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A Cowardly Attack on My Vedic Chart

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Sunday, February 24, 2002

Re: A Cowardly Attack on My Vedic Chart



The following is an email sent to me anonymously, and

my response to same, dated Feb 9. I thought I should

post these comments publicly, as it has occurred to

me, that perhaps this person could have gotten my data

from one of these lists, and could still be a member

of one of these forums. Therefore, this is to let

him/her know, that their attack/etc has failed.


Astrologers, like anyone else, are commonly attacked

in this manner, by known as well as hidden enemies; in

any sphere of life, whenever one aspires toward a

particular goal, challenges appear, usually, in the

form of someone who opposes you. This has to come, it

is the nature of the 6th house - or should I say, in

this case, the 12th, that of hidden enemies.


My repsonses are as follows…


?: Firstly your ascendant is

badly afflicted by the worst aspects of Mars and

Saturn. Venus is in the

ascendant badly afflicted by these two malefics. Venus

is the 6th lord and

6th from 6th the 11th lord so is the worst functional

malefic for Sagittarius



MU: Yet you forget the fact that both the 6th and the

11th houses are upachaya houses, giving eventual

success after initial setbacks. Venus being Vargottoma

ensures this. Mars and Saturn's aspects also portend a

difficult life early on, but gives the native the Will

to achieve, and gives one the toughness to survive the

rigors of hard work and competition. Venus in the Asc

shows a kind man at heart, shown even more by the

Libran Asc in the Navamsa. Right off the bat, you're



?: The ascendant cusp is in the the nakshatra of

Poorva Ashada whose lord Venus

is afflicted, so the negative side of this nakshatra

will come out producing

a large ego and an argumentative person who will not

yield or give into

others or accept others ideas. This was also shown

with Hitler who had his

natal Moon in this constellation.


MU: Your mentioning of Hitler is proof enough of your

"understanding" of Vedic Astrology, for if you wish to

compare him to me, your argument falls flat on its

face. First off, no self-respecting VA would ever make

a conclusion about someone on the basis of one or

possibly two placements alone. Secondly, in Hitler's

case, he not only had very dominant Mars, but he also

had the majority of his planets placed in "fierce"

Naksatras (and at least four of them were in the sign

of Aries). Mars was also a Maraka for him, and

conjoined with Venus, the 6th lord, who was also

utterly devoured by Mars in the War that occurred

between them. In my case, Venus is one the most

powerful planets in my chart, by its being Vargottoma

and placed in the 1st house. Additionally, if you took

the time to look (which I'm certain you did not) at my

Naksatras, you would find that almost ALL of my

planets, plus my Lagna, occupies Moksha Naksatras. My

chart has infinitely more interest in helping people

than Hitler's did. This remark of yours alone calls

your motives into high questioning.


?: Your natal Moon representing the mind, is the 8th

lord of perverted thinking

and disgraceful behaviour located in the 5th house of

the intellect in the

sign of the head Aries. Your head is full of perverted

ideas. On a deeper

level the Moon is in the nakshatra of Bharani whose

symbol is a Vagina so you

are always thinking about sex and women as Venus is

the planet of desire and

your afflicted Venus shows the worst traits of Venus

will come out. Vanity,

narcissism, perversions, unatural desires etc.


MU: The more you talk, the more you confirm how stupid

you are: I have the charts of many sex offenders, and

I would wager good money that if I were put them in

front of your face, along with the charts of regular,

ordinary people, you wouldn't be able to tell who was

from who. Discussing such matters requires not only a

thorough grounding of the basics and advanced Vedic

Astrology, but also requires a good sense of

judgement, something that you show is totally lacking

in you. For the record, I have NEVER raped anyone, I'm

not into pedophilia, necrophilia, etc. While its true

that I have a very powerful sexual drive, I have never

had to resort to doing any of the above to satiate it

- I've been fortunate in the fact that I have never

gone lacking for consenting sexual partners.

