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Dear Nicholas



<<Wise as they are to the ways of others they are not usually so wise in their

own life>>



Aslesha is ruled by Mercury and therefore people ruled by this planet are very

"mercurial". Apparently to others they may appear "not usually so wise in

their own life" but they are wise in their own ways.



<<Serpents are also associated with poison and thus there are often found to be




Perhaps that is the case but by poison we have also the other poison given in

general by those in power to control people.


I have a Hare Krishna devotee friend that became a celebrity in South America as

a musician. In the late 70's and beginning 80's (i lost track of him since

then) TV cameras, newspapers and radios used to wait for him at the aereoports,

mainly in Colombia to interviewed him. He wrote beautiful songs and i remember

one that is related to the poison given by politicians to people, something

like "Tio Sam pocos te conocen, tiras la piedra y luego te escondes",

something like "Uncle Sam few people really know you".


There is another nice song written by (i think another devotee) that says "When

i went to school, my teachers gave me poison and i drank it like a fool". This

song is obviously refering to Avidya, a Sanskrit word meaning the opposite to

vidya or real knowledge.


Therefore, by poison, ignorance or avidya can also be understood. Ashlesa is

ruled by the intellectual Mercury, the karaka or natural indicator for

intelligence. Real intelligence is related to real vidya or real knowledge and

the snake carrying the poison is the keeper of the impurities.


Poison can also be used to cure certain illnesses, in fact many medicines can be

poison to a person when given in great quantities.


We were told to be like the swan that can drink water from milk, in a similar

way we must learn to drink nectar from among poison and vidya form avidya.



<<These qualities are said to make Aslesha's good leaders because at the top one

cannot afford to be wishy washy and being found in Cancer Aslesha will still

have nuturing qualities >>



Yes, and when the moon and mercury qualities are blended, we get a very

sensitive (Cancerians) and intelligent (Aslesha) person.



<<This 9th nakshatra gets a bad press whereas the 8th Pushya glowing praise>>



I think that every sign, house, constellation or planet can be both bad or good.



<<I have often puzzled over the numerology of this>>



Well, see that in the vimshottari system, the constellations ruled by Mercury

are the 9th, 18th and 27th. All of them having 9 as a root.


I do not know how or why Parasara has told us so but he and vedic astrologers

must have had their reasons and i accept it. Perhaps at present we cannot see

the game but with faith we know that it is right.


Take for example the owners of the signs. Nobody knows why Mars rules Aries and

Scorpio but one day i did an study of it by following the divisions of the

sodasavargas, or the system in vedic astrology dealing with 16 divisions.


I found out that 2,400 vargas or divisions rule every sign and by counting the

amount of those rulers i found out that in every sign, its ruler has the most

amount of divisions. In this way for example, Mars has the more amount of

divisions in Aries and Scorpio with 553 and 523 respectively. While Saturn has

in Aries the lowest amount of divisions and the moon does the same in Scorpio,

not wonder that Saturn and the Moon are debilitated, weak or necha in those



But mind, i did not find that the 7 planets in necha have the lowest amount of

divisions. Perhaps one day i will post abput this study.


Regarding the numbers in constellations, naksatras 9 get the Martian vibrations

because Mars rules number 9 (see Harish Johari) but by rulership Mercury rules

number 5, which is the pentagon on a plane or the polyedre in a form.


Best wishes

Natabara Das

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Dear Natabara

Thanks for a stimulating post . I agree that it takes time to understand the

whys and wherfores of Jyotish and patience and perseverance are required .

I always thought that the signs represented the planets expressed through an

element and this was the key to understanding their ownership .Thus Aries is

Mars energy expressed through fire whilst Scorpio is Mars energy expressed

through water .Your study may give and additional or alternative perspective as

to the ownership of the signs but doesn't counring the vargas for each rasi

presuppose ownership of the rasis .

Aslesha natives may also make good medical personnel .

Yes I agree every placement has it's good and bad points .This is actually one

of the best points about Levacy's book .He gives good points for what are

normally considered adverse combinations .This can be immensely beneficial in

helping people with charts with many weak placements . My humble opinion is

that this book is underestimated by the jyotish community it is actually an

excellent reference work .

With my best wishes





Tuesday, January 29, 2002 11:23 PM


Dear Nicholas



<<Wise as they are to the ways of others they are not usually so wise in their

own life>>



Aslesha is ruled by Mercury and therefore people ruled by this planet are very

"mercurial". Apparently to others they may appear "not usually so wise in

their own life" but they are wise in their own ways.



