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Jupiter's non-afflictions

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Dear Robyn, dear Patrice and list,


thank you for this chart.

Although it was primarily meant for Patrice, I'd like to try and intepret a bit

(only way for a begginer to learn and it would be good for me if my mistakes

are pointed out)


This is a very interesting chart and probably one which an expert would call "exemplary".


10th and 9th lord Saturn is in the 3rd house, indicating a career connected with

communication, writing, journalism pursued in an ambitious and unrelenting

manner. But Saturn is also retrograde in Cancer, giving some uncertainty about

the real direction in life, and is emotionally vulnerable.


Mercury in Capricorn, disposited and aspected by Saturn, suggests the

intelligence and ability to concentrate and pursue the mental aims. Me is 5th

and 2nd lord, taking on itself the vitality and sense of security of the native

and should theoretically be a good influence in 9th giving an open mind and love

of knowledge. But it also is weak in infancy and aspected by own dispositor. Too

much: it would seem there is a sort of big super-ego complex, forcing the person

to do always her very best and come out on top. She must be intelligent and

mentally productive (otherwise her world would fall apart she thinks).


Saturn will give problems to the moon too (the mind), with the close tenth

aspect. The Moon is 3L, again the communication and intelligence, but weak like

Mercury, even more so considering the gandanta point and the placement in 12th.

So Saturn is aspecting its own dispositor, all the energies of the chart are


The 12th in Aries suggests an impulsive, aggressive way of finally surrendering

to things ... after all the mental activity and sense of duty suddenly there

comes the emotional (Moon) surrender, and mars the dispositor of

surrender/loss goes to harm the 1st, the self, the body.


This harm may also take place through others (Mars 7th lord) suggesting

sensitivity in relantionships.

As can be seen looking at Venus in 8th, lord of 6th house of conflicts and

disease and most importantly lord of 1st. Again a fiery sign, Sagittarius,

suggesting idealism too, in the 8th house of passion and transformation and

also aspected by Ketu, co-lord for the 7th house: a deprivation of love

perhaps, which will be compensated by the hard work and mental activities. But

Venus is in Libra in Navamsha, giving ultimately more balance.


Venus's dispositor (in the Rasi chart again) is 8th and 11th lord Jupiter,

luckily strong in 11th, helping to gain from the capacity for transformation

through love. It also suggests a need for freedom, again an idealistic nature

and some originality. That same Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant in Navamsha,

giving relief.


What about vitality? The Sun again in Capricorn (not combusting Mercury at all)

and in 9th should help in the long run, or at least gives some authority, but

in Navamsha is conjunct a debilitated Mars in Cancer. This whole chart would

suggest that the more vitalistic energies are not easily directed in a positive

way. The emotional and mental issues have centre-stage.


Finally, the suicidal attempts would be confirmed by Saturn in 5th in D8 where

Venus (Rasi's 1st lord) is in the first: the passion again directed against



Well, thanks for reading this and I'll appreciate any comments.


Best regards



> > The birth data is (anonymous for obvious reasons)> > 6th Feb, 1976> Durban,

South Africa> 13:30> female native> 30e56> 29s55> 2he> > Have a lovely Easter!>

Cheers - Robyn> > > > -> "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry (AT) comcast (DOT) net>> <gjlist>> Saturday, March

30, 2002 11:00 PM> Re: [GJ] Jupiter afflictions> > > > Hi Dear Robyn,>

>> > Yes, I'd be interested in seeing this chart definitely. I'm trying to get>

> back to the lists more this week but have been swamped since my brother's> >

death and my daughter's appendix surgery and other things here.> >> > Please do

post the data for this chart. We'd all like a good look at it! I> > am going to

have to get off of here with Easter tomorrow and my family all> > eagerly

awaiting me. I keep stealing minutes up here and my heart is> always> > in such

joy doing Jyotish!> >> > I would be interested in this data and please do share

it with us. You> have> > to see the whole chart to draw any real conclusions -

or at least I do.> >> > As I said, nodes conjunct Moon can indicate other

things as well. Das has> > written about this quite a bit on here too. Ketu is

also Moksha Karaka and> > from my still beginner status I think a lot depends

on the condition of> this> > Ketu and then in this chart particularly the Moon

and even how strong the> > Lagna is. Also, in this chart what is the condition

of Mars as lord of> 12H.> > All these things.> >> > In her chart it would be

interesting also as 12H is karaka for hospitals> but> > also Moksha, as you

know. We could also look at the dasas and transits.> >> > Also, I've been

wanting to share more regarding my brother's chart and> death> > but haven't

found the time yet. Jupiter had a definite role in his death> > too. I know

Maddalena is also eager to hear what I learned regarding my> > brother's chart.