Additionally, addressing your assinine commentary on

my Moon, 5th and 8th houses - my Moon is only a day or

so from Full, placed in the 5th, AND is aspected by

Mars, who is the 5th lord, and in turn is placed in

Mercury's exaltation sign Virgo. A first-year VA

student knows, that anytime the lord of a house

aspects the same, the indications for that house can

be only for the better. A strong 8th lord in the 5th,

along w/other indications along intellectual lines,

almost always suggests a person w/the ability to get

the bottom of things. The 8th house is that of

Astrology - its lord being placed in the 5th, and in

my case, combinated w/Mars, gives strong mathematical

ability, which has greatly helped my study of VA. The

Moon being placed in the 5th, especially in Aries,

shows a lightening-quick mind, able to grasp concepts

and the like very quickly. Bharani, the star that my

Moon is in, also symbolizes people that can be jealous

of the native (which could be the case here) - in any

event, it also represents the deep-seated changes that

occur in life, particularly those that have this

Naksatra strong in their charts, as I do. I mean, this

is getting to the point of being ridiculous to even

respond to you…


?: The Moon is ava yogi planet or "Evil Planet" as 8th

lord in the 5th house.

This alone is a bad combination but Saturn and Rahu

the two dark planets are

in the 4th house of the mind and emotions. Both

afflict the ascendant lord in

the 10th house.


MU: You have demonstrated again your limited, at best,

understanding of Vedic Astrology - you have totally

left out the fact that Saturn is a yogakaraka for me,

on the basis that it is the Yogi Planet for me, is

ultra-strong in the Varga Bala, forms Shasha Yoga in

my Navamsa and rules the 2nd and 3rd houses in my

Rasi. It is angular and associated with Rahu, who is

given Raj-Yoga status by Jupiter, who is the Asc Lord.

Saturn is aspected by Mars, the 5th lord also. All of

these combinations make for an eventually successful

person, one that has had to contend with a lot of

rocky times but by dent of sheer persistence and

determination, makes it to the top. The combination of

Saturn and Rahu in the 4th gives the necessary

toughness of Spirit to overcome the many things that

befall one on the road to success. Saturn is the AMK

for me, and placed in the 12th from the Moon and the

10th lord from there also, it suggests greater fame

and reknown overseas than in my land of birth. You

seriously need a refresher course…


?: Is your ascendant lord jupiter in the 10th house a

good planet? Or is it the

indication of a giant ego? Jupiter in the 10th house

is badly afflicted

showing the negative side of Jupiter will come out. An

expansive personality

with a large opinion of itself. Jupiter with Ketu is

not a good combination

as both have the influence of Mars and this can reveal

a violent and

argumentative nature.


MU: Again, WRONG - first off, Mars and Jupiter are the

best of friends - this is borne out by the fact that

for Sag Asc, Mars is the good 5th lord. Moreover,

Jupiter in association with Ketu gives profound

Spiritual Awareness - since 1992, I have been exposed

to things of this sort that the average person walking

around would have no idea existed. Jupiter in the

10th is a good placement for anyone, but especially

for those with Sag or Pisces rising - in my case,

Jupiter also rules the 4th house, giving it more

power. Jupiter gets strength from the Navamsa and the

Varga Bala, is associated with the 5th lord Mars, and

grants BOTH Rahu AND Ketu Raj-Yoga status. Jupiter,

Mars and Ketu in the 10th house, in Virgo, gives one

that is knowledgable about the Shastras, as well as a

host of other things, and gives eventual name and fame

as well.


?: The 7th lord Mercury is in the 12th house showing

women will run away from

you. The Sun and Mercury in Scorpio is a very harsh

combination that creates

a personality that can be so arrogant and willful it

wears people out and

drives people away from you. In the 8th house from the

Moon these planets are

even stronger to bring out anti-social behaviour.


