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WHY I AM PUNISHED-- due to wrong mantra

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Aside from the astrological factors we described about

your chart, you may be using the wrong mantra during

your meditation. From what I understand, mantras for

Shiva are good for renunciation and for recluses.

Since you have a family, you need a mantra for

abundance to take care of your earthly and immediate

needs. In my opinion, you may have received what you

asked for!!!




John R.





--- Shilpi <omship wrote:

> Dear Tarun,

> I appreciate your prediction upto some extent not

> wholehartedly.


> 1. My humble and limited knowledge has seen that our

> country has produced

> lot of famous/un-faimed saints in India, from time

> eternal and many of them

> are having exalted Saturn in their chart. In fact

> exalted Saturn only takes

> someone to the highest path of self-realization,

> where Jupiter can't reach.

> More over, when exalted Jupiter is being aspected by

> Saturn, how one can

> stop himself or keep away himself performing

> religious activities ? Such

> combination comes once in a Century. Does it means

> that those pioneer saints

> should have not gone for enlightment?

> 2. Let me tell you about my past. Duding my rahu

> mahadasha I was a nastika

> (not beleaving in god) when time changed Jupiter

> mahadasha came in , I

> started beleaving in god and started perfoming

> rituals, visiting holly

> places etc. During my Saturn mahadasha I have gone

> further ahead. This, I

> am telling from own experiance although it matches

> with the Dasha influence.

> That means, planets are influencing to do so and

> changing mind according to

> their dasha. Is it possible to stop religious

> Activities for me?

> 3. Regarding detachment in Karma , I must say that


> 5YEARS IN LAST 25 YEARS,for material achievement and

> no Karma for balance

> 20years. This way I am detached with karma.

> 4. I have a shiva temple in my home and we consider

> him as our family member

> so as long as I take breath I have to consider him

> as our family member.

> 5. My purpose of taking berth will be success, if I

> get Guru Kripa.

> 6. Please elaborate about puting saffron Tilak on

> forehead .

> 7. Beleave me , throughout my life I am constantly

> trying to help people

> without expecting anything in return and during my

> very very bad phase of

> life also I have not taken a single peny in return.

> Some time I have seen

> many people have been benifited and I myself

> wondered how it was happened?

> Some time whatever I say, it comes true. So it gives

> me pain to read ''Until

> you help other people without any self motive''.

> 8. Regardind falling in the net of maya, I must say

> no one in this universe

> is out of maya net. That's why you we hear Lord

> Vishnu was covered by 'yoga

> maya' and every body knows what happened to Lord

> Shiva when his maya 'SATI'

> left the body. Once maya left Brahmma, the creator

> too.

> With your all explanation still question renains in

> my mind: WHY I AM


> -

> tarun chopra <astrotarun

> <gjlist>

> Thursday, January 24, 2002 12:57 AM





> Dear Bimal


> Note that you have exalted Saturn and having 10th

> aspect on Jupiter the lord

> of seventh house. No religious Activities for you.


> And one more precaution it has been observed those

> who have Jupiter in

> seventh house or aspect on seventh lord or have

> aspect on seventh house they

> should not keep any temple or any God statue or

> photos. So kindly avoid it


> (Please note I don't want to hurt any sentiments but

> this is fact which I

> have learnt from my experience and if any one who

> are having this

> combination will always have some kind of

> disturbance in there home.)


> You can reach God by detach Karma and the path of

> meditation only this root

> will only help. Never any yagya or rituals etc.



> The reason that no one is able to predict is that

> your aura is very strong

> and no one can penetrate your aura. And you don't

> go by surrender form if

> you always go to check the astrologer you won't get

> any thing in return he

> will never able to predict properly. And you know

> that in your chart you

> don't have any aspect on lagan, lagan lord or on

> moon that is why you are

> not able to get the Guru Kirpa (blessings) those

> only who have aspect of

> Jupiter on Ascendant, Ascendant Lord on moon or Moon

> connected to ninth

> house. But right now you will get the correct

> guidance as your Jupiter is

> transiting from 10th house and aspects the lord of

> first house.


> You can put saffron Tilak on your forehead it will

> open your third eye which

> will give you intuition and right knowledge this

> will able to clear your

> path and avoid your temptation towards self

> gratification of material world.

> And if you could do that might be that you would

> reach near to your self and

> reaching your soul is reaching the God as it said

> that soul is always

> connected to God but we cannot listen the voice of

> soul because our mind,

> our ego and the material world (Maya)


> Note those who are having earthy sign are more prone

> to Maya Net but they

> could break that spell by detach Karma only.


> You have asked when will my financial position will

> improve. You can observe

> those who are more near to God or there soul they

> have a kind of combination

> where they will have to face much financial crises.

> You can take the example

> of Shiva he is always blessed with himself always

> meditating but he lives a

> life of a beggar. He can give any boon to any person

> but he is contented

> with him self.