I'm still hoping to get back to this soon while there is> > interest and with

that interest much more can be learned.> >> > Great regards,> > Patrice> >> >

Robyn wrote:> >> > For instance, Patrice, you might be interested in this chart

I am looking> at> > now. She is a brilliant, young journalist and writer with

Taurus asc and> > Moon closely conjunct Ketu in 12th House. She has had a

number of> breakdowns> > already and a number of suicide attempts.> >> > She

seems to be stabilizing now, but it has been quite a time with her.> She> >

holds two masters in english lit and journalism resp. and is now going> onto> >

to her phd.> >> > Any insights into this conjunction of Moon and Ketu for me?>

>> >> >> >> >> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> > To

, send an email to: gjlist-> >

http://www.goravani.com> >> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya;

Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> :

gjlist-> http://www.goravani.com> > > Your use of

is subject to > >

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Guest guest

Dear Maddalena,


Thanks for that, interesting. I need more time to go through it more carefully,

and we need a more experienced eye on this chart than mine.


What you have analysed certainly seems to fit in well with what I know about

her. One point that might lead you to insights concerning one of her main life

conflicts: Taurus ascendant in rasi and Aquarius asc in navamsa.


Best wishes





Maddalena Cecchinato


Sunday, March 31, 2002 1:39 AM

[GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn, dear Patrice and list,


thank you for this chart.

Although it was primarily meant for Patrice, I'd like to try and intepret a bit

(only way for a begginer to learn and it would be good for me if my mistakes

are pointed out)


This is a very interesting chart and probably one which an expert would call "exemplary".


10th and 9th lord Saturn is in the 3rd house, indicating a career connected with

communication, writing, journalism pursued in an ambitious and unrelenting

manner. But Saturn is also retrograde in Cancer, giving some uncertainty about

the real direction in life, and is emotionally vulnerable.


Mercury in Capricorn, disposited and aspected by Saturn, suggests the

intelligence and ability to concentrate and pursue the mental aims. Me is 5th

and 2nd lord, taking on itself the vitality and sense of security of the native

and should theoretically be a good influence in 9th giving an open mind and love

of knowledge. But it also is weak in infancy and aspected by own dispositor. Too

much: it would seem there is a sort of big super-ego complex, forcing the person

to do always her very best and come out on top. She must be intelligent and

mentally productive (otherwise her world would fall apart she thinks).


Saturn will give problems to the moon too (the mind), with the close tenth

aspect. The Moon is 3L, again the communication and intelligence, but weak like

Mercury, even more so considering the gandanta point and the placement in 12th.

So Saturn is aspecting its own dispositor, all the energies of the chart are


The 12th in Aries suggests an impulsive, aggressive way of finally surrendering

to things ... after all the mental activity and sense of duty suddenly there

comes the emotional (Moon) surrender, and mars the dispositor of

surrender/loss goes to harm the 1st, the self, the body.


This harm may also take place through others (Mars 7th lord) suggesting

sensitivity in relantionships.

As can be seen looking at Venus in 8th, lord of 6th house of conflicts and

disease and most importantly lord of 1st. Again a fiery sign, Sagittarius,

suggesting idealism too, in the 8th house of passion and transformation and

also aspected by Ketu, co-lord for the 7th house: a deprivation of love

perhaps, which will be compensated by the hard work and mental activities. But

Venus is in Libra in Navamsha, giving ultimately more balance.


Venus's dispositor (in the Rasi chart again) is 8th and 11th lord Jupiter,

luckily strong in 11th, helping to gain from the capacity for transformation

through love. It also suggests a need for freedom, again an idealistic nature

and some originality. That same Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant in Navamsha,

giving relief.


What about vitality? The Sun again in Capricorn (not combusting Mercury at all)

and in 9th should help in the long run, or at least gives some authority, but

in Navamsha is conjunct a debilitated Mars in Cancer. This whole chart would

suggest that the more vitalistic energies are not easily directed in a positive

way. The emotional and mental issues have centre-stage.


Finally, the suicidal attempts would be confirmed by Saturn in 5th in D8 where

Venus (Rasi's 1st lord) is in the first: the passion again directed against



Well, thanks for reading this and I'll appreciate any comments.


Best regards



> > The birth data is (anonymous for obvious reasons)> > 6th Feb, 1976> Durban,

South Africa> 13:30> female native> 30e56> 29s55> 2he> > Have a lovely Easter!>

Cheers - Robyn> > > > -> "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry (AT) comcast (DOT) net>> <gjlist>> Saturday, March

