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Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu

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Dear All,

In light of the recent discussions about the Nodes relationship with Saturn and

Mars I'd like to explore the statement "Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu" in a

logical fashion if I may. The statement means that Rahu gives results like

Saturn and Ketu gives results like Mars.

Now one doesn't have to be as logically astute as Einstein to figure out that

the disposition of these planets are not similar, by any stretch of the



The question must be asked, surely; "what is implied by this statement"...

The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow, restrictive, cautious

etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So

where can we see in the chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like"

results obviously do not come from their nature.

However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give results like Saturn

as he carries the same characteristics through lordship.


The same applies to Ketu and Mars. Ketu is shy, secretive, mystical, introverted

etc., whereas the nature of Mars is totally opposite; bold, rash, aggressive,

ambitious...there is no "like" nature between them at all. But, again, as

co-rulers they carry the same likeness through their mutual lordship.

Believe me, Mars in lagna is not going to give results like Ketu...nor Saturn like Rahu.


Excuse my boldness, but I can't help thinking that a lot of Parashara has simply

been misunderstood.


Another question begs to be answered; why would Rahu be associated with Saturn's

strongest (moolatrikona) sign, and Ketu with Mars weaker (own) sign. Again I

think the answer's fairly obvious when we consider the more powerful, visible

characteristics of Rahu as compared to the unassuming, invisible nature of

Ketu...it's true to his nature to take a back seat; let Mars have the glory :-)


Some food for thought!


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Dear Wendy

Good points

Any Vedic text is summarised information and the extrapolation can be puzzling .

Your expansion on Shanic Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu makes good sense

Best Wishes



Wendy Vasicek


Cc: Jyotish Vidya

Friday, January 11, 2002 8:05 AM

[GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu

Dear All,

In light of the recent discussions about the Nodes relationship with Saturn and

Mars I'd like to explore the statement "Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu" in a

logical fashion if I may. The statement means that Rahu gives results like

Saturn and Ketu gives results like Mars.

Now one doesn't have to be as logically astute as Einstein to figure out that

the disposition of these planets are not similar, by any stretch of the



The question must be asked, surely; "what is implied by this statement"...

The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow, restrictive, cautious

etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So

where can we see in the chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like"

results obviously do not come from their nature.

However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give results like Saturn

as he carries the same characteristics through lordship.


The same applies to Ketu and Mars. Ketu is shy, secretive, mystical, introverted

etc., whereas the nature of Mars is totally opposite; bold, rash, aggressive,

ambitious...there is no "like" nature between them at all. But, again, as

co-rulers they carry the same likeness through their mutual lordship.

Believe me, Mars in lagna is not going to give results like Ketu...nor Saturn like Rahu.


Excuse my boldness, but I can't help thinking that a lot of Parashara has simply

been misunderstood.


Another question begs to be answered; why would Rahu be associated with Saturn's

strongest (moolatrikona) sign, and Ketu with Mars weaker (own) sign. Again I

think the answer's fairly obvious when we consider the more powerful, visible

characteristics of Rahu as compared to the unassuming, invisible nature of

Ketu...it's true to his nature to take a back seat; let Mars have the glory :-)


Some food for thought!


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Om

Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an email

to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

Groups is subject to the

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The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow, restrictive, cautious

etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So

where can we see in the chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like"

results obviously do not come from their nature.

However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give results like Saturn

as he carries the same characteristics through lordship.


C.S. Ravindramani writes: 11-2-2002 1000 hrs IST


Dear Mrs. Wendy, This is really a very good food for thought!


Saturn and Rahu can give the "like" results obviously from their nature also.

As i understand the Hindu astrology and my logic goes as follows:

Saturn and Rahu both are natural malefics. Saturn and Rahu both treat Mercury as

their natural friends and when they are posited in Mercurian signs they give

favourable results to the native in respect of their natural indications

subject to other influences on them.

Saturn and Rahu both are slow moving planets in the zodiac. Hence they give

their results slowly but their results are felt by the native for a longer

period and in greater intensity (say for example if they give diseases - they

are chronic in nature and at times incurable if they be posited in 8th.) Saturn

and Rahu both represent darkness - they are black in colour - opposed to light -

creates fear in the mind of the native - (say for example if they influnce moon

the karaka for mind, Rahu when eclipsing moon creates lot of phobias and

unfound fears.) Saturn and Rahu both have been allotted the dasha periods by

sage parashara 19 and 18 years respectively. ( may be a logic behind it - none

is satisfactorily give the logic for allottment of dasha periods among the

planets.). During the Dasha period of saturn and Rahu a native is being brought

to the right path - he is put under rigirous test in all his walk of life and

the native remembers the Almighty.

Saturn and Rahu both represent seperativeness. Saturn and Rahu both represent nerves.

Like wise

Mars and Ketu enjoys the Dasha period of 7 years. Mars and Ketu represents firey

nature in common. Mars and Ketu both are natural malefics. During their Dasha

periods native is prone to injuries. Mars and Ketu both posited in 5th house

they tend to deny progeny subject to other influence on them.

Kindly ponder over my logic and correct me wherever my concept is wrong.

Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.


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Dear Ravindramani

You have identified some similarities between Saturn and Rahu or Mars and Ketu

but Wendy has identified some clear differences also . I do not think your

points negate Wendys . Mars rules both Scorpio and Aries though they are vastly

different signs . So if a planet can rule 2 vastly different signs why cannot a

sign have 2 different rulers .

After all an individual can have one boss at work and another at home : - )

More food for thought





Friday, January 11, 2002 3:42 PM

Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu

Wendy Vasicek <wenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au> wrote:

The question must be asked, surely; "what is implied by this statement"...

