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Vault of the Heavens available in bookstores.

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Dear List Members,

my book, Vault of the Heavens, Treatise on Vedic Astrology is now available

at bookstores. It is normal policy for bookstores to order books that you may

want to examine without any commitment to buy it, unless of course you like it,

so if you are interested or curious about Vault of the Heavens, I urge you to go

to your bookstore and order a copy for examination.


Tell your bookstore that it is available through New Leaf Distributors, ISBN# 0-9709636-0-2


Best Regards,Ernst Wilhelmwww.vedic astrology.net


Here are what a few people have said about Vault of the Heavens:


"Last night I gave your book to my friend who is leaving town and he called me

at 10:30 at night to say how happy he was to have it. He said there is so much

stuff in there that he's never seen. He has all my books and has gone thru a

lot of the ones I own, but he really likes yours. Good job!" -James Braha,

Author of Ancient Hindu Astrologer for the Modern Western Astrolger.


"I really like it and it is well organized for students." Dennis Harness, ACVA President.


Your book is the only modern source where I have found info. on what

astrological factors outweigh what other astrological factors. So often in

readings when something can go either way from the obvious indicators it's so

hard to know what to do. I'm so glad you cover that in your book so much. I

LOVE that. - Carol Allen, Brentwood School of Vedic Astrology

"Anything you write is sure to be clear and informative." Dr. K.S. Charak-

author of Essentials of Vedic Astrology, and A Textbook of Varshaphala.

Vault of the Heavens is a comprehensive text of the fundamental principles of

Vedic Astrology. Planets Rasis, Nakshatras and all fundamental principles are

detailed extensively. There are full ten pages of nakshatra tables, more

nakshatra significations then any other work to date. Step by step guidelines

for judging the horoscope and the influences of the dasas are included. Many of

the most significant life-changing dasas are discussed. The avatars, or divine

incarnations, related to the planets are detailed. The esoteric meanings of the

presiding deities of the planets are also discussed for the first time in any

text. Special chapters on Saturn, Rahu and Ketu discuss the deeper meanings of

these planets on the native. Vault of the Heavens also contains many valuable

diagrams, there is even a star chart featuring not only the signs of the zodiac

but also the stars that constitute the nakshatras!

Table of Contents

1. The Planets and Myth- Weekdays Governed by the Planets, The Avatars, Presiding Deities

2. Description and Indications of the Planets- Chief Aspect, Planetary Cabinet,

Gunas, Caste, Sex, Color, Doshas, Taste, Sight, Residence, Age, Maturation Age,

Description of the Planets, Benefics and Malefics, Body Tissues, Five Elements,

Trees, Person, Vedas, Period of Time, Period of Life, Seasons, Dhatu, Moola and

Jeeva, Senses, Substances, Clothes, Directions, Gemstone, Rasis, Exaltation and

Debilitation, Judging Planetary Types, Outer Planets

3. The Rasis- Zodiac and Chakra Correspondence, Lords of the Rasis, Descriptive

Symbols of the Rasis, Qualities of the Rasis, Determining Important Rasis, Rasi


4. The Lagna- Character Effects of the Lagnas

5. Planetary Relationships- Natural Relationships, Rahu’s and Ketu’s

Relationships, Temporary Relationships, Compound Relationships, Relationships in

Dasa Interpretation

6. Dignities- Own Rasi, Exaltation, Moolatrikona, Debilitation, etc., Dignities

Classified, Rahu’s and Ketu’s Dignities, Cancellation of

Debilitation- Neechabhanga Raja Yogas, Effects of Exalted and Debilitated


7. Deeptaadi-Avasthas- Planetary War, Retrograde Planets, Effects of Combust Planets

8. The Houses- Types of Houses: Kendras, Panaparas, Apoklimas, Trikonas,

Dusthanas, Upachayas, Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksha Houses, The 12 Houses, Body

