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Libra & Venus

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OM GURAVE NAMAHDear Dharmapada Prabhu,


Jaya Jagannath!

In a message you wrote:"As far as dispositors are concerned, they are not

emphasized at all in the classic literature the way that placement in

dushthanas are. It is my contention that the ascendent lord, Venus and the lord

of the house of properties in the most evil houses of the horoscope preclude the

possibility of Libra beingthe ascendent of George Harrison, the millionare

musician. "

Disregarding the dispositorship for a moment, it is worth examining these points:

(1) Why does Venus get exalted in the sixth from its Moolatrikona?

(2) Is the position of the lord of Lagna in exaltation good or is its debility good?

(3) Which is the best place for Venus to occupy for Libra Lagna?

Forgive me for asking these basic questions, but then there is some

difference in the fundamentals out here. Finally, have you wondered about

the QUANTUM of WEALTH Venus can give if it is the lord of lagna exalted in the

sixth for Libra Lagna, and that too ONLY from its own sources like arts, music,

films etc. (Note that it aspects the 11th sign Gemini from Arudha Lagna (Leo)

and both Parasara and Jaimini have a lot to tell about this. Now to this add

the position of Jupiter. He was wealthy no doubt. Rest later.

Best RegardsSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

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