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Prabhupada's Narayana dasa

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Dear Jyotishi friends,


Narayana dasa indeed is an appropriate window through which to see the

events/destiny of Prabhupada's life, as, after all, he was a pure devotee

of Narayana (Krsna). Narayana embodies all three principles of existence,

namely creation, sustenance and annihilation, respectively relegated to the

functions of the three primal Deities Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara

respectively. Astrologically, these Deities and their functions, are

represented by the three categories of rasis, namely Chara (moveable),

ruled over by Brahma; Sthira (fixed), ruled over by Maheswara, or Shiva;

and dual (Dwisvabhava, ruled over by Vishnu). In the system of Narayana

dasa (aka Padakrama dasa), there are three separate progressions of the

lagna, according to which of the three rasi-types is rising in the

chart. So in essence, depending on the rasi type rising, the Narayana

dasa represents a progression of the lagna to various times or points in

life. Rasis represent the physical effects of the environment directly,

and thus rasi dasas like Narayana, show the pre-determined influences of

Maya (the material, or illusory) energy on the experience of an embodied



At this point, I would like to say that whatever I have learned about

Narayana dasa, and many other key attributes of Parasari and Jaimini

astrology, I have learned from Sanjay Rath, who has written an excellent,

al beit brilliant book on Narayana dasa (recently released). The book goes

into the details of the inception of, calculation, and judgement of

Narayana dasas. It is a must read for anybody interested in learning this

incredible dasa system.


Now, someone may say, that since Prabhupada was a Nitya-siddha, or fully

liberated soul from the start to finish, then how could a dasa showing the

effects of the physical world apply to him? In fact, why should any dasa,

or the horoscope for that matter, apply to such a person? It is a good

question, but lets just say for now, that even Maya is the energy of God,

Whose existence is inseparable from His creation. Suffice it to say then,

that Jyotish, which comes from a Vedanga (and thus is a Shabda-brahman, or

sound incarnation of God), outlines the movements of even Nitya-siddhas,

even though there are no karmas which bind such great souls to the world of



I want to start this analysis with two of the most significant events of

Prabhupada's life, as seen from two proposed lagnas, either Sagittarius or

Capricorn: the date of his coming to America to start his mission of

preaching Krsna Consciousness, September 18, 1965; and, the date of his

passing from this world in Vrndavana, India, on November 14, 1077.




If a change of residence, especially one to a foreign country is to occur

during some dasa (note that rasi dasas in general are best for such

determinations, as the physical or pre-determined effects of the

environment are seen through them), then the following should enter the

picture: lord of the lagna (or dasa rasi), 4th and its lord, 7th, 9th, and

12th and its lord. Also important are Paradesa Saham, or the point of

foreign travel, as well as Matru-pada, or Arudha of the 4th house. Now for

the dasas.




The Narayana dasa on 9/18/1965 was Scorpio/Taurus. Analyze dasas first

from the dasa rasi , and then from the Paka lagna (sign carrying the lord

of the dasa rasi). Sc is directly the 12th house; its lord Ketu (note that

Ketu is the stronger lord between Mars and Ketu for Sc), joins 4th lord

Jupiter in the 9th house. 12th lord Mars, the secondary ruler, joins the

Naiskargika karaka of 4th Moon, and aspects the 9th house, the lord of the

9th house and 4th house Jupiter. Jupiter is also lord of

lagna. Secondly, the 4th from dasa rasi Sc, has the Paradesa saham, which

is 9 degrees Aq. The lord of the 4th from Sc and lord or Paradesa saham,

is Saturn, who goes to the 12th therefrom. Saturn thus represents a move

to the western hemisphere, and being exalted, represents the strongest or

most affluent of western countries, the USA. These are clear and certain

indications that a move to a foreign country would take place at this

time. Note that Saturn also is the lord of A4, and aspects both the Moon

and the 12th lord, who occupy the sub-period sign of Ta.


Another point is, that on the way to America, Prabhupada had two heart

attacks, yet survived. Note that the sub-period sign has 8th lord Moon,

joining 5th lord (heart) Mars, and both received rasi drishti from exalted

maraka lord Saturn. It is significant to note, that the 8th house

(longevity), is stronger than either maraka house or lord, and thus he

survived the ordeal. In fact, in this chart, Rudra (the stronger of 2nd or

8th house), or between Saturn and Moon, is the Moon. Rudra brings about

death during the appropriate dasas, yet in this case, Rudra is also the

lord of the 8th, showing that he does not turn against himself by causing

death. Other factors caused ultimate death, which will be discussed later.




