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Dear Marcia


Thanks for your email. Due to my vedic training i see loses as karmic

corrections. "Nothing happens without the sanction of the Lord".


I am in my atmakaraka bukti and got a brain hemorragh that kills 50% during the

first 3 weeks to those getting it. In a way i am lucky because i got the

opportunity to live longer and try to adjust my destination to better



It is a loss in a way because i have to re-learn to walk and speak again but it

is not terminal or permanent. As a self employed man, i am just living from my

savings and most of my proyects have been changed. That means that i have not

been able to work in the normal way. I got a different view of life and i

appreciate God more than before. The good thing is that this bukti finishes

next august, but i am taking advantage of my present situation to further

advance in the service of the Lord.


You mention RAhu-Moon. This moon bukti lasts for 1 year and 6 months. The next

bukti last 1 year and 18 days.


If the atmakaraka bukti brings losses or changes, the dasa chidra, or the last

bukti of any main period, is chaotic.


In general,the first bukti is somehow neutral. There is an adjustment in life,

a new beginning, a new direction according to the indications shown in the



The last bukti is chaotic. Likely to see a lost in energies, the native becomes

limited and pessimistic. During dasa chidra, the main advise is to save the

energies because it is like trying to swim against the river. Get out of the

river and have a rest or a break. Wait for the current to slow down again

before you try to swim.


At the beginning of the next main period, energies come back and the person is

likely to become more optimistic. In your next dasa chidra, why you do not try

to write a book?


We grow thinking that "that person is the best for me to make me happy" or "this

person with me is the best lesson in my life" or "i do not like this person and

i have to either tolerateor cut off" or "i am alone and i need someone to love"

or "i want to be alone to satisfy my hunger for knowledge". But we are not the

controllers, we are just learning and really we do not know what is best for us

or what has been destined for us. That is why we make a lot of mistakes. The

best thing is to surrender to higher authorities and "Let it Be"


When we get an obsession for a person or knowledge, we come back to this life to

look for that person or knowlege. Many times because of our karma, our "vision"

is faulty and we are likely to go after what it "looks" like the source of our

obsession. If we are unlucky, we are taken to the "cleaners" and the karmic

"dust" is taken from us.


Corrections come according to our obsessions. That is how we learn.


To love and to be loved, that is the symptom of each soul. We are love, we have

been born from love and we live in love. Therefore we are always searching for



But where is that eternal love? The answer is at the end of our path.


Best wishes

Natabara das

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Dear Natabra,

Thanks for responding.

Do you think that the loss of your health during this bhukti is related

at all to the AK house position? I am sorry

about your health, and have prayed with the others here on the list for

your full recuperation.

I have heard that the last bhukti is often chaotic and full of

change. its interesting what you say

about saving the energy and not swimming upstream....I feel like that is

what I have been doing all

year, so it sounds like it will be more of the same until jupiter dasa.


Its hard to know when to surrender and when to gather up

the energy to take action and swim upstream.

Surrendering lately has felt more like falling into a depression,

but maybe because i think of it

as giving up. It sounds like you have more clarity about using this time

as a spiritual excercise.

Maybe b/c it is my moon bhukti, I have just been totally absorbed in the

feelings and moods of

the moment, with a distinct lack of clarity or vision.

Karma and purification, got to love it.

Take care of yourself Natabra.


t 05:27 AM 12/14/01 +0000, you wrote:




Thanks for your

email. Due to my vedic training i see loses as karmic

corrections. "Nothing happens without the sanction of the



I am in my atmakaraka

bukti and got a brain hemorragh that kills 50% during the first 3 weeks

to those getting it. In a way i am lucky because i got the

opportunity to live longer and try to adjust my destination to better



It is a loss in a way

because i have to re-learn to walk and speak again but it is not terminal

or permanent. As a self employed man, i am just living from my

savings and most of my proyects have been changed. That means that

i have not been able to work in the normal way. I got a different

view of life and i appreciate God more than before. The good thing is

that this bukti finishes next august, but i am taking advantage of my

present situation to further advance in the service of the



You mention

RAhu-Moon. This moon bukti lasts for 1 year and 6 months. The

next bukti last 1 year and 18 days.


If the atmakaraka bukti

brings losses or changes, the dasa chidra, or the last bukti of any main

period, is chaotic.


In general,the first

bukti is somehow neutral. There is an adjustment in life, a new

beginning, a new direction according to the indications shown in the



The last bukti is

chaotic. Likely to see a lost in energies, the native becomes

limited and pessimistic. During dasa chidra, the main advise is to

save the energies because it is like trying to swim against the

river. Get out of the river and have a rest or a break. Wait

for the current to slow down again before you try to



At the beginning of the

next main period, energies come back and the person is likely to become

more optimistic. In your next dasa chidra, why you do not try to

write a book?


We grow thinking that

"that person is the best for me to make me happy" or "this

person with me is the best lesson in my life" or "i do not like

this person and i have to either tolerate

or cut off" or "i am alone and i need someone to love" or

"i want to be alone to satisfy my hunger for knowledge".

But we are not the controllers, we are just learning and really we do not

know what is best for us or what has been destined for us. That is

why we make a lot of mistakes. The best thing is to surrender to

higher authorities and "Let it Be"


When we get an obsession for a person or knowledge, we come back to this

life to look for that person or knowlege. Many times because of our

karma, our "vision" is faulty and we are likely to go after

what it "looks" like the source of our obsession. If we

are unlucky, we are taken to the "cleaners" and the karmic

"dust" is taken from us.


Corrections come according to our obsessions. That is how we



To love and to be loved, that is the symptom of each soul. We are

love, we have been born from love and we live in love. Therefore we

are always searching for love.


But where is that eternal

love? The answer is at the end of our path.






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