<<Serpents are also associated with poison and thus there are often found to be




Perhaps that is the case but by poison we have also the other poison given in

general by those in power to control people.


I have a Hare Krishna devotee friend that became a celebrity in South America as

a musician. In the late 70's and beginning 80's (i lost track of him since

then) TV cameras, newspapers and radios used to wait for him at the aereoports,

mainly in Colombia to interviewed him. He wrote beautiful songs and i remember

one that is related to the poison given by politicians to people, something

like "Tio Sam pocos te conocen, tiras la piedra y luego te escondes",

something like "Uncle Sam few people really know you".


There is another nice song written by (i think another devotee) that says "When

i went to school, my teachers gave me poison and i drank it like a fool". This

song is obviously refering to Avidya, a Sanskrit word meaning the opposite to

vidya or real knowledge.


Therefore, by poison, ignorance or avidya can also be understood. Ashlesa is

ruled by the intellectual Mercury, the karaka or natural indicator for

intelligence. Real intelligence is related to real vidya or real knowledge and

the snake carrying the poison is the keeper of the impurities.


Poison can also be used to cure certain illnesses, in fact many medicines can be

poison to a person when given in great quantities.


We were told to be like the swan that can drink water from milk, in a similar

way we must learn to drink nectar from among poison and vidya form avidya.



<<These qualities are said to make Aslesha's good leaders because at the top one

cannot afford to be wishy washy and being found in Cancer Aslesha will still

have nuturing qualities >>



Yes, and when the moon and mercury qualities are blended, we get a very

sensitive (Cancerians) and intelligent (Aslesha) person.



<<This 9th nakshatra gets a bad press whereas the 8th Pushya glowing praise>>



I think that every sign, house, constellation or planet can be both bad or good.



<<I have often puzzled over the numerology of this>>



Well, see that in the vimshottari system, the constellations ruled by Mercury

are the 9th, 18th and 27th. All of them having 9 as a root.


I do not know how or why Parasara has told us so but he and vedic astrologers

must have had their reasons and i accept it. Perhaps at present we cannot see

the game but with faith we know that it is right.


Take for example the owners of the signs. Nobody knows why Mars rules Aries and

Scorpio but one day i did an study of it by following the divisions of the

sodasavargas, or the system in vedic astrology dealing with 16 divisions.


I found out that 2,400 vargas or divisions rule every sign and by counting the

amount of those rulers i found out that in every sign, its ruler has the most

amount of divisions. In this way for example, Mars has the more amount of

divisions in Aries and Scorpio with 553 and 523 respectively. While Saturn has

in Aries the lowest amount of divisions and the moon does the same in Scorpio,

not wonder that Saturn and the Moon are debilitated, weak or necha in those



But mind, i did not find that the 7 planets in necha have the lowest amount of

divisions. Perhaps one day i will post abput this study.


Regarding the numbers in constellations, naksatras 9 get the Martian vibrations

because Mars rules number 9 (see Harish Johari) but by rulership Mercury rules

number 5, which is the pentagon on a plane or the polyedre in a form.


Best wishes

Natabara Das


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an

email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Dear Nicholas and Natabara,


Nicholas wrote:


I always thought that the signs represented the planets expressed through an

element and this was the key to understanding their ownership .Thus Aries is

Mars energy expressed through fire whilst Scorpio is Mars energy expressed

through water .


Thanks for writing this again. It is basic Jyotish but it is good to see it put

this way again, verses just seeing Mars. Seeing Mars expression through the

element of the sign. And then further, all the other planets. It's a helpful

understanding. Thanks Nicholas.


Natabara wrote:


I found out that 2,400 vargas or divisions rule every sign and by counting the

amount of those rulers i found out that in every sign, its ruler has the most

amount of divisions. In this way for example, Mars has the more amount of

divisions in Aries and Scorpio with 553 and 523 respectively. While Saturn has

in Aries the lowest amount of divisions and the moon does the same in Scorpio,

not wonder that Saturn and the Moon are debilitated, weak or necha in those



But mind, i did not find that the 7 planets in necha have the lowest amount of

divisions. Perhaps one day i will post abput this study.



This is very interesting, Natabara. When your energy returns even more, it would

be good to see this study.


Also, Natabara, thanks for posting the Moon Calendar for February. It's great of you.


All best regards,


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Dear Natabara Das, I have been away for several days and upon my return I

see that several list members have answered and been so kind with their

help and teachings. Thank you. I will study very carefully your comments

and ways of working with the chart synthesis. I agree that intuition is

very important once a strong foundation is set. I am still too new to Vedic

at this stage to be free with my intuition but one day I hope to be there.