Promise of foreign travel: lagna lord is exalted in the 10th, aspecting the

4th and 12th; 4th lord is in the 5th, aspecting 12th lord Jupiter; 7th lord

is also in the 5th, while 9th lord is in the 9th (unaspected). Some

promise is indicated, although lagna lord going to the 10th, and aspecting

the 4th lord in the 5th, means that one finds success in his own country,

as opposed to a foreign country. Prabhupada's great success was clearly in

foreign countries, in fact, he thought that preaching in India was useless,

as few people rallied behind his cause, even his God-brothers. In the Sg

chart, lagna lord going to the 9th, conjoined and aspected by *both* 12th

lords, Ketu and Mars, is certainly a stronger indication.


If Cp were the lagna, then the Narayana dasa of Pisces/Aries would have

been in place at the time of his travel. Pisces is the 3rd houses,

indicating local travel, not foreign travel; the 4th from Pi has A4, yet

its lord goes to the 7th (Virgo), and there is no aspect from either of the

9th lord (from Pisces) or the 12th lord Saturn. Aries, is the sub-period

sign, yet Mars and karaka Moon go to the 2nd from Aries, and are aspected

only by Saturn, who is lord of the 11th. Paradesa saham is in Sagittarius,

which indeed is the 12th house. Yet, the lord of 12th goes to the 8th, and

is thus not in a position to indicate foreign travel and residence. The

indications of foreign travel are thus weak and not convincing. Also, if

Cp is rising, Saturn is not a maraka, but rather a functional benefic, and

thus his aspect to the 5th house, Sun, and Moon cannot cause heart attack,

much less death at the appointed time.




"Anta-kale ca mam eva, smaran muktva kalevaram

yah prayati sa mad-bhavam, yat nasty atra samsayah" Bg 8.5


Sri Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, that "Whosoever remembers Me alone at

the time of leaving this body, at once attains to my nature. Of this there

is no doubt". Prabhupada left his body in the most sacred Vrndavana dhama,

while his devotees were loudly chanting the Holy Names of Krsna. He went

to Krsna without a doubt. Now lets see the Narayana dasas:


FOR SAGITTARIUS LAGNA: First, the elements that are in place at the time

of death should be all, or most of the following: maraka sthanas, 7th and

2nd house; the 3rd or 8th rasis from Arudha lagna; aspects from lords of

maraka sthanas, or functional malefics; presence of Rudra or Maheswara in

the dasa rasi, or its trines, or malefic rulers of dasa rasis aspecting the

lord of lagna, the 8th, or its lord. Mrtyu-pada (Arudha of the 8th), as

well as Mrtyu-saham (the point of death) will also be instrumental. There

are other factors, but these will suffice for our present analysis.


The Narayana dasa was Gemini/Taurus at the time of death. Gemini is

directly the 7th house, its lord is exalted, is aspected by both Mrtyu-pada

and Mrtyu-saham, and all of them aspect the lagna directly. Ge is also in

the 3rd from Arudha lagna. When the dasa rasi is in the 3rd from Arudha

lagna, provided the term of longevity is expired, there is certain

death. Sub-period sign is Taurus, which has 12th lord Mars, and 8th lord

Moon, both of whom are aspected by a powerful maraka lord Saturn. Note

that natal Saturn, in addition to transit Saturn in the sign of Leo, were

both aspecting the lord of the 8th Moon, and lord of Arudha lagna Mars at

the time of death. This shows, that, although Narayana dasa is a Phalita

dasa, not an Ayur (longevity) dasa per se, still the event of death is

clearly seen through the Gemini/Taurus dasa. Shoola dasa will show the

timing of death in even more poignant ways, but I will leave that analysis

for now. It was the Shoola dasa of Mrtyu-pada Pisces, and maraka sthana

Gemini. Judge for yourself.




It is hard to find a maraka dasa here. Narayana dasa at the time of death

for this lagna, was Capricorn/Aquarius. Cp is the lagna, whose lord is

exalted Saturn in the 10th. Lagna lord strong in the 10th, especially

Saturn, is *not* the time of death. It is a time or rise in career,

position/authority/status, and influence. How in the world could death

have been predicted for Capricorn dasa? One could say, that the aspect of

8th lord Sun from Leo, and 7th lord Moon from its exaltation sign, could

bring about death. Not so - the luminaries, according to Parasara, do not

cause death, even if maraka lords. Arudha lagna is Aries, the third from

which has nothing to do with either the dasa sign, or the sub-period

sign. Further, the 8th from sub-period sign Aq, who also has Rahu the AK,

is empowered with strong planets, especially 8th lord Mercury who joins the

8th in exaltation. Remember too, that Saturn's transit effect will nearly

become benign, and in fact a contributor to longevity, since he is exalted

as lord of the lagna. His transit over the sign of Leo, and already strong

8th house, thus cannot bring about death either.