MU: If by the above you mean, that I don't suffer

fools, you would actually be correct for the first

time in your soapbox - but I don't want to give you

that much credit. You have forgotten the fact that the

Sun and Mercury form Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga, as

they are the rulers of the 9th and 10th houses and are

conjoined in the same house. In Scorpio, they give a

penetrating insight and a biting wit, one that has

been known to sting lesser combatants to death. As the

rapper Ludacris says, "If you can't catch the balls,

you're in the wrong league…"


The Sun and Mercury in the 8th from the Moon gives the

strong interest in Astrology, and since I have seen

the charts of many, many Astrologers with either the

same or similar placements, I guess they are just as

"anti-social" as me, huh? What a crock - someone ought

to throw you under the jail for murmuring such



As for your dumb-ass comments about my relationship

life, you again have failed to take into account my

Navamsa, etc. First off, Venus is Vargottoma, so even

if it is aspected by the worst malefics, it still can

give eventual happiness in relationship. Second,

Mercury is also Vargottoma, and in the Navamsa, is

aspected by Jupiter, who, by the way, is the

Darakaraka for me. In the Navamsa, Jupiter is in its

own sign. Going back to the Navamsa again, Mars, the

7th lord, is placed in the 10th/Cancer, and gains

Neecha Bhanga Raj-Yoga status; additionally, Jupiter

aspects Mars. Your wrong-headed comments later in this

email about Rahu in my Navamsa couldn't be more

incorrect, as Rahu here, as in the Rasi, give rise to

Raj-Yoga. Additionally, Rahu plays a huge role in my

relationship life, for the better. Case in point:

since the onset of my Rahu/Jup Dasa, beginning last

Fall, I have never had a better time on the

relationship front. In fact, I am in a wonderful

relationship as I type these words, in Feb, 2K2 - last

night, if you must know, we discussed the possibility

of marriage. We'll be together again tonight, and have

been seeing each other for some time now, at least

several months. I've had to TURN DOWN proposals from

at least 3 other women, because I am so into this

lady. Now, does that sound like someone whom "women

will runaway" from? Hmm?


?: I see you as a wolf in sheeps clothing, a man who

wants to be the king of

astrology but lacks the integrity required to help

people unless there is

something in it for himself. The navamsha with the

Moon and Rahu in Libra in

the ascendant shows he could be potentially very

destructive with his

influence on impresionable minds. Especially women!!


MU: And I see you as an A-1 Coward, an individual that

thinks he/she has something of substance to say, but

it falls flat on its face when he/she does not have

the heart/balls/hutzpah to affix their name to the

diatribe that passes itself off for an email here. You

probably have a strong 12th house emphasis in your

chart, perhaps Mars is there, with Mercury in the 6th

house - such combinations are indicative of a coward.

You attempt to lecture me on integrity and so on, yet

you lurk in the shadows, lobbing your petty insults

laced with your feeble Vedic Astrological skills, from

the relative safety behind your computer screen. Talk

about the pot calling the kettle black - sheesh. You

are no better than the Terrorists who plot and plan

their evil in the dark of night, and then take

pot-shots at unsuspecting innocents in the light of

day. There is only one way to deal with the likes of

you, there has always only been but one way - and I do

hope that God sees fit that I should discover your

identity, and meet you face-to-face.


