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astrology -how to trust

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I am kannan 21/m from Malaysia, i am an electrical eng student,


I am interest to know about indian (hindu) astrology, the thing i

want to know is how to trust astrology, i have check my astrology

with some astrologers in malaysia,


The thing every astrologer say got some different.. that make me

confuse and dont know to trust who?


can you help to solve my problem?




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Dear Kannan

This is an excellent question .

In astrology there are many schools of thought (just as say in medicine) and

they would be assumed to have different strengths and weaknesses .What makes

it even more confusing is that diiferent schools say something that is

directly the opposite of other schools . This is also the case in a field

like quantum mechanics .Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that this material

world is endlessly mutable .


Then there is the question of the quality of the practicioner .A good

practitioner of a bad system is usually better than a lousy practitioner of

a good system . A third point here is that some astrologers will do better

on some charts than others .So for example astrologer A may do better on

someone's chart while astrologer B may do better on another person's chart

..Because of the individuality of the astrologer he might find it easier to

understand one chart than another.

So all in all it is not an easy choice to make .


Now what some excellent astrologers do is they try to read your life up to

now from the data that is presented . This tests (1) whether they are

correctly picking up the vibrations of the chart and (2) whether the birth

data is correct .If they are correct in their assessments this augurs well

for predictions and assessments of your future and planetary energies .If

they are out ( and no astrologer I've seen picks every chart correctly)

then not much faith can be given to their prognostications .


It is a mistake and a waste of time and money to keep visiting one

astrologer after another imho . To work with one who has shown a good feel

for your chart makes more sense since the whole chart is not revealed

instantly to any astrologer but grows on him/her over time .


Hope this helps







"indianpower2002" <indianpower2002


Thursday, February 21, 2002 1:41 AM

[GJ] astrology -how to trust



> I am kannan 21/m from Malaysia, i am an electrical eng student,


> I am interest to know about indian (hindu) astrology, the thing i

> want to know is how to trust astrology, i have check my astrology

> with some astrologers in malaysia,


> The thing every astrologer say got some different.. that make me

> confuse and dont know to trust who?


> can you help to solve my problem?


> thanks

> kannan





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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as therre are hundreds of doctors and varied the advice so is the

case in astrology .but astrology is 100% true and it depends who

is doing it then it also depends on the astrologers own


do read bhrit parashara hora shasthara .at leas the verse where he

tell about he qualities of the astrologer

then you will understan that all of us who are doing astrology are

not even10% yep even the best literally so you can understand the

problems in pridictionsa(yes include me also in the list)

so do whichn is considered the best. follow GITA

and do mantra chanting all your problems will be automatically

solved and if you become really good belive me god himself will

send some one to advice you and give you guidence





On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 indianpower2002 wrote :

>I am kannan 21/m from Malaysia, i am an electrical eng student,


>I am interest to know about indian (hindu) astrology, the thing


>want to know is how to trust astrology, i have check my


>with some astrologers in malaysia,


>The thing every astrologer say got some different.. that make


>confuse and dont know to trust who?


>can you help to solve my problem?








>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat






>Your use of is subject to




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Dear deepak singh and list members,


<<<< You wrote: "but astrology is 100% true and it depends who is doing it" >>>


Allow me to bring to your attention something that many great astrologers wrote

so often: "Very few people truly MASTER astrology and even they don't know all

there is to know" - simply because much is still kept a tight secret within


A 50%-60% level is probably as close to "well done" for many ... After all it is

a life time study so how can we "know it all" half way ?


One must remember that "customer's" expectations are always on a higher level

and as the astrologer (like the doctor) is only a human being he/she are also

limited by that fact (the list is long ...). Otherwise we'll be all a selected

group of GODS - which we are definitely not.

The functionality and ability of a good astrologer [possessing a certain degree

of knowledge and a record of X% successful predictions ...] is measured mostly

by the fact that his 'client' is able to discover himself/herself at the same

time and regain some hope and trust (often also dignity). Many people (in the

west anyway) seek astrological advice due to having difficulties in their life.

So a good astrologer MUST also be a good psychologist and a good presenter

(choosing the right words and language) - or at least have some of those



Take a good look around and see if all practicing astrologers do comply with

BHPS 'recommendations' or have in their own charts those factors in the right

place. I bet you'll be surprised.


