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Sun gets Neechbhanga due to venus in Moon angle, but a very week , and you will

not get Major period of Venus in your life.

Literary you may take its meaning that it will give the strength to your Sun by

virtu of Venus .i.e you will feel the pleasure to complete your ego and

neccesties completed in Venus periods.

Inder Ji Sahni

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arun_uthayan <arun.uthayan (AT) cibc (DOT) ca> wrote:

Most astrologers seem to have ignored the ucchabhanga of Jupiter in your chart,

which may not be due to any defect/ignorance on their part. Saturn has a

tendency to blind everyone.

You are right. When i analysed his chart i noticed that. In Tamil, a saying

goes, an exalted planet aspects another exalted planet, the native will become

a begger or a pauper. Tamilian astrologers know this fact and consider this

aspect. ( Tamil knowing people can understand this "ucchan ucchanai parthal

jathagan pichai edduppan")

Again for his lagna the Jupiter himself is the "Badaka". Exalted Badaka in 11th

House and aspecting the seventh house that is the alternative house for

profession ( from 10th to 10th ). I personally feel and believe whenever a

planet is exalted his all natural qualities and the attained qualities by

virute of lordship and the qualities of "badakatipati" is also getting exalted

i.e. propensity to do good as well as to do the bad also. In this case he is

Badaka to put obstacles in getting the results i.e. gains from the profession


Of course some do not consider badaka has that much of propensity to do

obstacles. This view differes from astrologer to astrologer.

Again when a benefic planet turns bad his propensity to do bad is more than

that of a natural malefic.

Regards, C.S. Ravindramani.


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Dear List members

Wehen ever Saturn and Sun Combine they spoil the planet which is placed with

them here Mercury is placed


see in few years time i could tell after 3 years he would have some kind of

disturbance in nervous system most probally a parlatic atack could also occur


Tarun Chopra


On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 Wendy Vasicek wrote :

> Dear Bimal,

> It seems to me that no answer is ever going to truly

> satisfy you. Many jyotisha have given straightforward

> answers as to why your dasas have not been fruitful.


> In your reply to Deepak you said:

> >>You said Jupiter was negative and Inder Jit also said

> the same whereas I had

> a miraculous experience as soon as Jupiter Mahadasha

> started.<<


> Yet in an earlier post you'd said:

> >>Moreover it is not the matter of a particuler Dasha

> and

> Bhukti when I am suffering, I am concerned about my

> last 25 years happening.

> You will appreciate that I passed many Dashas / Bhuktis

> but how and why all

> the Dashas / Bhuktis gives me the similar results, that

> is obstructions in

> every steps in my life.<<


> An unfruitful dasa brings discontent and leads the

> native to ask such questions as "Why I am Punished".

> Looking at the dasa periods one-by-one, starting with

> Rahu, it's not difficult to see the obstructions you've

> faced. First Rahu in 4th is aspected by Saturn, a dire

> malefic in your chart as the 6th is his strongest

> (moolatrikona) house. To look at this dasa in

> straightforward (logical) terms we can say that 4th

> house is afflicted by both Rahu and Saturn. The 4th

> shows our living place (home, home-comforts,

> contentment etc). I think all astrologers will agree

> that Rahu in 4th brings changes in relation to our

> home-life. The aspect of Saturn is significant as 6th

> lord brings obstacles...obstacles to your

> home-contentment and stability! Saturn is an Airy

> sign...air moves, travels around...hard to contain air

> in one space. Combine that with the effect of Rahu in

> 4th and...


> This is exactly in accord with what you said to Turan:

> >>You said I had a positive time during Rahu Dasha and

> Inder Jit said that

> Rahu Mahadasa was mixed. My feeling Rahu mahadasha was

> not at all good,

> because I left home at the age of 16 years (being the

> only son of my father

> and without any dispute with family) and roamed one

> place to another until

> Jupiter Mahadasha starts.<<


> Naturally the dasa of divine planet Jupiter turned your

> attention towards the divine...what else would one

> predict with Jupiter's dispositor Moon exalted in the

> 9th whilst (Moon's) star lord is exalted in 5th house

> of spiritual practices, mantras etc.

> This relationship between Moon and Mars is strengthened

> by the exchange of their star lords.

> However the fruition of exalted 4th lord Jupiter in

> 11th house of gains is thwarted by the aspect of dire

> functional/natural malefics Mars and Saturn who are

> also exalted.