The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow, restrictive, cautious

etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So

where can we see in the chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like"

results obviously do not come from their nature.

However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give results like Saturn

as he carries the same characteristics through lordship.


C.S. Ravindramani writes: 11-2-2002 1000 hrs IST


Dear Mrs. Wendy, This is really a very good food for thought!


Saturn and Rahu can give the "like" results obviously from their nature also.

As i understand the Hindu astrology and my logic goes as follows:

Saturn and Rahu both are natural malefics. Saturn and Rahu both treat Mercury as

their natural friends and when they are posited in Mercurian signs they give

favourable results to the native in respect of their natural indications

subject to other influences on them.

Saturn and Rahu both are slow moving planets in the zodiac. Hence they give

their results slowly but their results are felt by the native for a longer

period and in greater intensity (say for example if they give diseases - they

are chronic in nature and at times incurable if they be posited in 8th.) Saturn

and Rahu both represent darkness - they are black in colour - opposed to light -

creates fear in the mind of the native - (say for example if they influnce moon

the karaka for mind, Rahu when eclipsing moon creates lot of phobias and

unfound fears.) Saturn and Rahu both have been allotted the dasha periods by

sage parashara 19 and 18 years respectively. ( may be a logic behind it - none

is satisfactorily give the logic for allottment of dasha periods among the

planets.). During the Dasha period of saturn and Rahu a native is being brought

to the right path - he is put under rigirous test in all his walk of life and

the native remembers the Almighty.

Saturn and Rahu both represent seperativeness. Saturn and Rahu both represent nerves.

Like wise

Mars and Ketu enjoys the Dasha period of 7 years. Mars and Ketu represents firey

nature in common. Mars and Ketu both are natural malefics. During their Dasha

periods native is prone to injuries. Mars and Ketu both posited in 5th house

they tend to deny progeny subject to other influence on them.

Kindly ponder over my logic and correct me wherever my concept is wrong.

Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.


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Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

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My intention was not to negate Ms. Wendy's observations.

You are right, i tried to find out the similarities between the subject planets

notwithstanding their acquired lordships. Thankyou for your food for thought


Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.

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I dont agree to your Logic.

Can there be a King to one Territory or one President to a Country?

Apart from what discussion is going on.

Can someone give an Example, illustrating how Rahu has effects of

Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio.

I think that will be a nice discussion.






gjlist, "Nicholas" <jyotish108@h...> wrote:

> Dear Ravindramani

> You have identified some similarities between Saturn and Rahu or

Mars and Ketu but Wendy has identified some clear differences also .

I do not think your points negate Wendys . Mars rules both Scorpio

and Aries though they are vastly different signs . So if a planet can

rule 2 vastly different signs why cannot a sign have 2 different

rulers .

> After all an individual can have one boss at work and another at

home : - )

> More food for thought

> Nicholas

> -

> ravindramani

> gjlist

> Friday, January 11, 2002 3:42 PM

> Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu




> Wendy Vasicek <wenvas@d...> wrote:



> The question must be asked, surely; "what is implied by this


> The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow,

restrictive, cautious etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is

extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So where can we see in the

chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like" results

obviously do not come from their nature.

> However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give

results like Saturn as he carries the same characteristics through



> C.S. Ravindramani writes: 11-2-2002 1000 hrs IST


> Dear Mrs. Wendy, This is really a very good food for thought!


> Saturn and Rahu can give the "like" results obviously from their

nature also. As i understand the Hindu astrology and my logic goes

as follows:

> 1.. Saturn and Rahu both are natural malefics.

> 2.. Saturn and Rahu both treat Mercury as their natural friends

and when they are posited in Mercurian signs they give favourable

results to the native in respect of their natural indications subject

to other influences on them.

> 3.. Saturn and Rahu both are slow moving planets in the zodiac.

Hence they give their results slowly but their results are felt by

the native for a longer period and in greater intensity (say for

example if they give diseases - they are chronic in nature and at

times incurable if they be posited in 8th.)

> 4.. Saturn and Rahu both represent darkness - they are black in

colour - opposed to light - creates fear in the mind of the native -

(say for example if they influnce moon the karaka for mind, Rahu when

eclipsing moon creates lot of phobias and unfound fears.)

> 5.. Saturn and Rahu both have been allotted the dasha periods

by sage parashara 19 and 18 years respectively. ( may be a logic

behind it - none is satisfactorily give the logic for allottment of

dasha periods among the planets.).

> 6.. During the Dasha period of saturn and Rahu a native is

being brought to the right path - he is put under rigirous test in

all his walk of life and the native remembers the Almighty.

> 7.. Saturn and Rahu both represent seperativeness.

> 8.. Saturn and Rahu both represent nerves.

> Like wise


> 1.. Mars and Ketu enjoys the Dasha period of 7 years.

> 2.. Mars and Ketu represents firey nature in common.

> 3.. Mars and Ketu both are natural malefics.

> 4.. During their Dasha periods native is prone to injuries.

> 5.. Mars and Ketu both posited in 5th house they tend to deny

progeny subject to other influence on them.

> Kindly ponder over my logic and correct me wherever my concept is



> Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.





> Send FREE video emails in Mail.



> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-@e...




> Terms of


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Dear Deepak

In the UK there is ahead of state the Queen and Prime Minister .



"cupofmagic" <cupofmagic


Saturday, January 12, 2002 5:02 AM

Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu



> I dont agree to your Logic.

> Can there be a King to one Territory or one President to a Country?

> Apart from what discussion is going on.

> Can someone give an Example, illustrating how Rahu has effects of

> Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio.

> I think that will be a nice discussion.


