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You wrote<<Here's a doubt:I watched a respected and well known astrologer on

television,in an episode where he answered a viewer's question about gems.He

clearly said that one should not separate the gems from thebody after they have

been purified by puja and mantras. According tohim, after a gem has been

installed and worn, it becomes an extensionof your body. Also, it should not be

given to or worn by another personeven for a short time, because you never know

what effect it may haveon that person, especially since you have endowed it

with special energywhen you chant mantras.What do you think of this person's

views? Please tell me because I amconfused.>>Me

Dear Kundalika

Thank you for your question.

For the set up of a gem, the natural vibration of the jeweler "contaminates" the

gem, ring or setting.

There are different ways "to clean" that, either with pure water, lemon juice or

milk (according to the gem), or with mantras.

The wearing of a gem, ring or setting or just the "handling" of it can

"transmit" the personal energies of the person and to avoid them, a cleansing

process is recommended.

The astrologer on TV that you have mentioned is right in his beliefs about gems

but there is also the belief that installed gems should not be taken to

contaminated places.

In the case of my friend that "lend" me his ring. He had two choices. One of

them was to take his installed ring to a toilet and the other choice was to

give me the ring to keep outside of it. Obviously, I was going to "contaminate"

the ring less and later on, my friend could "clean" the ring with mantras more


An installed gem is not an ornament, it is like a dear friend that you "please"

or "feed" with daily mantras and care.

It is like after receiving a mantra after initiation, we start to walk on a

spiritual path. The guru, guides us on that spiritual path and gives us advice

and protection. We do the walk, no him. Guru is like the co-pilot. As long as

we follow his instructions, we are safe. But if we deviate an inch from his

instructions, we "fall".

I was told that there are many unseen living beings. Some of them are good and

some are bad. The good ones can help us but the bad ones are envious and

harmful. When the bad entities perceive that a person has started the spiritual

path, its envy puts obstacles or temptations on that path.

Therefore, we should be like spiritual warriors, always alert and ready to

satisfy the bona fide spiritual master. Spiritual initiation is like a contract

between the sadhu (student) and the Guru. According to that contract, the guru

promises to guide, care, protect and take the sadhu to the spiritual realm. But

if that contract is broken, the guru has nothing to deal with that sadhu.

However, once a sadhu "falls" from the spiritual path, he/she has the

alternative to "reconnect" again or to get initiated by another bona fide guru.


The spiritual path may take one lifetime or many hundreds of lives, it depends

on many factors, one of them is our own will power and the other is God's

mercy. On that path we are given the symptoms or "signs on the path" that we

are on the right direction. Once you start that path, just follow the signs to

the end. That path is not an ordinary path and therefore we need the help of a

map and guidance, that is why we are told to take shelter of guru, sastra and


By bona fide guru, I mean the spiritual master, the representative or agent of

God that can deliver God because he/she knows the path to Him. The Vedas say

that by the mercy of Krishna, we find the guru and by the mercy of guru, we

find Krishna.

We were told as well no to drink water from a toilet or bathroom tap, because

unseen living beings dwell there and when drinking that water, we risk to

become possessed by them. Also, we must avoid crossing a cemetery with raw food

(unprepared) or food that has not being offered to God, because the many unseen

living entities living in that place can "contaminate" that food.

So, after reading about this information, it is up to you to think what to do.

Many thanks for asking for this clarification. It helps to clarify the matter

but any questions are welcome.

Best wishes from one spiritual warrior. J

Natabara Das

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Dear Natabara,


Many thanks for your answer.


I don't know much about gems, there are conflicting views on gems all the time.

My Grandfather, who is also my Guru, doesn't prescribe gems, or encourage their

use. Instead he asks natives to pray to a deity, and he is quite fatalistic in

his approach. He thinks that what is written in a horoscope will happen anyway,

a gem can do little to change it.


Best wishes,



Dear Kundalika

Thank you for your question.

For the set up of a gem, the natural vibration of the jeweler "contaminates" the

gem, ring or setting.

There are different ways "to clean" that, either with pure water, lemon juice or

milk (according to the gem), or with mantras.

The wearing of a gem, ring or setting or just the "handling" of it can

"transmit" the personal energies of the person and to avoid them, a cleansing

process is recommended.

The astrologer on TV that you have mentioned is right in his beliefs about gems

but there is also the belief that installed gems should not be taken to

contaminated places.

In the case of my friend that "lend" me his ring. He had two choices. One of

them was to take his installed ring to a toilet and the other choice was to

give me the ring to keep outside of it. Obviously, I was going to "contaminate"

the ring less and later on, my friend could "clean" the ring with mantras more


An installed gem is not an ornament, it is like a dear friend that you "please"

or "feed" with daily mantras and care.

It is like after receiving a mantra after initiation, we start to walk on a

spiritual path. The guru, guides us on that spiritual path and gives us advice

and protection. We do the walk, no him. Guru is like the co-pilot. As long as

we follow his instructions, we are safe. But if we deviate an inch from his

instructions, we "fall".

I was told that there are many unseen living beings. Some of them are good and

some are bad. The good ones can help us but the bad ones are envious and

harmful. When the bad entities perceive that a person has started the spiritual

path, its envy puts obstacles or temptations on that path.

Therefore, we should be like spiritual warriors, always alert and ready to

satisfy the bona fide spiritual master. Spiritual initiation is like a contract

between the sadhu (student) and the Guru. According to that contract, the guru

promises to guide, care, protect and take the sadhu to the spiritual realm. But

if that contract is broken, the guru has nothing to deal with that sadhu.

However, once a sadhu "falls" from the spiritual path, he/she has the

alternative to "reconnect" again or to get initiated by another bona fide guru.


The spiritual path may take one lifetime or many hundreds of lives, it depends

on many factors, one of them is our own will power and the other is God's

mercy. On that path we are given the symptoms or "signs on the path" that we

are on the right direction. Once you start that path, just follow the signs to

the end. That path is not an ordinary path and therefore we need the help of a

map and guidance, that is why we are told to take shelter of guru, sastra and


By bona fide guru, I mean the spiritual master, the representative or agent of

God that can deliver God because he/she knows the path to Him. The Vedas say

that by the mercy of Krishna, we find the guru and by the mercy of guru, we

find Krishna.

We were told as well no to drink water from a toilet or bathroom tap, because

unseen living beings dwell there and when drinking that water, we risk to

become possessed by them. Also, we must avoid crossing a cemetery with raw food

(unprepared) or food that has not being offered to God, because the many unseen

living entities living in that place can "contaminate" that food.

So, after reading about this information, it is up to you to think what to do.

Many thanks for asking for this clarification. It helps to clarify the matter

but any questions are welcome.

Best wishes from one spiritual warrior. J

Natabara Das

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