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To our mundane jyotishis

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Om Sri Krsnaaya NamahHi Everyone,I would like to request those of our list

members familiar with mundane astrology to comment upon the trends for this

year. I sure there are a lot of people around the world who are glad that 2001

has said "bye-bye", considering the disasters and major losses of human life we

have seen, such as the Gujarat earthquake, the destruction of the largest Buddha

images in existence, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre etc., the

war in Afghanistan etc. The question is, what is 2002 likely to bring. Is it

going to be any improvement on the past year?I must admit that though I have an

interest in mundane astrology, I have never "studied" it. Out of curiosity

though, I did take a look at what I think are relevant factors for the coming

year, and I have tried to string what I do know, to make some basic

interpretations. I am posting these now, in the hope that I may provoke someone

more knowledgeable in this area to write more. So please, don't take what I

write very seriously...especially the bad stuff. Chances are it'll never happen

:-)(BTW, strictly speaking these indications are not for 2002 - they are for

about a year from mid-April 2002 onwards.)GENERAL INDICATIONSExamining the

planetary cabinet that will be elected this year, the two most important posts

- King and Prime Minister - happen to be occupied by Saturn and Mars

respectively. For Starters, this itself is not a good sign. Saturn, the servant

of the natural cabinet now occupying the post of King?!! In general, these

conditions are said to cause troubles from crime and fire, increased sinful

activities, bad leadership, suffering due to wars, declining trade and economic

problems etc. What else would King Saturn advised by Prime Minister Mars

bring?In mid-May, we will see a conjunction of seven planets in the rashi of

Taurus. One of the main possibilities that I think may result from this

conjunction is an increase in natural disasters, earthquakes in particular. The

danger from these disasters increases further after the eclipse on 26th May,

considering that eclipses often tend to act as triggers for earthquakes. So

late May - early June may be a time to watch for earthquakes. Where exactly? I

have no idea! But, it's probably likely to be in place, which witnessed the

eclipse. In any case, it would probably be best if those near major fault-lines

(e.g. Indonesia, Mexico etc.) around the world were to arrange their homes to be

as "earthquake-proof" as possible i.e. by arranging furniture and stuff

safely.Within fourteen days, another eclipse occurs, this time a solar eclipse.

The occurrence of two eclipses with a fortnight of one another has often been

considered ominous within the Vedic literature. The Mahabharata (I think)

states the Great War between the Pandavas and Kauravas took place soon after

the occurrence of two eclipses with a fortnight of one another. Generally, such

an occurrence is considered to be indicative of great bloodshed. Not a very nice

indication.To me, the general indications don't seem too good. Looking

further...THE USAWhile the natal chart of a country is often considered very

revealing, when it comes to the USA, there are more than thirty proposed charts

to choose from. Personally, I have narrowed my choice to two, but as I'm still

uncertain, and am open to other ideas, I have not made use of a natal chart.

Instead, jyotish often makes use of a chart cast for the occurrence of the new

moon in Pisces (Chaitra Shukla Pratipat - the beginning of the first day of the

waxing phase of the Moon, in the lunar month of Chaitra) to make predications

for the year ahead. Taking a parallaxed Moon, and using Washington DC as the

location, the following chart is


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* ** * VIR* LAG * CAN* **

LIB** **GEM ** * *

* * JUP ** * * * * **

* * * RAH * ** * *

* * ** * * LEO * * ** *

* * SAT * ** SCO *

TAU ** * * * *

** * PLU * AQU * MAR * ** * KET *

* * ** * * * *

** * * * * VEN ** * *

* * ** SAG** **ARI

** * CAP* URA * PIS* ** *

* * * MER ** * * *

* ** * * * * ** *

NEP * * MOO SUN * *** * *

*********************************************************A number

of things are striking about this chart. Firstly, the lagna lord occupying the

eighth house in conjunction with the twelfth lord, without any benefic

influences, forms an arishta yoga, and indicates that the USA is likely to face

more than it's fair share of problems this year, and these problems will affect

the nation as a whole (since this is the main signification of the mundane

first house). These problems are likely to be faced particularly in eighth

house matters and in any case, the matters of this house are likely to come to

the forefront considering the lunation occurs in it. This suggests that an

increase in death rates is very likely. This house also governs the "resources

of enemies", and it is possible that the US may get further involved

aggressively with its enemies. Perhaps the most striking thing about this chart

is the conjunction of three top malefics in the tenth house. The tenth

represents the government and rulers, and it seems quite likely that the

current leaders may become unpopular with the public. There is a more sinister

possibility - one of America's top main politicians may in fact become

seriously ill, and may even die. I don't like saying this, but I think it is a

possibility with three malefics in the tenth while the two royal planets, the

Sun and Moon occupy the eighth. Does George Bush enter the picture? I wouldn't

like to say yes, but again, I think the possibility is there considering that

he is the actual leader. Also, while I haven't done any detailed analysis of

his chart, considering that he is running Saturn-Rahu, with both planets being

unqualified marakas, and Saturn actually ruling the maraka seventh and

dussthana eighth, with Rahu being the co-lord of the eighth, there is a

possibility his health, and possibly his life, may be in danger. Things seem

quite critical in June when Bush runs has a Rahu return, and the Saturn-Pluto

opposition becomes exact, with an eclipse also triggering Bush's natal

Rahu-Uranus conjunction. What this is means I don't know. But it looks quite

significant on the charts.The conjunction in the tenth also reflects a few

other possible interpretations. Mars is the karaka for war, and aggressive

action, Saturn rules the sixth house of enemies, and seventh house of foreign

relations and war, and Rahu is the karaka for hidden enemies, and sudden

events, as well as foreigners. With these three all conjunct, it appears pretty

certain that the US is likely to get involved in another major war later this

year. When? I'm not very sure myself, but if we compress vimshottari dashas to

just fit the time period that this chart covers, then we find that the Moons

dasha begins in September, and lasts till October, followed by Mars, Rahu etc.

