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Sun-Saturn period

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Dear Zamani


<<Hello to all.I just entered the Saturn subperiodof my Sun Dasa and I wanted to

know what thecurrent Dasa of Sun-Saturn will mean for me .MySun is in the 12th

house in Virgo and Saturn sitsin my 7th house in Aries (neecha).Im thinkingthat

it could relate to some Relationship/HealthProblems since Saturn is in the 7th

and aspectsthe Lagna.Can someone please give me some insightinto what things

may transpire during thisperiod? Heres my BirthdataZamaniSeptember,19th

196810:23 AM Brooklyn, New York75w10, 39n57Eastern Daylight Savings Time15

Degree Libra Lagna>>

Try the next method.


You are in the Sun main period.


For dasas, look at the ownership of the planet involved. In this case, it is

the Sun ruler of the 11th house.


Therefore in this main period of the Sun, the 11th house indications are likely to be evident.


11th house means among some other 100 things, elder friends (older than you) or

cousins or brothers; labha, or profits, economical development, right ear etc.


But also, because the 5th house represents your previous life or because the 5th

is like a window to see some traits of your previous lives, the 11th is the 7th

to it, or spouse, partnership of yours in previous life.


Just think that in our eternal journey in this creation, you have had many leves

before and that this present one is only a product of that sequence in eternity.


In your previous life, it is likely that you reached a ripe age and had skills,

personality, spouse or partners etc. Therefore, in this life you are very

likely by the bond of love and affection to be born within a similar frame of

living as before.


According to your karma, according to your last thoughts, you were given this

present body to continue learning.


So, you have reincarnated in a suitable family and environment corresponding to

your last way of life.


reincarnation happens when we are given a thanu, a material body. Thanu can be

either subtle or gross. Thanu is as well the first house of the horoscope.


To have a thanu means to have an horoscope. And from thanu you get the whole

meaning of your horoscope to see past, present and future trends.


In a way, you sun indicates the external values you had in previous lives, your relationships.


I have noticed that the more than 2 planets in a house, the more complex the

life of the individual. Because the Sun is involved with another 3 planets (do

not take Uranus now, the outers are for generation readings or for transits and

not for this reading) (and you have to use them with discretion and knowledge).

That configuration indicates to me a very complicated life, with so many

experiences to sort out and focus on institutions like hospitals, prisons,

ashrams etc.


Because the lord of the 11th is in the 12th or lord of 7th (reading from the

5th) in 8th, it means a separation of dear relationships by death in past

lives. That separation caused a lot of problems to you and you lost your

direction in life.


Sometimes our false ego goes out of control and we blame everybody but ourselves

for our calamities. Somehow, you were on the right spiritual direction for

self=realization but for some reason, separation from dear persons came and out

of pain of separation, you used it as an excuse to stop your spiritual

advancement. Now, you have the chance in this present dasa-bukti to disregard

your false ego and to take a more determined nature and continue in the path

which you have stop before.


Look at lord of 5th is Saturn and is necha in 7th confirming the story.

Fortunately, Saturn achieves necha-bhanga and becomes necha-bhanga-raja-yoga.

Indicating that in the buktis of Saturn, you are likely to experiment delays or

obstacles. They are just a way for you to stop, think and meditate where you

made it wrong in the past life, and see your how silly you had been, and take

now a better positive direction in life.


The status of Saturn is indicating problems in the beginning but success in the

end providing that you apply your will power in this life.


For buktis we as vedic astrologers have to study the position of the planets in

question. Saturn bukti lord is in the 7th in Aries indicating some problems to

solve with relationships. In a second aspect and not so prominent but still

necesary, look at the houses aspected by Saturn. The 9th (dharma, duty), 1st

(your own development), and the 4th (mother, home, education, mind etc) All

those factors are working now as a reminder and help to your present



next, you look at the angle between dasa and bukti lords. They are in a 8/6

house angle indicating that you are very likely in this bukti to struggle extra

to achieve your results.


Notice as well that Saturn is in Asvini and your Moon is in aslesha, Those

naksatras are number 1 and 9 (i prefer to read the numbers for the

constellations instead of their names in a horoscope because by reading the

names, my mind slows down a bit cuttting the inpiration of the reading),

Therefore from 9 to 1 naksatras, we have 2 naksatras. The angle of 2 among

moon naksatras is positive as i have already indicated in the moon calendar.


Planets in naksatra angles of 1,5,7,3 from the Moon naksatra means extra

obstacles. And if the house involved are the 6th.8th or 12th, the struggle or

efforts will be more.


Please notice that for buktis, position of the bukti planet is more important.

For dasas, see the ownership of the dasa lord.


Notice that from your previous Jupiter bukti, Jupiter is in the 11th house but

in the 12th house from dasa lord. It means a very important lesson to be learn

from the past relationships.


Due to our gunas, sometimes we do silly mistakes that attach our soul to this

material universe. Our main task is to find a solution to those mistakes.

Awareness is one of the solutions, maturity is another one, and divine

intervention is a must.


Notice that from 25 dec 2001 to 18 Feb 2002 you are going to be in the saturn antara.


For antaras see both, ownership and location of the planet in question. In

general, Saturn bukti- Saturn antara is very intense because there are 2

saturns involved. With Saturn is like walking with an eldery person, you slow

down but you can learn a lot. Expect delays or obstacles but do not rush,

learn out of it. Your moon in Cancer can tell you hoe to meditate the puzzle

in front of you and later on decide a positive direction.


For those that find the dasa, bukti, antaras names difficult, try numbers.

According to the method of numbers that i have read, sun is 1 and Saturn is 8.

therefore you are now under the planetary period of 188. Look back to your

previous planetary periods and see when you were in 688 or VeSaSa and see a

similarity in buktis and antaras but whith less maturity than now.


i hope that these lines are helpul

Best wishes

Natabara Das

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