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Libra & Venus

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gjlist, "Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath> wrote:


> Dear Dharmapada Prabhu,


> Jaya Jagannath!

> In a message you wrote:

> "As far as dispositors are concerned, they are not emphasized at

all in the

> classic literature the way that placement in dushthanas are. It is


> contention that the ascendent lord, Venus and the lord of the house


> properties in the most evil houses of the horoscope preclude the


> of Libra beingthe ascendent of George Harrison, the millionare

musician. "

> Disregarding the dispositorship for a moment, it is worth


> these points:

> (1) Why does Venus get exalted in the sixth from its Moolatrikona?




Thank you for writing on the horoscope of George Harrison.


I will answer your first question thusly- Moolatrikona sequence in

relation to the signs is not the same as placement in the houses. For

example, Aries and Scorpio have6/8 positions from each other, but the

eighth is bad for Mars, and the sixth usually is, too. If you are

implying some kind of carryover correspondence, I cannot accept that.

It is emphasized in the literature, very frankly, that the sixth is

evil for benefics.



> (2) Is the position of the lord of Lagna in exaltation good or is


> debility good?


Exaltation is good, but nothing is black and white. It is always a

matter of shades of grey, especially inastrology. Although Venus is

exalted, venus occupies a bad house, especially for benefics.


> (3) Which is the best place for Venus to occupy for Libra Lagna?


The trines, where Venus has favorable signs to occupy.


> Forgive me for asking these basic questions, but then there is


> difference in the fundamentals out here.


Yes, it seems that my stance is with the fundamentals. All the

literaturestresses that the ascendant lord inthe sixth is very bad,

and that the sixth is bad for Venus.


> Finally, have you wondered about the QUANTUM of WEALTH Venus

can give if

> it is the lord of lagna exalted in the sixth for Libra Lagna, and

that too

> ONLY from its own sources like arts, music, films etc.


Music was the primary source of wealth for George. Even any

investments which he might have made got their capital from his

career in music.


About Jupiter's aspect, he is the lord of the thridandsixth for

Libra. It is hardfor me to believe that thisJupiter providedthe

Beatle fameandwealth.


Fundamentals- hard to dance around fundamentals.


And best regards to you.





(Note that it aspects

> the 11th sign Gemini from Arudha Lagna (Leo) and both Parasara and


> have a lot to tell about this. Now to this add the position of

Jupiter. He

> was wealthy no doubt. Rest later.


> Best Regards

> Sanjay Rath

> http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

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Dear Sanjay

I would be interested in your answer to the 3 questions you pose



(1) Why does Venus get exalted in the sixth from its Moolatrikona?

(2) Is the position of the lord of Lagna in exaltation good or is its debility good?

(3) Which is the best place for Venus to occupy for Libra Lagna?

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Dear List Members

This raises the interesting question of why Venus is exalted in Pisces in the

first place .With the 8 exaltations it is fairly clear why the planet finds

it's exaltation where it does it's energies are compatible with the sign In

Mars case although in an enemy's sign it is argued that being a soldier he wins

glory in battle . Jupiter is another funny one in that he is exalted 8 places

from his MT .However it is relatively easy to see that Guru finds strength in

Cancer's nurturing energies and the Moon and Jupiter are friends with Jupiter

ruling another of the water signs ( although the Moon produced Budha from

illegitimate contact with Jupiter's wife ).


So Venus'exaltation in an enemy's sign is a quandary Why is the planet of sense

gratification exalted in the natural sign for moksha ?

Is it that the soul gives up sense gratification and pursues the path of self

realisation and in this way finds peace .This is the common explanation but is

it correct and sufficient .Another explanation is that the artistic expression

of Venus gets full scope in the sign of unboundedness Any one else got some

ideas ?.


Getting back to GH I certainly do not think it is incompatible for him to have

first Lord in the 6th . He had dsiputes with the government (Taxman was about

the 95% tax rate imposed by Harold Wilson and there was the drug bust) ,the

Beatles fell into acrimonious disagreement which I think was one of GHs major

sources of unhappiness (wasn't there a song called sue you sue me blues ) and

even with the Krishna Consciousness movement he became discouraged by his name

constantly being used to give dredibility to an organisation that was plagued

by scandals.He really was only ever friends with a few mmbers .In his case the

full expression of Venus found in Pisces did turn him towards the search for

moksha .


Hare Krishna






(1) Why does Venus get exalted in the sixth from its Moolatrikona?

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I would assume it stems from observation. These natives seem to be very

compassionate and nonjudgmental.







Sunday, December 09, 2001 10:52 AM

Re: [GJ] Libra & Venus

Dear List Members

This raises the interesting question of why Venus is exalted in Pisces in the

first place .With the 8 exaltations it is fairly clear why the planet finds

it's exaltation where it does it's energies are compatible with the sign In

Mars case although in an enemy's sign it is argued that being a soldier he wins

glory in battle . Jupiter is another funny one in that he is exalted 8 places

from his MT .However it is relatively easy to see that Guru finds strength in

Cancer's nurturing energies and the Moon and Jupiter are friends with Jupiter

ruling another of the water signs ( although the Moon produced Budha from

illegitimate contact with Jupiter's wife ).


So Venus'exaltation in an enemy's sign is a quandary Why is the planet of sense

gratification exalted in the natural sign for moksha ?

Is it that the soul gives up sense gratification and pursues the path of self

realisation and in this way finds peace .This is the common explanation but is

it correct and sufficient .Another explanation is that the artistic expression

of Venus gets full scope in the sign of unboundedness Any one else got some

ideas ?.