Parts, House Systems

9. House Lords- Nature of Planets due to House Lordship, Dispositions of the

House Lords, Planets as House Lords, House Lords for the 12 Lagnas, Important

Influences to a House Lord, The Lagna and its Corresponding House

10. The Nakshatras- Importance of the Moon, Tara Bala, Planets in Nakshatras, Nakshatra Tables

11. Conjunctions of Planets- Influence of Planetary Relationships, Multiple Planet Conjunctions

12. Planetary Aspects- Calculating Aspectual Values, Influence of Planets

Aspecting Planets, Aspect Tables

13. Rasi Aspects- Aspect Chakra, Simple Yogas involving the Lagna,

14. Sambandha- Mutual Connections between Planets, Parivartana Yogas: Maha,

Khala and Dainya Yoga, Hemming in between Benefics or Malefics

15. Raja Yogas- Raja Yogakarakas, Rahu and Ketu as Yogakarakas, Raja Yogas in

the Navamsa, Vipareet Raja Yogas: Harsha, Sarala, and Vimala Yogas

16. Yoga Karakas- Productive Effects of Planets on Mutual Angles from Each Other

17. Navamsa- Table of Navamsas, Navamsa in Dasa Analysis, Vargottama

18. Dispositors- Final Dispositor, Dispositors and Dasa Results, Rasi, Navamsa

and Nakshatra Dispositors, Dispositors in Judging the Horoscope

19. ShadBala- ShadBala Components, ShadBala in Dasa Analysis

20. Vimshottari Dasa- Calculating Vimshottari Dasa, Maha Dasa, Antar Dasa, and

Pratyantar Dasa Lords, Samskaras- The Mental Tendencies, Nature of Dasa,

Rohini, etc., Transition from One Dasa to the Next, Results due to the Natural

Characteristics, Constitutional and Elemental Effects, Results due to Specific

Indications, Results due to House Lordship, Position of AntarDasa Lord from

Dasa Lord, 2/12 and 6/8 positions of Dasa lord and AntarDasa Lord, Dasa Effects

Due to Friendship and Enmity, Saturn/Rahu and Rahu/Saturn Periods, Venus/Rahu

and Rahu/Venus Periods, Jupiter/Venus and Venus/Jupiter Periods, Saturn/Venus

and Venus/Saturn Periods, Venus/Venus and Saturn/Saturn Periods , Rahu/Ketu and

Ketu/Rahu Periods

21. Subha, Asubha, and Misra Yogas- Judging the Auspicious or Inauspicious

Effects of a Planet in a House

22. House Lords in Houses- Results of House Lords due to Subha or Asubha Yogas

23. Judging the Horoscope- Karakas, Predicting Quality, Delaying Factors,

Separating Factors, Influence of Houses and House Lords, Predicting Details,

Independent Use of the Navamsa, Dual Use of the Navamsa and Rasi, Importance of

the Dasa Influence, Importance of Dispositors, Chandra Lagna

24. Lajjitaadi Avasthas- A Group of Avasthas that Significantly Affect the Houses

25. Shayanaadi Avasthas- A Group of Avasthas that individualize the Effects of

the Planets, Summary of Avasthas

26. Developmental Qualities of the Planets- Affliction by Rahu, Saturn, Mars and

Ketu, Influence of Benefics

27. Saturn- Attitudes and Compensations of Saturn in the Rasis, Saturn in the

Houses, Saturn’s influence on Planets, Rahu Gives the Results of Saturn

28. Rahu and Ketu- Rahu and Ketu; General Nature, Rahu and Ketu in the Rasis and

Houses, Lords of Rahu and Ketu, Aspects of Rahu and Ketu to their Lords, Rahu

and Ketu Joining and Aspecting other Planets

29. Tajika Aspects- Deeptamsas- orbs of Influence, Timing the Effects of Tajika

Aspects, Summary of Aspects

30. The Outer Planets- Involutionary Urges of the Outer Planets, The Tri-Murthi

and the Outer Planets, Using the Outer Planets, Transits of the Outer Planets,

The Outer Planets and Rahu and Ketu



Ernst Wilhelm is a rare astrologer and writer: One who takes enormous amounts

of information, techniques, and detail and breaks it down into what is most

simple, clear, and important. His book is the most comprehensive and thorough

I have ever seen. Whether covering the basics such as the meanings of planets,

houses, and signs, or more advanced topics such as special yogas like Subha and

Asubha yogas , this book gives more data per subject than any other--sighting,

for example, thirteen ways a planet can have cancellation of debilitation (and

rating the most powerful and least powerful of the thirteen!) and explains why

seemingly incidental details like if a sign rises with its head or its tail

actually matters! Wilhelm sources solely from the great classics of Vedic

Astrology: Brihat jataka, Jataka Parijata, and Brihat Parashara combining

astrological philosophy and mythical background with the everyday applications

of the ancient rules of this science to make these and other heady,

intimidating works come to life in a powerfully relevant way for the modern

astrologer advising modern clients. This book is a must in the library of any

student of Hindu astrology, from the beginner to the seasoned practitioner.

-Review by Carol Allen, professional astrologer and coordinator of The Brentwood

School of Vedic Astrology.

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