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Dear Dr Satya


you wrote

<<Of course this conflicts Einstein's theory of General Relativity,that the

structure of space-time is smooth and continuous. God doesn't play dice! I can

almost hear Jung asserting, "Maybe he does. But we don't know by what rules"!




I saw Jung the other day in an intreview on TV and the great man said that he

did not like people "asssuming" things for him.



<<Jung had succeeded in proving (?) that " A secret, mutual connivance exists

between the material and the psychic state of the astrologer.>>





you <<Jung had succeeded in proving (?) that " A secret, mutual connivance

exists between the material and the psychic state of the astrologer.

This correspondence is simply there like any other agreeable or annoying

incident, and it seems to me doubtful whether it can be proved scientifically

to be anything more than that." >>



I think that it can be proved scientifically, provided that science finds the

proper tools to do that.



<<"Synchronicity takes the coincidence of events in space and time as meaning

something more than mere chance, namely, a peculiar interdependence of

objective events among themselves as well as with the subjective (psychic)

states of the observer or observers.">>


Messages are always in front of us, but unfortunately, we are not educated to read them.


<<The coming decade will see this happening. Quantum physics has already opened

a dialogue with other arts and sciences. Art, philosophy, poetry, physics,

psychology, medicine and astrology will soon merge into the One vast Source. >>



>From the Vedas (which are considered by many to be the oldest knowledge in

humanity), Krishna or God, says that He is the origen of everything. Why waste

time in researching other methods when the Vedas give already the answer?you

<<while some western astrologers look down upon predicting as fortune telling". >>



For this we have to study the intimidation, supression and authoritarian

behaviour which was imposed to western astrology by the ruling class for the

past 2,000 years. The term "fortune telling" was another conditionment

dictated by them, the rulers.



<<I feel that the primary purpose of astrology is not fortune telling, but an

exploration of consciousness, a journey into the psyche, into the unconscious

forces which stem from the past vasanas and samskaras, into the shadow (a term

used by Carl Jung which comes close to the tantric papa purusha), into the

universe that we have within us, into the conflict between the opposing forces

and the process of attaining equilibrium. >>



What is consciousness for you? As i said before, fortune telling are like a

label imposed on sensitive people capable of reading past, present and future

trends. Only fakers are fortune tellers.



<<Don't the ancient texts promise that anyone who studies and teaches astrology

is assured of final liberation (Moksha)? Perhaps that is the final goal of a

supra science like astrology. >>



The Vedas promise moksha to everyone. Eventually, today or some time in the

tomorrow, everyone will achieve it.

The final goal of any art and science is to serve the Lord, the origen of

everything, with love and devotion.



Best wishes

Natabara Das

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Aum Namah Shivaya!


Dear Natabara,



> you wrote

> <<Of course this conflicts Einstein's theory of

> General Relativity,that the structure of space-time is smooth and

continuous. God doesn't play dice! I can almost hear Jung

asserting, "Maybe he does. But we don't know by what rules"! >>


> me

> I saw Jung the other day in an intreview on TV and the great man

said that he did not like people "asssuming" things for him.


I haven't "assumed" things for Jung. I have quoted his own words.

Often when you read an author a lot, you feel the words ringing. The

words are his own.



> you

> <<Jung had succeeded in proving (?) that " A secret, mutual

connivance exists between the material and the psychic state of the



> me

> Yes.


> you

> <<Jung had succeeded in proving (?) that " A secret, mutual

connivance exists between the material and the psychic state of the



> This correspondence is simply there like any other agreeable or

annoying incident, and it seems to me doubtful whether it can be

proved scientifically to be anything more than that." >>


> me

> I think that it can be proved scientifically, provided that science

finds the proper tools to do that.


> you

> <<"Synchronicity takes the coincidence of events in space and time

as meaning something more than mere chance, namely, a peculiar

interdependence of objective events among themselves as well as with

the subjective (psychic) states of the observer or observers.">>


> me

> Messages are always in front of us, but unfortunately, we are not

educated to read them.



All the above sentences that you have written as mine, are Jung's

observations. I have only quoted him with inverted commas.



> you

> <<The coming decade will see this happening. Quantum physics has

already opened a dialogue with other

> arts and sciences. Art, philosophy, poetry, physics, psychology,

medicine and astrology will soon merge into the One vast Source. >>


> me

> From the Vedas (which are considered by many to be the oldest

knowledge in humanity), Krishna or God, says that He is the origen of

everything. Why waste time in researching other methods when the

Vedas give already the answer?


While I agree that God is the source of everything, and also on the

supreme value of the Vedic body of knowledge, I dont think that it is

a waste of time to research other methods. All paths lead to Him, and

He is the force behind everything. It is his power and glory that

works through the scientist, the philosopher, the artist, the poet

and the saint. Of course, spiritual knowledge, or knowledge of God is

the highest. Yet other systems like medicine, physics etc too are

wonderful and should be pursued. Sadhana, to me doesn't imply a life

to the exclusion of other things. Everything is a sadhana in itself.

Whatever is done, should and can be done like a Yagna, as an offering

to Him. Work, worship, studies, service, eating, everything can be a

sadhana when done with the right attitude. While it is true that the

Vedas have everything that is really needed, it is highly beneficial

if one could show the parallels between modern science and ancient

wisdom, for it can inspire other less inclined. God is behind both

the sacred and the mundane, the worldly and the spiritual.



> The Vedas promise moksha to everyone. Eventually, today or some

time in the tomorrow, everyone will achieve it.


Rightly said. "Each soul is potentially divine and the goal is to

manifest it". One may do it by work, worship, meditation or the path

of knowledge. Personally I like to balance bhakti (devotion)and self

inquiry (knowledge). I guess that your preference is for the path of

devotion (bhakti). All paths lead to Him.


> The final goal of any art and science is to serve the Lord, the

origen of everything, with love and devotion.



I agree whole heartedly on this. BTW, I deliberately refrained from

too much direct reference to any religious/philosophical or Indian

terminology because the article was written as an editorial for a

Journal (quarterly journal of the Australian Council of Vedic

Astrology (OZCVA)) which is read mostly by people with no or little

knowledge of Indian/Vedic thought. I didn't want to put off a



Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I always feel happy hearing/reading

His devotee's words. What can be sweeter than His name and what

better company than the company of His devotees? Everything merges

into Him. All glories to the Supreme Lord.


Best wishes,



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