ITSSELF. 5. This is the point of Harihara when he was explaining the value of Prasna. Prasna tells us whether the native has done better or worse Karma from his birth till the time of Prasna. Thus Karma done in this life is immediately recorded by Chitra Gupta (sitting on the star Chitra -linked to Chitra paksha Ayanamsa maybe). [some astrologers advise the worship of Chitra gupta the assistants of Yama on Chaitra (derived from Chitra) Poornima so that they may skip some records of your bad Karma!!!]. This immediate recording results in an alteration or influence to the birth/natal chart and has a profound influence on the immediate and long term future. a.. If the Natal Chart planetary positions are better than the Prasna chart, then the person has fallen further in this life i.e. accumulated more bad karma. b.. If the Natal chart planetary indications are worse than the Prasna chart then infer that he has done better Karma in this life, and to that extent shall have a better future. c.. If the indications of the Natal and Prasna chart are the same, then then he is merely sailing through this life experiences the past Karma. d.. That the effect of this Karma can alter the indications of the Janma Kundali including Longevity (Please keep calm and read further). I ALREADY DISCUSSED IT IN MY FIRST PARA, SOME KARMA'S GIVE THE RESULTS IN THE SAME BIRTH, LIKE TAKE A BAD MEAL AND YOU WILL GET THE INSTANT RESULT , ABUSE SOME ONE AND YOU MAY GET IMMEDIATE RESPONSE. AND THERE ARE OTHER KARMA'S WHICH TAKE THE FORM OF SANCHIT KARMA. 6. It is evident from the above clear statements that the Karma we do in this life is immediately recorded from the moment the Karma is performed and has an immediate impact on the future whether immediate or distant or subsequent births. It is here that another question crops up. This is the question of FREE WILL. Now, what is free will? It means the power to determine the action that one shall take as a consequence to or for the purpose of some event or goal. It is a goal directed action and not an involuntary action. This is where the question of Upachaya comes up and the houses 3,6,10 & 11 deal with the actions that one can or will take given the various inputs from the environment (33% is bounded rationality like the Simonian model of decision making) . Thus, in the first place, this action itself is bounded by various inputs and this is called bounded rationality depending on four factors that are like four boundaries of a plot - Information (Knowledge) called BUDDHI [Dharma-Ayana], Resources that are focused on VRIDDHI or increase of wealth [Artha-Ayana], Abilities that fulfil desires based on (the purity of) the purpose SUDDHI [Kaama -Ayana] and finally Time that is the final giver of emancipation and end of all Karma whether Sanchita or Prarabdha called SIDDHI [Moksha-Ayana]. Here comes the greatest teaching of the Gita "KARMA IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT (ADHIKARA) ON THE FRUITS". This adhikara or right to freedom of Action is the only birth right given by God. Hence Harihara (Prasna Marga) prays Madhyatavyadhipam Dugdhasindhukanyadhwam Dhiya Dhiyayami sadhwaham Buddhe Suddhyai Vriddhyai cha Siddhye NO ONLY SOME KARMAS HAVE THE IMMEDIATEDTE OR THE IMPACT WITHIN THIS BIRTH. ALL DOES NOT AND CANNOT CHANGE, YOU CANNOT CHOOSE YOUR PARENTS , FROM WHICH POINT THIS DEBATE HAS BEEN STARTED. IF THE PARENTS COULD NOT BE CHOOSED THEN HOW ONE WILL CHOOSE THAT TO WHOM MARRY ? AN ASTROLOGER ULTIMATELY ,KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY FIXES THE SAME MATCH , WHICH ARE DESTINED TO BE MARRIED, YOU DISCUSSED VARIOUS TYPES OF MARRIGES THESE ARE IRRELEVENT TO PRESENT DISCUSSION.PRALABADH KARMAS WHICH ARE SHOWN BY THE BIRTH CHART ARE LIKE A BULLET SHOT FROM THE GUN WHICH COULD NOT BE RETURNED. A YOGI INDEED WILL BURN HIS SANCHIT KARMA ,THAT IS THOSE WHICH HE WAS TO FACE IN THE NEXT BIRTHS , BUT PRALABDH HE HAS TO FACE, AND READ THE LIFE OF GREAT SAINTS , HOW THEY REACHED TO THERE END. A YOGI BURN HIS SANCHIT KARMA'S LIKE A HEATED UP SEED WILL NOT PRODUSE ANYTHING. 7. Once again we come to the definiton of the self (SWA) and find that the Atma is merely an observer and hence these houses or UPACHAYA for reckoning the right to action or exercise of free-will is not at the level of the Atma and is merely a process of action and reaction of the Mana and Sareera in this manifested Universe. Thus, this is only to be seen from the Lagna and especially, the Moon, especially the tenth house from the Moon. Kalyan Verma (Saravali) has given a very detailed explanation on the placement of individual planets or groups of them in the tenth from the Moon. Why is so much importance being given to the Moon for this free-will? It is the mind where the seed of all action is generated and hence Moon the Manakaraka is the playground for this Maya to act on. This is what the Bhagavat Gita teaches "Give the reigns of the horses (of your mind) to Krishna and see how He shall steer you through the battlefield of life (Life in the Kali Yuga is viewed as a battle field)". The Rig Veda is very clear about the generation of this seed of all action in the mind in Vishwamitra's prayer to Brihaspati: Suchim-arkair Brihaspatim advareshu namasyate ... May Brihaspati (the Deva Guru -note my earlier explanation to the importance of the Diksha Guru and Jupiter) the granter of success (to all our actions - the term adhvareshu refers to the inviolable principle or the TRUTH that must prevail like OM TAT SAT) give us good thoughts (that lead to such actions that are inviolable - the inviolable principle also refers to holding back such thoughts that lead to such Karma that would violate the principles of Dharma). 8. It is evident that this concept of free will is limited to the Mana and that too the Upachaya's i.e. those thoughts that are action related. Having accepted the limited free will concept, we now come to the method of Vedic remedial measures called Mantra i.e. Mana + Trai or protection of the Mana from (a) generating such seeds of evil thought that result in evil Karma, as well as (b) protecting against the provocation from the experiences of Past karma that can bring anger, sorrow and passion (Rajas) and ignorance (Tamas) to dominate the Mana and raise the level of the Mana to that of the Atma (self realisation). 9. Inder jit, please do not read me wrong when I say this. Vivaha (i.e. Marriage and its specific form) is destined in the form of an ANUBHAVA and to say that two people were married for so many births or shall continue together for so many births is fine if you are a priest solemnising the marriage but not as a Jyotisha. How the Mana will react to the various experiences that it is subject to and is so confused about (not having the knowledge of Prarabdha) is what a Jyotisha should be looking for. This is where he can guide if he is aware of the pitfalls and troubles that can result from a mismatch like Kuja Dosha (that was what had started this thread). I have done lots of studies in this area and unlike others have also given out a lot of 'so called secrets' related to determination of circumstances, timing, Lagna of spouse, status of family, details about the in-laws and possible troubles like mother-in-law problem etc. In fact my writings in this area are very comprehensive and still, I cannot say with any certainty that this is the spouse (although I have done this and have later wondered as to why I was so inner feeling that I cannot explain). In fact the Royal family of Agra will vouch on this, when I was 100% sure that the two charts Rani-mata had brought were to get married (I also gave the time when the boy would agree and what not all). Prasna is a very vital tool for this. Thank you again for bearing with my Chandrastama problem..( I see transits from Natal positions in Navamsa as well). We men are also feminine as we cannot escape this monthly cycle... HE alone is the Purusha. TO BE INTUTIVE IS A GRAET TOOL OF THE ASTROLOGER , AND BY ADMITTING THAT YOU WAS ABLE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS WILL CERTANILY MARRY TO THIS YOU ARE FAVORING MY ARGUMENTS. WITH REGARDS TO ALL INDER JIT SAHNI Om Tat Sat Sanjay Rath - Inder Jit Sahni gjlist Friday, October 19, 2001 7:00 AM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Dear Sanjay, Though it could be done , but still we are in such a stage in astrology that we cannot prove many things like in science that Hydrogen and oxygen combined will always make water.People will believe that Astrology is a science when it will become so. To match the best horoscopes is a very easy thing and to predict the destiny which two will marry will depend on very high intuitive capability and individual capacity, but even if one will try to interfere with the destiny ,one may not succeed. At least i cannot change the destiny of any individual . Some Guru astrologers could do that , i doubt. But Even Krishna could not change the destiny of Arjuna , so no body could interfere ,we can give mental solace and that is our limit.Same was done by Lord Krishna by his teaching to Arjuna. Some times we do predict that these persons are sure to marry , but depends on parameters and circumstances. No further debate on this issue , i will not be available to answer being very busy at the moment with my other activities. With Regards, Inder Jit Sahni - "Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath <gjlist> Friday, October 19, 2001 1:25 AM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Om Gurave Namah -------------------------- Dear Inder Jit, OK Lets agree with your point that we marry whom we are bound to marry. Fine So, i will give you one male horoscope and ten female horoscopes and you have to tell me which one the male married as the marriage is destined/bound to marry and you know destiny by say some method. Do you accept this, if not then by using the standard principles of kuja Dosha etc taught in the texts we can choose the right partner and then after they marry you can say that they are husband and wife for seven lives and so on...And even then sometimes the best of astrologers make a mistake. Best Wishes Sanjay Rath - Inder Jit Sahni gjlist Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:09 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Sanjay wrote, "If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked." Marriages are decided in heaven and are celebrated on earth is a very common quote, birth and death are fixed and so fixed are our parents. And if parents are fixed then by astrology we can only choose to find out a already fixed match for us to whom we are bond to marry , no choice my dear. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat : gjlist- Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 15, 2001 Report Share Posted October 15, 2001 Haribol! I am wondering if someone could tell me whether Mars retrograde would cancel out kuja dosha. I have been told that I am Manglik by several astrologers, and that I am NOT Manglik by others. I have Mars in Scorpio in the 12th, retrograde. It would be most helpful to get this straightened out, as I am currently seeking a husband and need to know this info for compatibility assessment. Thank you in advance for your service! ys, Bhaktin Kirsten June 7, 1969 8:52pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) New Britain, Connecticut, USA 41N40, 72W47 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 15, 2001 Report Share Posted October 15, 2001 Kirsten: I can appreciate your desire to clarify this issue. However, I've found astrologers to be notoriously sectarian in their views and that makes finding clear consistent views on things difficult. In addition, I wouldn't worry too much about finding out if you are or aren't manglik. Some astrologers consider this an important way to divide up the human race into two groups to help them marry more happily. I'm pretty skeptical of simple categorizations like that. Having said that, I think having Mars -- retrograde or not -- aspecting your 7th house isn't a particularly favourable indication for marriage. It means that there will likely be conflict and argument as the archetypal form of communication in your partnerships. This is all the more true given that your 7L Mercury is aspected by Mars and Mars rules the navamsha. So I guess if you want my opinion, that probably makes you a manglik. But I would't really say you should only pursue partners who are also manglik. They may have totally incompatible charts with yours. Conversely, someone who doesn't have this kujadosha affliction may have a chart that meshes well with yours. As a general piece of advice, I would try to seek out partners that embody some kind of martian quality. This will have the effect of constructively redirecting that otherwise difficult martian energy into a channel that will work well for you. all the best, Chris At 05:03 PM 10/15/01 -0400, you wrote: > Haribol! I am wondering if someone could tell me whether Mars >retrograde would cancel out kuja dosha. I have been told that I am Manglik >by several astrologers, and that I am NOT Manglik by others. I have Mars in > Scorpio in the 12th, retrograde. currently seeking a husband and need >to know this info for compatibility assessment. Thank you in advance for >your service! ys, Bhaktin Kirsten June 7, 1969 8:52pm EDT (Eastern >Daylight Time) New Britain, Connecticut, USA 41N40, 72W47 > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat > : gjlist- > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 15, 2001 Report Share Posted October 15, 2001 Hi Kevil, Kirtsten, According to James Braha, Kuja Dosa gets cancelled if Mars is in Scorpio, as in this case...if I understand that well. Is that common opinion? Anna - Christopher Kevill gjlist Monday, October 15, 2001 7:24 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Kirsten:I can appreciate your desire to clarify this issue. However, I've foundastrologers to be notoriously sectarian in their views and that makesfinding clear consistent views on things difficult. In addition, Iwouldn't worry too much about finding out if you are or aren't manglik.Some astrologers consider this an important way to divide up the human raceinto two groups to help them marry more happily. I'm pretty skeptical ofsimple categorizations like that. Having said that, I think having Mars --retrograde or not -- aspecting your 7th house isn't a particularlyfavourable indication for marriage. It means that there will likely beconflict and argument as the archetypal form of communication in yourpartnerships. This is all the more true given that your 7L Mercury isaspected by Mars and Mars rules the navamsha. So I guess if you want my opinion, that probably makes you a manglik. ButI would't really say you should only pursue partners who are also manglik.They may have totally incompatible charts with yours. Conversely, someonewho doesn't have this kujadosha affliction may have a chart that mesheswell with yours. As a general piece of advice, I would try to seek outpartners that embody some kind of martian quality. This will have theeffect of constructively redirecting that otherwise difficult martianenergy into a channel that will work well for you.all the best,ChrisAt 05:03 PM 10/15/01 -0400, you wrote:> Haribol! I am wondering if someone could tell me whether Mars>retrograde would cancel out kuja dosha. I have been told that I am Manglik >by several astrologers, and that I am NOT Manglik by others. I have Mars in> Scorpio in the 12th, retrograde. currently seeking a husband and need>to know this info for compatibility assessment. Thank you in advance for>your service! ys, Bhaktin Kirsten June 7, 1969 8:52pm EDT (Eastern>Daylight Time) New Britain, Connecticut, USA 41N40, 72W47 > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> : gjlist->>'>> > > Your use of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2001 Report Share Posted October 16, 2001 Dear Kirsten I agree with Christopher's comments . Your chart is a very spiritual one with 9th and 10th Lords together aspected by 5th Lord Mars and natal Lord and natural karaka of dharma Jupiter . Your Mars although badly placed in the 12th is in it's own sign and therefore activates the search for moksha or liberation .Then it to receives the aspect of the Mercury Sun combination .. Venus and Saturn are well placed in the 5th .Jupiter lagna Lord in the 10th can give excellent religious deeds . On the caution side I notice that the 7th Lord has gone to the 6th the house of disputes and is aspected by Mars the Lord of disputes . Falling in the house of Taurus there is a danger of getting into too rigid positions or falling into the natural weakness of Sagittarian Lagnas to be too self righteous .Marriage requires compromise,flexibilty and acceptance . I imagine you are an excellent cook and best of luck with your marriage and Krsna consciousness Nicholas - "Christopher Kevill" <ckevill <gjlist> Tuesday, October 16, 2001 9:24 AM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > Kirsten: > > I can appreciate your desire to clarify this issue. However, I've found > astrologers to be notoriously sectarian in their views and that makes > finding clear consistent views on things difficult. In addition, I > wouldn't worry too much about finding out if you are or aren't manglik. > Some astrologers consider this an important way to divide up the human race > into two groups to help them marry more happily. I'm pretty skeptical of > simple categorizations like that. Having said that, I think having Mars -- > retrograde or not -- aspecting your 7th house isn't a particularly > favourable indication for marriage. It means that there will likely be > conflict and argument as the archetypal form of communication in your > partnerships. This is all the more true given that your 7L Mercury is > aspected by Mars and Mars rules the navamsha. > > > So I guess if you want my opinion, that probably makes you a manglik. But > I would't really say you should only pursue partners who are also manglik. > They may have totally incompatible charts with yours. Conversely, someone > who doesn't have this kujadosha affliction may have a chart that meshes > well with yours. As a general piece of advice, I would try to seek out > partners that embody some kind of martian quality. This will have the > effect of constructively redirecting that otherwise difficult martian > energy into a channel that will work well for you. > > all the best, > > Chris > > At 05:03 PM 10/15/01 -0400, you wrote: > > Haribol! I am wondering if someone could tell me whether Mars > >retrograde would cancel out kuja dosha. I have been told that I am Manglik > >by several astrologers, and that I am NOT Manglik by others. I have Mars in > > Scorpio in the 12th, retrograde. currently seeking a husband and need > >to know this info for compatibility assessment. Thank you in advance for > >your service! ys, Bhaktin Kirsten June 7, 1969 8:52pm EDT (Eastern > >Daylight Time) New Britain, Connecticut, USA 41N40, 72W47 > > > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat > > : gjlist- > > > > > > > > > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat > : gjlist- > > > > Your use of is subject to > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2001 Report Share Posted October 16, 2001 Dear Nicholas and Christopher and Kirsten, Lets first understand Kuja Dosha. Placement of Mars in Ist, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house constitutes Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha. In Southern India, 2nd house is also taken into consideration. Now this makes 5 houses out of 12 houses would have Kuja Dosham. Do we mean to say, that such a sizeable number would have problems in marriage. No. What would happen if such a Mars is placed in own house, its exaltation sign, friendly sign etc. What happens if such a Mars is aspected by Jupiter. What happens if such a Mars conjoins Jupiter. What happens if the other chart with whom compatibility is being sought also has Mars Dosha. Therefore, we need not make it a serious thing for others because I have seen many parents suffering in India also when their children become marriageable. In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha would be taken care of. with best wishes, Manoj _______________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2001 Report Share Posted October 16, 2001 Dear Respected list members, I just wanted to thank everyone who replied to my question re: Kuja! Your insights have been extremely helpful (and totally 'right on' if I do say so myself! - Through your responses, I have gained a deeper insight into my own character, and am more optimistic about my ability to transcend the negative qualities in my chart. THANK YOU!!! Your fallen, Manglik servant, Bhaktin Kirsten khd5 (AT) home (DOT) com Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2001 