Yes, you have my Asc. right at 5.05.10 LEO in Magha. Asc. ruler is in the

8th. I wonder if there is any hope.

I am going to explore Gems, but it must be difficult to find the right one.

I am also learning so much from your calendars and your advice as how to

use them. I wish you continued progress in your recovery and thank you for

all your shared wisdom.


With warm regards, April


On 25 January 2002 15:07, natabara [sMTP:natabara] wrote:

> Dear April


> Many thanks for your nice words to me regarding my postings. Perhaps my

health problems have helped me to be limited physically although no mentaly

and to seat in front of the computer for many hours and feel inspired to

write to the list members.


> My walk, speech and balance have come back in some 60% in 10 months.

Although the recovery is slow and nobody knows how it is going to get, i

am just taking every day as it comes, and thank the Lord for my recovery.

Every day i asses my recovery and i thank God by thinking "No bad so far,

even if this recovery stops today, i can cope from here on, I think that i

did not pay enough for my past errors and that i got a reduction of karmic

payment due to His mercy".


> I have seen a cycle of recovery, i go up for few days and after a pick, i

get a set-back for few days before i start to go up again. Each time the

health gets better and the set-backs are less bad.


> I can read, write and study when i feel fine (relatively) but i still

cannot do deep readings because i do not want to overdue my intuition and



> you

> <<My dearest friend had a massive stroke 10 years

> ago and I was by his side in intensive care for many months>>


> me

> Sorry to hear about that, strokes are much more serious than brain

hemorraghes. They take a long toll and a long time to recover.


> The main problem in my condition is that the cerebelum gets inflameted

due to the flood of blood around. With the inflamation we lose in

temporary way a computer that makes activities a routine job.


> Normally we take time and energy to think how to make new activities,

from walking, driving, cooking etc we have to think in the beginning but

the cerebelum "remembers" all those functions and make them automatic for

us to avoid wasting mental energies in thinking.


> Yesterday, a man came to fix the central heating and when he heard that i

could not talk properly due to my condition, he said that his family has a

history of strokes and himself is affected in a way, because he is allergic

to the second band on TV, the one that gives the fut-ball results in

succesion on top of the normal band of pictures. He gets like dizzy and

tired spells when that appears on TV.


> It is interesting how we can get ill when the eyes are affected. With

strobing eyes some sensitive people get epileptic attacks. It seems that

we do not know much about dristi yet.


> Anyway, it is nice to hear that your friend is recovering fine.


> You mention that your Jupiter is in a constellation of Mercury and his

host, the moon is in a Jupiter constellation. We see here a lot of Jupiter

energy. Jupiter has the tendencies for expansion and he rules the hormons

for growing the body, perhaps here is inciting excesive nutrition.


> You are in Ketu dasa, well, in my experience i have seen many people

going to India and getting a gem on a ring according to the main planetary

period that they are in. It seem to work. Disregarding about the

ownership, or location or if the planet is good or bad, some astrologers

prescribe gems according to this rule that it seems to work.


> Astrologers are like doctors when prescribing gems, mantras, herbs etc.

Some doctors prescribe the right medicines and others may kill the

patient. Medicine is a mystery.


> The way that i see this gems is that during the main period of any

planet, that planet runs out of fuel. With a car without fuel, you cannot

move at all. Perhaps you can push it but you have to struggle and it is

not comparison when the car is working fine and with fuel.


> But the gems have to be of a good quality, have a good size, touching

your skin and worn on the right finger if you want to use a ring.


> The gems for Ketu can be worn on the middle or annular finger. The gems

for Ketu are Cat's eye, Tiger's eye, Amethyst.


> In my experience the transits affect first the karakahood (natural

indication) of the planet transited; secondly the house transited; thirdly

the karakahood of the planet in transit; forthly the ownership of the

house/s of the transited planet and fifthly the ownership of house/s of the

transiting planet.


> Remember to give priority to your intuition when doing the reading.

Intuition scans the chart, the rules are secondary and then you evaluate

and give the reading.


> As a secondary importance in the rules but good to evaluate the reading,

look at the ownership and location of the planet reagarding the

constellation from your natal moon.


> In any reading i have a look at what my intuition calls me first, then i

see the chart from the ascendant to see the 6th, 8th and 12th house

ownership and which planet is there. Secondly i see the chart from the

moon sign as ascendant, but when we do not have the time of birth, this

study from the natal moon is primarly. At this stage i do not have time to

stop to do a correction, assesment or guessing of the time of birth,

thirdly i see the ownership and location in naksatras.