> Thanks

> Deepak



> gjlist, "Nicholas" <jyotish108@h...> wrote:

> > Dear Ravindramani

> > You have identified some similarities between Saturn and Rahu or

> Mars and Ketu but Wendy has identified some clear differences also .

> I do not think your points negate Wendys . Mars rules both Scorpio

> and Aries though they are vastly different signs . So if a planet can

> rule 2 vastly different signs why cannot a sign have 2 different

> rulers .

> > After all an individual can have one boss at work and another at

> home : - )

> > More food for thought

> > Nicholas

> > -

> > ravindramani

> > gjlist

> > Friday, January 11, 2002 3:42 PM

> > Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu

> >

> >

> >

> > Wendy Vasicek <wenvas@d...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > The question must be asked, surely; "what is implied by this

> statement"...

> > The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow,

> restrictive, cautious etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is

> extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So where can we see in the

> chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like" results

> obviously do not come from their nature.

> > However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give

> results like Saturn as he carries the same characteristics through

> lordship.

> >

> > C.S. Ravindramani writes: 11-2-2002 1000 hrs IST

> >

> > Dear Mrs. Wendy, This is really a very good food for thought!

> >

> > Saturn and Rahu can give the "like" results obviously from their

> nature also. As i understand the Hindu astrology and my logic goes

> as follows:

> > 1.. Saturn and Rahu both are natural malefics.

> > 2.. Saturn and Rahu both treat Mercury as their natural friends

> and when they are posited in Mercurian signs they give favourable

> results to the native in respect of their natural indications subject

> to other influences on them.

> > 3.. Saturn and Rahu both are slow moving planets in the zodiac.

> Hence they give their results slowly but their results are felt by

> the native for a longer period and in greater intensity (say for

> example if they give diseases - they are chronic in nature and at

> times incurable if they be posited in 8th.)

> > 4.. Saturn and Rahu both represent darkness - they are black in

> colour - opposed to light - creates fear in the mind of the native -

> (say for example if they influnce moon the karaka for mind, Rahu when

> eclipsing moon creates lot of phobias and unfound fears.)

> > 5.. Saturn and Rahu both have been allotted the dasha periods

> by sage parashara 19 and 18 years respectively. ( may be a logic

> behind it - none is satisfactorily give the logic for allottment of

> dasha periods among the planets.).

> > 6.. During the Dasha period of saturn and Rahu a native is

> being brought to the right path - he is put under rigirous test in

> all his walk of life and the native remembers the Almighty.

> > 7.. Saturn and Rahu both represent seperativeness.

> > 8.. Saturn and Rahu both represent nerves.

> > Like wise

> >

> > 1.. Mars and Ketu enjoys the Dasha period of 7 years.

> > 2.. Mars and Ketu represents firey nature in common.

> > 3.. Mars and Ketu both are natural malefics.

> > 4.. During their Dasha periods native is prone to injuries.

> > 5.. Mars and Ketu both posited in 5th house they tend to deny

> progeny subject to other influence on them.

> > Kindly ponder over my logic and correct me wherever my concept is

> wrong.

> >

> > Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> ----------

> >

> > Send FREE video emails in Mail.

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > : gjlist-@e...

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to




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Hi Nicolas!

I was just illustrating an example.

My Real Question is:

Can someone illustrate an Example, how Rahu has effects of

Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio?

Thats all I need to know.






gjlist, "Nicholas" <jyotish108@h...> wrote:

> Dear Deepak

> In the UK there is ahead of state the Queen and Prime Minister .

> Nicholas

> -

> "cupofmagic" <cupofmagic>

> <gjlist>

> Saturday, January 12, 2002 5:02 AM

> Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu



> > I dont agree to your Logic.

> > Can there be a King to one Territory or one President to a


> > Apart from what discussion is going on.

> > Can someone give an Example, illustrating how Rahu has effects of

> > Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio.

> > I think that will be a nice discussion.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Deepak

> >

> >

> > gjlist, "Nicholas" <jyotish108@h...> wrote:

> > > Dear Ravindramani

> > > You have identified some similarities between Saturn and Rahu or

> > Mars and Ketu but Wendy has identified some clear differences

also .

> > I do not think your points negate Wendys . Mars rules both Scorpio

> > and Aries though they are vastly different signs . So if a planet


> > rule 2 vastly different signs why cannot a sign have 2 different

> > rulers .

> > > After all an individual can have one boss at work and another at

> > home : - )

> > > More food for thought

> > > Nicholas

> > > -

> > > ravindramani

> > > gjlist

> > > Friday, January 11, 2002 3:42 PM

> > > Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Wendy Vasicek <wenvas@d...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > The question must be asked, surely; "what is implied by this

> > statement"...

> > > The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow,

> > restrictive, cautious etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is

> > extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So where can we see in


> > chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like" results

> > obviously do not come from their nature.

> > > However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give

> > results like Saturn as he carries the same characteristics through

> > lordship.

> > >

> > > C.S. Ravindramani writes: 11-2-2002 1000 hrs IST

> > >

> > > Dear Mrs. Wendy, This is really a very good food for thought!

> > >

> > > Saturn and Rahu can give the "like" results obviously from


> > nature also. As i understand the Hindu astrology and my logic


> > as follows:

> > > 1.. Saturn and Rahu both are natural malefics.

> > > 2.. Saturn and Rahu both treat Mercury as their natural


> > and when they are posited in Mercurian signs they give favourable

> > results to the native in respect of their natural indications


> > to other influences on them.

> > > 3.. Saturn and Rahu both are slow moving planets in the


> > Hence they give their results slowly but their results are felt by

> > the native for a longer period and in greater intensity (say for

> > example if they give diseases - they are chronic in nature and at

> > times incurable if they be posited in 8th.)