Anyway, this turned out to be a long post - my eyes are getting a bit weary

right now, so I will stop here. If interest continues, perhaps in the

coming days, we can look at other events that occurred in Prabhupada's life

vis a vis Narayana dasa, and thus see if we can be convinced of either

Capricorn or Sagittarius rising.


Best wishes,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

Faculty Member, SJVC and ACVA

Phone: 541-318-0248

visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> or e-mail

rk. rk and

rkoch rkoch

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Dear Robert:


Just a quick interjection here from a disinterested party: what if most

narayana dasha indications support a Sagittarius lagna while most

vimshottari dasha indications support a Capricorn dasha? How would one

adjudicate these differences?




At 08:36 PM 10/18/01 -0700, Robert A. Koch wrote:

>Dear Jyotishi friends,


>Narayana dasa indeed is an appropriate window through which to see the

>events/destiny of Prabhupada's life, as, after all, he was a pure devotee

>of Narayana (Krsna). Narayana embodies all three principles of existence,

>namely creation, sustenance and annihilation, respectively relegated to the

>functions of the three primal Deities Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara

>respectively. Astrologically, these Deities and their functions, are

>represented by the three categories of rasis, namely Chara (moveable),

>ruled over by Brahma; Sthira (fixed), ruled over by Maheswara, or Shiva;

>and dual (Dwisvabhava, ruled over by Vishnu). In the system of Narayana

>dasa (aka Padakrama dasa), there are three separate progressions of the

>lagna, according to which of the three rasi-types is rising in the

>chart. So in essence, depending on the rasi type rising, the Narayana

>dasa represents a progression of the lagna to various times or points in

>life. Rasis represent the physical effects of the environment directly,

>and thus rasi dasas like Narayana, show the pre-determined influences of

>Maya (the material, or illusory) energy on the experience of an embodied



>At this point, I would like to say that whatever I have learned about

>Narayana dasa, and many other key attributes of Parasari and Jaimini

>astrology, I have learned from Sanjay Rath, who has written an excellent,

>al beit brilliant book on Narayana dasa (recently released). The book goes

>into the details of the inception of, calculation, and judgement of

>Narayana dasas. It is a must read for anybody interested in learning this

>incredible dasa system.


>Now, someone may say, that since Prabhupada was a Nitya-siddha, or fully

>liberated soul from the start to finish, then how could a dasa showing the

>effects of the physical world apply to him? In fact, why should any dasa,

>or the horoscope for that matter, apply to such a person? It is a good

>question, but lets just say for now, that even Maya is the energy of God,

>Whose existence is inseparable from His creation. Suffice it to say then,

>that Jyotish, which comes from a Vedanga (and thus is a Shabda-brahman, or

>sound incarnation of God), outlines the movements of even Nitya-siddhas,

>even though there are no karmas which bind such great souls to the world of



>I want to start this analysis with two of the most significant events of

>Prabhupada's life, as seen from two proposed lagnas, either Sagittarius or

>Capricorn: the date of his coming to America to start his mission of

>preaching Krsna Consciousness, September 18, 1965; and, the date of his

>passing from this world in Vrndavana, India, on November 14, 1077.




>If a change of residence, especially one to a foreign country is to occur

>during some dasa (note that rasi dasas in general are best for such

>determinations, as the physical or pre-determined effects of the

>environment are seen through them), then the following should enter the

>picture: lord of the lagna (or dasa rasi), 4th and its lord, 7th, 9th, and

>12th and its lord. Also important are Paradesa Saham, or the point of

>foreign travel, as well as Matru-pada, or Arudha of the 4th house. Now for

>the dasas.