> I start to give the reading within 5 to 10 seconds after i first put my

eyes on the chart. And i stop according to the time that the customer has

or when i had said enough for the customer to assimilate or know.


> According to your DOB and Lahiris Ayanamsa, your ascendant is in Leo

05°05'10" in the constellation of Magha. Is this right?


> Best wishes

> natabara Das

> << File: ATT00012.html >>

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Thanks so much for taking your time to look at the compulsive eater in me.

Your remarks made a lot of sense. I took my approach to the "big appetite"

of Aslesha by reading that M.Gandhi suffered and struggled all his life

"trying to purify and restrain his eating habits" with his moon in Aslesha.

The book was by Harness, The Nakshatras. That phrase fit me so well.

I have enjoyed your posts and your spunky spirit.

Thanks, April


On 24 January 2002 10:19, Wendy Vasicek [sMTP:wenvas]


> Dear Pixie (April?),

> Your post attributing your voluptuous appetite to Aslesha intrigued me as

I rarely consider the nakshatras in this way and I knew there would be

clear astrological evidence of such a strong appetite...so I couldn't

resist having a look at your chart :-)


> Although the 2nd house signifies the partaking of (wrong) food or drink,

it's the 6th that shows our appetite, digestion and preparation of food.

The digestive system is under the jurisdiction of Pitta, and with

YogaKaraka Mars (a strong Pitta planet) in the 6th, it's obvious that you

have the digestion to cope with (and even trigger) a big appetite.

> The 6th is aspected by it's lord Saturn who is in the company of

Rahu...Rahu is a compulsive planet...not hard at all to see that it would

be difficult for you to control or curb your appetite :-)


> The aspect of exalted Jupiter on 6th, 6th lord and 2nd lord Mercury also

expands the appetite and brings happiness connected with food...comfort

from food :-)


> Best Wishes,

> Wendy


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Wendy Vasicek: Vedic Astrologer

> http://www.members.tripod.com/ganesh_astro/

> JyotishVidya

> wenvas

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >snip<

> I wanted to say that I have my exalted Jupiter in Aslesha and I have

had to

> struggle all of my life not to stuff food into my mouth. I still stuff

> food into my mouth but I make sure it is 50 sunflower seeds or many


> sticks and not 50 cookies. This battle is very perplexing. Like this


> fixation". Cancer is mother and nutrition and food and with Jupiter I

> always want more. My moon Nakshatra is Purva Bhadrapada ruled by


> Maybe this reinforced this. I know very little, practically nothing


> Vedic Astrology but I am a practising Western Astrologer and trying


> hard to learn Vedic.

> <snip<

> << File: ATT00001.html >>

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I am ordering the book. I respect those authors a lot. I will try and do a

comparison chart but my GJ program has trouble with this location in Spain

where my partner is from. We are one hour behind GMT and I can't get it to

come out right. You say it is a spiritual chart. I agree from how I feel

about my life.

I look forward to the 2004 period. I suppose it is better to pass through

the saturn transits and see what happens in the next year. A time of truth

as Saturn is transiting Venus, my relationship Karaka.

Your analysis was great. Thanks,



On 24 January 2002 01:20, John Rasonabe [sMTP:jr_esq] wrote:

> April,


> You have a spiritual chart since Jupiter is exalted in

> the 12th house. In the navamsa, your Mars is exalted

> in the 9th house.


> The position of Saturn and Rahu in the 4th house has

> made you live outside the country where you were born.

> The exalted Jupiter in the 12th house also contributed

> to your living abroad.


> As you may already know, you should compare your chart

> with your potential spouse to determine if your

> marriage has good potential. The comparison should be

> made based on the positions of the Ascendant, Sun,

> Moon and Venus. For details, please read a book by

> Hart DeFouw and Swovoda called "Light on

> Relationships".


> You do not have a Mars condition or kujadosha which is

> good for marriage stability. However, you should

> marry someone that does not have kujadosha also. This

> will help you avoid difficulties with your

> relationship. For details, please read James Braha's

> book called "Hindu Astrology for the Western

> Astrologer".


> There are other factors for marriage compatibility.

> But the above factors above are the most important

> part.


> On September 24, 2004, you will be running the dasha

> of Venus which is your 10th house lord. This should

> be a start of a better period for your career. It is

> possible for you to have a good period for

> relationship also since Venus is a karaka for your

> lover. Further, during this period, Jupiter will be

> transiting your 1st house which should be conducive

> for marriage.


> Regards,


> John R.