Report Share Posted October 16, 2001 Manoj, I have a question for you. (Or anyone.) >>What happens if such a Mars is aspected by Jupiter. << What about if when Jupiter is not good for the rising sign, such as with Gemini or Aquarius? Would this still apply? Would another planet, such as one that is benefic for their rising, be used instead? TIA Tulasi gjlist, "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote: > Dear Nicholas and Christopher and Kirsten, > > Lets first understand Kuja Dosha. Placement of Mars in Ist, 4th, 7th, 8th > and 12th house constitutes Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha. In Southern India, > 2nd house is also taken into consideration. Now this makes 5 houses out of > 12 houses would have Kuja Dosham. Do we mean to say, that such a sizeable > number would have problems in marriage. No. > > What would happen if such a Mars is placed in own house, its exaltation > sign, friendly sign etc. What happens if such a Mars is aspected by Jupiter. > What happens if such a Mars conjoins Jupiter. What happens if the other > chart with whom compatibility is being sought also has Mars Dosha. > Therefore, we need not make it a serious thing for others because I have > seen many parents suffering in India also when their children become > marriageable. > > In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into > account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic > aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha > would be taken care of. > > with best wishes, > > Manoj > > > _______________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 16, 2001 Report Share Posted October 16, 2001 Dear Tulasi Devi ji, Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord, even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter covers it all. best wishes, Manoj >tulasidevi2000 >gjlist >gjlist >Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions >Wed, 17 Oct 2001 03:53:08 -0000 > >Manoj, > >I have a question for you. (Or anyone.) > > >>What happens if such a Mars is aspected by Jupiter. << > >What about if when Jupiter is not good for the rising sign, such as >with Gemini or Aquarius? Would this still apply? Would another >planet, such as one that is benefic for their rising, be used >instead? TIA > >Tulasi > > >gjlist, "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote: > > Dear Nicholas and Christopher and Kirsten, > > > > Lets first understand Kuja Dosha. Placement of Mars in Ist, 4th, >7th, 8th > > and 12th house constitutes Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha. In Southern >India, > > 2nd house is also taken into consideration. Now this makes 5 houses >out of > > 12 houses would have Kuja Dosham. Do we mean to say, that such a >sizeable > > number would have problems in marriage. No. > > > > What would happen if such a Mars is placed in own house, its >exaltation > > sign, friendly sign etc. What happens if such a Mars is aspected by >Jupiter. > > What happens if such a Mars conjoins Jupiter. What happens if the >other > > chart with whom compatibility is being sought also has Mars Dosha. > > Therefore, we need not make it a serious thing for others because I >have > > seen many parents suffering in India also when their children >become > > marriageable. > > > > In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then >take into > > account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord >and benefic > > aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to >Mars dosha > > would be taken care of. > > > > with best wishes, > > > > Manoj > > > > > > _______________ > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > > > > >Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat >: gjlist- > > > >Your use of is subject to > > _______________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2001 Report Share Posted October 17, 2001 > In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into > account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic > aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha > would be taken care of. > Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising > sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord, > even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still > their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter > covers it all. > Manoj Dear all, dear Manoj, It's the first time I say something on the list. I'm newbye (I don't know if this word is correct), and I'm still a student in vedic astrology. I say hello to all of you :-)) Plase forgive my english : I speak french and I'm not used to write in English ;-( I'm very interested by your conversation abouth Kujadosha : I've Mars (lord of 2th and 7th) in 12th in Virgo. Jupiter (in 6th, own house, Pisces) aspects Mars. Mars is associated with Mercury (exalted, lord of 9th & 12th in 12th). My birthdata : Moon and lagna in Libra. Navamsa lagna : Sagittarius My questions are : - do I still have a Kuja dosha with Jupiter's aspect on Mars ? (I don't know if Jup aspects benefically Mars) Mars is the 7th lord, in 12 th :-(, but Mars still aspects its own house (7th) Mars is also 2th lord, then I have 2th & 7th lord in 12th ! :-(( => twice a time Kujadosha :-( - Do Mercury and Jupiter have a benefical influence on the 7th, or on the Kujadosha ? For infos : I got married in 1986. After, two chidren, and after... my husband agressed me in 1994 (very destructively -> my right kidney exploded -> hole hemorragy blood....) After that, I was separated of him and I divorced in 2000. I saw in all my partners's charts that they are all "martians" : - my ex-husband had Moon conjuct Mars in 5th in Aquarius. Sun & Jup in Leo (aspected by Mars) in 11th. He loved weapons, and liked to conflict... - After him, I met another man who was Aries lagna (in Rasi & Navamsa). We didn't have conflicts, but we didn't live together. - Now, I am with a men who has Sun in Aries (4th), Mars in 2th (Kujadosha too ?) in Aquarius & vargottama, and his Navamsa lagna is Aries. What is good between us is bedpleasures (Mars, lord of 7th, in 12th... ;-), but they are still conflicts between us since we live together. I read in J.Braha's book that : "the person with Kujadosha will be somehow victimized in his marriage" (that was the case for my ex-husbang, who agressed me physically, and also now, for my actuel partner, who agressed me too, but psychologycally) and that : "if two personnes have a Kujadosha, they won't hurt each other." With my last partner (Mars in 2th), is it the case ? J.Braha said also that "when two persons have Kujadosha, they will not feel much physical attraction between each other" That's not the case with my last partner : there is a lot of attraction between us. Do I have to conclude that he doesn't have Kujadosha in his chart ? (But he has Mars in 2th !) (P.S. When I was agressed by my ex-husband, I was in Saturn - Mars dasas (Vimshottari dasa), and Mars is maraka) Hope this will help. P.S. Manoj, you said : > account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord... Mars is, in my case, lord of 2th & 7th. How can I see the strenght of Mars (in Shadbala ?) And... how to see the strength of houses ? Thanks to all of you for your answers :-)) With my best wishes :-)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2001 Report Share Posted October 17, 2001 Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Marie, What Manoj said is the general rule and IS CORRECT. What you faced is a specific deviation that is not normally listed while giving general rules. Understand the principle and then the problem goes away. If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked. Now coming to the rule of Jupiters aspect. Let me put it like this. Jupiter is the symbol of peace and protection in the chart whereas Mars is the symbol of agression and violence. When Jupiter aspects Mars, it controls Mars and compels it to give up agression and violence and take to the path of peace. To do this job, Jupiter must be strong and and at least stronger than Mars. Aspect of Saturn on Mars also removes Kuja dosha. In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces and perhaps in debility or weak in Navamsa. Jupiter is also the sixth Lord and is unlikely to intervene as much as it would have done say, when it is the ninth lord. And finally, Jupiter is the Lord of the sixth house. In any case you are alive and among us today because Jupiter aspected Mars.. Remedy lies in wearing a Rudraksha of as many faces as the house position of Jupiter and reciting the Akasha beeja HAM with the name of Hanumanji or Shiva like HAM Hanumate Namah or HOUM Namah Shivaya. Fasting on Ekadasi is the best remedy to get over Kuja Dosha as this Tithi is ruled by Mars. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Marie-Christine Sclifet gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 9:43 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions le 16/10/01 11:28 (TU +2), via son e-mail <manojpathak (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>, ManojPathak a écrit :> In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic> aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha> would be taken care of.> Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising> sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord,> even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still> their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter> covers it all.> ManojDear all, dear Manoj,It's the first time I say something on the list. I'm newbye (I don't knowif this word is correct), and I'm still a student in vedic astrology.I say hello to all of you :-))Plase forgive my english : I speak french and I'm not used to write inEnglish ;-(I'm very interested by your conversation abouth Kujadosha :I've Mars (lord of 2th and 7th) in 12th in Virgo.Jupiter (in 6th, own house, Pisces) aspects Mars.Mars is associated with Mercury (exalted, lord of 9th & 12th in 12th).My birthdata :August 25 196311h33 am CET (10h33 am GMT)Etterbeek, Bruxelles, Belgium (50N49' 4E23')Moon and lagna in Libra.Navamsa lagna : SagittariusMy questions are :- do I still have a Kuja dosha with Jupiter's aspect on Mars ?