If this idea works, then considering that the Moon is lacking paksha bala (as

it always will in these charts), and is in the eighth (and therefore

participates in the arishta yoga mentioned earlier), we might expect that

problems may begin in this time period, considering that the Moon rules the

twelfth (hidden enemies, foreign lands etc.) The fact that Rahu, Ketu and Mars

are in mutual kendras (Sarpa yoga) at this time without benefic relief suggests

that world tensions and aggressive tendencies may well be high around this time.

The end of September looks interesting. BTW, it is also probably noteworthy,

that around this same time, the compressed Narayana Dasha of Taurus will also

be running.On the positive side however, the travel industry (including

airlines, railways etc.) is likely to do very well considering that the third

is aspected by it's own lord, Mercury the eleventh lord of gains and the

benefic Jupiter owning the fifth house. Furthermore, the third lord is not only

associated with the lord of wealth and gains, but participates in a powerful

dharma-karma-adhipati yoga with the ninth lord due to the fact that they form

an auspicious parivartana yoga. So major gains can be seen from the travel

industries, and these are likely to be especially strong during Venus dasha,

running from late June to late August. Within this timeframe, the Narayana

dasha of Aquarius will run from late July to late August, and this will be

especially powerful for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the third from

the dasha rashi is occupied by the fifth and ninth lords. What more could one

want? Looking at the dasha rashi itself, we see that it contains the hora

lagna, and the arudha of the eleventh, while being aspected (rashi aspects) by

the Sri lagna and the arudha of the third (i.e. the arudha of the karya

bhava).So, despite the fact that overall this year looks difficult for the USA,

there are some definite positive indications as well. Moving on swiftly on

(swiftly? Me? Overstatement of the year or what!)

INDIAIn the case of India, we are lucky enough to have a natal chart (as opposed

to 30 :-) to work with, and the Independence data is generally accepted by most

astrologers as being an accurate chart for India, so we can consider this chart

in our assessments. India is going through an interesting time at the moment.

It is currently experiencing Saturn's transit over it's lagna, and is just

about to experience a Rahu return, also in the lagna. Yet despite the fact the

these natural malefics may cause immense problems for India, they will almost

always sort themselves out, and will leave India in a stronger position after

completing the transit. Why? For a number of reasons. The most important thing

reason is that Taurus contains a massive forty-four bindus in the

sarvashtakavarga chart. Every planet gets more than four bindus, with most

getting five or more in this rashi. So in transit, they cannot do long-term

damage. Secondly, Taurus is very strong in the navamsha chart, where it is

occupied by the benefic Jupiter, aspected by benefic Mercury, and suffering no

malefic affliction whatsoever. So, all malefic transits to the lagna, are

likely to eventually resolve their own problems, leaving India to come out of

the situation stronger than before.Saturn's transit through Taurus - and Rohini

Nakshatra in particular - is considered extremely inauspicious in the body of

Vedic literature known as the Itihasas and Puranas. It is said to cause major

famine, and lots of bloodshed. The point at 17º of Taurus, and 2º south in

latitude is especially sensitive and is referred to as the Rohini-Shakata, "the

wain of Rohini". The great Varahamihira goes to the extent of saying that "the

whole world is plunged into an ocean of misery", if this shakata is crossed by

Mars, Saturn or a comet. In any case, the importance of Saturn's transit

through Taurus can be understood.India has just begun running the vimshottari

dasha of Venus-Saturn. This is dasha-bhukti combination that is generally

considered to be especially elusive when it comes to interpretation. In the

Indian chart, we see that Venus (lagna and sixth lord) is conjunct Saturn

(ninth and tenth lord - raja yoga karaka) with an orb of about two degrees (in

the third house). The intense sambandha between the two planets suggests

intense results are also likely. They form a powerful raja yoga. In the third,

it indicates that India will successfully advance in weapons technology,

communications technology and will train large and powerful armed forces in the

coming years. Venus, as the lagna and sixth lord, is afflicted closely by the

natural malefic Saturn suggesting that public health may suffer significantly,

and there may be chance of some sort of epidemic, at some point during this

dasha-bhukti. India is also likely to suffer from her enemies and will suffer

territorial attacks (sixth house matters). This may result in the use of the

armed forces (third house). However, this period looks like a period of success

essentially, and any confrontations that India may face will end in Her

favour.Looking at the Chaitra Shukla Pratipat chart for India this year (same

as the USA except with Sagittarius Lagna), we see that the focus of the year is

on foreign relations (lagna lord in the seventh), public buildings, opposition

parties, and the education system. The opposition political parties may become

more dominant this year, and may raise support for themselves. The education

system may undergo reform in someway. But again, the most concerning thing

about the chart is the major malefic combination in the sixth. While malefics

are welcome in the upachayas, they are able to do some harm wherever they are.

In the sixth, they may cause major terrorist/territorial attacks, and

confrontations with enemies, most likely Pakistan. With the sixth lord of

enemies conjunct the seventh lord of foreign relations and war, in the martial

sign of Aries, with Venus in the Nakshatra of Bharani (presided over by Sri

Yamaraja - the demigod responsible for making sure someone collects us when our

time comes), and with the third lord of armed forces and weapons occupying the

sixth house of enemies conjunct the karaka for war, there seems to be a very

real possibility of major war between India and her enemies, the most likely

one being Pakistan. July - August seem critical, with the compressed dashas

being those of Venus, the sixth lord (as per Vimshottari) and Taurus, the sixth

house as per Narayana dasha.I shall leave it there for now. Though my tone may

be in a kindof "know-it-all", snobbish way, that really isn't how I mean to be

(double Leos just find it hard not to talk like that :-) I really don't

actually know much about mundane and any comments, constructive criticism and

alternative viewpoints are very welcome and indeed requested!Thank you all very

much for your time, and may things go a lot better than they seem to pessimistic


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Hi Pursottam,


I agree with most of your conclusions of course, but will comment in more

detail on your approach soon. Keep smilin, :-)





At 11:19 PM 1/7/02 -0000, Pursottam wrote:

> Om Sri Krsnaaya Namah


>Hi Everyone,


>I would like to request those of our list members familiar with mundane

>astrology to comment upon the trends for this year. I sure there are a lot

>of people around the world who are glad that 2001 has said "bye-bye",

>considering the disasters and major losses of human life we have seen,

>such as the Gujarat earthquake, the destruction of the largest Buddha

>images in existence, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre etc.,

>the war in Afghanistan etc. The question is, what is 2002 likely to bring.