As for my personal record, unlike you, it's laid bare

for all to see - my data, life details, and service

record are a matter of public record. I continue to

teach Astrology, for free, down at Temple University,

when I could be spending my evenings making money

elsewhere; I have founded an Astrological online

forum, again, for free, often giving out my insights

on Astrological matters, when I could be easily making

money consulting for someone somewhere; and I have

continually assisted women in various situations, and

in many instances, it had nothing to do with

Astrology, and again I might add, FOR FREE. I have

never put myself up as a Saint, and sure, I've made my

fair share of mistakes in life, but I'm far from the

Devil you have tried to make me out to be. Again, my

record is available to anyone who wants to see it -

let's see if you'll put up yours…


?: I am only concerned with the potential you have for

causing great damage to

legitimate astrology lovers. It is hard enough to

develop credibility without

lunatics or ego maniacs running around trying to play



MU: And I suppose behavior akin to that of a sniper

goes a long way towards you developing your

credibility as a "legitimate astrology lover", huh? I

am concerned that there are far too many spineless,

cowardly individuals like yourself in this world than

the law allows, and if it were left up to me, you

would be cleansed from the surface of the earth, much

like a can of Lysol cleanses a toilet bowl of fecal

scum. I have, through my study, my work, my effort,

done much for the World of Astrology, and I will

continue, despite your pathetic efforts to derail me.

I can see why it would be so hard for you to develop

credibility, if your skills are this bad - no wonder

so many people think Astrology is a bunch of BS,

thanks to people like you. Instead of playa-hatin' on

me, you should be studying more, and keeping your

mouth shut.


Thanks - I think…



Mu The Undefeated


PS: The coward's email address is Brudck, I

think; if anyone knows this address, please tell this

person to be a real man/woman, and show themselves!









Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

2Way Pager: 1-877-345-6499/8773456499; Cell phone:


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Dear Mu,

Strange at least. This is actually the first time I see someone uses one's chart

for such purposes.Oh.. kali Yuga..

May Lord Jagannath bring peace and harmony,

Best wishes,



Mu'Min Bey wrote:


> Sunday, February 24, 2002

> Re: A Cowardly Attack on My Vedic Chart


> All,

> The following is an email sent to me anonymously, and

> my response to same, dated Feb 9. I thought I should

> post these comments publicly, as it has occurred to

> me, that perhaps this person could have gotten my data

> from one of these lists, and could still be a member

> of one of these forums. Therefore, this is to let

> him/her know, that their attack/etc has failed.


> Astrologers, like anyone else, are commonly attacked

> in this manner, by known as well as hidden enemies; in

> any sphere of life, whenever one aspires toward a

> particular goal, challenges appear, usually, in the

> form of someone who opposes you. This has to come, it

> is the nature of the 6th house - or should I say, in

> this case, the 12th, that of hidden enemies.


> My repsonses are as follows…


> ?: Firstly your ascendant is

> badly afflicted by the worst aspects of Mars and

> Saturn. Venus is in the

> ascendant badly afflicted by these two malefics. Venus

> is the 6th lord and

> 6th from 6th the 11th lord so is the worst functional

> malefic for Sagittarius

> ascendant.


> MU: Yet you forget the fact that both the 6th and the

> 11th houses are upachaya houses, giving eventual

> success after initial setbacks. Venus being Vargottoma

> ensures this. Mars and Saturn's aspects also portend a

> difficult life early on, but gives the native the Will

> to achieve, and gives one the toughness to survive the

> rigors of hard work and competition. Venus in the Asc

> shows a kind man at heart, shown even more by the

> Libran Asc in the Navamsa. Right off the bat, you're

> wrong.


> ?: The ascendant cusp is in the the nakshatra of

> Poorva Ashada whose lord Venus

> is afflicted, so the negative side of this nakshatra

> will come out producing

> a large ego and an argumentative person who will not

> yield or give into

> others or accept others ideas. This was also shown

> with Hitler who had his

> natal Moon in this constellation.


> MU: Your mentioning of Hitler is proof enough of your

> "understanding" of Vedic Astrology, for if you wish to

> compare him to me, your argument falls flat on its

> face. First off, no self-respecting VA would ever make

> a conclusion about someone on the basis of one or

> possibly two placements alone. Secondly, in Hitler's

> case, he not only had very dominant Mars, but he also

> had the majority of his planets placed in "fierce"

> Naksatras (and at least four of them were in the sign

> of Aries). Mars was also a Maraka for him, and

> conjoined with Venus, the 6th lord, who was also

> utterly devoured by Mars in the War that occurred

> between them. In my case, Venus is one the most

> powerful planets in my chart, by its being Vargottoma

> and placed in the 1st house. Additionally, if you took

> the time to look (which I'm certain you did not) at my

> Naksatras, you would find that almost ALL of my

> planets, plus my Lagna, occupies Moksha Naksatras. My

> chart has infinitely more interest in helping people

> than Hitler's did. This remark of yours alone calls

> your motives into high questioning.


