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Vedic Astrology and Aryuvedic Medicine, determing dosha's

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Determining the Dosha, or constitutional humor, becomes the basis for any

practical health counseling. First the Doshas of the planets and signs should

be known:

Doshas of the Planets

The Sun, and Mars are Pitta, or fiery.

Both the Sun and Mars are Pitta, but their effects are very different on the body. The Sun,

though hot, burns very clean, burns toxins from the body, and is generally vitalizing. Mars,

however, burns dirty and leaves toxins in the system. Rememeber, "Mars has red eyes"; eyes

are red when there is an excess of poisons in the body.

The Moon is primary Kapha, watery, and secondly Vatta, windy.

The brighter the Moon the more Kapha and less Vatta.

Jupiter is Kapha.

Jupiter is very vitalizing and health promoting to the body as per Bhavartha Ratnakara:

"Good longevity is indicated if Jupiter combines with the lord of the lagna."

Venus is primary Kapha with a bit of Vatta.

Saturn and Rahu are Vatta.

Mercury is a mix of the three but lends towards Vatta.

Ketu is said to be Vatta by Parashara, but is often considered Pitta as Ketu is akin to Mars.

Doshas of the Signs.

Dosha due to Elementals:

Fire signs are Pitta.

Air signs are Vatta.

Water signs are Kapha.

Earth signs are mixed, though Taurus lends towards Kapha, Virgo lends towards

Vatta and Capricorn lends towards Pitta.

The signs can also be classified according to the Dosha of their ruling planet.

Combining 1 and 2 gives a mixture of Doshas for the signs as shown in the table.

The signs also have secondary influences. The primary and secondary

characteristics are also shown in the table:

Combination of Dosha of Sign Element and the Dosha of the Ruling Planet

Primary/Secondary Influences


Strong Pitta









Strong Kapha

General Kapha


Strong Pitta

General Pitta



General Vatta


Kapha and Vatta



Pitta and Kapha



Pitta and Kapha



Vatta and small Pitta



Strong Vatta



Strong Kapha



Generally the sign will give a predominance of the dosha as the similar planets

influencing the sign. For instance: Mars in Aquarius tends to aggravate the

Pitta nature of Aquarius, since Mars is Pitta as well.

Determining the Doshas

1. Dosha of the Body. Consider the Doshas of the following:

The lagna.

Planets in or aspecting the lagna.

Sign in which the lagna lord is placed.

Planets with or aspecting the lagna lord.

The sign in which the Sun is placed, the Sun is the natural significator of the body.

Planets with or aspecting the Sun.

This provides one with the general physical constitution. Considering the other

characteristics and qualities of the planets determines the build and


2. Dosha of the Mind. Consider the Doshas of the folowing:

The sign in which the Moon is placed.

Planets with or aspecting the Moon.

This provides one with the mental constitution. As the Moon is representative of

the life force in the body this will influence the Physical Dosha as well;

particularly in women.

3. Disease Propensity. Consider the Doshas of the following:

The sign on the 6th house.

Planets in or aspecting the 6th.

The sign in which the lord of the 6th is placed.

Planets with or aspecting the 6th lord.

Planets and signs influenced by Saturn, as Saturn is the significator of disease.

This will indicate the Dosha that is likely to become inbalanced and therefore

create illness. The 6th house rules the digestion and therefore the Doshas

influencing the 6th house will influence the Dosha of the body as well,

particularly through the nature of the digestion.

Important notes relating to Ayurvedic principles.

Vatta governs all movement in the body as it guides the nervous system; as such

it moves all the other Doshas. Therefore Vatta planets (especially Saturn and

Rahu) influencing other planets will create a rise in the Dosha signified by

the other planet. This particularly creates an excesssive rise in Kapha when

the planet is the Moon and an excessive rise in Pitta when the planet is Mars.

When a particular Dosha is constricted it creates the most ill effects. Saturn,

the natural indicator of disease, causes constriction that prevents the

energies from flowing. Saturn is also a Vatta planet. His effect, therefore, is

to create a rise and constriction of the Dosha which may upset the bodies and

minds equilibrium. This especially holds true when Saturn afflicts the Moon or



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