>Is it going to be any improvement on the past year?


>I must admit that though I have an interest in mundane astrology, I have

>never "studied" it. Out of curiosity though, I did take a look at what I

>think are relevant factors for the coming year, and I have tried to string

>what I do know, to make some basic interpretations. I am posting these

>now, in the hope that I may provoke someone more knowledgeable in this area

>to write more. So please, don't take what I write very

>seriously...especially the bad stuff. Chances are it'll never happen :-)


>(BTW, strictly speaking these indications are not for 2002 - they are for

>about a year from mid-April 2002 onwards.)




>Examining the planetary cabinet that will be elected this year, the two

>most important posts - King and Prime Minister - happen to be occupied by

>Saturn and Mars respectively. For Starters, this itself is not a good

>sign. Saturn, the servant of the natural cabinet now occupying the post of

>King?!! In general, these conditions are said to cause troubles from crime

>and fire, increased sinful activities, bad leadership, suffering due to

>wars, declining trade and economic problems etc. What else would King

>Saturn advised by Prime Minister Mars bring?


>In mid-May, we will see a conjunction of seven planets in the rashi of

>Taurus. One of the main possibilities that I think may result from this

>conjunction is an increase in natural disasters, earthquakes in

>particular. The danger from these disasters increases further after the

>eclipse on 26th May, considering that eclipses often tend to act as

>triggers for earthquakes. So late May - early June may be a time to watch

>for earthquakes. Where exactly? I have no idea! But, it's probably likely

>to be in place, which witnessed the eclipse. In any case, it would

>probably be best if those near major fault-lines (e.g. Indonesia, Mexico

>etc.) around the world were to arrange their homes to be as

>"earthquake-proof" as possible i.e. by arranging furniture and stuff safely.


>Within fourteen days, another eclipse occurs, this time a solar eclipse.

>The occurrence of two eclipses with a fortnight of one another has often

>been considered ominous within the Vedic literature. The Mahabharata (I

>think) states the Great War between the Pandavas and Kauravas took place

>soon after the occurrence of two eclipses with a fortnight of one another.

>Generally, such an occurrence is considered to be indicative of great

>bloodshed. Not a very nice indication.


>To me, the general indications don't seem too good. Looking further...




>While the natal chart of a country is often considered very revealing,

>when it comes to the USA, there are more than thirty proposed charts to

>choose from. Personally, I have narrowed my choice to two, but as I'm

>still uncertain, and am open to other ideas, I have not made use of a

>natal chart. Instead, jyotish often makes use of a chart cast for the

>occurrence of the new moon in Pisces (Chaitra Shukla Pratipat - the

>beginning of the first day of the waxing phase of the Moon, in the lunar

>month of Chaitra) to make predications for the year ahead. Taking a

>parallaxed Moon, and using Washington DC as the location, the following

>chart is obtained:



> **

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> JUP *

> *

> *

> *

> *

> * *

> *

> * *

> *

> *

> *

> VEN *

> *

> *

> *

> MER *

> *

> *

> *

> **



>A number of things are striking about this chart. Firstly, the lagna lord

>occupying the eighth house in conjunction with the twelfth lord, without

>any benefic influences, forms an arishta yoga, and indicates that the USA

>is likely to face more than it's fair share of problems this year, and

>these problems will affect the nation as a whole (since this is the main

>signification of the mundane first house). These problems are likely to be

>faced particularly in eighth house matters and in any case, the matters of

>this house are likely to come to the forefront considering the lunation

>occurs in it. This suggests that an increase in death rates is very

>likely. This house also governs the "resources of enemies", and it is

>possible that the US may get further involved aggressively with its

>enemies. Perhaps the most striking thing about this chart is the

>conjunction of three top malefics in the tenth house. The tenth represents

>the government and rulers, and it seems quite likely that the current

>leaders may become unpopular with the public. There is a more sinister

>possibility - one of America's top main politicians may in fact become

>seriously ill, and may even die. I don't like saying this, but I think it

>is a possibility with three malefics in the tenth while the two royal

>planets, the Sun and Moon occupy the eighth. Does George Bush enter the

>picture? I wouldn't like to say yes, but again, I think the possibility is

>there considering that he is the actual leader. Also, while I haven't done

>any detailed analysis of his chart, considering that he is running

>Saturn-Rahu, with both planets being unqualified marakas, and Saturn

>actually ruling the maraka seventh and dussthana eighth, with Rahu being

>the co-lord of the eighth, there is a possibility his health, and possibly

>his life, may be in danger. Things seem quite critical in June when Bush

>runs has a Rahu return, and the Saturn-Pluto opposition becomes exact, with

> an eclipse also triggering Bush's natal Rahu-Uranus conjunction. What this

>is means I don't know. But it looks quite significant on the charts.


>The conjunction in the tenth also reflects a few other possible

>interpretations. Mars is the karaka for war, and aggressive action, Saturn

>rules the sixth house of enemies, and seventh house of foreign relations

>and war, and Rahu is the karaka for hidden enemies, and sudden events, as

>well as foreigners. With these three all conjunct, it appears pretty

>certain that the US is likely to get involved in another major war later

>this year. When? I'm not very sure myself, but if we compress vimshottari

>dashas to just fit the time period that this chart covers, then we find

>that the Moons dasha begins in September, and lasts till October, followed

>by Mars, Rahu etc. If this idea works, then considering that the Moon is

>lacking paksha bala (as it always will in these charts), and is in the

>eighth (and therefore participates in the arishta yoga mentioned earlier),

>we might expect that problems may begin in this time period, considering

>that the Moon rules the twelfth (hidden enemies, foreign lands etc.) The

>fact that Rahu, Ketu and Mars are in mutual kendras (Sarpa yoga) at this

>time without benefic relief suggests that world tensions and aggressive

>tendencies may well be high around this time. The end of September looks

>interesting. BTW, it is also probably noteworthy, that around this same

>time, the compressed Narayana Dasha of Taurus will also be running.