> ?: Your natal Moon representing the mind, is the 8th

> lord of perverted thinking

> and disgraceful behaviour located in the 5th house of

> the intellect in the

> sign of the head Aries. Your head is full of perverted

> ideas. On a deeper

> level the Moon is in the nakshatra of Bharani whose

> symbol is a Vagina so you

> are always thinking about sex and women as Venus is

> the planet of desire and

> your afflicted Venus shows the worst traits of Venus

> will come out. Vanity,

> narcissism, perversions, unatural desires etc.


> MU: The more you talk, the more you confirm how stupid

> you are: I have the charts of many sex offenders, and

> I would wager good money that if I were put them in

> front of your face, along with the charts of regular,

> ordinary people, you wouldn't be able to tell who was

> from who. Discussing such matters requires not only a

> thorough grounding of the basics and advanced Vedic

> Astrology, but also requires a good sense of

> judgement, something that you show is totally lacking

> in you. For the record, I have NEVER raped anyone, I'm

> not into pedophilia, necrophilia, etc. While its true

> that I have a very powerful sexual drive, I have never

> had to resort to doing any of the above to satiate it

> - I've been fortunate in the fact that I have never

> gone lacking for consenting sexual partners.

> Additionally, addressing your assinine commentary on

> my Moon, 5th and 8th houses - my Moon is only a day or

> so from Full, placed in the 5th, AND is aspected by

> Mars, who is the 5th lord, and in turn is placed in

> Mercury's exaltation sign Virgo. A first-year VA

> student knows, that anytime the lord of a house

> aspects the same, the indications for that house can

> be only for the better. A strong 8th lord in the 5th,

> along w/other indications along intellectual lines,

> almost always suggests a person w/the ability to get

> the bottom of things. The 8th house is that of

> Astrology - its lord being placed in the 5th, and in

> my case, combinated w/Mars, gives strong mathematical

> ability, which has greatly helped my study of VA. The

> Moon being placed in the 5th, especially in Aries,

> shows a lightening-quick mind, able to grasp concepts

> and the like very quickly. Bharani, the star that my

> Moon is in, also symbolizes people that can be jealous

> of the native (which could be the case here) - in any

> event, it also represents the deep-seated changes that

> occur in life, particularly those that have this

> Naksatra strong in their charts, as I do. I mean, this

> is getting to the point of being ridiculous to even

> respond to you…


> ?: The Moon is ava yogi planet or "Evil Planet" as 8th

> lord in the 5th house.

> This alone is a bad combination but Saturn and Rahu

> the two dark planets are

> in the 4th house of the mind and emotions. Both

> afflict the ascendant lord in

> the 10th house.


> MU: You have demonstrated again your limited, at best,

> understanding of Vedic Astrology - you have totally

> left out the fact that Saturn is a yogakaraka for me,

> on the basis that it is the Yogi Planet for me, is

> ultra-strong in the Varga Bala, forms Shasha Yoga in

> my Navamsa and rules the 2nd and 3rd houses in my

> Rasi. It is angular and associated with Rahu, who is

> given Raj-Yoga status by Jupiter, who is the Asc Lord.