> > > 4.. Saturn and Rahu both represent darkness - they are

black in

> > colour - opposed to light - creates fear in the mind of the

native -

> > (say for example if they influnce moon the karaka for mind, Rahu


> > eclipsing moon creates lot of phobias and unfound fears.)

> > > 5.. Saturn and Rahu both have been allotted the dasha


> > by sage parashara 19 and 18 years respectively. ( may be a logic

> > behind it - none is satisfactorily give the logic for allottment


> > dasha periods among the planets.).

> > > 6.. During the Dasha period of saturn and Rahu a native is

> > being brought to the right path - he is put under rigirous test in

> > all his walk of life and the native remembers the Almighty.

> > > 7.. Saturn and Rahu both represent seperativeness.

> > > 8.. Saturn and Rahu both represent nerves.

> > > Like wise

> > >

> > > 1.. Mars and Ketu enjoys the Dasha period of 7 years.

> > > 2.. Mars and Ketu represents firey nature in common.

> > > 3.. Mars and Ketu both are natural malefics.

> > > 4.. During their Dasha periods native is prone to injuries.

> > > 5.. Mars and Ketu both posited in 5th house they tend to


> > progeny subject to other influence on them.

> > > Kindly ponder over my logic and correct me wherever my

concept is

> > wrong.

> > >

> > > Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -------------------------------


> > ----------

> > >

> > > Send FREE video emails in Mail.

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > > : gjlist-@e...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Terms of

> > Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > : gjlist-@e...

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >

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Dear Deepak,


I hope Pundit Nicholas does not mind me butting in with my uneducated



I have always thought of it like this -


Scorpio is the secretive 8th [Mystery/Death] sign of the Zodiac, which fits

well with some of Ketu's qualities.


Rahu on the other hand is materialistic and more open, and this corresponds

with the 11th Sign (Aquarius) qualities of [income/Desires/Gains].


I know this isn't quite what you were after, but hope it adds to the mix.


What are the ingredients for a Cup of Magic?







"cupofmagic" <cupofmagic


11 January 2002 19:04

Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu



: Hi Nicolas!


: I was just illustrating an example.


: My Real Question is:


: Can someone illustrate an Example, how Rahu has effects of

: Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio?

: Thats all I need to know.

: Thanks

: -Deepak

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Hi Sateesh!

[You Wrote]

> Scorpio is the secretive 8th [Mystery/Death] sign of the Zodiac,

which fits

> well with some of Ketu's qualities.



So how does Mars fit into the Lordship of Scorpio.

Also, 8th house is the house of Life and thus the death is governed.

And Ketu is not always a MokshaKarka. It is more pronounced when it

gets related to the 12th house/Lord in Rasi/Navamsa. Its conjunction

with Mars/Saturn in the 8th house causes Accidents.




> Rahu on the other hand is materialistic and more open, and this


> with the 11th Sign (Aquarius) qualities of [income/Desires/Gains].


And Rahu also gives Confusion and Choas in Mind. Its also creates an

mystery for other people about what u excatly want. And I haven't

seen that if Rahu is in the 5th house for Aries Asc. that it gives

Gains from Children unless lots of other factors are Strong.





If thats whay u are looking at:

Then Can u Explain me,

Why Saturn also rules the 10th,11th sign of the Zodiac.

And Why Mars rules the 1st,8th sign of the Zodiac.

Or why other planets rule certain signs in the Zodiac?

I am looking for some illustration?

And some classical Backing on the same.


Also, what do u mean by:

What are the ingredients for a Cup of Magic?



You have a Nice Day



gjlist, "Sateesh Batas" <makara@n...> wrote:

> Dear Deepak,


> I hope Pundit Nicholas does not mind me butting in with my


> opinion.


> I have always thought of it like this -


> Scorpio is the secretive 8th [Mystery/Death] sign of the Zodiac,

which fits

> well with some of Ketu's qualities.


> Rahu on the other hand is materialistic and more open, and this


> with the 11th Sign (Aquarius) qualities of [income/Desires/Gains].


> I know this isn't quite what you were after, but hope it adds to

the mix.


> What are the ingredients for a Cup of Magic?


> Sateesh.


> ========


> -

> "cupofmagic" <cupofmagic>

> <gjlist>

> 11 January 2002 19:04

> Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu



> : Hi Nicolas!


> : I was just illustrating an example.


> : My Real Question is:


> : Can someone illustrate an Example, how Rahu has effects of

> : Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio?

> : Thats all I need to know.

> : Thanks

> : -Deepak

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Dear Deepak,


Ok, I'll end on this reply as I don't want to stick my neck out too far on

classical principles.


My replies are below.




"cupofmagic" <cupofmagic


11 January 2002 19:35

Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu



: [Me]

: So how does Mars fit into the Lordship of Scorpio.

: Also, 8th house is the house of Life and thus the death is governed.

: And Ketu is not always a MokshaKarka. It is more pronounced when it

: gets related to the 12th house/Lord in Rasi/Navamsa. Its conjunction

: with Mars/Saturn in the 8th house causes Accidents.



I agree with the 12th similarity of Ketu. All I was doing was like you

seeing how the statements of dual-Lordship *may* have come about - so please

do not take my definitons as Gospel.



: And Rahu also gives Confusion and Choas in Mind. Its also creates an

: mystery for other people about what u excatly want. And I haven't

: seen that if Rahu is in the 5th house for Aries Asc. that it gives

: Gains from Children unless lots of other factors are Strong.



That goes without saying for any planet - Dispositor etc. must be strong - I

was trying to give a general response, not one based on a specific House for

a specific Lagna.


Every chart varies in the Strength/Detriment of the Nodes within it.