>On the positive side however, the travel industry (including airlines,

>railways etc.) is likely to do very well considering that the third is

>aspected by it's own lord, Mercury the eleventh lord of gains and the

>benefic Jupiter owning the fifth house. Furthermore, the third lord is not

>only associated with the lord of wealth and gains, but participates in a

>powerful dharma-karma-adhipati yoga with the ninth lord due to the fact

>that they form an auspicious parivartana yoga. So major gains can be seen

>from the travel industries, and these are likely to be especially strong

>during Venus dasha, running from late June to late August. Within this

>timeframe, the Narayana dasha of Aquarius will run from late July to late

>August, and this will be especially powerful for a number of reasons. First

> and foremost, the third from the dasha rashi is occupied by the fifth and

>ninth lords. What more could one want? Looking at the dasha rashi itself,

>we see that it contains the hora lagna, and the arudha of the eleventh,

>while being aspected (rashi aspects) by the Sri lagna and the arudha of

>the third (i.e. the arudha of the karya bhava).


>So, despite the fact that overall this year looks difficult for the USA,

>there are some definite positive indications as well. Moving on swiftly on

>(swiftly? Me? Overstatement of the year or what!)



> to work with, and the Independence data is generally accepted by most

>astrologers as being an accurate chart for India, so we can consider this

>chart in our assessments. India is going through an interesting time at

>the moment. It is currently experiencing Saturn's transit over it's lagna,

>and is just about to experience a Rahu return, also in the lagna. Yet

>despite the fact the these natural malefics may cause immense problems for

>India, they will almost always sort themselves out, and will leave India

>in a stronger position after completing the transit. Why? For a number of

>reasons. The most important thing reason is that Taurus contains a massive

>forty-four bindus in the sarvashtakavarga chart. Every planet gets more

>than four bindus, with most getting five or more in this rashi. So in

>transit, they cannot do long-term damage. Secondly, Taurus is very strong

>in the navamsha chart, where it is occupied by the benefic Jupiter,

>aspected by benefic Mercury, and suffering no malefic affliction

>whatsoever. So, all malefic transits to the lagna, are likely to

>eventually resolve their own problems, leaving India to come out of the

>situation stronger than before.


>Saturn's transit through Taurus - and Rohini Nakshatra in particular - is

>considered extremely inauspicious in the body of Vedic literature known as

>the Itihasas and Puranas. It is said to cause major famine, and lots of

>bloodshed. The point at 17º of Taurus, and 2º south in latitude is

>especially sensitive and is referred to as the Rohini-Shakata, "the wain

>of Rohini". The great Varahamihira goes to the extent of saying that "the

>whole world is plunged into an ocean of misery", if this shakata is crossed

>by Mars, Saturn or a comet. In any case, the importance of Saturn's

>transit through Taurus can be understood.


>India has just begun running the vimshottari dasha of Venus-Saturn. This

>is dasha-bhukti combination that is generally considered to be especially

>elusive when it comes to interpretation. In the Indian chart, we see that

>Venus (lagna and sixth lord) is conjunct Saturn (ninth and tenth lord -

>raja yoga karaka) with an orb of about two degrees (in the third house).

>The intense sambandha between the two planets suggests intense results are

>also likely. They form a powerful raja yoga. In the third, it indicates

>that India will successfully advance in weapons technology, communications

>technology and will train large and powerful armed forces in the coming

>years. Venus, as the lagna and sixth lord, is afflicted closely by the

>natural malefic Saturn suggesting that public health may suffer

>significantly, and there may be chance of some sort of epidemic, at some

>point during this dasha-bhukti. India is also likely to suffer from her

>enemies and will suffer territorial attacks (sixth house matters). This

>may result in the use of the armed forces (third house). However, this

>period looks like a period of success essentially, and any confrontations

>that India may face will end in Her favour.


>Looking at the Chaitra Shukla Pratipat chart for India this year (same as

>the USA except with Sagittarius Lagna), we see that the focus of the year

>is on foreign relations (lagna lord in the seventh), public buildings,

>opposition parties, and the education system. The opposition political

>parties may become more dominant this year, and may raise support for

>themselves. The education system may undergo reform in someway. But again,

>the most concerning thing about the chart is the major malefic combination

>in the sixth. While malefics are welcome in the upachayas, they are able

>to do some harm wherever they are. In the sixth, they may cause major

>terrorist/territorial attacks, and confrontations with enemies, most

>likely Pakistan. With the sixth lord of enemies conjunct the seventh lord

>of foreign relations and war, in the martial sign of Aries, with Venus in

>the Nakshatra of Bharani (presided over by Sri Yamaraja - the demigod

>responsible for making sure someone collects us when our time comes), and

>with the third lord of armed forces and weapons occupying the sixth house

>of enemies conjunct the karaka for war, there seems to be a very real

>possibility of major war between India and her enemies, the most likely one

> being Pakistan. July - August seem critical, with the compressed dashas

>being those of Venus, the sixth lord (as per Vimshottari) and Taurus, the

>sixth house as per Narayana dasha.


>I shall leave it there for now. Though my tone may be in a kindof

>"know-it-all", snobbish way, that really isn't how I mean to be (double

>Leos just find it hard not to talk like that :-) I really don't actually

>know much about mundane and any comments, constructive criticism and

>alternative viewpoints are very welcome and indeed requested!


>Thank you all very much for your time, and may things go a lot better than

>they seem to pessimistic me!





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-





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Hi Pursottam,


Here are my long overdue comments.


At 11:19 PM 1/7/02 -0000, Pursottam wrote:

> Om Sri Krsnaaya Namah

>(BTW, strictly speaking these indications are not for 2002 - they are for

>about a year from mid-April 2002 onwards.)




>Examining the planetary cabinet that will be elected this year, the two

>most important posts - King and Prime Minister - happen to be occupied by

>Saturn and Mars respectively. For Starters, this itself is not a good

>sign. Saturn, the servant of the natural cabinet now occupying the post of

>King?!! In general, these conditions are said to cause troubles from crime

>and fire, increased sinful activities, bad leadership, suffering due to

>wars, declining trade and economic problems etc. What else would King

>Saturn advised by Prime Minister Mars bring?


I'm sure I'm entirely getting this analogy. What chart is this coming

from, or are you making a more poetic point?



