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Wise Advice / Debra

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Dear Debra



<<Thank you so much for your recent email to me regarding my chart. I am

overwhelmed with the generosity of your time and explanations. Ihave printed

out your letter so that I can apply it to my chart directly.>>



Many thanks.



<<Being new to Jyotish I am having the most difficult time with understanding

the language, therefore, I get really confused. I almost need a dictionary.>>



It is good to know all that, it helps to know in order to help others to come to

vedic astrology. I know that we have to come down to others instead of

expecting the newcomers to come all the way upwards. The more simple we give

the science, the more people will understand and like it.


Stephen Hawkins is considered to be the successor to Einstein. He wrote a book

about his science and his editor told him that for every scientific word made

simple and accessible to the public, 10,000 more people would buy the book. To

date, his book has sold thousands and thousands of books and has become a best



So, it is upto us vedic astrologers to put our act together if we want vedic

astrology to be spread to the public at large.



<<I have just recently purchased several Indian Vedic books to join those I

already have. In addition I am studying the Bhagavad Gita in depth now. >>



It helps a lot to balance Vedic astrology with Vedic culture, we cannot divorce one from the other.



<<It is most definitely a new language. Meaning and comprehension. >>



It is indeed, but the more you master a language, the more goodness you can get

out of it. It is difficult for any person to break with the old habits and we

may fall in the trap of talking the language which can give us more freedom of




<< I have Das Goravani's software which is helpful in many ways but the language

trips me up all the time.>>



I am sure that Das is always looking for ways to make things as simple as

possible. We all are working on that.



<<Also I am having trouble with knowing the transits as to when and where they

are traveling in the constellation and what house or planet they are affecting

at any present moment based on each individual chart.>>



It is difficult to explain all that in 10 lines. Therefore, it is good to read

and study books and postings and eventually, everything will come clear and




<< have a question about my birth time that seems to have me further douthful on

reading my chart accurately; that being the proper time of birth.


If you or anyone else can help me on this I would very much appreciate it.

Being born in Chicago at St Lukes Hospital (which is now Rush Presbyterian St

Lukes Hospital) on July 28th 1951 - my birth certificate says 9:06am - but my

mother swears I was born a little after 10am, meaning 10:06am.


I know with Day Light Savings Time that at that time in the country there were

various times reported per state, county and hospital as to whether to take the

time from the clock on the wall and correct it for DST by 1 hour /or not. Some

places the county itself corrected it for the birth certificate. My Birth

certificate does not say one way or the other as to whether Its time is DST or

not. So I am guessing it was corrected by one hour in the delivery room from

the time on the clock.


It becomes important because the one hour difference DOES significantly move my

planets and ASC into other planets and houses. It's interesting to see that I

am the most confused on my own chart versus others. Probably I am too close to

it to synthesize correctly.>>


Yes, i can see the problem. For 10:06 am you get 2°15 Virgo. With this chart,

Mercury the ascendant lord is still under papakartari yoga. Papa means bad or

sinful, and kartary means a pair of scissors. This yoga is made when two bad

planets are on either side of a sign, indicating that the sign, or planet/s in

that sign are "jammed". Papakartari yoga indicates hardships.


But for 10:06, your ascendant does not have Papakaratri. For 09:06, both, the

ascendant and the lord of the ascendant have papakartari yoga.


When i started to learn vedic astrology, i came across a similar problem. I did

have in front of me 10 books giving about 3 or 4 different ayanamsas. With one

ayanamsa i had Libra rising and with other i had Virgo rising.


What to do in cases like that?


I did follow my intuition but kept an eye on the other horse. i did embrace

Lahiri's ayanamsa giving Virgo rising.


It was very confusing in the beginning when i did do not have much astrological

experience, and i did see trends in my life explained by both rising signs.


Eventually, Virgo won the battle and Lahiri's was the best for me. Years later

i was glad to know that i had chosen the Lahiri's ayanamsa when i did find that

Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati, one of our teacher on the line of my school, and a

great vedic astrologer before he dedicated his life to the Vaisnava school, use

to follow the Lahiri's ayanamsa.


My advice to you is that you should use both horses for now. Meaning, that you

should study your life trends to see how they fit with either rising sign.

Your own intuition and learning will tell you in time which rising sign to follow.


>From what i know from your postings, i am inclined to follow the Leo rising or

9:06 am. It is very possible that the clocks in the hospital were wrong.

Nurses in general have the tendency to be as accurate as possible to cover

their activities in case that something goes wrong, and caretakers can make

mistakes like that. But for time rectification can take time.



<<How interesting that you noted I have psychic abilities. I have never felt

that way but I do understand a lot of things intuitively. Always have. And

then there is my husband saying that I do most uncanning thing being that I can

look like I drift off in space in my own thoughts. Sometimes he asks where am I

and other than going over conversations I have had recently or maybe taking

myself directly out of the path on subjects I constantly say I am right here.

Interesting. You are correct in saying that I help those around me. Yes I do,

at least I try to.>>



Vedic astrology can show the personal potential on people. Many people are

unaware of their full potential, but when they find out and tried it, they can

become surprised of themselves. I have seen it many times.


Best wishes

Natabara Das

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