: If thats whay u are looking at:

: Then Can u Explain me,

: Why Saturn also rules the 10th,11th sign of the Zodiac.

: And Why Mars rules the 1st,8th sign of the Zodiac.

: Or why other planets rule certain signs in the Zodiac?

: I am looking for some illustration?

: And some classical Backing on the same.



I have heard that once upon a time, the Sun and Moon owned 6 signs each - I

think it was Mercury who came up to Sun and asked for a Sign - crafty

Mercury then went to Moon - each of the other planets did this, and in the

end Sun and Moon were left with only one sign each - Leo and Cancer.


Mercury got each of the Signs which lie either side of Leo and Cancer - i.e.

Virgo and Gemini - because he is the youngest and quickest to get there.


Poor old Saturn who limps took ages to get there, and only Aquarius and

Capricorn were left which are the furthest signs from Leo and Cancer.



: Also, what do u mean by:

: What are the ingredients for a Cup of Magic?



Just some Mercury humour.



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Dear Deepak,


I am a student, but I am very interested in Ketu at the moment because of

the dramatic events that have occured to me over the past few months of my

ketu period. It is descriptive, but how about major surgery, loss of top

position, harassment, unemployment, going overseas to be in the company of

Tibetan lama, etc. All in the space of a few months. In my rasi chart I have

Mo placed in my fourth house, and Ketu in second house. I am currently in

the last stretch of Venus period in sub-period of Ketu. This is due to end

on 5/03/ this year when I move into my lagna's major period of the Sun.


Rahu retrograde is placed in my 8th house.


I hope I got all the terminology right. Is that of any interest?


Kind regards,






"cupofmagic" <cupofmagic


Friday, January 11, 2002 9:04 PM

Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu



> Hi Nicolas!

> I was just illustrating an example.

> My Real Question is:

> Can someone illustrate an Example, how Rahu has effects of

> Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio?

> Thats all I need to know.

> Thanks

> -Deepak




> gjlist, "Nicholas" <jyotish108@h...> wrote:

> > Dear Deepak

> > In the UK there is ahead of state the Queen and Prime Minister .

> > Nicholas

> > -

> > "cupofmagic" <cupofmagic>

> > <gjlist>

> > Saturday, January 12, 2002 5:02 AM

> > Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu

> >

> >

> > > I dont agree to your Logic.

> > > Can there be a King to one Territory or one President to a

> Country?

> > > Apart from what discussion is going on.

> > > Can someone give an Example, illustrating how Rahu has effects of

> > > Aquarius and Ketu has effects like Scorpio.

> > > I think that will be a nice discussion.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Deepak

> > >

> > >

> > > gjlist, "Nicholas" <jyotish108@h...> wrote:

> > > > Dear Ravindramani

> > > > You have identified some similarities between Saturn and Rahu or

> > > Mars and Ketu but Wendy has identified some clear differences

> also .

> > > I do not think your points negate Wendys . Mars rules both Scorpio

> > > and Aries though they are vastly different signs . So if a planet

> can

> > > rule 2 vastly different signs why cannot a sign have 2 different

> > > rulers .

> > > > After all an individual can have one boss at work and another at

> > > home : - )

> > > > More food for thought

> > > > Nicholas

> > > > -

> > > > ravindramani

> > > > gjlist

> > > > Friday, January 11, 2002 3:42 PM

> > > > Re: [GJ] Shani Vat Rahu Kuja Vat Ketu

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Wendy Vasicek <wenvas@d...> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The question must be asked, surely; "what is implied by this

> > > statement"...

> > > > The nature of Saturn is introverted, penantive, slow,

> > > restrictive, cautious etc., whereas the nature of Rahu is

> > > extroverted, hedonistic, compulsive etc. So where can we see in

> the

> > > chart that Rahu gives results like Saturn. The "like" results

> > > obviously do not come from their nature.

> > > > However, as co-ruler of Aquarius, Rahu will certainly give

> > > results like Saturn as he carries the same characteristics through

> > > lordship.

> > > >

> > > > C.S. Ravindramani writes: 11-2-2002 1000 hrs IST

> > > >

> > > > Dear Mrs. Wendy, This is really a very good food for thought!

> > > >

> > > > Saturn and Rahu can give the "like" results obviously from

> their

> > > nature also. As i understand the Hindu astrology and my logic

> goes

> > > as follows:

> > > > 1.. Saturn and Rahu both are natural malefics.

> > > > 2.. Saturn and Rahu both treat Mercury as their natural

> friends

> > > and when they are posited in Mercurian signs they give favourable

> > > results to the native in respect of their natural indications

> subject

> > > to other influences on them.

> > > > 3.. Saturn and Rahu both are slow moving planets in the

> zodiac.

> > > Hence they give their results slowly but their results are felt by

> > > the native for a longer period and in greater intensity (say for

> > > example if they give diseases - they are chronic in nature and at

> > > times incurable if they be posited in 8th.)

> > > > 4.. Saturn and Rahu both represent darkness - they are

> black in

> > > colour - opposed to light - creates fear in the mind of the

> native -

> > > (say for example if they influnce moon the karaka for mind, Rahu

> when

> > > eclipsing moon creates lot of phobias and unfound fears.)

> > > > 5.. Saturn and Rahu both have been allotted the dasha

> periods

> > > by sage parashara 19 and 18 years respectively. ( may be a logic

> > > behind it - none is satisfactorily give the logic for allottment

> of

> > > dasha periods among the planets.).

> > > > 6.. During the Dasha period of saturn and Rahu a native is

> > > being brought to the right path - he is put under rigirous test in

> > > all his walk of life and the native remembers the Almighty.

