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Fw: Nakshatra-dashas

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Dear List Members

Here is an interesting post from Martin Gansten to another list which gives

classical references to the idea that during the dasha of a planet the

planets contained within it's (the dasha lord) nakshatras will be activated


Hope you find it as illuminating as I did



"Martin Gansten" <Martin.Gansten


Monday, January 07, 2002 5:00 PM




> We tend to think of Vimshottari dashas as blocks of time belonging to the

> nine planets. As I was recently reminded, however, they belong primarily


> the nakshatras: Vimshottari is an udu- or nakshatra-dasha. This has


> consequences in forecasting.


> The Horasara 31.4-5 states (and is echoed by Jatakaparijata 18.26): 'In


> dasha of a constellation holding a malefic planet, one meets with

> suffering. As far as [it] has gone in the constellation of the dasha


> at that [corresponding time] one should predict its result. If in one of

> the three groups [of stars] (trimandala), a malefic stands bereft of

> strength, and is not conjunct a benefic, one will meet with death at the

> end of the dasha.'


> In other words, the dasha of any nakshatra will, at the appropriate time,

> give the result of the planets occupying that nakshatra, or its trinal

> nakshatras. According to this model, the result of a planet occupying the

> beginning of Asvini, Makha, or Mula will be felt at the beginning of Ketu

> dasha; etc.


> Many nakshatras, of course, will be untenanted; and even those holding

> planets will not give the results of these planets throughout the dasha.

> Hence the planetary ruler of the nakshatra/dasha will make its influence

> felt most of the time. But as, in judging a house, 'occupation is more

> important than rulership', so it may be with dashas too.


> The particular chart which reminded me of this rule was one that I have

> mentioned previously (now again brought to my notice by Tommy Larsen): a

> woman born on 13 January, 1959, at 21:30 CET, Copenhagen, Denmark, with

> 25Le15 rising. She died from cancer on 1 September, 1997, in Mercury dasha

> Rahu bhukti. To be precise, 59.9% of Mercury dasha had passed. Another way

> of expressing this would be to say that the Moon had progressed to a point

> 59.9% into Mercury's nakshatra Revati, or 24Pi39, conjunct not only Ketu


> 24Pi11, but also the 8th cusp at 25Pi23. At the time of death, this point

> was transited by Saturn at 25Pi51.


> Martin





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Glad to see you liked it as much as I did. Neato.




At 06:14 AM 1/8/02 +1100, Nicholas wrote:

>Dear List Members

>Here is an interesting post from Martin Gansten to another list which gives

>classical references to the idea that during the dasha of a planet the

>planets contained within it's (the dasha lord) nakshatras will be activated


>Hope you find it as illuminating as I did



>"Martin Gansten" <Martin.Gansten


>Monday, January 07, 2002 5:00 PM




>> We tend to think of Vimshottari dashas as blocks of time belonging to the

>> nine planets. As I was recently reminded, however, they belong primarily


>> the nakshatras: Vimshottari is an udu- or nakshatra-dasha. This has


>> consequences in forecasting.


>> The Horasara 31.4-5 states (and is echoed by Jatakaparijata 18.26): 'In


>> dasha of a constellation holding a malefic planet, one meets with

>> suffering. As far as [it] has gone in the constellation of the dasha


>> at that [corresponding time] one should predict its result. If in one of

>> the three groups [of stars] (trimandala), a malefic stands bereft of

>> strength, and is not conjunct a benefic, one will meet with death at the

>> end of the dasha.'


>> In other words, the dasha of any nakshatra will, at the appropriate time,

>> give the result of the planets occupying that nakshatra, or its trinal

>> nakshatras. According to this model, the result of a planet occupying the

>> beginning of Asvini, Makha, or Mula will be felt at the beginning of Ketu

>> dasha; etc.


>> Many nakshatras, of course, will be untenanted; and even those holding

>> planets will not give the results of these planets throughout the dasha.

>> Hence the planetary ruler of the nakshatra/dasha will make its influence

>> felt most of the time. But as, in judging a house, 'occupation is more

>> important than rulership', so it may be with dashas too.


>> The particular chart which reminded me of this rule was one that I have

>> mentioned previously (now again brought to my notice by Tommy Larsen): a

>> woman born on 13 January, 1959, at 21:30 CET, Copenhagen, Denmark, with

>> 25Le15 rising. She died from cancer on 1 September, 1997, in Mercury dasha

>> Rahu bhukti. To be precise, 59.9% of Mercury dasha had passed. Another way

>> of expressing this would be to say that the Moon had progressed to a point

>> 59.9% into Mercury's nakshatra Revati, or 24Pi39, conjunct not only Ketu


>> 24Pi11, but also the 8th cusp at 25Pi23. At the time of death, this point

>> was transited by Saturn at 25Pi51.


>> Martin








>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

>: gjlist-




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