>The Narayana dasa on 9/18/1965 was Scorpio/Taurus. Analyze dasas first

>from the dasa rasi , and then from the Paka lagna (sign carrying the lord

>of the dasa rasi). Sc is directly the 12th house; its lord Ketu (note that

>Ketu is the stronger lord between Mars and Ketu for Sc), joins 4th lord

>Jupiter in the 9th house. 12th lord Mars, the secondary ruler, joins the

>Naiskargika karaka of 4th Moon, and aspects the 9th house, the lord of the

>9th house and 4th house Jupiter. Jupiter is also lord of

>lagna. Secondly, the 4th from dasa rasi Sc, has the Paradesa saham, which

>is 9 degrees Aq. The lord of the 4th from Sc and lord or Paradesa saham,

>is Saturn, who goes to the 12th therefrom. Saturn thus represents a move

>to the western hemisphere, and being exalted, represents the strongest or

>most affluent of western countries, the USA. These are clear and certain

>indications that a move to a foreign country would take place at this

>time. Note that Saturn also is the lord of A4, and aspects both the Moon

>and the 12th lord, who occupy the sub-period sign of Ta.


>Another point is, that on the way to America, Prabhupada had two heart

>attacks, yet survived. Note that the sub-period sign has 8th lord Moon,

>joining 5th lord (heart) Mars, and both received rasi drishti from exalted

>maraka lord Saturn. It is significant to note, that the 8th house

>(longevity), is stronger than either maraka house or lord, and thus he

>survived the ordeal. In fact, in this chart, Rudra (the stronger of 2nd or

>8th house), or between Saturn and Moon, is the Moon. Rudra brings about

>death during the appropriate dasas, yet in this case, Rudra is also the

>lord of the 8th, showing that he does not turn against himself by causing

>death. Other factors caused ultimate death, which will be discussed later.




>Promise of foreign travel: lagna lord is exalted in the 10th, aspecting the

>4th and 12th; 4th lord is in the 5th, aspecting 12th lord Jupiter; 7th lord

>is also in the 5th, while 9th lord is in the 9th (unaspected). Some

>promise is indicated, although lagna lord going to the 10th, and aspecting

>the 4th lord in the 5th, means that one finds success in his own country,

>as opposed to a foreign country. Prabhupada's great success was clearly in

>foreign countries, in fact, he thought that preaching in India was useless,

>as few people rallied behind his cause, even his God-brothers. In the Sg

>chart, lagna lord going to the 9th, conjoined and aspected by *both* 12th

>lords, Ketu and Mars, is certainly a stronger indication.


>If Cp were the lagna, then the Narayana dasa of Pisces/Aries would have

>been in place at the time of his travel. Pisces is the 3rd houses,

>indicating local travel, not foreign travel; the 4th from Pi has A4, yet

>its lord goes to the 7th (Virgo), and there is no aspect from either of the

>9th lord (from Pisces) or the 12th lord Saturn. Aries, is the sub-period

>sign, yet Mars and karaka Moon go to the 2nd from Aries, and are aspected

>only by Saturn, who is lord of the 11th. Paradesa saham is in Sagittarius,

>which indeed is the 12th house. Yet, the lord of 12th goes to the 8th, and

>is thus not in a position to indicate foreign travel and residence. The

>indications of foreign travel are thus weak and not convincing. Also, if

>Cp is rising, Saturn is not a maraka, but rather a functional benefic, and

>thus his aspect to the 5th house, Sun, and Moon cannot cause heart attack,

>much less death at the appointed time.




>"Anta-kale ca mam eva, smaran muktva kalevaram

>yah prayati sa mad-bhavam, yat nasty atra samsayah" Bg 8.5


>Sri Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, that "Whosoever remembers Me alone at

>the time of leaving this body, at once attains to my nature. Of this there

>is no doubt". Prabhupada left his body in the most sacred Vrndavana dhama,

>while his devotees were loudly chanting the Holy Names of Krsna. He went

>to Krsna without a doubt. Now lets see the Narayana dasas:


>FOR SAGITTARIUS LAGNA: First, the elements that are in place at the time

>of death should be all, or most of the following: maraka sthanas, 7th and

>2nd house; the 3rd or 8th rasis from Arudha lagna; aspects from lords of

>maraka sthanas, or functional malefics; presence of Rudra or Maheswara in

>the dasa rasi, or its trines, or malefic rulers of dasa rasis aspecting the

>lord of lagna, the 8th, or its lord. Mrtyu-pada (Arudha of the 8th), as

>well as Mrtyu-saham (the point of death) will also be instrumental. There

>are other factors, but these will suffice for our present analysis.


