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Since there was/is an extensive discussion on the attack on the WTC:


Here is an interesting interview with Benjamin Creme (British



Perhaps you are interested:



America's agony


A spiritual view of the attack on America The following is an

excerpt from the Share International magazine Questions and Answers

column by Benjamin Creme, the chief editor. Share International brings

together the two major directions of New Age thinking -- the political

and the spiritual. It shows the synthesis underlying the political,

social, economic and spiritual changes now occurring on a global

scale, and seeks to stimulate practical action to rebuild our world

along more just and compassionate lines.


Question: Was there no way the Masters could have prevented the

terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?

Answer: No, not directly. That would have necessitated an infringement

of our free will. Nevertheless, the Masters did warn the American

authorities three months ago that some such attack was planned.


Q. Did the Masters have a part in mitigating the effects in any way?

A. As always, the Masters worked ceaselessly to save lives where

possible, and otherwise to overcome the fear and suffering. There was,

as a result, apparently, almost no suffering at all. (The passengers

in the planes, for example, were surrounded by an energy from Maitreya

which, as it were, cocooned them from the terror of the event, which

they were able to watch with an extraordinary detachment. A very

similar action by Maitreya at Tiannamen Square occurred when the

students were massacred, yet they showed no sign of terror on their



Q. What might America and the West have to learn from these events?

A. - That the world is interdependent and belongs to everyone. - That

there is no true freedom (and security) for anyone without justice for

everyone. - That there are reasons for the hatred which much of the

world (not only the Muslim world) feels towards the Western world. -

That the domination of the world's economy through globalization by

the Western powers is divisive and deeply resented. - That the

automatic support of Israel in every situation, by America in

particular, is driving the Arab world to frustration and despair. In

despair, extreme measures, even self-destruction by suicide bombing,

seems the only way to retaliate.


Q. Do the Masters have a view on how the West should react?

A. Yes, but in a way very different from that which America and her

allies appear to be taking: certainly by showing no fear, no

appeasement of terrorism, but certainly not by bellicose calls for war

and retaliation. Rather, by a detached understanding of the events

which have led to the tragedy of September 11 to come to grips with

the forces of division and separation (therefore breeding hate) in the

Western world. To understand that the call for retaliation only

deepens the crisis and leads to further unnecessary suffering.The

Western nations must be seen to obey the rule of law in bringing the

perpetrators of this terrible crime to the International Court of

Justice. Otherwise, they will simply duplicate the crime in their

desire for revenge.


Q. Was the Master's article on Detachment in the September issue of

Share International a reference to the impending disaster?

A. Yes.15/10/2001 -- Benjamin Creme answers more questions about the

assault on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


Q. Would the projected attack on Afghanistan be the start of the Third

World War?

A. No, I don't think so at all. At the moment it has a quite specific

and limited objective, the knocking out of the Taliban and Osama bin

Laden's military capability and lines of communication, etc., and

there is every intention to limit it to Afghanistan itself. What

America and her allies have to expect is that there may well be some

reaction from existing terrorists who have been, perhaps for years, in

place in America and Europe. But a Third World War -- no.


Q. Will Maitreya stop the global conflict that could cause the end of

this world?

A. No, I don't think he could do that without infringing our free

will. But he would use everything in his power and the power of

Hierarchy as a whole to prevent such an escalation. I don't think

there will be that sort of escalation. What I think, personally, might

happen is that the Taliban may give up Osama bin Laden on certain

conditions -- that he should be tried under the Shariah Law in a

Muslim country. No simple ill-thought-out procedure just for revenge

should be brought to bear. Also, America must prove that Bin Laden is

involved. He himself has said that he is in no way involved. My

information is that he is somewhat involved, but did not actually take

part in this particular event. So when he says he has nothing to do

with it, it may be in a sense true, but probably it was his idea in

the beginning.


Q. On the morning of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York,

I began to experience a sense of 'overshadowing.' It is a very heavy

sensation on my head and heart centres. It is heightened both in my

personal meditation and during Transmission Meditation. It has been

constant and I am still experiencing it now -- three days after the

attack. Another co-worker I was speaking with on the phone as the

events unfolded seemed to be experiencing the same thing. (1) Is this

sense of overshadowing a blessing from Maitreya to limit the loss of

life and/or to comfort those in pain and those grieving? (2) Were

Maitreya and the Master Jesus 'on the scene' helping both the

survivors and those who were dying?