>In mid-May, we will see a conjunction of seven planets in the rashi of

>Taurus. One of the main possibilities that I think may result from this

>conjunction is an increase in natural disasters, earthquakes in

>particular. The danger from these disasters increases further after the

>eclipse on 26th May, considering that eclipses often tend to act as

>triggers for earthquakes. So late May - early June may be a time to watch

>for earthquakes.


I wonder how important this much ballyhooed-Taurus alignment is. We've had

these sorts of things occur before and all sorts of astrologers embarrassed

themselves by predicting doom and gloom disasters. I think there was an

alignment in 1982 that even some fanciful new age physicist types were

predicting California was going to split off and sink into the sea. They

published a book on it. Anyway, I think the eclipse is about 100 times

more important here than Taurus. Not to criticize you here, but really,

what are the precedents to predicting events based on alignments alone?


and Where exactly? I have no idea! But, it's probably likely

>to be in place, which witnessed the eclipse. In any case, it would

>probably be best if those near major fault-lines (e.g. Indonesia, Mexico

>etc.) around the world were to arrange their homes to be as

>"earthquake-proof" as possible i.e. by arranging furniture and stuff safely.


>Within fourteen days, another eclipse occurs, this time a solar eclipse.

>The occurrence of two eclipses with a fortnight of one another has often

>been considered ominous within the Vedic literature. The Mahabharata (I

>think) states the Great War between the Pandavas and Kauravas took place

>soon after the occurrence of two eclipses with a fortnight of one another.

>Generally, such an occurrence is considered to be indicative of great

>bloodshed. Not a very nice indication.


Agree completely -- and one doesn't need to read the Vedas to figure that

eclipses this close together are bad news. It's just common sense.



>To me, the general indications don't seem too good. Looking further...




>While the natal chart of a country is often considered very revealing,

>when it comes to the USA, there are more than thirty proposed charts to

>choose from. Personally, I have narrowed my choice to two, but as I'm

>still uncertain, and am open to other ideas, I have not made use of a

>natal chart.


I'm on the same page too, I've yet to select one. Which two are you

favouring? Personally, I still try the Houck chart, the Solte chart, and

the Sibly chart.


Instead, jyotish often makes use of a chart cast for the

>occurrence of the new moon in Pisces (Chaitra Shukla Pratipat - the

>beginning of the first day of the waxing phase of the Moon, in the lunar

>month of Chaitra) to make predications for the year ahead. Taking a

>parallaxed Moon, and using Washington DC as the location, the following

>chart is obtained:



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>A number of things are striking about this chart. Firstly, the lagna lord

>occupying the eighth house in conjunction with the twelfth lord, without

>any benefic influences, forms an arishta yoga, and indicates that the USA

>is likely to face more than it's fair share of problems this year, and

>these problems will affect the nation as a whole (since this is the main

>signification of the mundane first house).

These problems are likely to be

>faced particularly in eighth house matters and in any case, the matters of

>this house are likely to come to the forefront considering the lunation

>occurs in it. This suggests that an increase in death rates is very

>likely. This house also governs the "resources of enemies", and it is

>possible that the US may get further involved aggressively with its

>enemies. Perhaps the most striking thing about this chart is the

>conjunction of three top malefics in the tenth house. The tenth represents

>the government and rulers, and it seems quite likely that the current

>leaders may become unpopular with the public. There is a more sinister

>possibility - one of America's top main politicians may in fact become

>seriously ill, and may even die. I don't like saying this, but I think it

>is a possibility with three malefics in the tenth while the two royal

>planets, the Sun and Moon occupy the eighth. Does George Bush enter the



I think this picture confirms what many have been saying about Bush based

on his own chart: the man is headed for big trouble this year. In a

sense, the configuration you've mentioned here is far worse for Bush and

the leadership once you include the degree positions of the planets. The

10th house cusp/MC is 25Ta09. Mars and Saturn are fairly distant from that

point but Rahu is very very close to it at 27Ta11 (mean). Not only that,

if you include Pluto, it's nearly excatly conjunct the IC, opposite the MC

and Rahu at 23Sc42. This deepens the affliction even more. Rahu's

dispositor Venus is in the 9th, but it is in exchange with that afflicted

Mars in the 10th. The circle keeps feeding back to those malefics.


I wouldn't like to say yes, but again, I think the possibility is

>there considering that he is the actual leader. Also, while I haven't done

>any detailed analysis of his chart, considering that he is running

>Saturn-Rahu, with both planets being unqualified marakas, and Saturn

>actually ruling the maraka seventh and dussthana eighth, with Rahu being

>the co-lord of the eighth, there is a possibility his health, and possibly

>his life, may be in danger. Things seem quite critical in June when Bush

>runs has a Rahu return, and the Saturn-Pluto opposition becomes exact, with

> an eclipse also triggering Bush's natal Rahu-Uranus conjunction. What this

>is means I don't know. But it looks quite significant on the charts.


Regarding Bush's demise, sad to say, my only question is not if or even

that much when (June seems likely, after the 2nd eclipse), but how?



>The conjunction in the tenth also reflects a few other possible

>interpretations. Mars is the karaka for war, and aggressive action, Saturn

>rules the sixth house of enemies, and seventh house of foreign relations

>and war, and Rahu is the karaka for hidden enemies, and sudden events, as

>well as foreigners. With these three all conjunct, it appears pretty

>certain that the US is likely to get involved in another major war later

>this year. When? I'm not very sure myself, but if we compress vimshottari

>dashas to just fit the time period that this chart covers, then we find

>that the Moons dasha begins in September, and lasts till October, followed

>by Mars, Rahu etc. If this idea works, then considering that the Moon is

>lacking paksha bala (as it always will in these charts), and is in the

>eighth (and therefore participates in the arishta yoga mentioned earlier),

>we might expect that problems may begin in this time period, considering

>that the Moon rules the twelfth (hidden enemies, foreign lands etc.) The

>fact that Rahu, Ketu and Mars are in mutual kendras (Sarpa yoga) at this

>time without benefic relief suggests that world tensions and aggressive

>tendencies may well be high around this time. The end of September looks

>interesting. BTW, it is also probably noteworthy, that around this same

>time, the compressed Narayana Dasha of Taurus will also be running.