>The Narayana dasa was Gemini/Taurus at the time of death. Gemini is

>directly the 7th house, its lord is exalted, is aspected by both Mrtyu-pada

>and Mrtyu-saham, and all of them aspect the lagna directly. Ge is also in

>the 3rd from Arudha lagna. When the dasa rasi is in the 3rd from Arudha

>lagna, provided the term of longevity is expired, there is certain

>death. Sub-period sign is Taurus, which has 12th lord Mars, and 8th lord

>Moon, both of whom are aspected by a powerful maraka lord Saturn. Note

>that natal Saturn, in addition to transit Saturn in the sign of Leo, were

>both aspecting the lord of the 8th Moon, and lord of Arudha lagna Mars at

>the time of death. This shows, that, although Narayana dasa is a Phalita

>dasa, not an Ayur (longevity) dasa per se, still the event of death is

>clearly seen through the Gemini/Taurus dasa. Shoola dasa will show the

>timing of death in even more poignant ways, but I will leave that analysis

>for now. It was the Shoola dasa of Mrtyu-pada Pisces, and maraka sthana

>Gemini. Judge for yourself.




>It is hard to find a maraka dasa here. Narayana dasa at the time of death

>for this lagna, was Capricorn/Aquarius. Cp is the lagna, whose lord is

>exalted Saturn in the 10th. Lagna lord strong in the 10th, especially

>Saturn, is *not* the time of death. It is a time or rise in career,

>position/authority/status, and influence. How in the world could death

>have been predicted for Capricorn dasa? One could say, that the aspect of

>8th lord Sun from Leo, and 7th lord Moon from its exaltation sign, could

>bring about death. Not so - the luminaries, according to Parasara, do not

>cause death, even if maraka lords. Arudha lagna is Aries, the third from

>which has nothing to do with either the dasa sign, or the sub-period

>sign. Further, the 8th from sub-period sign Aq, who also has Rahu the AK,

>is empowered with strong planets, especially 8th lord Mercury who joins the

>8th in exaltation. Remember too, that Saturn's transit effect will nearly

>become benign, and in fact a contributor to longevity, since he is exalted

>as lord of the lagna. His transit over the sign of Leo, and already strong

>8th house, thus cannot bring about death either.


>Anyway, this turned out to be a long post - my eyes are getting a bit weary

>right now, so I will stop here. If interest continues, perhaps in the

>coming days, we can look at other events that occurred in Prabhupada's life

>vis a vis Narayana dasa, and thus see if we can be convinced of either

>Capricorn or Sagittarius rising.


>Best wishes,




>Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

>Faculty Member, SJVC and ACVA

>Phone: 541-318-0248

>visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> or e-mail

>rk. rk and

>rkoch rkoch





>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

>: gjlist-




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It was written:


what if most

narayana dasha indications support a Sagittarius lagna while most

vimshottari dasha indications support a Capricorn dasha? How would one

adjudicate these differences?




Das Responds:


Greetings with love!


This is a difficult chart to rectify obviously (Bhaktivedanta Swami's).

And, there are heated feelings due to who the person was. At least in

sharing, things can be learned from those who know something to share,

even if the information is not conclusive regarding the chart being

discussed enough to convince one and all. Still, this process need not

create anger.


What time has Yogi Karve said Prabhupada was born? He is usually spot on

with his times (but sometimes wrong when he said the ascendents of

charts). So, if someone tells me what time the Yogi gave, me personally,

I would go with that chart carte blanche. That's my opinion, and I know

he gave a time, but I don't know what it is. Anybody know? For me that's

big, but only me. I'm curious myself if anyone knows.


Be sure to keep peace between us all please I ask.


Hare Krishna (Krishna, make me a channel of your peace)


Raghunandan das

(das goravani)

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Dear Chris,


At 11:26 AM 10/19/01 -0400, you wrote:

>Dear Robert:


>Just a quick interjection here from a disinterested party: what if most

>narayana dasha indications support a Sagittarius lagna while most

>vimshottari dasha indications support a Capricorn dasha? How would one

>adjudicate these differences?




Thanks for responding. It may be helpful to first of all see the

differences in interpretation of either a naksatra dasa, or a rasi

dasa. Naksatra dasas are typically calculated from the Moon's naksatra

position, whereas rasi dasas are a progression of the lagna to a particular

point in life. The lagna represents the physical reality, i.e. health,

longevity, and environmental influences on the native; the Moon represents

the level at which such influences are perceived, and thus

processed. Physical influences are more a matter of pre-determination,

whereas the mental disposition toward such influences are how the native

responds to them.