> Saturn is aspected by Mars, the 5th lord also. All of

> these combinations make for an eventually successful

> person, one that has had to contend with a lot of

> rocky times but by dent of sheer persistence and

> determination, makes it to the top. The combination of

> Saturn and Rahu in the 4th gives the necessary

> toughness of Spirit to overcome the many things that

> befall one on the road to success. Saturn is the AMK

> for me, and placed in the 12th from the Moon and the

> 10th lord from there also, it suggests greater fame

> and reknown overseas than in my land of birth. You

> seriously need a refresher course…


> ?: Is your ascendant lord jupiter in the 10th house a

> good planet? Or is it the

> indication of a giant ego? Jupiter in the 10th house

> is badly afflicted

> showing the negative side of Jupiter will come out. An

> expansive personality

> with a large opinion of itself. Jupiter with Ketu is

> not a good combination

> as both have the influence of Mars and this can reveal

> a violent and

> argumentative nature.


> MU: Again, WRONG - first off, Mars and Jupiter are the

> best of friends - this is borne out by the fact that

> for Sag Asc, Mars is the good 5th lord. Moreover,

> Jupiter in association with Ketu gives profound

> Spiritual Awareness - since 1992, I have been exposed

> to things of this sort that the average person walking

> around would have no idea existed. Jupiter in the

> 10th is a good placement for anyone, but especially

> for those with Sag or Pisces rising - in my case,

> Jupiter also rules the 4th house, giving it more

> power. Jupiter gets strength from the Navamsa and the

> Varga Bala, is associated with the 5th lord Mars, and

> grants BOTH Rahu AND Ketu Raj-Yoga status. Jupiter,

> Mars and Ketu in the 10th house, in Virgo, gives one

> that is knowledgable about the Shastras, as well as a

> host of other things, and gives eventual name and fame

> as well.


> ?: The 7th lord Mercury is in the 12th house showing

> women will run away from

> you. The Sun and Mercury in Scorpio is a very harsh

> combination that creates

> a personality that can be so arrogant and willful it

> wears people out and

> drives people away from you. In the 8th house from the

> Moon these planets are

> even stronger to bring out anti-social behaviour.


> MU: If by the above you mean, that I don't suffer

> fools, you would actually be correct for the first

> time in your soapbox - but I don't want to give you

> that much credit. You have forgotten the fact that the

> Sun and Mercury form Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga, as

> they are the rulers of the 9th and 10th houses and are

> conjoined in the same house. In Scorpio, they give a

> penetrating insight and a biting wit, one that has

> been known to sting lesser combatants to death. As the

> rapper Ludacris says, "If you can't catch the balls,

> you're in the wrong league…"


> The Sun and Mercury in the 8th from the Moon gives the

> strong interest in Astrology, and since I have seen

> the charts of many, many Astrologers with either the

> same or similar placements, I guess they are just as

> "anti-social" as me, huh? What a crock - someone ought

> to throw you under the jail for murmuring such

> gibberish.


> As for your dumb-ass comments about my relationship

> life, you again have failed to take into account my

> Navamsa, etc. First off, Venus is Vargottoma, so even

> if it is aspected by the worst malefics, it still can

> give eventual happiness in relationship. Second,

> Mercury is also Vargottoma, and in the Navamsa, is

> aspected by Jupiter, who, by the way, is the

> Darakaraka for me. In the Navamsa, Jupiter is in its

> own sign. Going back to the Navamsa again, Mars, the

> 7th lord, is placed in the 10th/Cancer, and gains

> Neecha Bhanga Raj-Yoga status; additionally, Jupiter

> aspects Mars. Your wrong-headed comments later in this

> email about Rahu in my Navamsa couldn't be more

> incorrect, as Rahu here, as in the Rasi, give rise to

> Raj-Yoga. Additionally, Rahu plays a huge role in my

> relationship life, for the better. Case in point:

> since the onset of my Rahu/Jup Dasa, beginning last

> Fall, I have never had a better time on the

> relationship front. In fact, I am in a wonderful

> relationship as I type these words, in Feb, 2K2 - last

> night, if you must know, we discussed the possibility

> of marriage. We'll be together again tonight, and have

> been seeing each other for some time now, at least

> several months. I've had to TURN DOWN proposals from

> at least 3 other women, because I am so into this

> lady. Now, does that sound like someone whom "women

> will runaway" from? Hmm?