> > > > 7.. Saturn and Rahu both represent seperativeness.

> > > > 8.. Saturn and Rahu both represent nerves.

> > > > Like wise

> > > >

> > > > 1.. Mars and Ketu enjoys the Dasha period of 7 years.

> > > > 2.. Mars and Ketu represents firey nature in common.

> > > > 3.. Mars and Ketu both are natural malefics.

> > > > 4.. During their Dasha periods native is prone to injuries.

> > > > 5.. Mars and Ketu both posited in 5th house they tend to

> deny

> > > progeny subject to other influence on them.

> > > > Kindly ponder over my logic and correct me wherever my

> concept is

> > > wrong.

> > > >

> > > > Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -------------------------------

> ----

> > > ----------

> > > >

> > > > Send FREE video emails in Mail.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > > > : gjlist-@e...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Terms of

> > > Service.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > > : gjlist-@e...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject to


> > >

> > >

> > >





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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Dear Deepak,

If you bear with me I think I can give you several examples. These are natives

with Rahu in kendras...it's stated that Rahu in a kendra often brings major

life changes.

The first native (Cancer rising) has Rahu in 10th house of "Father". His life

was dramatically changed when his father was killed in a vehicle accident and

he (himself) was badly injured. He was in a SA mahadasa...Aquarius owns 8th

house of accidents...RA in 10th, SA in lagna (SA is aspected by divine planet

Jupiter, Rahu is not so blessed)...Shani Vat Rahu!

The second native (Capricorn rising) has Rahu in 7th. (conj 12th lord) This

native's "Family" life was dramatically changed (twice)...once by adoption,

once by divorce...Aquarius owns 2nd house of family. The native was in a RA

mahadasa and SA occupies 6th...Shani Vat Rahu!

The 3rd native (Capricorn rising) has Rahu in 10th. This native's life (status)

changed dramatically when she was reunited with her lost "family" (younger

siblings and father). Aquarius owns 2nd house of family. The native was in a

Rahu mahadasa (10th) and SA occupies 3rd...Shani Vat Rahu!

I think when we see major events attributed to Rahu, they will invariably be

connected with Saturn and his moolatrikona house (Aquarius).


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I dont agree to your Logic.Can there be a King to one Territory or one President

to a Country?Apart from what discussion is going on.Can someone give an Example,

illustrating how Rahu has effects of Aquarius and Ketu has effects like

Scorpio.I think that will be a nice discussion.ThanksDeepak

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Dear Wendy,

Thanks for the Explanation. Dont take me wrong but I wont beleive

that Rahu owns Aquarius and Ketu owns Scorpio.

Firstly, Because Rahu and Ketu are nodal points formed by the Planes

of Sun and Moon (where they meet). And they actually dont have any

mass and thus are shadowy planets.

Secondly, Owning a house is such a big thing that it should have been

mentioned atleast somewhere in the Shastras. And still I haven't got

the Classical backing.


[u Wrote]

> a.. The first native (Cancer rising) has Rahu in 10th house

of "Father". His life was dramatically changed when his father was

killed in a vehicle accident and he (himself) was badly injured. He

was in a SA mahadasa...Aquarius owns 8th house of accidents...RA in

10th, SA in lagna (SA is aspected by divine planet Jupiter, Rahu is

not so blessed)...Shani Vat Rahu!



Here as u said Saturn is in Lagna and so he aspects the 10th house

where Rahu is also posited. Now since you said, it was Saturn's Dasa

when things happened to his father. I take 9th house for father, So

Rahu is basically in the 2nd house(Maraka)of Father aspected by

Saturn who also rules the 6th house from the 9th house. Also, apart

from this we need to Examine the Navamsa in detail along with D-12 to

find out how those events impacted the native.



> b.. The second native (Capricorn rising) has Rahu in 7th. (conj

12th lord) This native's "Family" life was dramatically changed

(twice)...once by adoption, once by divorce...Aquarius owns 2nd house

of family. The native was in a RA mahadasa and SA occupies

6th...Shani Vat Rahu!



Its not clear how his life changed bacuse of Rahu by adoption.

Divorce can be attributed to Rahu/Ketu axis in 1st/7th. And

Relationship of Saturn/Rahu is 2/12. So in its dasa it will influence

family as the 7th and the Lagna,2nd gets invloved. Here the position

of Moon has to be looked, with Venus. Also, Navamsa is important

aspect to be seen.



> c.. The 3rd native (Capricorn rising) has Rahu in 10th. This

native's life (status) changed dramatically when she was reunited

with her lost "family" (younger siblings and father). Aquarius owns

2nd house of family. The native was in a Rahu mahadasa (10th) and SA

occupies 3rd...Shani Vat Rahu!

> I think when we see major events attributed to Rahu, they will

invariably be connected with Saturn and his moolatrikona house





Here just by looking at Rahu and Saturn, we cannot conclude the

native's life change attributed to lordship of Rahu of Aquarius.


But I do agree that Rahu was invariably connected to Saturn in the

above charts.




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Om Sri Krsnaaya Namah


Hi Deepak,


>>Secondly, Owning a house is such a big thing that it should have been

mentioned atleast somewhere in the Shastras. And still I haven't got

the Classical backing.<<


I was deliberately avoiding this topic, as it has been discussed in the past

and became quite a hot topic. So I won't go any further on this matter as

far as my own opinions on this is concerned. But as you have requested

Shastric information on this matter on a number of occasions, here are two

quotes from Parashara Muni on this matter:


"Scorpio is lorded by two planets, Mars and Ketu, while Aquarius is ruled by

Saturn and Rahu. O Brahmana, this must be borne in mind." (Brihat Parashara

Hora Shastra 46:157)


"If a planet owns two signs or a sign is owned by two planets..." (BPHS



The second shloka does not specifically mention the nodes but as explained

in the first quote, it is Scorpio and Aquarius that Parashara Rishi is

referring to when discussing signs owned by two planets.