Could very well be, but then again, why not Saturn (7L of war afflicted by

Mars and Rahu) or Mars (karaka of war and afflicted by Rahu and Saturn)

dasha as well? But I do think the end of Sept is a time to watch based on

some other factors.





> to work with, and the Independence data is generally accepted by most

>astrologers as being an accurate chart for India, so we can consider this

>chart in our assessments. India is going through an interesting time at

>the moment. It is currently experiencing Saturn's transit over it's lagna,

>and is just about to experience a Rahu return, also in the lagna. Yet

>despite the fact the these natural malefics may cause immense problems for

>India, they will almost always sort themselves out, and will leave India

>in a stronger position after completing the transit. Why? For a number of

>reasons. The most important thing reason is that Taurus contains a massive

>forty-four bindus in the sarvashtakavarga chart. Every planet gets more

>than four bindus, with most getting five or more in this rashi. So in

>transit, they cannot do long-term damage. Secondly, Taurus is very strong

>in the navamsha chart, where it is occupied by the benefic Jupiter,

>aspected by benefic Mercury, and suffering no malefic affliction

>whatsoever. So, all malefic transits to the lagna, are likely to

>eventually resolve their own problems, leaving India to come out of the

>situation stronger than before.


That's true, 44 bindus is certainly nothing to sneeze at, but as I

mentioned in my previous post on India and Pakistan, I see Venus in this

third house as very afflicted. For sure, the bindu count boosts an

otherwise afflicted house, but it's still afflicted. Maybe it's a case of

half empty or half full -- if one pays more attention to those bindus, then

things are looking up. So as far as Saturn's transit to Taurus goes, I

guess time will tell just how much of a protective influence those bindus

exert. And I don't really see as Jupiter as being particularly strong in

navamsha owing to its close conjunction with dissipating Neptune. This

perhaps helps India's image abroad, and even bolsters its idea of a source

of mystical knowledge, but it's not particularly good for basic health and

vitality. I guess it all comes down to whether one uses the outer planets

or not.



>Saturn's transit through Taurus - and Rohini Nakshatra in particular - is

>considered extremely inauspicious in the body of Vedic literature known as

>the Itihasas and Puranas. It is said to cause major famine, and lots of

>bloodshed. The point at 17º of Taurus, and 2º south in latitude is

>especially sensitive and is referred to as the Rohini-Shakata, "the wain

>of Rohini".


I'll make a mental note of that degree and see if anything happens when

Saturn moves through it this April.


The great Varahamihira goes to the extent of saying that "the

>whole world is plunged into an ocean of misery", if this shakata is crossed

>by Mars, Saturn or a comet. In any case, the importance of Saturn's

>transit through Taurus can be understood.


>India has just begun running the vimshottari dasha of Venus-Saturn. This

>is dasha-bhukti combination that is generally considered to be especially

>elusive when it comes to interpretation. In the Indian chart, we see that

>Venus (lagna and sixth lord) is conjunct Saturn (ninth and tenth lord -

>raja yoga karaka) with an orb of about two degrees (in the third house).

>The intense sambandha between the two planets suggests intense results are

>also likely. They form a powerful raja yoga. In the third, it indicates

>that India will successfully advance in weapons technology, communications

>technology and will train large and powerful armed forces in the coming

>years. Venus, as the lagna and sixth lord, is afflicted closely by the

>natural malefic Saturn suggesting that public health may suffer

>significantly, and there may be chance of some sort of epidemic, at some

>point during this dasha-bhukti. India is also likely to suffer from her

>enemies and will suffer territorial attacks (sixth house matters). This

>may result in the use of the armed forces (third house). However, this

>period looks like a period of success essentially, and any confrontations

>that India may face will end in Her favour.


Again, perspective is everything. I see both Venus and Saturn as

significantly afflicted so I would be less rosy in my outlook. Rulerships

or karakas at 10 paces! En garde! Your interpretation may well be correct

here, we'll have to see.



>Looking at the Chaitra Shukla Pratipat chart for India this year (same as

>the USA except with Sagittarius Lagna), we see that the focus of the year

>is on foreign relations (lagna lord in the seventh), public buildings,

>opposition parties, and the education system. The opposition political

>parties may become more dominant this year, and may raise support for

>themselves. The education system may undergo reform in someway. But again,

>the most concerning thing about the chart is the major malefic combination

>in the sixth. While malefics are welcome in the upachayas, they are able

>to do some harm wherever they are. In the sixth, they may cause major

>terrorist/territorial attacks, and confrontations with enemies, most

>likely Pakistan.


Right. This thing that strikes me about this chart is the absence of any

close orbed aspects to the angles. OTOH, there are a couple of close hits

to the sripati house cusps. Ketu 27Sc11 is one degree from the 12th cusp

28Sc51 and thus Rahu is close to the 6th. This might well add up to

conflict. This same pattern is also found is one uses the geocentric moon

chart. But maybe the navamsha tells another story.



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Om Sri Krsnaya Namah


Hi Chris,


Thanks for posting your comments on my analysis. I suppose the good thing

with mundane astrology is eventually we're bound to

find out the results openly and quickly. Also, it's probably the easiest

area to get experience in. But anyway...


>I'm sure I'm entirely getting this analogy. What chart is this coming

>from, or are you making a more poetic point?


This method for ascertaining general world trends is given in the

Kalaprakashika, a classical muhurta text. Each of the seven planets becomes

a "minister" of a certain department. You have the King, the Prime Minister,

the minister for minerals, crops etc. If you want more details, let me know.


>>I wonder how important this much ballyhooed-Taurus alignment is. We've


these sorts of things occur before and all sorts of astrologers embarrassed

themselves by predicting doom and gloom disasters. I think there was an

alignment in 1982 that even some fanciful new age physicist types were

predicting California was going to split off and sink into the sea. They

published a book on it. Anyway, I think the eclipse is about 100 times

more important here than Taurus. Not to criticize you here, but really,

what are the precedents to predicting events based on alignments alone?<<


I'm not predicting the end of the world, or the US sinking or anything

drastic. But, major conjunctions triggered by eclipses seem to be a very

major indication of earthquakes. There are some factors that I would also

expect, that are missing this time, but I think this massive conjunction,

followed by two eclipses is an extremely important factor in it's own right.


