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Dear List,


Recently I hurt people, in order so that Sanjay Rath would not be

offended here.


In my opinion, he is now offending others.


I am not proud of this, rather, I'm ashamed.


I'm similarly ashamed of things KN Rao did in the West, and even one

statement made in print by Bhaktivedanta Swami.


I am not a blind follower of Gurus. I feel that Guru means teacher, not

autocrat, and I think over time, like the caste system, the position has

become a bit twisted. I do not accept blind following of autocratic

Gurus as intelligent. The injunction for the disciple to follow Guru, is

not permission for Gurus to abuse others.


I am not a yes man to any Indian, or Guru, etc. If they are abusive,

they are abusive, no matter who they are.


I sincerely apologize to you all for the fact that some cannot stop

themselves from having personal battles on this list. I have written to

Sanjay separately today asking him to change his tone as well.


I am really very dissapointed personally, with Sanjay, Wendy, and Manoj,

these three mainly, because I think they all should have the ability to

not do as they've been doing.


I hope this list becomes a polite place of sharing very soon, and

completely LACKING personal remarks, personal battles, one-upmanship,

sarcasms, and all such things.


I think every person knows what I mean. I think any adult from any

country can understand what I'm talking about.


I'm sad, and dissapointed, and tired, by all of this.






Das Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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Dear Das,


Re. the below retained parts, I concur wholeheartedly on these in general

(as you know) - I hasten to add without pointing to any particular

individuals here - thanks for posting this.


Hopefully, come the 22nd when Mercury goes Direct things will take a turn

for the better for all the Astrology Lists (that seem to be going through

somewhat of a backward shift at present!).







"Das Goravani" <>


19 October 2001 23:52

[GJ] Dear List




: I am not a blind follower of Gurus. I feel that Guru means teacher, not

: autocrat, and I think over time, like the caste system, the position has

: become a bit twisted. I do not accept blind following of autocratic

: Gurus as intelligent. The injunction for the disciple to follow Guru, is

: not permission for Gurus to abuse others.


: I am not a yes man to any Indian, or Guru, etc. If they are abusive,

: they are abusive, no matter who they are.

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