(I don't know if Jup aspects benefically Mars)Mars is the 7th lord, in 12 th :-(, but Mars still aspects its own house(7th)Mars is also 2th lord, then I have 2th & 7th lord in 12th ! :-(( => twice atime Kujadosha :-(- Do Mercury and Jupiter have a benefical influence on the 7th, or on theKujadosha ?For infos :I got married in 1986. After, two chidren, and after... my husband agressedme in 1994 (very destructively -> my right kidney exploded -> hole hemorragyblood....)After that, I was separated of him and I divorced in 2000.I saw in all my partners's charts that they are all "martians" :- my ex-husband had Moon conjuct Mars in 5th in Aquarius. Sun & Jup in Leo(aspected by Mars) in 11th. He loved weapons, and liked to conflict...- After him, I met another man who was Aries lagna (in Rasi & Navamsa). Wedidn't have conflicts, but we didn't live together.- Now, I am with a men who has Sun in Aries (4th), Mars in 2th (Kujadoshatoo ?) in Aquarius & vargottama, and his Navamsa lagna is Aries.What is good between us is bedpleasures (Mars, lord of 7th, in 12th... ;-),but they are still conflicts between us since we live together.I read in J.Braha's book that :"the person with Kujadosha will be somehow victimized in his marriage"(that was the case for my ex-husbang, who agressed me physically, and alsonow, for my actuel partner, who agressed me too, but psychologycally)and that :"if two personnes have a Kujadosha, they won't hurt each other."With my last partner (Mars in 2th), is it the case ?J.Braha said also that "when two persons have Kujadosha, they will not feelmuch physical attraction between each other"That's not the case with my last partner : there is a lot of attractionbetween us. Do I have to conclude that he doesn't have Kujadosha in hischart ? (But he has Mars in 2th !)(P.S. When I was agressed by my ex-husband, I was in Saturn - Mars dasas(Vimshottari dasa), and Mars is maraka)Hope this will help.P.S. Manoj, you said :> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord...Mars is, in my case, lord of 2th & 7th. How can I see the strenght of Mars(in Shadbala ?)And... how to see the strength of houses ?Thanks to all of you for your answers :-))With my best wishes :-))Marie-ChristineOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2001 Report Share Posted October 17, 2001 - Sanjay Rath gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:06 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Marie, What Manoj said is the general rule and IS CORRECT. What you faced is a specific deviation that is not normally listed while giving general rules. Understand the principle and then the problem goes away. If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked. Now coming to the rule of Jupiters aspect. Let me put it like this. Jupiter is the symbol of peace and protection in the chart whereas Mars is the symbol of agression and violence. When Jupiter aspects Mars, it controls Mars and compels it to give up agression and violence and take to the path of peace. To do this job, Jupiter must be strong and and at least stronger than Mars. Aspect of Saturn on Mars also removes Kuja dosha. In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces and perhaps in debility or weak in Navamsa. Jupiter is also the sixth Lord and is unlikely to intervene as much as it would have done say, when it is the ninth lord. And finally, Jupiter is the Lord of the sixth house. In any case you are alive and among us today because Jupiter aspected Mars.. Remedy lies in wearing a Rudraksha of as many faces as the house position of Jupiter and reciting the Akasha beeja HAM with the name of Hanumanji or Shiva like HAM Hanumate Namah or HOUM Namah Shivaya. Fasting on Ekadasi is the best remedy to get over Kuja Dosha as this Tithi is ruled by Mars. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Marie-Christine Sclifet gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 9:43 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions le 16/10/01 11:28 (TU +2), via son e-mail <manojpathak (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>, ManojPathak a écrit :> In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic> aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha> would be taken care of.> Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising> sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord,> even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still> their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter> covers it all.> ManojDear all, dear Manoj,It's the first time I say something on the list. I'm newbye (I don't knowif this word is correct), and I'm still a student in vedic astrology.I say hello to all of you :-))Plase forgive my english : I speak french and I'm not used to write inEnglish ;-(I'm very interested by your conversation abouth Kujadosha :I've Mars (lord of 2th and 7th) in 12th in Virgo.Jupiter (in 6th, own house, Pisces) aspects Mars.Mars is associated with Mercury (exalted, lord of 9th & 12th in 12th).My birthdata :August 25 196311h33 am CET (10h33 am GMT)Etterbeek, Bruxelles, Belgium (50N49' 4E23')Moon and lagna in Libra.Navamsa lagna : SagittariusMy questions are :- do I still have a Kuja dosha with Jupiter's aspect on Mars ?(I don't know if Jup aspects benefically Mars)Mars is the 7th lord, in 12 th :-(, but Mars still aspects its own house(7th)Mars is also 2th lord, then I have 2th & 7th lord in 12th ! :-(( => twice atime Kujadosha :-(- Do Mercury and Jupiter have a benefical influence on the 7th, or on theKujadosha ?For infos :I got married in 1986. After, two chidren, and after... my husband agressedme in 1994 (very destructively -> my right kidney exploded -> hole hemorragyblood....)After that, I was separated of him and I divorced in 2000.I saw in all my partners's charts that they are all "martians" :- my ex-husband had Moon conjuct Mars in 5th in Aquarius. Sun & Jup in Leo(aspected by Mars) in 11th. He loved weapons, and liked to conflict...- After him, I met another man who was Aries lagna (in Rasi & Navamsa). Wedidn't have conflicts, but we didn't live together.- Now, I am with a men who has Sun in Aries (4th), Mars in 2th (Kujadoshatoo ?) in Aquarius & vargottama, and his Navamsa lagna is Aries.What is good between us is bedpleasures (Mars, lord of 7th, in 12th... ;-),but they are still conflicts between us since we live together.I read in J.Braha's book that :"the person with Kujadosha will be somehow victimized in his marriage"(that was the case for my ex-husbang, who agressed me physically, and alsonow, for my actuel partner, who agressed me too, but psychologycally)and that :"if two personnes have a Kujadosha, they won't hurt each other."With my last partner (Mars in 2th), is it the case ?J.Braha said also that "when two persons have Kujadosha, they will not feelmuch physical attraction between each other"That's not the case with my last partner : there is a lot of attractionbetween us. Do I have to conclude that he doesn't have Kujadosha in hischart ? (But he has Mars in 2th !)(P.S. When I was agressed by my ex-husband, I was in Saturn - Mars dasas(Vimshottari dasa), and Mars is maraka)Hope this will help.P.S. Manoj, you said :> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord...Mars is, in my case, lord of 2th & 7th. How can I see the strenght of Mars(in Shadbala ?)And... how to see the strength of houses ?Thanks to all of you for your answers :-))With my best wishes :-))Marie-ChristineOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Your use of is subject to Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2001 Report Share Posted October 17, 2001 Dear Sanjay, Phil. With Cancer Lagna, Mars in 4th, Jupiter in Pisces in 9th/opposing Lord of 7th (can that be considered a good sign?), Sun in 7th-I was married once- no violence, just financial advantage did he have from me, since I wanted to divorce the easiest possible way-out of court, and to take my son with me. No, I don't like that living-dead person.. Is this Kuja-dosha.. ? After that experience I haven't considered marriage. It was a bitter experience, but I guess all divorces are?Anna - Phyl Chubb MA gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 6:34 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions - Sanjay Rath gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:06 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Marie, What Manoj said is the general rule and IS CORRECT. What you faced is a specific deviation that is not normally listed while giving general rules. Understand the principle and then the problem goes away. If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked. Now coming to the rule of Jupiters aspect. Let me put it like this. Jupiter is the symbol of peace and protection in the chart whereas Mars is the symbol of agression and violence. When Jupiter aspects Mars, it controls Mars and compels it to give up agression and violence and take to the path of peace. To do this job, Jupiter must be strong and and at least stronger than Mars. Aspect of Saturn on Mars also removes Kuja dosha. In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces and perhaps in debility or weak in Navamsa. Jupiter is also the sixth Lord and is unlikely to intervene as much as it would have done say, when it is the ninth lord. And finally, Jupiter is the Lord of the sixth house. In any case you are alive and among us today because Jupiter aspected Mars.. Remedy lies in wearing a Rudraksha of as many faces as the house position of Jupiter and reciting the Akasha beeja HAM with the name of Hanumanji or Shiva like HAM Hanumate Namah or HOUM Namah Shivaya. Fasting on Ekadasi is the best remedy to get over Kuja Dosha as this Tithi is ruled by Mars. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Marie-Christine Sclifet gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 9:43 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions le 16/10/01 11:28 (TU +2), via son e-mail <manojpathak (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>, ManojPathak a écrit :> In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic> aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha> would be taken care of.> Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising> sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord,> even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still> their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter> covers it all.