Getting back to GH I certainly do not think it is incompatible for him to have

first Lord in the 6th . He had dsiputes with the government (Taxman was about

the 95% tax rate imposed by Harold Wilson and there was the drug bust) ,the

Beatles fell into acrimonious disagreement which I think was one of GHs major

sources of unhappiness (wasn't there a song called sue you sue me blues ) and

even with the Krishna Consciousness movement he became discouraged by his name

constantly being used to give dredibility to an organisation that was plagued

by scandals.He really was only ever friends with a few mmbers .In his case the

full expression of Venus found in Pisces did turn him towards the search for

moksha .


Hare Krishna






(1) Why does Venus get exalted in the sixth from its Moolatrikona? Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Dear Nicholas,


Whom does Venus consider as her Guru ?





>"Nicholas" <costa



>Re: [GJ] Libra & Venus

>Mon, 10 Dec 2001 03:52:54 +1100


>Dear List Members

>This raises the interesting question of why Venus is exalted in Pisces in

>the first place .With the 8 exaltations it is fairly clear why the planet

>finds it's exaltation where it does it's energies are compatible with the

>sign In Mars case although in an enemy's sign it is argued that being a

>soldier he wins glory in battle . Jupiter is another funny one in that he

>is exalted 8 places from his MT .However it is relatively easy to see that

>Guru finds strength in Cancer's nurturing energies and the Moon and Jupiter

>are friends with Jupiter ruling another of the water signs ( although the

>Moon produced Budha from illegitimate contact with Jupiter's wife ).


>So Venus'exaltation in an enemy's sign is a quandary Why is the planet of

>sense gratification exalted in the natural sign for moksha ?

>Is it that the soul gives up sense gratification and pursues the path of

>self realisation and in this way finds peace .This is the common

>explanation but is it correct and sufficient .Another explanation is that

>the artistic expression of Venus gets full scope in the sign of

>unboundedness Any one else got some ideas ?.


>Getting back to GH I certainly do not think it is incompatible for him to

>have first Lord in the 6th . He had dsiputes with the government (Taxman

>was about the 95% tax rate imposed by Harold Wilson and there was the drug

>bust) ,the Beatles fell into acrimonious disagreement which I think was one

>of GHs major sources of unhappiness (wasn't there a song called sue you sue

>me blues ) and even with the Krishna Consciousness movement he became

>discouraged by his name constantly being used to give dredibility to an

>organisation that was plagued by scandals.He really was only ever friends

>with a few mmbers .In his case the full expression of Venus found in Pisces

>did turn him towards the search for moksha .


>Hare Krishna






>(1) Why does Venus get exalted in the sixth from its Moolatrikona?




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Dear Manoj

Nice to have you back contributing

In one sense Jupiter or Brhaspati is the Guru of all the Demigods .

Sometimes Venus Mercury Saturn Rahu and Ketu are considered a group with

Sukracarya as the spiritual master as opposed to Sun Mars Moon and Jupiter

with Brhaspati as Spiritual Master . So within the Vedic scriptures there

does seem to be two ways of visualising things . We say that Mercury is

inimical to Mars but both are demigods and therefore cooperate in the plan

of the Lord .Rahu and Ketu are ditinct in that they are not demigods and

therefore do not have so much authority .


An analogy may be helpful here .In the U.S at elections Republicans run

against Democrats and so may be considered opposed to each other but when it

comes to Osama Bin Laden they cooperate completely and may be considered

friendly .


I'm not sure if I have answered your question and I certainly do not want to

be the last word on this subject







"Manoj Pathak" <manojpathak


Monday, December 10, 2001 3:31 PM

Re: [GJ] Libra & Venus



> Dear Nicholas,


> Whom does Venus consider as her Guru ?


> Manoj



> >"Nicholas" <costa

> >gjlist

> ><gjlist>

> >Re: [GJ] Libra & Venus

> >Mon, 10 Dec 2001 03:52:54 +1100

> >

> >Dear List Members

> >This raises the interesting question of why Venus is exalted in Pisces in

> >the first place .With the 8 exaltations it is fairly clear why the


> >finds it's exaltation where it does it's energies are compatible with the

> >sign In Mars case although in an enemy's sign it is argued that being a

> >soldier he wins glory in battle . Jupiter is another funny one in that he

> >is exalted 8 places from his MT .However it is relatively easy to see


> >Guru finds strength in Cancer's nurturing energies and the Moon and


> >are friends with Jupiter ruling another of the water signs ( although the

> >Moon produced Budha from illegitimate contact with Jupiter's wife ).

> >

> >So Venus'exaltation in an enemy's sign is a quandary Why is the planet of

> >sense gratification exalted in the natural sign for moksha ?

> >Is it that the soul gives up sense gratification and pursues the path of

> >self realisation and in this way finds peace .This is the common

> >explanation but is it correct and sufficient .Another explanation is that

> >the artistic expression of Venus gets full scope in the sign of

> >unboundedness Any one else got some ideas ?.

> >

> >Getting back to GH I certainly do not think it is incompatible for him to

> >have first Lord in the 6th . He had dsiputes with the government (Taxman

> >was about the 95% tax rate imposed by Harold Wilson and there was the


> >bust) ,the Beatles fell into acrimonious disagreement which I think was


> >of GHs major sources of unhappiness (wasn't there a song called sue you


> >me blues ) and even with the Krishna Consciousness movement he became

> >discouraged by his name constantly being used to give dredibility to an

> >organisation that was plagued by scandals.He really was only ever


> >with a few mmbers .In his case the full expression of Venus found in


> >did turn him towards the search for moksha .

> >

> >Hare Krishna

> >Nicholas

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >(1) Why does Venus get exalted in the sixth from its Moolatrikona?



> _______________

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> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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