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The experiences of THAT, non-dual experience : My Humble View

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Hari Om


Om Purmam adha Purmam idam purmat purnam udacyate purnasya purnam

adaya purmam evavashishyate

That is whole, This is Whole. From Wholeness emerges Wholeness.

Wholeness coming from Wholeness, Wholeness still remains.


Hello and Namaskar Manuel,

I have read your responses and thought to and provide a point of

view from the level of understanding I have and from my teachings.

Since I am not grounded in THAT, my explainations are 'one legged'

as the sages say, I do no speak from direct experince, but bring my

understanding from my guru's.


Perhaps , in some why this will assist you in your experiences. This

post may stimulate questions and conversation, so please pursue to

your level of satisfaction.


On the way to God Consciousness or Bhagavat Chetana, there are

certain levels of experience and consciousness the aspirant (sadhu) 

will experience. This is called naishkarmyam, a quality of non-

attachment, where the doer enjoys freedom and the non-binding

influence of actions.

This naishkarmyam experience of Self-consciousness ( but not yet God

Consciousness or Bhagavat Chetana) is not overshadowed by any other

state of consciousness e.g. waking dreaming or sleep ( your 4 month



Why is this of any interest? Well, the evolution to God

consciousness requires this level (naishkarmyam) to be established,

as it forms the foundation for God Consciousness. the SELF finds it-

SELF separate from the field of activity. This was your experience

if I read your posts correctly.


It's underlying nature, and a quality of God  consciousness, as

being all-pervasive. The SELF or Pure consciousness, is every where

(like akasha or space, everywhere).  So , we begin to experience HIM

within our SELF as separate from activity, a very personal

experience.  This is the experience of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, or the

Absolute, HIS transcendental form, Yet in the initial stages may be

experienced as Being, Witnessing.

Now, once this level of consciousness is stable ( called Turiyatit

Chetana or Cosmic Consciousness), the individual (sadhu) has formed

a foundation  to unfold God Consciousness . What that means is this

Pure consciousness begins to be experienced through the senses...

The eyes see HIM in HIS creation, the nose smells HIM, etc etc. His

creation gets experienced buy the individual from a whole different

level of appreciation - as an extension of ones SELF, which is HIM (

e.g. Divine Union).

The person delights in his own SELF. Fullness of Life is reached

100% of the relative field of life ( job, family, duties, etc) is

united with 100% of Pure Consciousness,  SELF.

So , what's the non-attachment deal? Once you have established this

consciousness, the individual (small) self becomes SELF. Your

actions are in accord with Nature or the cosmic purpose ( dharma,

expansion of happiness, Bliss, Sattva). You are doing HIS work.

Every thing becomes and extension of HIM and as the Veda's say a

person does the "Highest Good".


IN this state, one is basically "non-attached" from the 3 Gunas that

causes re-birth again and again. The SELF realizes itself to it-SELF

(Upanishads point this out)  We can only provide the runway or

conditions for this to occur - hence meditation, contemplation,

japa, raj yoga, karma yoga, jnana yoga, kriya yoga, zen, bhakti, 

etc. >>> It is through HIS grace that the SELF unfolds<<<<

Hence my question to you initially on your experiences with Ishvara

( all glory to HIM who breathes out the Ved!) and if that

relationship became personal, and experiential  - that is, 

experiencing HIS creation though the senses.


Concluding Remarks

The stages ( if you can call them that) expand from one to another,

here they are:

1. Its my humble opinion, your 4 month experience was naishkarmyam;

a valid, good experience, that may have been overwhelming, yet given

to you for a reason ( this only you may know).


2.Turiyatit Chetana - some call Cosmic Consciousness - the Being

that you experienced the silence, and

different from the world outside… the seperation of the Pure

Awareness and activity.

3.Bhagavat Chetana  - or God Consciousness , unfolds as one

experiences HIM ( or Mother Divine) in creation;


4. Brahmi Chetana - Brahman Consciousness - I am All THIS, Thou art

THAT, the person is now Brahman; The Upanishds proclaim, He who

knows Brahman becomes Brahman,    Brahmavit!  (Taittiriya Upanishad)


This was my question on your expeience, did you enter into the

universe, every atom becomes and extention of you, every person is

an extention of you, as Brahman is all this…  Perhaps this puts your

experiences in context for better understanding - it was a

blessing,, but as you say too fast?


Last, why even pursue these levels of Being? A simple message from

Sri Kesava ( Krsna) says in the Gita:

"Yogastha Kuru Karmani" . Simply said, establish yourself in union

of the Divine,  then perform actions.

Why so? Thoughts become powerful and you have the support of nature

(natural forces) working for you. When this is done, Only Right

actions happen, Ritam, one only knows the Truth.



patu sarvaih svarupair nah sada sarvatra sama-gah

"may the Lord, who is all-pervasive in His various forms, protect us










Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman.

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