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Jupiter, the planet of happiness:


The classic texts (are to my mind) the ground work; the preliminary instruction

that leads us, hopefully, towards a complete (intuitive) understanding of this

divine science. But if we never progress beyond the written texts, our

understanding remains forever between the covers of a book...it's never our own


Scripture says this, scripture says that...and that's as far as we progress.

I'm sure that was never the intention of any of the great sages. Many of us are

teachers ourselves and the desire of us all (I'm sure) is that the student

progresses towards his/her own understanding.


Having the ability to learn from the scriptures and to absorb what you've learnt

is a prerequisite to becoming an astrologer. Then, hopefully, with practice and

experience, the budding astrologer develops the ability to see the

horoscope...then (only) does he become a proficient astrologer, able to teach

and guide others.




With respect to Dharmapada for his convictions, perhaps it might be a good idea

to try to see how Jupiter has manifested in the chart of GH.

Scripture tells us that Jupiter is the planet of happiness. It stands to reason

then that the affairs of the house containing Jupiter's moolatrikona

(strongest) sign may well be the areas of life where we'll find our greatest



Capricorn natives for instance have the 12th as Jupiter's strongest house.

Speaking for myself, with 12th lord Jupiter aspecting ascendant from Cancer; my

greatest happiness comes from the inner journey of unbounded awareness (altered

states of consciousness).

I was never happier than when I lived far-off in a foreign land (Africa)...and

such divine happiness (religious experiences) that have been found only on

meditation retreats (ashrams)...and so on.

My husband has 6th house as Jupiter's moolatrikona...he's utterly miserable when

he's not working. The 6th is the house of work and when he's idle he becomes

lazy and depressed...a distinct lack of happiness!




George Harrison's 3rd house of "fine arts" (music, singing etc) is Jupiter's moolatrikona sign.

Jupiter aspects this house from the 9th as well as aspecting 10th lord Moon in

ascendant and spiritual Ketu & Sun in the 5th house of Mind...

As said before, his 10th lord Moon is isolated in lagna. But the greatest saving

grace is the aspect from Jupiter. We can say that, in spite of his strong

feelings of isolation and detachment, related not only to his emotional nature,

but also to the affairs of the house ruled by Moon. He may well have felt

cut-off from his worldly fame, but his deepest joy and happiness (obviously)

came from his music.

This lifted him up, as well as his career.


I think his greatest times of depression would have been when he was not writing

or singing his music.


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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