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Dear Tarun


you wrote

<<Dear List Members, can any one explain me why should we worship. What is the

advantage, benefit will any person gets when he worships any God or any form.

and can we realy do worship with our litle brain or mind.With thanksTarun

Chopra >>



Thank you for your question which i am going to try to answer for you to understand.


At present we can see that we have 5 main religions, the Hindu, the Buddhist,

the Jew, the Christian and the Muslim. All of them recommend worship as the

essence to increase faith. Without faith we can not develop a very strong

belief and love in God, the origin of life and everything that we call the

cosmic manifestation.


>From the 9th house we can study the belief of a person which can be multiple according to the chart.


In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says that from Him remembrance and forgetfulness

comes, and from this we know that belief is coming as well from Him.


If we want to believe, we will and if we do not want to, we will as well.

Everything is provided because of His eternal love. We have the choice because

of that love.


My spiritual master told us not to shatter the belief on people because

everybody gathers his/her own beliefs with a lot of struggle, faith and



To reach God we need the guidance of one of His agents, because against the

belief of some, the vedas say that we cannot reach God directly. With our tiny

brains we need the help of His divine Grace, the Divine Agent, Sri Guru and His



Sri guru is the agent empowered by God to take the soul to a higher level of

understanding. Sometimes because of our unseen karma we come across an agent

that either falls from his path or that is not really empowered, or a cheater.

That is a risk to take and it is according to our unseen karma.


Eventually, if we are sincere, we will see the path and we will be given His

mercy. We should never give up our faith that the Lord is there waiting for

us. The path may be long and risky but with His help it is made short and

safe.Why we should worship?, because by worship we understand and achieve His

mercy. My Guru Maharaja said that we should ask for Mercy and not for Justice,

because we do not have the chance to achieve Justice and Mercy is above Justice.


According to our capacity, we should worship. Does not matter the God, guru or

form that we worship, because everything comes from God, that worship is always

connected to God. We should worship according to our understanding and love.


If that God, guru or form falls from our eyes, our sincerity will protect us and

soon we will be given the right object of our worship.


What is the advantage, benefit will any person gets when he worships any God or any form?


The advantage and benefit of worship is Sat Cit Ananda vigraha. Worship is

love, without love is like eating dry bread. God is eternal (sat), full of

transcendental knowledge (cit), and full of bliss or happiness (ananda) and He

has a transcendental body (vigraha). When we achieve Him, we achieve

everything that our soul can achieve.


Can we really do worship with our little brain or mind?

Yes, we can. God is infinite and we are finite, God is great and we are small,

He is unlimited and we are limited. Even the soul within an atom has a tiny

brain to worship, "please God take me out of here, out of this limited body"

but because we do not know our benefit, we do not know what to ask for. But

eventually our little brain will understand, therefore, worship is the

beginning, the middle and the end.


Yesterday I was reading "Teachings of Lord Kapila" by Srila Prabhupada, and the

author says on page 194, "Our senses are also controlled by different demigods;

our senses are representations of various demigods, and the mind is the

representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The senses, lead by the

mind, act under the influence of the demigods".


Therefore even when we worship the demigods, that sincere worship will

eventually link us to God because even the demigods are His divine agents ready

to take us to Him.


Vedic astrologers worship Ganesh to get inspiration. In one of my tours, i heard

from a guru that he asked one day to a very good astrologer, why he was very

accurate in his predictions?, was it because of his worship of mother Durga?

The astrologer responded "No, of course i worship mother Durga as a vedic

astrologer, but i feel that the accuracy of my predictions come from my worship

of the Gayatri Mantra".


Best Wishes

Natabara Das

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