>>I'm on the same page too, I've yet to select one. Which two are you

favouring? Personally, I still try the Houck chart, the Solte chart, and

the Sibly chart.<<


The two I favour most are those put forward by Rick Houck and Ron Grimes,

mainly because both astrologers have made accurate predictions on the basis

of their charts.


>>I think this picture confirms what many have been saying about Bush based

on his own chart: the man is headed for big trouble this year. In a

sense, the configuration you've mentioned here is far worse for Bush and

the leadership once you include the degree positions of the planets. The

10th house cusp/MC is 25Ta09. Mars and Saturn are fairly distant from that

point but Rahu is very very close to it at 27Ta11 (mean). Not only that,

if you include Pluto, it's nearly excatly conjunct the IC, opposite the MC

and Rahu at 23Sc42. This deepens the affliction even more. Rahu's

dispositor Venus is in the 9th, but it is in exchange with that afflicted

Mars in the 10th. The circle keeps feeding back to those malefics.<<


Yup, this all seems to confirm the general indications, although

interestingly enough if we use a geocentric Moon here, the chart is

completely different! This may be another interesting test of the

parallax/geocentric argument.


>>Could very well be, but then again, why not Saturn (7L of war afflicted by

Mars and Rahu) or Mars (karaka of war and afflicted by Rahu and Saturn)

dasha as well? But I do think the end of Sept is a time to watch based on

some other factors.<<


All of these could very well play a part, and in fact probably will. But I'm

picking September as the starting point for the troubles, as the Moon rules

the twelfth of foreign lands, and is participating in the arishta yoga with

the lagna lord in the eighth. Of course, the Moon dasha will then lead into

the Mars dasha, which is in turn followed by the Rahu Dasha all the way into

December so things may carry on for this time. The fact that three malefics

are also in mutual kendras in September is also indicative of heightened

aggression, and in addition, though this is just based on an idea I'm

testing for now, the very end of September seems particularly critical. So

I'm picking September as the seed of the tension.


>>That's true, 44 bindus is certainly nothing to sneeze at, but as I

mentioned in my previous post on India and Pakistan, I see Venus in this

third house as very afflicted. <<


I don't dispute that Venus is afflicted - it most definitely is. But I'm not

convinced that this absolutely ruins ALL of it's significations. Though it

may give troubles from enemies and disasters, and be bad for the

"health"/condition of the nation at large, it is at the same time

participating in a raja yoga with Saturn (the yoga karaka), who is

strengthened greatly by this conjunction. So while it may give a lot of

material success and technological advancement/advancement in status, it

will similarly cause major problems from enemies. Kind of like how an

extremely successful person, may suddenly find themselves with some major

disease (strange analogy, I know, but that's all I can think of :-) Because

this raja yoga in the third house, the success may manifest particularly in

those areas i.e. weapons and military technology, communications tecnology,

the travel industry etc.


>>For sure, the bindu count boosts an otherwise afflicted house, but it's

still afflicted. Maybe it's a case of

half empty or half full -- if one pays more attention to those bindus, then

things are looking up. So as far as Saturn's transit to Taurus goes, I

guess time will tell just how much of a protective influence those bindus



While I'm sure Saturn and Rahu will give their share of problems, the reason

I'm so convinced that these will sort out favourably is that ashtakavarga

seems to be a major factor in deciding the outcome of transit influences, as

does the strength of the sign in the navamsa. For example, Robert Koch told

me that these were among the reasons that he predicted the Bill Clinton

would finish his term as President, when the scandal was going on - though

Saturn transiting through Aries is debilitated and has only 1 BAV/25 SAV

bindus, he aspected Gemini in the tenth where Saturn had 5 BAV/33 SAV

bindus, and furthermore, in the Navamsha, both Aries and Gemini are well

fortified. So things turned out favourably for Clinton. Similarly, in

India's chart, Saturn in Taurus may produce problems (especially in foreign

relations - Saturn aspects the seventh with 2 BAV/24 SAV bindus), the great

Ashtakavarga strength in the lagna seems (to me) to be a greatly protective

influence, which means that the malefics may take India to the cliff, but

the AV will never let her fall off.


>>I'll make a mental note of that degree and see if anything happens when

Saturn moves through it this April.<<


Note also the latitude - 2º South. Strictly speaking, this is where the wain

of Rohini is located - 17º Taurus, 2º South.


>>Again, perspective is everything. I see both Venus and Saturn as

significantly afflicted so I would be less rosy in my outlook. Rulerships

or karakas at 10 paces! En garde! Your interpretation may well be correct

here, we'll have to see.<<


Yup, time will tell.


>>Right. This thing that strikes me about this chart is the absence of any

close orbed aspects to the angles. OTOH, there are a couple of close hits

to the sripati house cusps. Ketu 27Sc11 is one degree from the 12th cusp

28Sc51 and thus Rahu is close to the 6th. This might well add up to

conflict. This same pattern is also found is one uses the geocentric moon

chart. But maybe the navamsha tells another story.<<


Yes, this all seems to be telling a similar story. BTW, while we are on the

topic of conflict, have you taken a look at any of the possibilities for

Iraq this year? Robert Koch suggested looking at its chart to me and

suggested there is a major possibility of war. Having looked at the Pisces

New Moon chart, I definitely agree with him. The conjunction of Saturn, Rahu

and Mars in the seventh, while Mars rules the lagna and sixth as well as

being karaka for war, definitely seems to spell major troubles in foreign

relations for Iraq. At the same time there is a parivartana yoga between the

sixth lord (enemies, territorial attacks) and the seventh lord (war, foreign

relations). The seventh lord in the sixth is further afflicted by the eighth

lord, and all this happens in the Martian sign of Aries. The dispositor of

the lunation occupies the eighth, and as such, all the benefics occupy the

dussthanas, while all major malefics occupy kendras. With the navamsha

representing relationships, including foreign relations, things look bad

again with malefics occupying kendras without strong benefic relief. So the

Chaitra Shukla Pratipat chart for Iraq seems to proide quite a bit of

interesting discussion material for this year. If anyone has Iraq's natal

chart, it would be interesting to look at. Goravani Jyotish has some data,

but I don't know the basis for it, nor have I looked into the matter yet.