Hope this helps somewhat,








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Hi Pursottam!

I know its a hot topic, believe me.

Well, I read BPHS.

[You Wrote]

> "If a planet owns two signs or a sign is owned by two planets..."


> 29:7)


In this instance Parashara Muni is talking about Bhava Pada's, which

are refered in Jaimini Astrology

Also, In the other instance Parashar Muni is talking about Chara

Dasa. And in Char Dasa, Rahu is considered for Aquarius.

But thats a different aspect.


And do u also mean to say that Parashar Muni couldn't write that line

when he was writing about the Lordship of other Rasi's.


If you look at Brihat Parashara Hora Shastram, Ch2-Shloka 13 , you

will find that it is clearly stated that Mars is the ruler of Scorpio.

If you go further down you will also find the same for Saturn.

And dont you think Parashar Muni could have written it here.


Also, If you look at Phaladeepika in the Rasi Adhyaya, you shall find

the same info.


Also, In Chapter 1, Shloka 11, in Sarwartha Chintamani, it clearly

says that Lorship of Planets with Saturn ruling Aquarius and Mars

ruling Scorpio.


So my question is if you look at all these different books, Even one

author has said the same about what you are saying UNLESS they are

talking of Jaimini Astrology.


What are others views?

I guess its just the Astrologers way of looking at it.

But as far as I am concerned, I have been reading Astrology Magazine

since Feb'94 and I haven't seen anything article saying that Ketu

rules Scorpio and Saturn rules Aquarius UNLESS talking about Jamini



One more important point, Even look at Shadbala, If Rahu would have

ruled Aquarius , it would have been included in calculating the

strength of the Planets and Houses.













gjlist, "Pursottam" <pursottam_dabasia> wrote:

> Om Sri Krsnaaya Namah


> Hi Deepak,


> >>Secondly, Owning a house is such a big thing that it should have


> mentioned atleast somewhere in the Shastras. And still I haven't got

> the Classical backing.<<


> I was deliberately avoiding this topic, as it has been discussed in

the past

> and became quite a hot topic. So I won't go any further on this

matter as

> far as my own opinions on this is concerned. But as you have


> Shastric information on this matter on a number of occasions, here

are two

> quotes from Parashara Muni on this matter:


> "Scorpio is lorded by two planets, Mars and Ketu, while Aquarius is

ruled by

> Saturn and Rahu. O Brahmana, this must be borne in mind." (Brihat


> Hora Shastra 46:157)


> "If a planet owns two signs or a sign is owned by two planets..."


> 29:7)


> The second shloka does not specifically mention the nodes but as


> in the first quote, it is Scorpio and Aquarius that Parashara Rishi


> referring to when discussing signs owned by two planets.


> Hope this helps somewhat,


> Pursottam




> _______


> Get your free @ address at

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Om Sri Krsnaaya Namah


Hi Deepak,


Thanks for your reply. As I said, this topic became quite fiery last time it

was discussed and since the direction it seems to be taking is going exactly

as it did last time, I'd prefer to avoid it. The only intention behind my

last post was to provide shastric information from somewhere because you had

stated you had not seen it in any classic. I didn't want to discuss the uses

of it, as that's where the whole debate sparked off. It would probably be

much better for each individual interested in the matter to take a hundred

charts and see how it plays out and make a decision of their own rather than

for me to cause major arguments. But, the only additional point I would make

is that I personally do not believe that "Jaimini astrology" is a completely

separate system unrelated to Parashari astrology. This is for a number of

reasons. First and foremost, almost all the topics covered in Jaimini's

Sutras are covered also in the BPHS, sometimes in even greater detail. The

argument may be made that the relevant chapters were later incorporated into

the text, but I find this difficult to accept for the reason that there are

also many individual shlokas which seem to be "Jaimini techniques" that are

found in what are typically Parashari chapters e.g. the Raja Yoga Adhyaya.

The idea that a devious, scheming astrologer injected these verses

throughout the text so systematically does not seem feasible to me.


Also, we have to consider that as per the Itihasas Maharshi Jaimini was a

disciple of Sri Veda Vyasa, the son of Parashara Muni. As Vedic knowledge

(both material and spiritual) is generally transferred through a Guru-Sishya

Parampara, it seems as if Jaimini would have actually learnt all the stuff

Parashara taught. Thirdly, we must bear in mind that Jaimini calls his

sutras "Upadesha" and therefore himself admits that they are not complete

and they are more complementary in nature. If we read the BPHS and and the

Jaimini Sutras and compare them, it seems very likely that the Jaimini

Sutras are in fact simply an elaboration on certain sections of the BPHS

that are less clear. Finally, if you read the Jaimini Sutras, it is highly

unlikely that you could come up with a complete system of astrology from it,

as it doesn't deal with all the basics of signs, houses, planets and their

characteristics and their signs of strength and weakness etc. despite the

fact that these points are later referred to in the text. So some prior

knowledge of jyotish is essential in the study of the Sutras and this again

seems to confirm that Jaimini did not intend to rebel and set out a new

system of astrology of his own. Rather, he clarified concepts of Parashari

astrology that became distorted over time, and intended to put things

straight as he learnt them from his Guru Veda Vyasa, the Son of Maharshi



Sorry to go on so long,




P.S. This is my last mail on this matter, so please don't feel offended if I

don't reply back :-)






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Dear Deepak,

I think the greatest problem is the way each is looking at this concept :-)

I've said before, during this discussion, that I do not believe the Nodes ever

supersede the lordship of Saturn and Mars. You're right to say that Saturn and

Mars are the owners of Aquarius and Scorpio...I don't contest that notion at



However, imagine for a moment that, according to the rules of (any) land, the

husband was the only one able to own the family home. It would always be his

home and that could never be challenged. But the wife living there would also

feel and act as though she were "in her own home".