> ?: I see you as a wolf in sheeps clothing, a man who

> wants to be the king of

> astrology but lacks the integrity required to help

> people unless there is

> something in it for himself. The navamsha with the

> Moon and Rahu in Libra in

> the ascendant shows he could be potentially very

> destructive with his

> influence on impresionable minds. Especially women!!


> MU: And I see you as an A-1 Coward, an individual that

> thinks he/she has something of substance to say, but

> it falls flat on its face when he/she does not have

> the heart/balls/hutzpah to affix their name to the

> diatribe that passes itself off for an email here. You

> probably have a strong 12th house emphasis in your

> chart, perhaps Mars is there, with Mercury in the 6th

> house - such combinations are indicative of a coward.

> You attempt to lecture me on integrity and so on, yet

> you lurk in the shadows, lobbing your petty insults

> laced with your feeble Vedic Astrological skills, from

> the relative safety behind your computer screen. Talk

> about the pot calling the kettle black - sheesh. You

> are no better than the Terrorists who plot and plan

> their evil in the dark of night, and then take

> pot-shots at unsuspecting innocents in the light of

> day. There is only one way to deal with the likes of

> you, there has always only been but one way - and I do

> hope that God sees fit that I should discover your

> identity, and meet you face-to-face.


> As for my personal record, unlike you, it's laid bare

> for all to see - my data, life details, and service

> record are a matter of public record. I continue to

> teach Astrology, for free, down at Temple University,

> when I could be spending my evenings making money

> elsewhere; I have founded an Astrological online

> forum, again, for free, often giving out my insights

> on Astrological matters, when I could be easily making

> money consulting for someone somewhere; and I have

> continually assisted women in various situations, and

> in many instances, it had nothing to do with

> Astrology, and again I might add, FOR FREE. I have

> never put myself up as a Saint, and sure, I've made my

> fair share of mistakes in life, but I'm far from the

> Devil you have tried to make me out to be. Again, my

> record is available to anyone who wants to see it -

> let's see if you'll put up yours…


> ?: I am only concerned with the potential you have for

> causing great damage to

> legitimate astrology lovers. It is hard enough to

> develop credibility without

> lunatics or ego maniacs running around trying to play

> God.


> MU: And I suppose behavior akin to that of a sniper

> goes a long way towards you developing your

> credibility as a "legitimate astrology lover", huh? I

> am concerned that there are far too many spineless,

> cowardly individuals like yourself in this world than

> the law allows, and if it were left up to me, you

> would be cleansed from the surface of the earth, much

> like a can of Lysol cleanses a toilet bowl of fecal

> scum. I have, through my study, my work, my effort,

> done much for the World of Astrology, and I will

> continue, despite your pathetic efforts to derail me.

> I can see why it would be so hard for you to develop

> credibility, if your skills are this bad - no wonder

> so many people think Astrology is a bunch of BS,

> thanks to people like you. Instead of playa-hatin' on

> me, you should be studying more, and keeping your

> mouth shut.


> Thanks - I think…


> Salaam,

> Mu The Undefeated


> PS: The coward's email address is Brudck, I

> think; if anyone knows this address, please tell this

> person to be a real man/woman, and show themselves!




> =====

> Mu'Min M. Bey

> Western and Vedic Astrologer

> mumin_bey

> AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

> 2Way Pager: 1-877-345-6499/8773456499; Cell phone:


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Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa


web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Dear Mu

I haven't seen this Brudck on this list or any other list . This Brudck

seems to favor "pure" astrology whatever that is however I have never seen

any traditional astrologer delineate a chart in such a way nor any classical

text that advocates this as a use of astrology .Let's hope that this is the

last time we see such misuse of a sacred science that should be approached

with humility and veneration and utilised to help others . Maybe this is the

last roll of the dice for the Guru Candala Yoga that ends with Rahu moving

into Taurus today : - )


Best of luck getting jyotish out to the masses


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