> We can search the classics for slokas to cancel this or

> cancel that till the cows come home, but the basic

> afflictions of the horoscope will not change...the last

> 25 yrs of your life (in your own words) is proof of

> that.


> I said in an earlier post that lagnesh Mercury was

> severely afflicted in 2nd house. Mercury is the planet

> of logic, reasoning etc., I repeat what I said at the

> beginning of this mail

> "No answer is ever going to truly satisfy you"

> Afflicted Mercury will keep looking for answers even

> after they've been given. As well as being lord of your

> ascendant Mercury is the owner and karaka for 10th

> house...the affliction from Saturn and Sun will bring

> setbacks, losses, blocks, disappointments and hard

> times in relation to your occupation, career and living

> standards.


> Best Wishes,

> Wendy


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Wendy Vasicek: Vedic Astrologer

> http://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/

> JyotishVidya

> wenvas

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> -

> Shilpi

> gjlist

> Cc: cupofmagic

> Friday, January 25, 2002 1:48 PM




> Dear Sir,

> I have received your un-named mail and

> your valuable comments

> are appreciating.


> You have correctly written that ''God takes care of

> you even in the worst

> situation; he gives min wealth to survive.'' Until

> now this has happened a

> number of times in my life, which I had already

> expressed in my first mail.


> When Saturn being 6th Lord will cause debt, hopefully

> he will rise the

> result of 5th Bhava too. Isn't it?


> I will do Surya Namaskar as recommended by you.


> Jataka Chandrika is correct. When Saturn and Venus

> both are equally powerful

> it cause disaster in the person and to his family.

> According to my calculation Venus is having Sad Bala

> of 122% and Saturn 140%

> and in vimshopak Venus 54% and Saturn 83%,

> so both are not equally powerful.Thanks God.

> So during Saturn / Venus Bhukti what

> should I expect? Moreover it is not the matter of a

> particuler Dasha and

> Bhukti when I am suffering, I am concerned about my

> last 25 years happening.

> You will appreciate that I passed many Dashas /

> Bhuktis but how and why all

> the Dashas / Bhuktis gives me the similar results,

> that is obstructions in

> every steps in my life.

> What will happen to my Spiritual Gain?

> I am still searching for a true reply.




> Thanks & Regards,

> Bimal.



> -

> cupofmagic <cupofmagic

> <gjlist>

> Thursday, January 24, 2002 12:29 AM




> > Dear Bimal!

> > This is a slightly complex horoscope.

> > The Planetary positions are

> > -

> > Planet Long Nakshatra Pad

> > -

> > Sun 206.74 Visakha (Jup) 3

> > Merc 187.78 Svati (Rah) 1

> > Venu®210.64 Visakha (Jup) 4

> > Mars 291.73 Sravana (Mon) 4

> > Jupt 96.67 Pushya (Sat) 2

> > Satn 199.81 Svati (Rah) 4

> > Moon 59.04 Mrigasiras(Mar) 2

> > Rahu 254.79 Purvasada (Ven) 1

> > Ketu 74.79 Ardra (Rah) 3

> > -

> >

> > Before we say anything lets analyse a bit.

> >

> > Moon in Taurus at 29D 2M in its Moolatrikona place

> and is weak.

> > (Note: From 3D-30D of Taurus, moon is in

> Moolatrikona and not in

> > Exaltation).

> >

> > Jupiter is 6D, just passed its deepest exaltation.

> > Saturn is 19D, moving towards deepest exaltation.

> > Sun is 26D, moving away from deepest debilitation.

> > Mars is 21D, moving towards deepest exaltion.

> >

> > Looking at the Shadbala's:

> > Sun- 111%

> > Moon- 89.2%

> > Mars- 119.1%

> > Merc- 105.0%

> > Jup- 124.7%

> > Venus- 136.7%

> > Saturn- 138.5%

> >

> > As seen from above Venus and Saturn are very strong

> planets,

> > followed by Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Merc and Moon.

> > The Points to note is Lagna Lord Merc. is weak.

> > It is assoc. with 5th and 6th Lord Saturn and 12th

> lord Sun.

> >

> > Now Look at the Shadbala of the houses:

> > 1-8.71

> > 2-9

> > 3-7.33

> > 4-8.95

> > 5-9.14

> > 6-8.09

> > 7-9.78

> > 8-7.32

> > 9-8.64

> > 10-8.14

> > 11-5.47

> > 12-6.04

> >

> > If we look at the Dasa pattern of Bimal, his life

> started with the

> > Dasa of Mars (His Moon is in Mrigasira Nakshatra).

