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God - The Kalpa Tharu (Wishfulfilling tree)

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Here is a story told by Sri Ramakrishna....


On a hot summer day a traveler stopped under a shady tree and lay down on

the bare ground to rest a while. Looking up at the sky, he wished he could

be lying on a comfortable bed.


He did not know that he was lying under a magical tree that made every

thought come true.


Lo! In no time a bed appeared and he was lying on it.


"This is perfect," the traveler thought. "Now all I need is a maiden to

give me company in this lonely place."


Poof! A beautiful young maiden immediately appeared before him. She sat

next to him, fanning him for his pleasure.


"Wow!" the traveler exclaimed, enjoying the cool breeze. "The only thing

that could make things any better would be to have some food and drink to

enjoy with my lovely companion here."


As soon as he thought this, a wonderful feast lay before him. The maiden

served him the food and drink. Lying in bed eating grapes the maiden fed

him, the traveler thought, "This is the peak of happiness! Wouldn't it

just be awful if it all disappeared and a tiger were to attack me instead?"


No sooner had he thought this, than everything disappeared, replaced by a

ferocious tiger. The man scurried up the tree, thinking to himself, "If

only I had been content with just the shade of this tree, I wouldn't be at

the mercy of this beast!"

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