> ManojDear all, dear Manoj,It's the first time I say something on the list. I'm newbye (I don't knowif this word is correct), and I'm still a student in vedic astrology.I say hello to all of you :-))Plase forgive my english : I speak french and I'm not used to write inEnglish ;-(I'm very interested by your conversation abouth Kujadosha :I've Mars (lord of 2th and 7th) in 12th in Virgo.Jupiter (in 6th, own house, Pisces) aspects Mars.Mars is associated with Mercury (exalted, lord of 9th & 12th in 12th).My birthdata :August 25 196311h33 am CET (10h33 am GMT)Etterbeek, Bruxelles, Belgium (50N49' 4E23')Moon and lagna in Libra.Navamsa lagna : SagittariusMy questions are :- do I still have a Kuja dosha with Jupiter's aspect on Mars ?(I don't know if Jup aspects benefically Mars)Mars is the 7th lord, in 12 th :-(, but Mars still aspects its own house(7th)Mars is also 2th lord, then I have 2th & 7th lord in 12th ! :-(( => twice atime Kujadosha :-(- Do Mercury and Jupiter have a benefical influence on the 7th, or on theKujadosha ?For infos :I got married in 1986. After, two chidren, and after... my husband agressedme in 1994 (very destructively -> my right kidney exploded -> hole hemorragyblood....)After that, I was separated of him and I divorced in 2000.I saw in all my partners's charts that they are all "martians" :- my ex-husband had Moon conjuct Mars in 5th in Aquarius. Sun & Jup in Leo(aspected by Mars) in 11th. He loved weapons, and liked to conflict...- After him, I met another man who was Aries lagna (in Rasi & Navamsa). Wedidn't have conflicts, but we didn't live together.- Now, I am with a men who has Sun in Aries (4th), Mars in 2th (Kujadoshatoo ?) in Aquarius & vargottama, and his Navamsa lagna is Aries.What is good between us is bedpleasures (Mars, lord of 7th, in 12th... ;-),but they are still conflicts between us since we live together.I read in J.Braha's book that :"the person with Kujadosha will be somehow victimized in his marriage"(that was the case for my ex-husbang, who agressed me physically, and alsonow, for my actuel partner, who agressed me too, but psychologycally)and that :"if two personnes have a Kujadosha, they won't hurt each other."With my last partner (Mars in 2th), is it the case ?J.Braha said also that "when two persons have Kujadosha, they will not feelmuch physical attraction between each other"That's not the case with my last partner : there is a lot of attractionbetween us. Do I have to conclude that he doesn't have Kujadosha in hischart ? (But he has Mars in 2th !)(P.S. When I was agressed by my ex-husband, I was in Saturn - Mars dasas(Vimshottari dasa), and Mars is maraka)Hope this will help.P.S. Manoj, you said :> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord...Mars is, in my case, lord of 2th & 7th. How can I see the strenght of Mars(in Shadbala ?)And... how to see the strength of houses ?Thanks to all of you for your answers :-))With my best wishes :-))Marie-ChristineOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Your use of is subject to Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2001 Report Share Posted October 17, 2001 Thank you Manoj, I will have to think about this. If it were me for example (which its not) I cannot say that I would find it beneficial to have problems that could hide. I beleive talking is healing, though I suppose it could have to do with what point the problems arise (if they are new or have been going on a long time), as well as the nature of the person and how they prefer to handle such things (to talk vs. to cover them). So whether or not Jupiter aspecting a kuja dosh Mars is benefic for a rising sign where Jupiter is by nature, malefic for that lagna is still unclear to me. Tulasi gjlist, "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote: > Dear Tulasi Devi ji, > > Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising > sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord, > even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still > their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter > covers it all. > > best wishes, > > Manoj > > > >tulasidevi2000 > >gjlist > >gjlist > >Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > >Wed, 17 Oct 2001 03:53:08 -0000 > > > >Manoj, > > > >I have a question for you. (Or anyone.) > > > > >>What happens if such a Mars is aspected by Jupiter. << > > > >What about if when Jupiter is not good for the rising sign, such as > >with Gemini or Aquarius? Would this still apply? Would another > >planet, such as one that is benefic for their rising, be used > >instead? TIA > > > >Tulasi > > > > > >gjlist, "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote: > > > Dear Nicholas and Christopher and Kirsten, > > > > > > Lets first understand Kuja Dosha. Placement of Mars in Ist, 4th, > >7th, 8th > > > and 12th house constitutes Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha. In Southern > >India, > > > 2nd house is also taken into consideration. Now this makes 5 houses > >out of > > > 12 houses would have Kuja Dosham. Do we mean to say, that such a > >sizeable > > > number would have problems in marriage. No. > > > > > > What would happen if such a Mars is placed in own house, its > >exaltation > > > sign, friendly sign etc. What happens if such a Mars is aspected by > >Jupiter. > > > What happens if such a Mars conjoins Jupiter. What happens if the > >other > > > chart with whom compatibility is being sought also has Mars Dosha. > > > Therefore, we need not make it a serious thing for others because I > >have > > > seen many parents suffering in India also when their children > >become > > > marriageable. > > > > > > In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then > >take into > > > account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord > >and benefic > > > aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to > >Mars dosha > > > would be taken care of. > > > > > > with best wishes, > > > > > > Manoj > > > > > > > > > _______________ > > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > > > > > > > > > > >Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat > >: gjlist- > > > > > > > >Your use of is subject to > > > > > > > _______________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2001 Report Share Posted October 17, 2001 Dear Tulasi, There is always a difference between a planet's placement and its aspect. Think over it. Perhaps you would find its answer in BPHS. regards, Manoj >tulasidevi2000 >gjlist >gjlist >Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions >Thu, 18 Oct 2001 03:31:52 -0000 > >Thank you Manoj, > >I will have to think about this. If it were me for example (which its >not) I cannot say that I would find it beneficial to have problems >that could hide. I beleive talking is healing, though I suppose it >could have to do with what point the problems arise (if they are new >or have been going on a long time), as well as the nature of the >person and how they prefer to handle such things (to talk vs. to >cover them). So whether or not Jupiter aspecting a kuja dosh Mars is >benefic for a rising sign where Jupiter is by nature, malefic for >that lagna is still unclear to me. > >Tulasi > >gjlist, "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote: > > Dear Tulasi Devi ji, > > > > Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the >rising > > sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the >7th lord, > > even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, >still > > their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. >Jupiter > > covers it all. > > > > best wishes, > > > > Manoj > > > > > > >tulasidevi2000 > > >gjlist > > >gjlist > > >Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > > >Wed, 17 Oct 2001 03:53:08 -0000 > > > > > >Manoj, > > > > > >I have a question for you. (Or anyone.) > > > > > > >>What happens if such a Mars is aspected by Jupiter. << > > > > > >What about if when Jupiter is not good for the rising sign, such as > > >with Gemini or Aquarius? Would this still apply? Would another > > >planet, such as one that is benefic for their rising, be used > > >instead? TIA > > > > > >Tulasi > > > > > > > > >gjlist, "Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak@h...> wrote: > > > > Dear Nicholas and Christopher and Kirsten, > > > > > > > > Lets first understand Kuja Dosha. Placement of Mars in Ist, 4th, > > >7th, 8th > > > > and 12th house constitutes Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha. In >Southern > > >India, > > > > 2nd house is also taken into consideration. Now this makes 5 >houses > > >out of > > > > 12 houses would have Kuja Dosham. Do we mean to say, that such a > > >sizeable > > > > number would have problems in marriage. No. > > > > > > > > What would happen if such a Mars is placed in own house, its > > >exaltation > > > > sign, friendly sign etc. What happens if such a Mars is >aspected by > > >Jupiter. > > > > What happens if such a Mars conjoins Jupiter. What happens if >the > > >other > > > > chart with whom compatibility is being sought also has Mars >Dosha. > > > > Therefore, we need not make it a serious thing for others >because I > > >have > > > > seen many parents suffering in India also when their children > > >become > > > > marriageable. > > > > > > > > In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and >then > > >take into > > > > account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord > > >and benefic > > > > aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to > > >Mars dosha > > > > would be taken care of. > > > > > > > > with best wishes, > > > > > > > > Manoj > > > > > > > > > > > > >_______________ > > > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat > > >: gjlist- > > > > > > > > > > > >Your use of is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________ > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > > > > > >Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat >: gjlist- > > > >Your use of is subject to > > _______________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 17, 2001 Report Share Posted October 17, 2001 Whether it is general or specific or in particular, I am not aware of. But what I am aware of that Jupiter is a planet of Strict Idealism and has to do this role, irrespective of its lordship. And this planet of strict Idealism is placed in My Lagna which happens to be Saggitarius. regards, Manoj _______________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Sanjay wrote, "If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked." Marriages are decided in heaven and are celebrated on earth is a very