> > The second dasa was of Rahu, followed by Jupiter

> and now it is of

> > Saturn.

> > Now these dasa's are long. Like Rahu is of 18 years,

> Jupiter of 16

> > years and Saturn now which is of 19 years.

> >

> >

> > Coming to Bimal's Question:

> >

> > How long I have to face the difficulties about

> money matters, because

> > I am the only earning member in the family ?

> >

> > Well, If you look at ur second house, it has some

> major afflications.

> > Saturn thou exalted also rules the 6th house, which

> is a house of

> > Debt. Still it is in conjunction with Merc (even

> thou it is not that

> > close). So benefic qualities are there because of

> the comb. of

> > 10th,LL Merc with Saturn.

> >

> > Now what spoils it is Sun who is in Neecha and also

> the 12th lord.

> > Since Sun is moving away from Debilitation, from

> Saturn its somewhat

> > medium in Strength(Also getting a NeechaBhanga with

> Saturn).But as

> > Sun gets strength it is depleting the

> wealth(signified by 2nd house).

> > The good thing is Venus is in the 3rd house which

> somehows just let

> > the things pass getting help from jupiter. So God

> takes care of you

> > even in the worst situation (he gives min. wealth

> to survive).

> >

> > But this Dasa won't be good in terms of finance and

> family matters.

> > he is running Saturn-Venus.

> > This dasa needs a lot of home work to be done

> before coming to

> > conclusion.

> > Since Saturn and Venus are both most powerful

> planets in the

> > horoscope. And both are afflicted in similiar ways

> Like

> > Saturn/Sun/Merc in the house of Venus And 12th from

> Venus.

> > Acc. to Jataka Chandrika, shloka 40, If both the

> Saturn and Venus are

> > strong the native will have worst results in life.

> Its like the

> > reversal of Fortune. Even thou they may promise the

> best in the

> > native's life.

> > Also, Saturn and Sun have a 2-12 relationship.

> > Apart from that Bimal is running under Sade-Sati.

> >

> > Look at the 11th house of gains, even thou Jupiter

> is there it

> > doesn't help in the house where it is posited. It

> improves the houses

> > it aspects and its not good in the 11th house.Also,

> in Shadbala your

> > 11th is weak even thou u get more points in

> AstakaVarga.It doesn't

> > help for Jupiter is exalted in the 11th aspected by

> 8th Lord Mars and

> > 6th lord Saturn.

> >

> > Also, Saturn-Sun is coming down the line.

> > I would advice you to do Surya Namaskar. Dont wear

> a Sapphire ever.

> > But in Saturn's dasa you can give black coloured

> stuff in charity to

> > poor like Black Urd daal, Mustard oil, etc.

> > Jupiter moving into 11th house from Lagna after

> July should give

> > some relief.

> >

> >

> > I shall answer more later after getting the views

> of others.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> > :

> gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> :

> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to




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It's the Second Saturn Transit over Moon (SadaSati) which is hard. The

first is harmful to parents more, the second to you, and the third, I

don't know.


But the second is usually rough.


That's why it's hard. You're in SadaSati.


And, people who have good/well placed Saturns, I have not seen this

helping any. They still suffered.


Suffering is good. That's the secret.


You're not being punished. You're being purified.




Das Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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Dear Das Goravani


Could you enlightened me on SadaSati. Which is more powerful- Saturn over

Moon or Saturn over Lagna. Thks


>Das Goravani <>




>Fri, 25 Jan 2002 06:52:02 -0800




>It's the Second Saturn Transit over Moon (SadaSati) which is hard. The

>first is harmful to parents more, the second to you, and the third, I

>don't know.


>But the second is usually rough.


>That's why it's hard. You're in SadaSati.


>And, people who have good/well placed Saturns, I have not seen this

>helping any. They still suffered.


>Suffering is good. That's the secret.


>You're not being punished. You're being purified.




>Das Goravani







>2852 Willamette St # 353

>Eugene OR USA 97405


> or

>Fax: 541-343-0344


>"Goravani Jyotish"

>Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software




>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

>: gjlist-




>Your use of is subject to






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Dear Mr. Shilpi ,

My reply below is not for your understanding but for others who are student on the list.

