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Dear Cynthia


I too have Ketu in the 1st house and i agree with what you say about it. But i

can add that Ketu gives a very magnetic and mystical external personality.


Also, although Rahu shows problems in the 7th house, the more karma we pay in

this department, the more happiness we encounter later.


The difference may be in the signs but nevertheless, the nodal axis in 1/7

houses bring a peculiar vibration to those houses.


Your ketu by being the lord of the 12th and in the first, indicates a daridra

yoga. Ketu takes things away from you to learn detachment. But Ketu in the

1st makes you detached.


I think that every planet gives a color to the occupied house. The infra-red of

Ketu makes the native almost invisible to the normal eye when in the 1st house.

And the Ultraviolet of Rahu in the 7th makes relationship more "shiny". Have

you seen a person with a with shirt under ultraviolet light?, the with



Then we have the difference of signs. My Ketu is in Virgo and my Rahu is in Pisces.


Nevertheless, Ketu gives one since childhood a sense of liberation, that is why

Ketu is mokshakaraka, an indicator of moksha, liberation, freedom.


The key word for Sagittarius is "I see" and the key word for Virgo is "I Analize".


Ketu in Sagittarius in the 1st focus more on the vision of things, while on

Virgo, analisis is more important.


Best wishes


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