A. (1) It was not 'overshadowing' but a blessing of Maitreya's energy

released to comfort and reduce shock. It was felt worldwide. (2) Yes.


Q. You have said that to the Masters the 'future' has already happened

.... which is how they can make correct predictions. (1) Was this event

foreseen? (2) If so, why has Maitreya seemingly just decided to come

forward 'sooner' due to it? (3) Were the Masters (lawfully) able to

make any efforts to defuse this plot?

A. (1) Yes. The American authorities were warned three months in

advance that some such event was planned. (2) How do you know he did

not start preparations to emerge when it was foreseen? (3) No. That

would have infringed human free will.


Q. With the horrible event of the terrorist attack on America I

believe Americans and indeed the world will find it hard to swallow

the bright picture you portray in your books and discussions of our

future. I think I speak for many who follow Maitreya whose hearts are

crying out: 'Why, why, why, why aren't you coming forward now with

immediacy?' I think the followers of Share International need the

precise answer or answers to this question, now. Please clarify this.

A. Maitreya is as anxious to emerge as people are to see him. However,

he is bound by laws and forces which he alone understands. We can be

sure that he is not standing idly by but is guiding humanity, where

possible, in the right direction. I believe that you will find the

general vision for our future which I portray in my books and lectures

to be correct and accurate. This catastrophe, while sad, unexpected

and dramatic, will have a positive effect in showing that no nation is

invulnerable, that isolationism is no longer an option, and that we

live in one interdependent world where the resources must be shared

more equitably, thus ensuring peace and an end to the despair and

resentment that lead to terrorism.


Q. I watched two memorial church services -- one in a cathedral in the

US and one in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England. Perhaps it was my

imagination but there was a very big difference in the way I felt and

responded. While watching the ceremony in St. Paul's it felt as if

there was a Transmission Meditation going on. Why would this be -- or

is it just imagination? Is there perhaps something special about St.


A. Maitreya has released his energy in great potency through St.

Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and several other cathedrals and

churches in this country (UK). He has also potentized the outflow of

energy in Sacré Coeur, Paris, France, and major temples of all

religions around the world.


Q. There was a story in the media about one of the New York's firemen

stuck underneath rubble after the World Trade Center attack. He

couldn't move and thought he would die. Suddenly a torchlight flashed

nearby and he heard a voice saying 'Grab hold.' He got hold of an arm

and was pulled up. Someone behind him supported him and he realized he

was in a human chain of people escaping. When he got out into safety

he looked for the man with the torch, but he was nowhere to be seen.

He has since called the man who saved him his 'light angel.' Was the

man with a torch a Master or Maitreya?

A. He was the Master Jesus.


Q. If the Allied Forces had decided to bring Hitler and his associates

to an international court of law would that have been a preferable and

better solution than war? Why was war 'acceptable' then but is not the

appropriate response now? Has the world changed a lot since 1939?

A. This is not a 'real' question. Hitler (and Mussolini) were leaders

of their respective countries, not simply a group of terrorists. How

were they to be arrested and tried? After the war there were, if you

remember, the Nuremburg trials of Hitler's associates.


Q. What factors go into the making of a terrorist?

A. Alienation. Anger, despair. Separation. Fanatical belief in one's

own cause over all others. Lack of sense of proportion.


Q. Would the International Court of Justice in The Hague in Holland be

a suitable and acceptable court of law in which terrorists -- from

whichever country -- can be tried?

A. Yes.


Q. In the days after the crash in New York there was a young man with

dark curly hair, called 'the Angel of New York,' who taught the people

how to comfort each other. Was he the Master who lives in New York?

A. No, he was the Master Jesus, who lives in Rome.


Q. In his speech at the memorial ceremony in Brooklyn Stadium, the

Mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, mentioned that many big buildings

collapsed around the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center but nearby

St. Paul's Chapel, built in 1767, remained undamaged, except for a

broken window. Was this an intervention by the Master Jesus?

A. Yes, it was.


Q. Is the Anthrax incident in Florida, USA, part of the terrorist

attacks on New York and Washington?

A. No. My information is that they are completely separate and don't

come from abroad at all. It is the opportunistic act of 'home-grown'



source: http://www.shareintl.org/news/us_attack.htm







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