All of her activities (as also the husband's) would be from that platform, from

the environment of the home they both share...Shani Vat Rahu (Rahu Vat Shani).


This (Shani Vat Rahu) characteristic is firmly stated in BPHS, and I see that

Kalidas (according to L.R. Chawdhri) also assigns Rahu to Aquarius and Ketu to



I'm not trying to bulldoze you with this Deepak, just asking you to look at it

with an open mind, and to study the effects in as many charts as you can.


Just my thoughts Deepak :-)


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Thanks Pursottam!

Its a fiery topic.

Lets leave it to Astrologers to experience as to what they want to

talk about it. As you were telling the history of Jyotisha, I also

know the same. And did you know Jaimini Shastram has 4 more adhyaya,

which are missing and are no longer known to anyone. And it was a

seperate system derived from BPHS.


And the thing I was telling is that if you look at how the planetary

strengths are calculated for the Bhavas/Planets nowhere it is seem to

use Rahu to calculate the strength of Aquarius and similiarly for



So the conclusion is left to the Astrologers to use what they think

is correct. And sorry for causing you trouble to form a debate on

this. I thought we can learn more by these intellectual debates like

how you described your views.








gjlist, "Pursottam" <pursottam_dabasia> wrote:

> Om Sri Krsnaaya Namah


> Hi Deepak,


> Thanks for your reply. As I said, this topic became quite fiery

last time it

> was discussed and since the direction it seems to be taking is

going exactly

> as it did last time, I'd prefer to avoid it. The only intention

behind my

> last post was to provide shastric information from somewhere

because you had

> stated you had not seen it in any classic. I didn't want to discuss

the uses

> of it, as that's where the whole debate sparked off. It would

probably be

> much better for each individual interested in the matter to take a


> charts and see how it plays out and make a decision of their own

rather than

> for me to cause major arguments. But, the only additional point I

would make

> is that I personally do not believe that "Jaimini astrology" is a


> separate system unrelated to Parashari astrology. This is for a

number of

> reasons. First and foremost, almost all the topics covered in


> Sutras are covered also in the BPHS, sometimes in even greater

detail. The

> argument may be made that the relevant chapters were later

incorporated into

> the text, but I find this difficult to accept for the reason that

there are

> also many individual shlokas which seem to be "Jaimini techniques"

that are

> found in what are typically Parashari chapters e.g. the Raja Yoga


> The idea that a devious, scheming astrologer injected these verses

> throughout the text so systematically does not seem feasible to me.


> Also, we have to consider that as per the Itihasas Maharshi Jaimini

was a

> disciple of Sri Veda Vyasa, the son of Parashara Muni. As Vedic


> (both material and spiritual) is generally transferred through a


> Parampara, it seems as if Jaimini would have actually learnt all

the stuff

> Parashara taught. Thirdly, we must bear in mind that Jaimini calls


> sutras "Upadesha" and therefore himself admits that they are not


> and they are more complementary in nature. If we read the BPHS and

and the

> Jaimini Sutras and compare them, it seems very likely that the


> Sutras are in fact simply an elaboration on certain sections of the


> that are less clear. Finally, if you read the Jaimini Sutras, it is


> unlikely that you could come up with a complete system of astrology

from it,

> as it doesn't deal with all the basics of signs, houses, planets

and their

> characteristics and their signs of strength and weakness etc.

despite the

> fact that these points are later referred to in the text. So some


> knowledge of jyotish is essential in the study of the Sutras and

this again

> seems to confirm that Jaimini did not intend to rebel and set out a


> system of astrology of his own. Rather, he clarified concepts of


> astrology that became distorted over time, and intended to put


> straight as he learnt them from his Guru Veda Vyasa, the Son of


> Parashara.


> Sorry to go on so long,


> Pursottam


> P.S. This is my last mail on this matter, so please don't feel

offended if I

> don't reply back :-)




> _______


> Get your free @ address at

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Thanks Wendy for sharing the info. :)

I shall try to read the chart as per what u have said.

And it is interesting to know the views of all the AStrologers on

this topic. :)


Thanks to all,





gjlist, "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@d...> wrote:

> Dear Deepak,

> I think the greatest problem is the way each is looking at this

concept :-)

> I've said before, during this discussion, that I do not believe the

Nodes ever supersede the lordship of Saturn and Mars. You're right to

say that Saturn and Mars are the owners of Aquarius and Scorpio...I

don't contest that notion at all!


> However, imagine for a moment that, according to the rules of (any)

land, the husband was the only one able to own the family home. It

would always be his home and that could never be challenged. But the

wife living there would also feel and act as though she were "in her

own home".

> All of her activities (as also the husband's) would be from that

platform, from the environment of the home they both share...Shani

Vat Rahu (Rahu Vat Shani).


> This (Shani Vat Rahu) characteristic is firmly stated in BPHS, and

I see that Kalidas (according to L.R. Chawdhri) also assigns Rahu to

Aquarius and Ketu to Scorpio.


> I'm not trying to bulldoze you with this Deepak, just asking you to

look at it with an open mind, and to study the effects in as many

charts as you can.


> Just my thoughts Deepak :-)


> Best Wishes,

> Wendy


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Wendy Vasicek: Vedic Astrologer

> http://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/

> JyotishVidya

> wenvas@d...

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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