"Regarding Saturn's combustion I would like to say that Saturn and Venus doesn't

become totally powerless although it is combust. In the other hand Saturn is

more powerful in this house because of his placement to highest Exaltation

point and Sun is debilitated hence powerless and at the same time due to

Dakshinayan Sun is again weak. "


A combust planet is combust, this combustion has been ignored in the calculation

of longevity and not in any other aspect.

Another view is regarding the Mercury , because of its closeness to the Sun many

Astrologer ignores its combustion Sun Mercury combination is considered powerful

even if Mercury is combust.

So a combust Saturn will not affect longevity but will effect other things shown

by Saturn. same is true for Venus. Your both the planets are combust, while

writing your analysis i did not notice the combustion of Venus and it ruled out

the cancellation of Neech bhangha for Sun.

In today's world it is a boon to have Sun in fall but it must be supported by

Good Venus. The persons with Sun in fall can adjust themselves to any thing to

be as successful entrepreneur. But if the planets are combust like in present

case one will overestimate for the money or he will feel that he is too polite

with others and is not getting the same through them . This feeling will make

the person away from many . An ego that rules that i am more polite will make

the person ignores. A combust Venus also gives a wife to which the person

weighs high among many known women among his relatives, though the wife may

have some times physical troubles.

"My concent does not allow me to believe that debilitated Sun has got that much

power to Combust Saturn. Is it based on any calculation or just an asumption? I

want your view as well as other list members, on this matter."


The combustion is a matter of visibility. When a planet is covered by Sun rays

and is not visible it is called combust. During Venus combustion marriages are

not celebrated , because natural flow of prosperity and sex is taken over by Sun

.. Calculate the Vimshopak Bala of Venus the strength may be more than what it is

in your chart.

Same is done when the Jupiter is combust , we do not celebrate marriages or

other auspicious work, Though Jupiter may show lot of strength due to Vimshopak


For this combustion i request any other member to explain the respective degrees

from the Sun which combust the planet.


Regarding Sadesati you proved my writing that it was good till March 2001 when

Saturn was moving in the Venus orb though your Venus is combust, it was more so

due to Jupiter movements near those degrees. But you are referring and arguing

with scriptures, this is confirming my saying about your Mars opposing your




Regarding your nature Wendy has written already,whereas my writing are for the

learning's to others and not for the free consultation to you. Moreover it will

be against the ethics of the Astrology if i will write more than this about

yourself in the open.


With regards,

Inder jit sahni

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You are right. When i analysed his chart i noticed that. In Tamil, a saying

goes, an exalted planet aspects another exalted planet, the native will become

a begger or a pauper. Tamilian astrologers know this fact and consider this

aspect. ( Tamil knowing people can understand this "ucchan ucchanai parthal

jathagan pichai edduppan")

[me] if this is fact, why am I not a pauper with Exalted Saturn opposing

exalted Sun? I have worked hard and was not born to luxury but neither have I

been a pauper. BTW my sweetheart also has this placement and the planets are

angular in both of our rashis and Moon charts. Perhaps if we lived in India

our lives would have been different and so these rules may not be fact in one

country and indeed be fact in another.



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Dear list

And Bill Gates has an aspect of an exalted planet on another exalted planet .

What sometimes happens is an exalted planet becomes a bit lazy .I have a chart

of a guy born the same week as Cynthia with 4 exalted planets .He has talent

and energy but does not really achieve so much . A person with good fortune may

start to rely on their luck too much and therefore not undergo financial

planning or not worry about how much they have stacked up on their credit cards




cynthia novak


Saturday, January 26, 2002 3:41 AM


You are right. When i analysed his chart i noticed that. In Tamil, a saying

goes, an exalted planet aspects another exalted planet, the native will become

a begger or a pauper. Tamilian astrologers know this fact and consider this

aspect. ( Tamil knowing people can understand this "ucchan ucchanai parthal

jathagan pichai edduppan") [me] if this is fact, why am I not a pauper with

Exalted Saturn opposing exalted Sun? I have worked hard and was not born to

luxury but neither have I been a pauper. BTW my sweetheart also has this

placement and the planets are angular in both of our rashis and Moon charts.

Perhaps if we lived in India our lives would have been different and so these

rules may not be fact in one country and indeed be fact in another. cynthiaOm

Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an

email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Dear All,

To avoid any confusion, due to my habitual mental slips, I should clarify that

both Saturn and Rahu are of the "Air" element. Typing too quickly, as usual, I


Saturn is an Airy sign...air moves, travels around...hard to contain air in one

space. Combine that with the effect of Rahu in 4th and...