Kind regards


Jay Weiss





"deepak singh" <deepak_singh


Thursday, February 28, 2002 7:30 AM

Re: [GJ] astrology -how to trust



> as therre are hundreds of doctors and varied the advice so is the

> case in astrology .but astrology is 100% true and it depends who

> is doing it then it also depends on the astrologers own

> horoscope

> do read bhrit parashara hora shasthara .at leas the verse where he

> tell about he qualities of the astrologer

> then you will understan that all of us who are doing astrology are

> not even10% yep even the best literally so you can understand the

> problems in pridictionsa(yes include me also in the list)

> so do whichn is considered the best. follow GITA

> and do mantra chanting all your problems will be automatically

> solved and if you become really good belive me god himself will

> send some one to advice you and give you guidence

> =====================

> deepaksingh



> On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 indianpower2002 wrote :

> >I am kannan 21/m from Malaysia, i am an electrical eng student,

> >

> >I am interest to know about indian (hindu) astrology, the thing

> >i

> >want to know is how to trust astrology, i have check my

> >astrology

> >with some astrologers in malaysia,

> >

> >The thing every astrologer say got some different.. that make

> >me

> >confuse and dont know to trust who?

> >

> >can you help to solve my problem?

> >

> >thanks

> >kannan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> >:

> >gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> >Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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well astrologer also has to maintain good healthand do medation as

shri kn rao says that basically astrology is for yogis and an

sanyasiso but now house holdes are doing it so it cannopt be



On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 Jay Weiss wrote :



>Dear deepak singh and list members,


><<<< You wrote: "but astrology is 100% true and it depends who is

>doing it" >>>


>Allow me to bring to your attention something that many great

>astrologers wrote so often: "Very few people truly MASTER

>astrology and even they don't know all there is to know" - simply

>because much is still kept a tight secret within families.

>A 50%-60% level is probably as close to "well done" for many ...

>After all it is a life time study so how can we "know it all"

>half way ?


>One must remember that "customer's" expectations are always on a

>higher level and as the astrologer (like the doctor) is only a

>human being he/she are also limited by that fact (the list is

>long ...). Otherwise we'll be all a selected group of GODS -

>which we are definitely not.

>The functionality and ability of a good astrologer [possessing a

>certain degree of knowledge and a record of X% successful

>predictions ...] is measured mostly by the fact that his 'client'

>is able to discover himself/herself at the same time and regain

>some hope and trust (often also dignity). Many people (in the

>west anyway) seek astrological advice due to having difficulties

>in their life. So a good astrologer MUST also be a good

>psychologist and a good presenter (choosing the right words and

>language) - or at least have some of those qualifications.


>Take a good look around and see if all practicing astrologers do

>comply with BHPS 'recommendations' or have in their own charts

>those factors in the right place. I bet you'll be surprised.


>Kind regards


>Jay Weiss





> "deepak singh" <deepak_singh


>Thursday, February 28, 2002 7:30 AM

>Re: [GJ] astrology -how to trust



> > as therre are hundreds of doctors and varied the advice so is


> > case in astrology .but astrology is 100% true and it depends


> > is doing it then it also depends on the astrologers own

> > horoscope

> > do read bhrit parashara hora shasthara .at leas the verse

>where he

> > tell about he qualities of the astrologer

> > then you will understan that all of us who are doing astrology


> > not even10% yep even the best literally so you can understand


> > problems in pridictionsa(yes include me also in the list)

> > so do whichn is considered the best. follow GITA

> > and do mantra chanting all your problems will be


> > solved and if you become really good belive me god himself


> > send some one to advice you and give you guidence

> > =====================

> > deepaksingh

> >

> >

> > On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 indianpower2002 wrote :

> > >I am kannan 21/m from Malaysia, i am an electrical eng


> > >

> > >I am interest to know about indian (hindu) astrology, the


> > >i

> > >want to know is how to trust astrology, i have check my

> > >astrology

> > >with some astrologers in malaysia,

> > >

> > >The thing every astrologer say got some different.. that


> > >me

> > >confuse and dont know to trust who?

> > >

> > >can you help to solve my problem?

> > >

> > >thanks

> > >kannan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > >:

> > >gjlist-

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >Your use of is subject to

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> > :


> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >





>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat






>Your use of is subject to




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Dear Mr. Deepak

I am also deepak singh thou.. :)

Anyway, Can u elaborate more about that why Astrology is for Sanyasis

and why is it not good for the people who have household?



Deepak (cupofmagic)





gjlist, "deepak singh" <deepak_singh@r...> wrote:

> well astrologer also has to maintain good healthand do medation as

> shri kn rao says that basically astrology is for yogis and an

> sanyasiso but now house holdes are doing it so it cannopt be

> good

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