> You have a power that you can help any one who is

> suffering with any pain or

> sorrow you have the power but you don't use that

> because you think what will

> I get in return. And if you could help some one

> without any self-interest.

> You will find that all your needs have been

> fulfilled and now don't say that

> your needs are not full filled it is also indicating

> that you have all the

> material things which a persons require a good home,

> nice car and good Job.

> But you don't have any bank balance and that you

> will have never. Until you

> help other people without any self motive.


> Secondly you asked about the spiritual development.

> Up to what extent I

> could achieve the spiritual goal and when.


> Don't try to measure that what extent you have

> reached because you cannot

> measure the ocean and you never know in water where

> you are, in bottom or at

> shore but always try to swim and one day you will

> find that ocean and you

> are one there will be no two persons you both will

> become one.


> And if you try to measure you are on wrong track you

> are on a track of Maya.


> Your date of birth is 13 which is a number of Rahu

> the planet of

> materialism and worldly comforts and your moon sign

> is Taurus which is a

> earthy sign, your ascendant is Virgo which is also

> earthy sign only your sun

> (the soul) is placed in Libra which is a air sign

> the sign of balance. The

> conclusion is that you always have an inner conflict

> between your souls and

> your mind.


> You can say that you have done many divine

> activities in your past life but

> due to some wrong deeds you have got these

> combination so that you could

> always have inner conflict and if you could start

> doing only karma and leave

> the fruits to God you will be librated this is the

> only

=== message truncated ===





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Dear John,

We do Karma according to our mind, whether it is spiritual

or material and planets are influencing us to do so. I wrote elsewhere that,

during my Rahu Mahadasha I was nastika (not beliving in God) however

gradually I started believing in God. At the beginning of Jupiter mahadasha

I started visiting pilgrimage center etc. As soon as Saturn Mahadasha

started I have gone one step ahead in Spiritual activities. I think 5th

house and 9th house are responsible for such karmas whose Dasha / Bkukti is

running at present in full phase. If we have to bear the fruit of Prarabdha

Karma is it possible to de-rail? Lord Shiva may be a Tyagi but he has the

key of every happiness whether it is a spiritual or material therefore I

don't find anything wrong by chanting Shiva's Mantra.

Thanks & Regards,






John Rasonabe <jr_esq


Friday, January 25, 2002 12:30 AM

Re: Re: [GJ] WHY I AM PUNISHED-- due to wrong mantra



> Shilpi,


> Aside from the astrological factors we described about

> your chart, you may be using the wrong mantra during

> your meditation. From what I understand, mantras for

> Shiva are good for renunciation and for recluses.

> Since you have a family, you need a mantra for

> abundance to take care of your earthly and immediate

> needs. In my opinion, you may have received what you

> asked for!!!


> Regards,


> John R.





> --- Shilpi <omship wrote:

> > Dear Tarun,

> > I appreciate your prediction upto some extent not

> > wholehartedly.

> >

> > 1. My humble and limited knowledge has seen that our

> > country has produced

> > lot of famous/un-faimed saints in India, from time

> > eternal and many of them

> > are having exalted Saturn in their chart. In fact

> > exalted Saturn only takes

> > someone to the highest path of self-realization,

> > where Jupiter can't reach.

> > More over, when exalted Jupiter is being aspected by

> > Saturn, how one can

> > stop himself or keep away himself performing

> > religious activities ? Such

> > combination comes once in a Century. Does it means

> > that those pioneer saints

> > should have not gone for enlightment?

> > 2. Let me tell you about my past. Duding my rahu

> > mahadasha I was a nastika

> > (not beleaving in god) when time changed Jupiter

> > mahadasha came in , I

> > started beleaving in god and started perfoming

> > rituals, visiting holly

> > places etc. During my Saturn mahadasha I have gone

> > further ahead. This, I

> > am telling from own experiance although it matches

> > with the Dasha influence.

> > That means, planets are influencing to do so and

> > changing mind according to

> > their dasha. Is it possible to stop religious

> > Activities for me?

> > 3. Regarding detachment in Karma , I must say that


> > 5YEARS IN LAST 25 YEARS,for material achievement and

> > no Karma for balance

> > 20years. This way I am detached with karma.

> > 4. I have a shiva temple in my home and we consider

> > him as our family member

> > so as long as I take breath I have to consider him

> > as our family member.

> > 5. My purpose of taking berth will be success, if I

> > get Guru Kripa.

> > 6. Please elaborate about puting saffron Tilak on

> > forehead .

> > 7. Beleave me , throughout my life I am constantly

> > trying to help people

> > without expecting anything in return and during my

> > very very bad phase of

> > life also I have not taken a single peny in return.

> > Some time I have seen

> > many people have been benifited and I myself

> > wondered how it was happened?

> > Some time whatever I say, it comes true. So it gives

> > me pain to read ''Until

> > you help other people without any self motive''.