Best Wishes,Wendy


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wendy Vasicek: Vedic

Astrologerhttp://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/JyotishVidyawenvas (AT) dingoblue (DOT) net.au~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dear Bimal,

It seems to me that no answer is ever going to truly satisfy you. Many jyotisha

have given straightforward answers as to why your dasas have not been fruitful.


In your reply to Deepak you said:

>>You said Jupiter was negative and Inder Jit also said the same whereas I hada

miraculous experience as soon as Jupiter Mahadasha started.<<


Yet in an earlier post you'd said:

>>Moreover it is not the matter of a particuler Dasha andBhukti when I am

suffering, I am concerned about my last 25 years happening.You will appreciate

that I passed many Dashas / Bhuktis but how and why allthe Dashas / Bhuktis

gives me the similar results, that is obstructions inevery steps in my life.<<


An unfruitful dasa brings discontent and leads the native to ask such questions

as "Why I am Punished".

Looking at the dasa periods one-by-one, starting with Rahu, it's not difficult

to see the obstructions you've faced. First Rahu in 4th is aspected by Saturn,

a dire malefic in your chart as the 6th is his strongest (moolatrikona) house.

To look at this dasa in straightforward (logical) terms we can say that 4th

house is afflicted by both Rahu and Saturn. The 4th shows our living place

(home, home-comforts, contentment etc). I think all astrologers will agree that

Rahu in 4th brings changes in relation to our home-life. The aspect of Saturn is

significant as 6th lord brings obstacles...obstacles to your home-contentment

and stability! Saturn is an Airy sign...air moves, travels around...hard to

contain air in one space. Combine that with the effect of Rahu in 4th and...


This is exactly in accord with what you said to Turan:

>>You said I had a positive time during Rahu Dasha and Inder Jit said thatRahu

Mahadasa was mixed. My feeling Rahu mahadasha was not at all good,because I

left home at the age of 16 years (being the only son of my fatherand without

any dispute with family) and roamed one place to another untilJupiter Mahadasha



Naturally the dasa of divine planet Jupiter turned your attention towards the

divine...what else would one predict with Jupiter's dispositor Moon exalted in

the 9th whilst (Moon's) star lord is exalted in 5th house of spiritual

practices, mantras etc.

This relationship between Moon and Mars is strengthened by the exchange of their star lords.

However the fruition of exalted 4th lord Jupiter in 11th house of gains is

thwarted by the aspect of dire functional/natural malefics Mars and Saturn who

are also exalted.


We can search the classics for slokas to cancel this or cancel that till the

cows come home, but the basic afflictions of the horoscope will not

change...the last 25 yrs of your life (in your own words) is proof of that.


I said in an earlier post that lagnesh Mercury was severely afflicted in 2nd

house. Mercury is the planet of logic, reasoning etc., I repeat what I said at

the beginning of this mail

"No answer is ever going to truly satisfy you"

Afflicted Mercury will keep looking for answers even after they've been given.

As well as being lord of your ascendant Mercury is the owner and karaka for

10th house...the affliction from Saturn and Sun will bring setbacks, losses,

blocks, disappointments and hard times in relation to your occupation, career

and living standards.


Best Wishes,Wendy

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[me] if this is fact, why am I not a pauper with Exalted Saturn opposing

exalted Sun? I have worked hard and was not born to luxury but neither have I

been a pauper. BTW my sweetheart also has this placement and the planets are

angular in both of our rashis and Moon charts. Perhaps if we lived in India

our lives would have been different and so these rules may not be fact in one

country and indeed be fact in another.


C.S. Ravindramani writes:

Thank you for your input.

I have written that it is one of the reasons a person can see extreme poverty in

his life. It is not necessarily he should litterally beg on the roads. A

person's level of povetry can also be accounted for by this rule. That was my

intention to write.

Each horoscope is a unique one. I do not know in which houses the two exalted

planets aspect each other in your chart. In hindu astrology, if a combination

gives a sort of result does not mean that each and every horoscope having the

same combination should give the same result. The horoscope should be seen in

totality along with the Dasha pattern and the transit.

As you rightly said, it goes without saying that the Desh, Kala and Patra

should be taken into account before coming to a conclusion. .

regards, C.S. Ravindramani.

Auctions Great stuff seeking new owners! Bid now!

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