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Dear Debra



<<Gee Sunn had to slightly slap my hand for asking.>>



I feel that that was not the intention of Gee Sunn.



<<And I was taught never to give out direct advice. Observations, Options

maybe, but never direct.>>



Perhaps some teachers give that direction, but i was told to advise in a direct

or indirect way according to the person, time and circumstances.


Some times even with a direct advice the person will not listen.



<<On another note, I wanted to thankyou for your February posting of the moon.

I look forward to anything you have to write.>>



Welcome, and thank you very much.



<<. I was hoping someone could tell me how to look at my chart better for my

own interpretation>>



Your ascendant is at 20°28'54 Leo. His lord the Sun is in a daridra yoga, by

being the lord of the first in the 12th. This yoga can produce losses or falls

but it gives a detached nature.


The ascendant itself is involved in a papakartari yoga by being hemmed between

the sun and Saturn on both sides.


>From 26-06-2000 you are going to be under the main period of Saturn for 19

years. Because Saturn rules you 6th and 7th houses, the meaning of those

houses are likely to be more important to you.


If you print your antaras, you will see your life more clear. Every dasa is

divided in sub-periods called buktis.


The first bukti of any dasa is neutral, that means that in general, no many

things happen during it. It is a new beginning, a new direction. But the last

bukti is called dasa chidra, or the ending of a dasa.


During dasa chidra, the native is likely to become limited and lose energies on

the physical, mental and spiritual level.


Notice that your last dasa chidra happened between 31-01-1998 and 26-06-2000.

During dasa chidra i advice people to try to save their energies and to prepare

themselves for the next dasa.


You will be in the first bukti of Saturn from 26-06-2000 to 30-06-2003.


Another interesting bukti to study is the one ruled by the atmakaraka lord.

During this bukti, the native has a change in direction due to loses. The

atmakaraka lord is the planet that has more degrees in a sign. If Rahu has the

less degrees is like having the most degrees because of his eternal retrograde



In your chart, Mars is the atmakaraka planet. Mars rules the muladhara chakra,

the one connected to earth or the bone structure. Mars is aspected by Saturn

and by Rahu and he is under the papakartari yoga made by the Sun and the Moon.


>From all the constellations, the 3rd one from the natal moon is the worst.

Planets ruling that constellation have the tendenciy to show havoc during their

dasa. And planets in those constellations have the tendency to indicate great

upheavals in their buktis or antaras.


Because your natal Moon is in Rohini, ruled by the Moon, the 3rd constellation

from it are those ruled by Rahu, or the 6th, 15th or 24th.


During the dasa of Rahu, you are likely to have seen a great turmoil. During

the buktis of Rahu as well and during the antaras of Rahu as well.


This is because Rahu rules the 3rd constellation from your natal moon and

because Rahu is in his own constellation.


So, the aspect of rahu on your Mars was not very helpful.


See that your sun antara started on 24-01-2002 and will end on 20-03-2002.

Because your sun is involved in Daridra yoga and papakartari yoga and is in the

12th house, the house connected to hospitals or institutions, it is likely that

you will be involved with institutions in the sun antara. During the moon

antara you are likely to see a recovery but still connected to the 12th house

because the 12th is ruled by your moon.


See that your Venus is very close to Ketu in a Tantra yoga, indicating your

pshichic abilities. furthermore, ketu on your ascendant gives you a mystical

and magnetic personality that can help people around you.


Nevertheless, because that yoga is under papakartari yoga, you are liked to get

deviations from your psychic talents.


I still do not grasp very well the use of "in and on" on the English language

because in my mother tongue "in" can mean "on" and "on" can mean "over". But i

am sure that you will understand.


I hope that those lines can help. Questions are welcome.


Best wishes

Natabara das

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