Anyway, there's quite a bit to watch out for this year, I think.










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Hi Pursottam,



>Thanks for posting your comments on my analysis. I suppose the good thing

>with mundane astrology is eventually we're bound to

>find out the results openly and quickly. Also, it's probably the easiest

>area to get experience in. But anyway...


>>I'm sure I'm entirely getting this analogy. What chart is this coming

>>from, or are you making a more poetic point?


>This method for ascertaining general world trends is given in the

>Kalaprakashika, a classical muhurta text. Each of the seven planets becomes

>a "minister" of a certain department. You have the King, the Prime Minister,

>the minister for minerals, crops etc. If you want more details, let me know.


Sounds interesting. Pass on whatever you can.


>>>I'm on the same page too, I've yet to select one. Which two are you

>favouring? Personally, I still try the Houck chart, the Solte chart, and

>the Sibly chart.<<


>The two I favour most are those put forward by Rick Houck and Ron Grimes,

>mainly because both astrologers have made accurate predictions on the basis

>of their charts.


What have they predicted that was correct? I've heard that Houck had said

Clinton wouldn't resign, but that's about it.




>Yup, this all seems to confirm the general indications, although

>interestingly enough if we use a geocentric Moon here, the chart is

>completely different! This may be another interesting test of the

>parallax/geocentric argument.


I'm not sure I follow you. The geo Pisces new moon has Leo rising as well,

and Mars is less than two degrees from the MC -- yet another sign of

violence directed towards the leader. How are they different?


>>>That's true, 44 bindus is certainly nothing to sneeze at, but as I

>mentioned in my previous post on India and Pakistan, I see Venus in this

>third house as very afflicted. <<


>I don't dispute that Venus is afflicted - it most definitely is. But I'm not

>convinced that this absolutely ruins ALL of it's significations. Though it

>may give troubles from enemies and disasters, and be bad for the

>"health"/condition of the nation at large, it is at the same time

>participating in a raja yoga with Saturn (the yoga karaka), who is

>strengthened greatly by this conjunction.


Right, although I think the 44 bindus helps more than any house rulership

of Saturn.


So while it may give a lot of

>material success and technological advancement/advancement in status, it

>will similarly cause major problems from enemies. Kind of like how an

>extremely successful person, may suddenly find themselves with some major

>disease (strange analogy, I know, but that's all I can think of :-) Because

>this raja yoga in the third house, the success may manifest particularly in

>those areas i.e. weapons and military technology, communications tecnology,

>the travel industry etc.


>>>For sure, the bindu count boosts an otherwise afflicted house, but it's

>still afflicted. Maybe it's a case of

>half empty or half full -- if one pays more attention to those bindus, then

>things are looking up. So as far as Saturn's transit to Taurus goes, I

>guess time will tell just how much of a protective influence those bindus



>While I'm sure Saturn and Rahu will give their share of problems, the reason

>I'm so convinced that these will sort out favourably is that ashtakavarga

>seems to be a major factor in deciding the outcome of transit influences, as

>does the strength of the sign in the navamsa. For example, Robert Koch told

>me that these were among the reasons that he predicted the Bill Clinton

>would finish his term as President, when the scandal was going on - though

>Saturn transiting through Aries is debilitated and has only 1 BAV/25 SAV

>bindus, he aspected Gemini in the tenth where Saturn had 5 BAV/33 SAV

>bindus, and furthermore, in the Navamsha, both Aries and Gemini are well

>fortified. So things turned out favourably for Clinton. Similarly, in

>India's chart, Saturn in Taurus may produce problems (especially in foreign

>relations - Saturn aspects the seventh with 2 BAV/24 SAV bindus), the great

>Ashtakavarga strength in the lagna seems (to me) to be a greatly protective

>influence, which means that the malefics may take India to the cliff, but

>the AV will never let her fall off.


Could very well be.


>Yup, time will tell.


>>>Right. This thing that strikes me about this chart is the absence of any

>close orbed aspects to the angles. OTOH, there are a couple of close hits

>to the sripati house cusps. Ketu 27Sc11 is one degree from the 12th cusp

>28Sc51 and thus Rahu is close to the 6th. This might well add up to

>conflict. This same pattern is also found is one uses the geocentric moon

>chart. But maybe the navamsha tells another story.<<


>Yes, this all seems to be telling a similar story. BTW, while we are on the

>topic of conflict, have you taken a look at any of the possibilities for

>Iraq this year? Robert Koch suggested looking at its chart to me and

>suggested there is a major possibility of war. Having looked at the Pisces

>New Moon chart, I definitely agree with him. The conjunction of Saturn, Rahu

>and Mars in the seventh, while Mars rules the lagna and sixth as well as

>being karaka for war, definitely seems to spell major troubles in foreign

>relations for Iraq.


Right, but the problem is amplified because lagnesh Mars is in a two degree

square with Uranus and if you use geo Moon, then Ketu is one degree off the

lagna. In topo Moon, Saturn is less than one degree from the 7th cusp.

Those sort of exact hits mean that bigger events will be likely. It looks

like the US will attack them.


At the same time there is a parivartana yoga between the

>sixth lord (enemies, territorial attacks) and the seventh lord (war, foreign

>relations). The seventh lord in the sixth is further afflicted by the eighth

>lord, and all this happens in the Martian sign of Aries. The dispositor of

>the lunation occupies the eighth, and as such, all the benefics occupy the

>dussthanas, while all major malefics occupy kendras. With the navamsha

>representing relationships, including foreign relations, things look bad

>again with malefics occupying kendras without strong benefic relief. So the

>Chaitra Shukla Pratipat chart for Iraq seems to proide quite a bit of

>interesting discussion material for this year. If anyone has Iraq's natal

>chart, it would be interesting to look at. Goravani Jyotish has some data,

>but I don't know the basis for it, nor have I looked into the matter yet.

>Anyway, there's quite a bit to watch out for this year, I think.















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>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

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