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Das' Shatabhisha Moon

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Dear List,


In Harness' book under Shatabhisha he writes:


"The shadow side of Shatabhisha is loneliness and depression. Shatabhisha people

can feel restrained or restricted and feel life as a duty...."


Also further he writes:


"...The lunar mansion of Ashwini is considered an ideal place to rest and

recuperate for the Shatabhisha individual."


In Das' chart his Lagna is Ashwini and Venus is located in Lagna. (Venus though is in Bharani.)


My question is: From this perspective when we look at his Lagna in Ashwini, with

Venus there, is this some indication for things Venus is Karaka for as far as

healing goes with respect to this with Das, particularly since this is his Moon

placed in Shatabhisha?


Many thanks and regards,


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Dear Patrice

I would say yes . His software has a Venus feel to it and he likes peace and

harmony on the list certainly a Venusian quality . Asvini is governed by the

heavenly physicians the Asvini Kumaras and I've always felt that Das' s

interest in jyotish stemmed from a desire to help others .I'd like to also

encourage Das to start posting again to the list .Previously there were many

rs who found his postings the most relishable .


Sociologists once thought that people who spent a lot of time on the net were

loners but recent studies have shown quite the opposite that these people are

actually more community oriented and better educated .So if one is finding it

difficult to find friendship of like minded people in one's geographical area

there are also cyber friendships .The ultimate friendship is with Krishna who

sits in every one's heart

Best Wishes




Patrice Curry


Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:20 AM

Re: [GJ] Das' Shatabhisha Moon

Dear List,


In Harness' book under Shatabhisha he writes:


"The shadow side of Shatabhisha is loneliness and depression. Shatabhisha people

can feel restrained or restricted and feel life as a duty...."


Also further he writes:


"...The lunar mansion of Ashwini is considered an ideal place to rst and

recuperate for the Shatabhisha indiidual."


In Das' chart his Lagna is Ashwini and Venus is located in Lagna. (Venus though is in Bharani.)


My question is: From this perspective when we look at his Lagna in Ashwini, with

Venus there, is this some indication for things Venus is Karaka for as far as

healing goes with respect to this with Das, particularly since this is his Moon

placed in Shatabhisha?


Many thanks and regards,

Patrice Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo ,

send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use

of is subject to the

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Hi Nicholas,


Thank you for your reply and help. In Harness' book it's great that in this case

he clearly listed where Shatabhisha finds rest and recuperation. In this

particular example, which is the only time in the book that he clearly lists

this out of all the Nakshatras, with Shatabhisha and Ashwini, they relate to

the male and female Nakshatras for the animal Horse.


It would be interesting to find where other lunar mansions also find their rest

and recuperation. With all your study and experience on this have you come

across anything that gives this kind of information or shows anything similar

for even a couple other Nakshatras Nicholas? Have you found this yourself with

experience working with other Nakshatras?


This isn't this simple in most Nakshatras most likely or Harness would have

probably listed them. Fortuitous with respect to Shatabhisha and Das' chart. I

don't know that this correlation to the male and female would be true in any

other mansion. Shatabhisha and Ashwini also share in both being the same

Gana/temperament, Rakshasa.


Anyway, the Nakshatras are endlessly interesting...


>>>Sociologists once thought that people who spent a lot of time on the net

were loners but recent studies have shown quite the opposite that these people

are actually more community oriented and better educated .So if one is finding

it difficult to find friendship of like minded people in one's geographical

area there are also cyber friendships .The ultimate friendship is with Krishna

who sits in every one's heart


This is good to know.;-) I agree, it's good and ultimately healing as well to

have this communication and connection with others of the same interest/like

minded and develops a sense of community.


All best,


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Dear Patrice

I don't know if the idea of rest and recuperation applies to all the nakshtra pairs .

Best Wishes



Patrice Curry


Wednesday, January 30, 2002 11:31 AM

Re: [GJ] Das' Shatabhisha Moon

Hi Nicholas,


Thank you for your reply and help. In Harness' book it's great that in this case

he clearly listed where Shatabhisha finds rest and recuperation. In this

particular example, which is the only time in the book that he clearly lists

this out of all the Nakshatras, with Shatabhisha and Ashwini, they relate to

the male and female Nakshatras for the animal Horse.


It would be interesting to find where other lunar mansions also find their rest

and recuperation. With all your study and experience on this have you come

across anything that gives this kind of information or shows anything similar

for even a couple other Nakshatras Nicholas? Have you found this yourself with

experience working with other Nakshatras?


This isn't this simple in most Nakshatras most likely or Harness would have

probably listed them. Fortuitous with respect to Shatabhisha and Das' chart. I

don't know that this correlation to the male and female would be true in any

other mansion. Shatabhisha and Ashwini also share in both being the same

Gana/temperament, Rakshasa.


Anyway, the Nakshatras are endlessly interesting...


>>>Sociologists once thought that people who spent a lot of time on the net

were loners but recent studies have shown quite the opposite that these people

are actually more community oriented and better educated .So if one is finding

it difficult to find friendship of like minded people in one's geographical

area there are also cyber friendships .The ultimate friendship is with Krishna

who sits in every one's heart


This is good to know.;-) I agree, it's good and ultimately healing as well to

have this communication and connection with others of the same interest/like

minded and develops a sense of community.


All best,

PatriceOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo ,

send an email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use

of is subject to the

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