In answer to your question, I can only give my personal experience: you

will see/observe the native's movements in the world, and influences upon

him/her more easily using rasi dasas. Thus if there are differences in

what you see with the Vimsottari dasa, it is probably due to the fact that

these dasas emphasize different things. Mostly, however, rasi dasas run

very synchronously with the Vimsottari. For example, a friend was running

the Narayana dasa of Ta/Sg. In his chart, Taurus is rising with Ketu,

whereas in the 8th house in Sg, was 5th lord Mercury. In the Vimsottari

dasa he was simultaneously running Ketu/Mer. So these kinds of

correspondences take place 99% of the time. Usually, if we see

differences, it is due to a lack of experience with either dasa system.



Best wishes,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

Faculty Member, SJVC and ACVA

Phone: 541-318-0248

visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> or e-mail

rk. rk and

rkoch rkoch

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Om Krsnaaya Namah


Pranaams Robert,


Hare Krsna. Thanks for posting your views on Prabhupada's chart from the

perspective of Narayana Dasas. I don't disagree that Sagittarius is a strong

chart for travel. It most definitely is. However, the possibility is clear

in the natal Capricorn chart as well. The ninth Lord is exalted in the ninth

house, conjunct yogakaraka Venus, who is dispositor of the fourth and

seventh Lords. This exalted ninth Lord is also Lord of A4 and A9 and

receives aspects from them. If there's one thing I would not have hesitated

to predict during Mercury Dasa, then it's got to be travel. In the Capricorn

chart, travel is one of the most outstanding things signified by Mercury



Looking at Pisces Dasa as per the Cap chart - it is aspected by both A4 and

it's Lord. You stated that this is one factor that repeatedly shows up in

charts where the person travels to a foreign land. But my analysis is a bit

more substantial also. Firstly, Pisces contains A7 and is aspected by

Mercury. As mentioned, Mercury is the exalted ninth Lord, as well as being

exalted Lord of A4 and A9. From Pisces, the fourth Lord is exalted in the

seventh. The Lagna Lord is tightly conjunct Ketu, the stronger ninth Lord,

(rasi) aspected by the exalted twelfth Lord. The twelfth house contains

own-house Rahu, who is also karaka for foreign travel, and is aspected by

exalted twelfth Lord Saturn. I would say that the exaltation of the twelfth

Lord in the eighth represents the fact that his travel was quite sudden -

his ride was a gift from the Shipping Company owner, not something he

actually spent time thinking about, and purchased etc. He suddenly had the

opportunity, and he took it. The conjunction of the lagna lord and sixth

lord, as well as Ketu in the sixth house could also represent the multiple

heart-attacks he endured on his journey. But in any case, I still think that

travel during this period could have been seen from the Capricorn chart,

especially with Vimsottari and Narayana Dasa combined.


I've still got to look at the event of his passing. In any case, there

certainly must have been some obvious marakatva during the period,

considering that it was predicted in foresight by a Capricorn chart

astrologer. But I've yet to look into that from the viewpoint of rasi dasas.









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Hello and Haribol everybody


My name is Vrajesvari d.d. and I am new to the list.


I have been following the last few posts about Srila Prabhupadas chart with

interest, but I have a question about Purusottam's email:


<<This exalted ninth Lord is also Lord of A4 and A9 and

receives aspects from them.>>


<<travel is one of the most outstanding things signified by Mercury



What does A4 and A9 stand for? And what does IMHO mean? Maybe I have to start

reading some more books in order to understand. So far, I am only somewhat

knowledgable about the BPHS-system of astrology


Thanks in advance





Bernadette Kuhn

c/o Ayurvedic Rasayanas

P.O. Box 5966

Eugene, OR 97405



Home: 541-349-8680


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Om Krsnaaya Namah


Hi Vrajesvari,


Welcome to the list, and Hare Krsna!



> What does A4 and A9 stand for? And what does IMHO mean? Maybe I



A4 and A9 stands for the Arudhas (also called Padas) of the fourth and ninth

houses respectively. If you have the BPHS, you can read about arudhas in

Chapter 31 of the BPHS in the Sharma/Sagar Publications edition, or chapter

29 of the Santhanam/Ranjan Publications edition.


"IMHO" is just an abbreviation for "In my humble opinion".


Hope it helps,







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Thank you, I actually thought it would stand for Arudha.


I will read the chapter you indicated.


Boy, I hope I am not the only one who does not know basic things like the

meaning of IMHO. That's embarrassing. Oh well, we never learn out...






Bernadette Kuhn

c/o Ayurvedic Rasayanas

P.O. Box 5966

Eugene, OR 97405



Home: 541-349-8680


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