common quote, birth and death are fixed and so fixed are our parents. And if parents are fixed then by astrology we can only choose to find out a already fixed match for us to whom we are bond to marry , no choice my dear. In the case of Marry Mars as a natural malefic being lord of a Kendra house is considered benefic for this ascendant and joining Mercury in 12th house gives rise to a Rajyoga. But its fruit is to come through 12th house that is by dejection , displacement, or may be by physical loss. Jupiter a natural benefic aspecting to this combination has prolonged the relationship, but as Jupiter is malefic to this ascendant this prolongation has caused loss to realize your own self , and Jupiter is confused (being retrograde) that is to whom he should protect , to your self (Venus combust with Sun) or to your husband . A combust venus and Moon aspected by Saturn is another week points in your chart. BUT I SHALL ANSWER Marry AS PER her QUESTIONS, - do I still have a Kuja dosha with Jupiter's aspect on Mars ? (I don't know if Jup aspects beneficially Mars) Mars is the 7th lord, in 12 th :-(, but Mars still aspects its own house (7th) Mars is also 2th lord, then I have 2th & 7th lord in 12th ! :-(( => twice a time Kujadosha :-( Yes your chart still shows the Kujadosha. - Do Mercury and Jupiter have a benefical influence on the 7th, or on the Kujadosha ? I had already answered it above but again as mercury joins Mars gives rise to a Rajyoga and the aspect of Jupiter on this Mars prolongs the married life but decrease the strength of Rajyoga and put you to shift or harm or rise in life only after facing the negative side of life. I think it will serve the purpose. With regards to all. Inder Jit Sahni Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Anna, This is not Kuja dosha causing the break in marriage really. With Mars in the fourth you would want your partner to spend more time at home and this would be a root cause for start of ay problem. Martian aspect on Capricorn is really not bad as this is his exaltation house. Sun in seventh indicates that the partner may have lower morals as the Sun is the second lord and this can cause problems. Need to see full chart.Best WishesSanjay Rath - a.r. gjlist Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:23 AM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Dear Sanjay, Phil. With Cancer Lagna, Mars in 4th, Jupiter in Pisces in 9th/opposing Lord of 7th (can that be considered a good sign?), Sun in 7th-I was married once- no violence, just financial advantage did he have from me, since I wanted to divorce the easiest possible way-out of court, and to take my son with me. No, I don't like that living-dead person.. Is this Kuja-dosha.. ? After that experience I haven't considered marriage. It was a bitter experience, but I guess all divorces are?Anna - Phyl Chubb MA gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 6:34 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions - Sanjay Rath gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 12:06 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Marie, What Manoj said is the general rule and IS CORRECT. What you faced is a specific deviation that is not normally listed while giving general rules. Understand the principle and then the problem goes away. If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked. Now coming to the rule of Jupiters aspect. Let me put it like this. Jupiter is the symbol of peace and protection in the chart whereas Mars is the symbol of agression and violence. When Jupiter aspects Mars, it controls Mars and compels it to give up agression and violence and take to the path of peace. To do this job, Jupiter must be strong and and at least stronger than Mars. Aspect of Saturn on Mars also removes Kuja dosha. In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces and perhaps in debility or weak in Navamsa. Jupiter is also the sixth Lord and is unlikely to intervene as much as it would have done say, when it is the ninth lord. And finally, Jupiter is the Lord of the sixth house. In any case you are alive and among us today because Jupiter aspected Mars.. Remedy lies in wearing a Rudraksha of as many faces as the house position of Jupiter and reciting the Akasha beeja HAM with the name of Hanumanji or Shiva like HAM Hanumate Namah or HOUM Namah Shivaya. Fasting on Ekadasi is the best remedy to get over Kuja Dosha as this Tithi is ruled by Mars. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Marie-Christine Sclifet gjlist Wednesday, October 17, 2001 9:43 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions le 16/10/01 11:28 (TU +2), via son e-mail <manojpathak (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>, ManojPathak a écrit :> In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic> aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha> would be taken care of.> Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising> sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord,> even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still> their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter> covers it all.> ManojDear all, dear Manoj,It's the first time I say something on the list. I'm newbye (I don't knowif this word is correct), and I'm still a student in vedic astrology.I say hello to all of you :-))Plase forgive my english : I speak french and I'm not used to write inEnglish ;-(I'm very interested by your conversation abouth Kujadosha :I've Mars (lord of 2th and 7th) in 12th in Virgo.Jupiter (in 6th, own house, Pisces) aspects Mars.Mars is associated with Mercury (exalted, lord of 9th & 12th in 12th).My birthdata :August 25 196311h33 am CET (10h33 am GMT)Etterbeek, Bruxelles, Belgium (50N49' 4E23')Moon and lagna in Libra.Navamsa lagna : SagittariusMy questions are :- do I still have a Kuja dosha with Jupiter's aspect on Mars ?(I don't know if Jup aspects benefically Mars)Mars is the 7th lord, in 12 th :-(, but Mars still aspects its own house(7th)Mars is also 2th lord, then I have 2th & 7th lord in 12th ! :-(( => twice atime Kujadosha :-(- Do Mercury and Jupiter have a benefical influence on the 7th, or on theKujadosha ?For infos :I got married in 1986. After, two chidren, and after... my husband agressedme in 1994 (very destructively -> my right kidney exploded -> hole hemorragyblood....)After that, I was separated of him and I divorced in 2000.I saw in all my partners's charts that they are all "martians" :- my ex-husband had Moon conjuct Mars in 5th in Aquarius. Sun & Jup in Leo(aspected by Mars) in 11th. He loved weapons, and liked to conflict...- After him, I met another man who was Aries lagna (in Rasi & Navamsa). Wedidn't have conflicts, but we didn't live together.- Now, I am with a men who has Sun in Aries (4th), Mars in 2th (Kujadoshatoo ?) in Aquarius & vargottama, and his Navamsa lagna is Aries.What is good between us is bedpleasures (Mars, lord of 7th, in 12th... ;-),but they are still conflicts between us since we live together.I read in J.Braha's book that :"the person with Kujadosha will be somehow victimized in his marriage"(that was the case for my ex-husbang, who agressed me physically, and alsonow, for my actuel partner, who agressed me too, but psychologycally)and that :"if two personnes have a Kujadosha, they won't hurt each other."With my last partner (Mars in 2th), is it the case ?J.Braha said also that "when two persons have Kujadosha, they will not feelmuch physical attraction between each other"That's not the case with my last partner : there is a lot of attractionbetween us. Do I have to conclude that he doesn't have Kujadosha in hischart ? (But he has Mars in 2th !)(P.S. When I was agressed by my ex-husband, I was in Saturn - Mars dasas(Vimshottari dasa), and Mars is maraka)Hope this will help.P.S. Manoj, you said :> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord...Mars is, in my case, lord of 2th & 7th. How can I see the strenght of Mars(in Shadbala ?)And... how to see the strength of houses ?Thanks to all of you for your answers :-))With my best wishes :-))Marie-ChristineOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Your use of is subject to Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Manoj, I always wondered as to why you wore the Pokhraj in the left hand. We Hindu's consider this the impure hand and Deva Guru should never be worn there. Perhaps you can tell me how this helps as i too have Guru in Simhasana in Meena Lagna and that too in sthira avasta (No motion) . Ithink this position of Jupiter occus once/twice in 12 years in Pisces and perhaps once/twice in 144 years with a Pisces lagna as well...Jupiter in Sagittarius is like Indra the King enjoying power whereas in Piscs the sign of the Maharishi's Guru is engrossed in learning. There is a difference in the quality and direction. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Manoj Pathak gjlist Thursday, October 18, 2001 10:58 AM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Whether it is general or specific or in particular, I am not aware of. But what I am aware of that Jupiter is a planet of Strict Idealism and has to do this role, irrespective of its lordship. And this planet of strict Idealism is placed in My Lagna which happens to be Saggitarius.regards,Manoj_______________Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Inder Jit, OK Lets agree with your point that we marry whom we are bound to marry. Fine So, i will give you one male horoscope and ten female horoscopes and you have to tell me which one the male married as the marriage is destined/bound to marry and you know destiny by say some method. Do you accept this, if not then by using the standard principles of kuja Dosha etc taught in the texts we can choose the right partner and then after they marry you can say that they are husband and wife for seven lives and so on...And even then sometimes the best of astrologers make a mistake. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Inder Jit Sahni gjlist Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:09 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Sanjay wrote,"If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then theperson with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this hasshown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked."Marriages are decided in heaven and are celebrated on earth is a very commonquote, birth and death are fixed and so fixed are our parents. And ifparents are fixed then by astrology we can only choose to find out a alreadyfixed match for us to whom we are bond to marry , no choice my dear. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Dear all, dear Sanjay, Thank you very much for your response. (I answer below) le 17/10/01 21:06 (EET), via son e-mail <sanjayrath, Sanjay Rath a écrit : > What Manoj said is the general rule and IS CORRECT. What you faced is a > specific deviation that is not normally listed while giving general rules. > Understand the principle and then the problem goes away. > > If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person > with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that > the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked. OK > Now coming to the rule of Jupiters aspect. Let me put it like this. Jupiter is > the symbol of peace and protection in the chart whereas Mars is the symbol of > agression and violence. When Jupiter aspects Mars, it controls Mars and > compels it to give up agression and violence and take to the path of peace. For my ex-husband, he had JUP & Sun in LEO in 11th, while Mars cjt Moon were in AQUAR in 5th. There was an aspect of Jup (lord of 3th & 6th too) on Mars, but no aspect of Sat on Mars. His agressivity wasn't controlled by Saturn, and I don't understand how Jup could have controlled his Mars, because he agressed me. > To do this job, Jupiter must be strong and and at least stronger than Mars. In my chart (rasi), Jupiter is in own house (Pisces) but lord of 3th & 6th => I think Jup is strong because is in OH, but not strong because fonctionnal maléfic ? It's difficult for me to make a synthesis of this. Thera are both good and bad influences on Jup. How to choose ? Mars is in Virgo, in 12th, lord of 2th & 7th (= maraka !) => I think that Jup is stronger than Mars. With my jyotishsoftware, I have, in Shadbala : 7,23 rupas for Jup (power = 1,11), and 4,85 rupas for Mars (power : 0,97) Is it correct that Jupiter is stronger than Mars (in that case) ? > Aspect of Saturn on Mars also removes Kuja dosha. > > In your chart, Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces and perhaps in debility or weak > in Navamsa. I don't think so, if I mistake not... ? Jupiter is lagnesh and lord of 4th in Nav => good for Jup ? Jup is aspected by Sat, lord of 2th &3th => not good for Jup ? Jup is aspected by Mars, lord of 5th (good) and 12th (bad) => result ? Jup is in a friend's sign It's difficult for me to make a synthesis of this. Thera are both good and bad influences on Jup. How to choose ? Do you think Jup is weak ? Navamsa chart: Lagna : SAGIT Jup & Merc in 3th in AQUAR Moon in 4th in PISCES Rahu in 6th in TAURUS Sun & Venus in 7th in GEMINI Mars & Sat in 9th in LEO Ketu in 12th in SCORPIO > Jupiter is also the sixth Lord and is unlikely to intervene as > much as it would have done say, when it is the ninth lord. And finally, > Jupiter is the Lord of the sixth house. In any case you are alive and among us > today because Jupiter aspected Mars.. > > Remedy lies in wearing a Rudraksha of as many faces as the house position of > Jupiter What is a Rudraksha ? If I understand well, in my chart (rasi), Jupiter is in 6th => It's good for me wearing a Rudraksha of 6 faces ? > and reciting the Akasha beeja HAM with the name of Hanumanji or Shiva > like HAM Hanumate Namah or HOUM Namah Shivaya. Fasting on Ekadasi is the best > remedy to get over Kuja Dosha as this Tithi is ruled by Mars. > > Best Wishes > Sanjay Rath Thank you for your precious advices :-) Best wishes Marie-Christine Sclifet > - > Marie-Christine Sclifet > gjlist > Wednesday, October 17, 2001 9:43 PM > Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > > > le 16/10/01 11:28 (TU +2), via son e-mail <manojpathak, Manoj > Pathak a écrit : > >> In such cases, the best thing to look for is Bhava Milan and then take into >> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord and benefic >> aspect of Jupiter. If these are present, the maleficence due to Mars dosha >> would be taken care of. > >> Still the benevolence of Jupiter will prevail irrespective of the rising >> sign. Take a test. Whenever Jupiter aspects the 7th house or the 7th lord, >> even if the partners are not having the best of matrimonial bliss, still >> their friends and neighbours would not even come of know of it. Jupiter >> covers it all. > >> Manoj > > Dear all, dear Manoj, > > It's the first time I say something on the list. I'm newbye (I don't know > if this word is correct), and I'm still a student in vedic astrology. > > I say hello to all of you :-)) > > Plase forgive my english : I speak french and I'm not used to write in > English ;-( > > I'm very interested by your conversation abouth Kujadosha : > > I've Mars (lord of 2th and 7th) in 12th in Virgo. > Jupiter (in 6th, own house, Pisces) aspects Mars. > Mars is associated with Mercury (exalted, lord of 9th & 12th in 12th). > > My birthdata : > > August 25 1963 > 11h33 am CET (10h33 am GMT) > Etterbeek, Bruxelles, Belgium (50N49' 4E23') > Moon and lagna in Libra. > Navamsa lagna : Sagittarius > > My questions are : > > - do I still have a Kuja dosha with Jupiter's aspect on Mars ? > (I don't know if Jup aspects benefically Mars) > Mars is the 7th lord, in 12 th :-(, but Mars still aspects its own house > (7th) > Mars is also 2th lord, then I have 2th & 7th lord in 12th ! :-(( => twice a > time Kujadosha :-( > > - Do Mercury and Jupiter have a benefical influence on the 7th, or on the > Kujadosha ? > > For infos : > > I got married in 1986. After, two chidren, and after... my husband agressed > me in 1994 (very destructively -> my right kidney exploded -> hole hemorragy > blood....) > After that, I was separated of him and I divorced in 2000. > > I saw in all my partners's charts that they are all "martians" : > - my ex-husband had Moon conjuct Mars in 5th in Aquarius. Sun & Jup in Leo > (aspected by Mars) in 11th. He loved weapons, and liked to conflict... > - After him, I met another man who was Aries lagna (in Rasi & Navamsa). We > didn't have conflicts, but we didn't live together. > - Now, I am with a men who has Sun in Aries (4th), Mars in 2th (Kujadosha > too ?) in Aquarius & vargottama, and his Navamsa lagna is Aries. > What is good between us is bedpleasures (Mars, lord of 7th, in 12th... ;-), > but they are still conflicts between us since we live together. > > I read in J.Braha's book that : > "the person with Kujadosha will be somehow victimized in his marriage" > (that was the case for my ex-husbang, who agressed me physically, and also > now, for my actuel partner, who agressed me too, but psychologycally) > > and that : > "if two personnes have a Kujadosha, they won't hurt each other." > With my last partner (Mars in 2th), is it the case ? > > J.Braha said also that "when two persons have Kujadosha, they will not feel > much physical attraction between each other" > That's not the case with my last partner : there is a lot of attraction > between us. Do I have to conclude that he doesn't have Kujadosha in his > chart ? (But he has Mars in 2th !) > > (P.S. When I was agressed by my ex-husband, I was in Saturn - Mars dasas > (Vimshottari dasa), and Mars is maraka) > > Hope this will help. > > > P.S. Manoj, you said : >> account the strength of 7th house, 7th lord, 2nd house, 2nd lord... > > Mars is, in my case, lord of 2th & 7th. How can I see the strenght of Mars > (in Shadbala ?) > And... how to see the strength of houses ? > > > Thanks to all of you for your answers :-)) > > With my best wishes :-)) > > Marie-Christine Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat > : gjlist- > > > > Your use of is subject to > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Dear Sanjay, Though it could be done , but still we are in such a stage in astrology that we cannot prove many things like in science that Hydrogen and oxygen combined will always make water.People will believe that Astrology is a science when it will become so. To match the best horoscopes is a very easy thing and to predict the destiny which two will marry will depend on very high intuitive capability and individual capacity, but even if one will try to interfere with the destiny ,one may not succeed. At least i cannot change the destiny of any individual . Some Guru astrologers could do that , i doubt. But Even Krishna could not change the destiny of Arjuna , so no body could interfere ,we can give mental solace and that is our limit.Same was done by Lord Krishna by his teaching to Arjuna. Some times we do predict that these persons are sure to marry , but depends on parameters and circumstances. No further debate on this issue , i will not be available to answer being very busy at the moment with my other activities. With Regards, Inder Jit Sahni - "Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath <gjlist> Friday, October 19, 2001 1:25 AM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Om Gurave Namah -------------------------- Dear Inder Jit, OK Lets agree with your point that we marry whom we are bound to marry. Fine So, i will give you one male horoscope and ten female horoscopes and you have to tell me which one the male married as the marriage is destined/bound to marry and you know destiny by say some method. Do you accept this, if not then by using the standard principles of kuja Dosha etc taught in the texts we can choose the right partner and then after they marry you can say that they are husband and wife for seven lives and so on...And even then sometimes the best of astrologers make a mistake. Best Wishes Sanjay Rath - Inder Jit Sahni gjlist Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:09 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Sanjay wrote, "If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked." Marriages are decided in heaven and are celebrated on earth is a very common quote, birth and death are fixed and so fixed are our parents. And if parents are fixed then by astrology we can only choose to find out a already fixed match for us to whom we are bond to marry , no choice my dear. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Hare Rama Krsna Dear Gurudev! Pranaam I also agree with Inderjit that, we follow whatever is predestined in the heavens. We are only followers like the puppets in the hands of Narayana and we are not the doers, though we perceive that we are only doing everything. Only when we are completely free from the feeling of we as doers, we are free from the bondage of karma and thus with their results. Even if we agree that everything is predestined, we can't sit helpless, thinking that when everything is predestined, why should we interfere and give the remedies!!! We have to act as per our own dharma. A jyotisha's dharma is to take out the native from the problems by suggesting appropriate remedies. Who knows, even those remedies we predestined. Gita says, no one can sit idle in this world, he has to act according to his nature(prakriti). If we have to act, why not act knowledgebly and fulfill our dharma. Only because we can't deterministically predict the life partners doesn't mean that they are not predestined in the heavens. This is only human limitation!! Hence, Gita says just follow the dharma (one's duties and obligations) and everything will fall in place. Just like when a person is ill, he goes to the doctor and recovers, because his nature (prakriti) tells him to go to a doctor. Thus this happens as he is destined to recover and his destiny guides his prakriti to go to the doctor... This wouls look very complex and difficult to understand, as this is nothing but Maya... In this world of maya everyone is trying to satisfy his/ her ego, eventhough there is no difference exist between anyone of us. Only when the person free from his ego (individuality, or the feeling of doership), he is free from the domain of Maya... Until then all of us are trapped... PranaamSarajit - Sanjay Rath gjlist Friday, October 19, 2001 1:25 AM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Om Gurave Namah--------------------------Dear Inder Jit, OK Lets agree with your point that we marry whom we are bound to marry. Fine So, i will give you one male horoscope and ten female horoscopes and you have to tell me which one the male married as the marriage is destined/bound to marry and you know destiny by say some method. Do you accept this, if not then by using the standard principles of kuja Dosha etc taught in the texts we can choose the right partner and then after they marry you can say that they are husband and wife for seven lives and so on...And even then sometimes the best of astrologers make a mistake. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Inder Jit Sahni gjlist Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:09 PM Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions Sanjay wrote,"If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then theperson with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this hasshown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked."Marriages are decided in heaven and are celebrated on earth is a very commonquote, birth and death are fixed and so fixed are our parents. And ifparents are fixed then by astrology we can only choose to find out a alreadyfixed match for us to whom we are bond to marry , no choice my dear.Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 I agree with you Inder Jit, Destiny cannot be changed. One has to enjoy or suffer the prarabh as destined and improve his ways through "Kriyaman". Manoj >"Inder Jit Sahni" <isawhney_21 >gjlist ><gjlist> >Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions >Fri, 19 Oct 2001 07:00:30 +0530 > >Dear Sanjay, >Though it could be done , but still we are in such a stage in astrology >that >we cannot prove many things like in science that Hydrogen and oxygen >combined will always make water.People will believe that Astrology is a >science when it will become so. >To match the best horoscopes is a very easy thing and to predict the >destiny >which two will marry will depend on very high intuitive capability and >individual capacity, but even if one will try to interfere with the destiny >,one may not succeed. > >At least i cannot change the destiny of any individual . >Some Guru astrologers could do that , i doubt. >But Even Krishna could not change the destiny of Arjuna , so no body could >interfere ,we can give mental solace and that is our limit.Same was done by >Lord Krishna by his teaching to Arjuna. > >Some times we do predict that these persons are sure to marry , but depends >on parameters and circumstances. > >No further debate on this issue , i will not be available to answer being >very busy at the moment with my other activities. > >With Regards, >Inder Jit Sahni > >- >"Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath ><gjlist> >Friday, October 19, 2001 1:25 AM >Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > > > >Om Gurave Namah >-------------------------- >Dear Inder Jit, > >OK Lets agree with your point that we marry whom we are bound to marry. >Fine >So, i will give you one male horoscope and ten female horoscopes and you >have to tell me which one the male married as the marriage is >destined/bound >to marry and you know destiny by say some method. > >Do you accept this, if not then by using the standard principles of kuja >Dosha etc taught in the texts we can choose the right partner and then >after >they marry you can say that they are husband and wife for seven lives and >so >on...And even then sometimes the best of astrologers make a mistake. > >Best Wishes >Sanjay Rath >- >Inder Jit Sahni >gjlist >Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:09 PM >Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > > >Sanjay wrote, >"If a person with kuja dosha marries another without Kuja dosha then the >person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you suffered a lot and this has >shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it worked." >Marriages are decided in heaven and are celebrated on earth is a very >common >quote, birth and death are fixed and so fixed are our parents. And if >parents are fixed then by astrology we can only choose to find out a >already >fixed match for us to whom we are bond to marry , no choice my dear. > > > > > > > >Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat >: gjlist- > > > >Your use of is subject to > > _______________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Hello Sarajit, Your mail was a wonderful one, especially encapsulating certain key points in Gita. However, the usage of word 'mAya' stumped me: I don't think the word is used in Gita in the sense of 'illusion' anywhere. Even the 'mama mAyA duratyayA' (my mAya cannot be 'crossed over') does not convey the sense. Actually, I am more interested in knowing if the classical texts of astrology, be it either Parashari or Jaimini sutras mention this word in the first place. Barring the RgVedic 'indro mAyAbhiH pururUpa', the word, 'mAya' has gained importance only after Gaudapada and Shankaracharya. So, can references in classical texts be found to this word, for that matter, even this concept? -- NDS --- Sarajit Poddar <sarajitp wrote: > Hare Rama Krsna > Dear Gurudev! > Pranaam > > I also agree with Inderjit that, we follow whatever > is predestined in the heavens. We are only followers > like the puppets in the hands of Narayana and we are > not the doers, though we perceive that we are only > doing everything. Only when we are completely free > from the feeling of we as doers, we are free from > the bondage of karma and thus with their results. > > Even if we agree that everything is predestined, we > can't sit helpless, thinking that when everything is > predestined, why should we interfere and give the > remedies!!! We have to act as per our own dharma. A > jyotisha's dharma is to take out the native from the > problems by suggesting appropriate remedies. Who > knows, even those remedies we predestined. Gita > says, no one can sit idle in this world, he has to > act according to his nature(prakriti). If we have to > act, why not act knowledgebly and fulfill our > dharma. > > Only because we can't deterministically predict the > life partners doesn't mean that they are not > predestined in the heavens. This is only human > limitation!! > > Hence, Gita says just follow the dharma (one's > duties and obligations) and everything will fall in > place. Just like when a person is ill, he goes to > the doctor and recovers, because his nature > (prakriti) tells him to go to a doctor. Thus this > happens as he is destined to recover and his destiny > guides his prakriti to go to the doctor... This > wouls look very complex and difficult to understand, > as this is nothing but Maya... In this world of maya > everyone is trying to satisfy his/ her ego, > eventhough there is no difference exist between > anyone of us. Only when the person free from his ego > (individuality, or the feeling of doership), he is > free from the domain of Maya... Until then all of us > are trapped... > > Pranaam > Sarajit > > - > Sanjay Rath > gjlist > Friday, October 19, 2001 1:25 AM > Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > > > > Om Gurave Namah > > -------------------------- > Dear Inder Jit, > > OK Lets agree with your point that we marry whom > we are bound to marry. Fine So, i will give you one > male horoscope and ten female horoscopes and you > have to tell me which one the male married as the > marriage is destined/bound to marry and you know > destiny by say some method. > > Do you accept this, if not then by using the > standard principles of kuja Dosha etc taught in the > texts we can choose the right partner and then after > they marry you can say that they are husband and > wife for seven lives and so on...And even then > sometimes the best of astrologers make a mistake. > > Best Wishes > Sanjay Rath > - > Inder Jit Sahni > gjlist > Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:09 PM > Re: [GJ] Kuja Dosha exceptions > > > Sanjay wrote, > "If a person with kuja dosha marries another > without Kuja dosha then the > person with Kuja dosha shall suffer. So, you > suffered a lot and this has > shown that the Kuja dosha was present and that it > worked." > Marriages are decided in heaven and are celebrated > on earth is a very common > quote, birth and death are fixed and so fixed are > our parents. And if > parents are fixed then by astrology we can only > choose to find out a already > fixed match for us to whom we are bond to marry , > no choice my dear. > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat > Sat > : > gjlist- > > > > > Terms of Service. > > Make a great connection at Personals. http://personals. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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