> > 8. Regardind falling in the net of maya, I must say

> > no one in this universe

> > is out of maya net. That's why you we hear Lord

> > Vishnu was covered by 'yoga

> > maya' and every body knows what happened to Lord

> > Shiva when his maya 'SATI'

> > left the body. Once maya left Brahmma, the creator

> > too.

> > With your all explanation still question renains in

> > my mind: WHY I AM


> > -

> > tarun chopra <astrotarun

> > <gjlist>

> > Thursday, January 24, 2002 12:57 AM


> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Bimal

> >

> > Note that you have exalted Saturn and having 10th

> > aspect on Jupiter the lord

> > of seventh house. No religious Activities for you.

> >

> > And one more precaution it has been observed those

> > who have Jupiter in

> > seventh house or aspect on seventh lord or have

> > aspect on seventh house they

> > should not keep any temple or any God statue or

> > photos. So kindly avoid it

> >

> > (Please note I don't want to hurt any sentiments but

> > this is fact which I

> > have learnt from my experience and if any one who

> > are having this

> > combination will always have some kind of

> > disturbance in there home.)

> >

> > You can reach God by detach Karma and the path of

> > meditation only this root

> > will only help. Never any yagya or rituals etc.

> >

> >

> > The reason that no one is able to predict is that

> > your aura is very strong

> > and no one can penetrate your aura. And you don't

> > go by surrender form if

> > you always go to check the astrologer you won't get

> > any thing in return he

> > will never able to predict properly. And you know

> > that in your chart you

> > don't have any aspect on lagan, lagan lord or on

> > moon that is why you are

> > not able to get the Guru Kirpa (blessings) those

> > only who have aspect of

> > Jupiter on Ascendant, Ascendant Lord on moon or Moon

> > connected to ninth

> > house. But right now you will get the correct

> > guidance as your Jupiter is

> > transiting from 10th house and aspects the lord of

> > first house.

> >

> > You can put saffron Tilak on your forehead it will

> > open your third eye which

> > will give you intuition and right knowledge this

> > will able to clear your

> > path and avoid your temptation towards self

> > gratification of material world.

> > And if you could do that might be that you would

> > reach near to your self and

> > reaching your soul is reaching the God as it said

> > that soul is always

> > connected to God but we cannot listen the voice of

> > soul because our mind,

> > our ego and the material world (Maya)

> >

> > Note those who are having earthy sign are more prone

> > to Maya Net but they

> > could break that spell by detach Karma only.

> >

> > You have asked when will my financial position will

> > improve. You can observe

> > those who are more near to God or there soul they

> > have a kind of combination

> > where they will have to face much financial crises.

> > You can take the example

> > of Shiva he is always blessed with himself always

> > meditating but he lives a

> > life of a beggar. He can give any boon to any person

> > but he is contented

> > with him self.

> >

> > You have a power that you can help any one who is

> > suffering with any pain or

> > sorrow you have the power but you don't use that

> > because you think what will

> > I get in return. And if you could help some one

> > without any self-interest.

> > You will find that all your needs have been

> > fulfilled and now don't say that

> > your needs are not full filled it is also indicating

> > that you have all the

> > material things which a persons require a good home,

> > nice car and good Job.

> > But you don't have any bank balance and that you

> > will have never. Until you

> > help other people without any self motive.

> >

> > Secondly you asked about the spiritual development.

> > Up to what extent I

> > could achieve the spiritual goal and when.

> >

> > Don't try to measure that what extent you have

> > reached because you cannot

> > measure the ocean and you never know in water where

> > you are, in bottom or at

> > shore but always try to swim and one day you will

> > find that ocean and you

> > are one there will be no two persons you both will

> > become one.

> >

> > And if you try to measure you are on wrong track you

> > are on a track of Maya.

> >

> > Your date of birth is 13 which is a number of Rahu

> > the planet of

> > materialism and worldly comforts and your moon sign

> > is Taurus which is a

> > earthy sign, your ascendant is Virgo which is also

> > earthy sign only your sun

> > (the soul) is placed in Libra which is a air sign

> > the sign of balance. The

> > conclusion is that you always have an inner conflict

> > between your souls and

> > your mind.

> >

> > You can say that you have done many divine

> > activities in your past life but

> > due to some wrong deeds you have got these

> > combination so that you could

> > always have inner conflict and if you could start

> > doing only karma and leave

> > the fruits to God you will be librated this is the

> > only

> === message truncated ===





> Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!

> http://auctions.




> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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> Dear John,

> We do Karma according to our mind,


I love this phrase. One of the first things I came to appreciate about

Vedic astrology is the concept of perceptions. I look at the chart in terms

of the person's ability to perceive the gifts he has. Often, I have had a

client with a very difficult chart speak of the great gifts he has been

given. Then, a client with an apparently easy chart complain that he has

not gotten enough. The difference is not that the charts were wrong, but

the perception of life.


I believe the difference between living in heaven of in hell often lies

between ones ears.



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