--- April Sindorf <aprilstar wrote:

> > Dear list, I have benefited in so many countless

> > ways by all of you who

> > contribute. Thanks so much. I've always wanted to

> > say to you Natabara Das

> > that you are an inspiration to us all for your

> > continued light in spite of

> > your recent health crisis. My dearest friend had a

> > massive stroke 10 years

> > ago and I was by his side in intensive care for many

> > months. It took him

> > months to be able to swallow and years to walk well

> > and now he is back

> > playing tennis, speaking 3 languages and STILL


> > still improving every day is what I want to leave

> > you with. After 10 years

> > the miracle of the body to recover is still going

> > strong. He had faith in

> > this process and always opened to the power to work

> > miracles through him.

> > The doctors told him that after one year he would

> > stop improving. He

> > refused to believe this and this allowed him to

> > relax and let the miracle

> > happen. Bless you for all your wisdom on this list.

> >

> > I wanted to say that I have my exalted Jupiter in

> > Aslesha and I have had to

> > struggle all of my life not to stuff food into my

> > mouth. I still stuff

> > food into my mouth but I make sure it is 50

> > sunflower seeds or many carrot

> > sticks and not 50 cookies. This battle is very

> > perplexing. Like this "oral

> > fixation". Cancer is mother and nutrition and food

> > and with Jupiter I

> > always want more. My moon Nakshatra is Purva

> > Bhadrapada ruled by Jupiter.

> > Maybe this reinforced this. I know very little,

> > practically nothing about

> > Vedic Astrology but I am a practising Western

> > Astrologer and trying very

> > hard to learn Vedic.

> >

> > From a Western Chart perspective I have Venus

> > opposite Saturn. Not good

> > news for relationships. I've never married. The

> > spiritual monk type I

> > guess. And yes I feel I am very idealistic about

> > relationships. I have

> > exalted mars in Uttara Ashadha. I'm not sure about

> > Vedic interpretation as

> > Venus and Saturn are friends. Maybe there is HOPE.

> > At the moment

> > Progressed Sun is conjunct Venus and Progressed Moon

> > is conjunct Saturn

> > plus ( Saturn is conjunct Rahu and Venus is Conjunct

> > Ketu in natal chart).

> > Transiting Saturn is conjunct my Ketu and Saturn

> > is ruler of my 7th house

> > Aquarius. Also Progressed mars is conjunct

> > Progressed Jupiter, both my

> > exalted planets. I'm in my Ketu Dasha also and

> > Saturn is smack on this.

> > Also my Asc. Nakshatra is Magha ruled by Ketu. Is

> > there any tie in for

> > example when Ketu is transited by Saturn in the

> > tenth, does this affect the

> > Asc, because it is ruled by Ketu. As Ketu is in

> > 10th of career could it be

> > that I loose my career. Could a relationship finally

> > happen.

> >

> > 22 months ago I met a spiritual soul mate and now we

> > have decided to

> > commit. I'm so scared. With this strange chart do

> > you see this as something

> > that could work in this life time. If any one has

> > any thoughts on the

> > matter I would love to hear them. It has caused such

> > pain and loneliness so

> > far in my life. Especially in my youth. As soon as

> > I moved out of the

> > country my life improved dramatically. General good

> > luck in travels and

> > living abroad but a chosen life of service and

> > simplicity. If anyone would

> > like to comment I would appreciate it as I am truly

> > scared that my chart is

> > a complete doom and gloom story for partnership

> > without calamity. With my

> > own spiritual practice I try to purify my karmas

> > that might be blocking

> > this possibility.

> >

> > Speaking about Progressions ----------

> > A little suggestion for getting aquainted with them

> > is to start simple.

> > For those of you who are new to working with

> > progressions I have found

> > that if you experiment with the Moon first and check

> > your own personal

> > history as the Progressed Moon passed over the

> > angles and other major

> > points like the Sun and Moon, etc.,( Conjunction,

> > Square and Opposition) it

> > can reveal how sensitive your chart is to this

> > progressed cycle. Some

> > clients of mine had significant events on each hit

> > and others showed very

> > little correlation except on an inner psychological

> > level. I find the

> > cycle of the Progressed Moon the easiest to see and

> > begin with.

> >

> > Thank you all again and for those of you who

> > privately have helped me so

> > much. One of the highlights of my day is to open the

> > e-mail and see what I

> > will learn. Inspiration to all, Pixie P.S.

> > If you need I will

> > post my Birthday.

> >

> > April 8, 1956

> > orange, California,USA

> > 2:12 P.M. local time (+ 8 GMT)

> > 117W 51 33N 47

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> > Sat

> > :

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >





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> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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