30, 2002 11:00 PM> Re: [GJ] Jupiter afflictions> > > > Hi Dear Robyn,>

>> > Yes, I'd be interested in seeing this chart definitely. I'm trying to get>

> back to the lists more this week but have been swamped since my brother's> >

death and my daughter's appendix surgery and other things here.> >> > Please do

post the data for this chart. We'd all like a good look at it! I> > am going to

have to get off of here with Easter tomorrow and my family all> > eagerly

awaiting me. I keep stealing minutes up here and my heart is> always> > in such

joy doing Jyotish!> >> > I would be interested in this data and please do share

it with us. You> have> > to see the whole chart to draw any real conclusions -

or at least I do.> >> > As I said, nodes conjunct Moon can indicate other

things as well. Das has> > written about this quite a bit on here too. Ketu is

also Moksha Karaka and> > from my still beginner status I think a lot depends

on the condition of> this> > Ketu and then in this chart particularly the Moon

and even how strong the> > Lagna is. Also, in this chart what is the condition

of Mars as lord of> 12H.> > All these things.> >> > In her chart it would be

interesting also as 12H is karaka for hospitals> but> > also Moksha, as you

know. We could also look at the dasas and transits.> >> > Also, I've been

wanting to share more regarding my brother's chart and> death> > but haven't

found the time yet. Jupiter had a definite role in his death> > too. I know

Maddalena is also eager to hear what I learned regarding my> > brother's chart.

I'm still hoping to get back to this soon while there is> > interest and with

that interest much more can be learned.> >> > Great regards,> > Patrice> >> >

Robyn wrote:> >> > For instance, Patrice, you might be interested in this chart

I am looking> at> > now. She is a brilliant, young journalist and writer with

Taurus asc and> > Moon closely conjunct Ketu in 12th House. She has had a

number of> breakdowns> > already and a number of suicide attempts.> >> > She

seems to be stabilizing now, but it has been quite a time with her.> She> >

holds two masters in english lit and journalism resp. and is now going> onto> >

to her phd.> >> > Any insights into this conjunction of Moon and Ketu for me?>

>> >> >> >> >> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> > To

, send an email to: gjlist-> >

http://www.goravani.com> >> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya;

Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> :

gjlist-> http://www.goravani.com> > > Your use of

is subject to > > Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Dear Robyn,


thanks for answering. About the different ascendants, would the conflict be

between a materialistic and a idealistic nature? One the one hand, Taurus would

show a need to build a sense of security for oneself and this is often done by

"accumulation" (money, status, possessions in general). Aquarius on the other

hand gives the need to work for the benefit of society, overcoming one's own

"greed", freeing oneself from traditional needs.

The conflict could also possibly be about the wanting and not wanting children

(or not being able to).

You are making me curious :)


Best regards






Monday, April 01, 2002 12:19 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Maddalena,


Thanks for that, interesting. I need more time to go through it more carefully,

and we need a more experienced eye on this chart than mine.


What you have analysed certainly seems to fit in well with what I know about

her. One point that might lead you to insights concerning one of her main life

conflicts: Taurus ascendant in rasi and Aquarius asc in navamsa.


Best wishes





Maddalena Cecchinato


Sunday, March 31, 2002 1:39 AM

[GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn, dear Patrice and list,


thank you for this chart.

Although it was primarily meant for Patrice, I'd like to try and intepret a bit

(only way for a begginer to learn and it would be good for me if my mistakes

are pointed out)


This is a very interesting chart and probably one which an expert would call "exemplary".


10th and 9th lord Saturn is in the 3rd house, indicating a career connected with

communication, writing, journalism pursued in an ambitious and unrelenting

manner. But Saturn is also retrograde in Cancer, giving some uncertainty about

the real direction in life, and is emotionally vulnerable.


Mercury in Capricorn, disposited and aspected by Saturn, suggests the

intelligence and ability to concentrate and pursue the mental aims. Me is 5th

and 2nd lord, taking on itself the vitality and sense of security of the native

and should theoretically be a good influence in 9th giving an open mind and love

of knowledge. But it also is weak in infancy and aspected by own dispositor. Too

much: it would seem there is a sort of big super-ego complex, forcing the person

to do always her very best and come out on top. She must be intelligent and

mentally productive (otherwise her world would fall apart she thinks).


Saturn will give problems to the moon too (the mind), with the close tenth

aspect. The Moon is 3L, again the communication and intelligence, but weak like

Mercury, even more so considering the gandanta point and the placement in 12th.

So Saturn is aspecting its own dispositor, all the energies of the chart are


The 12th in Aries suggests an impulsive, aggressive way of finally surrendering

to things ... after all the mental activity and sense of duty suddenly there

comes the emotional (Moon) surrender, and mars the dispositor of

surrender/loss goes to harm the 1st, the self, the body.


This harm may also take place through others (Mars 7th lord) suggesting

sensitivity in relantionships.

As can be seen looking at Venus in 8th, lord of 6th house of conflicts and

disease and most importantly lord of 1st. Again a fiery sign, Sagittarius,

suggesting idealism too, in the 8th house of passion and transformation and

also aspected by Ketu, co-lord for the 7th house: a deprivation of love

perhaps, which will be compensated by the hard work and mental activities. But

Venus is in Libra in Navamsha, giving ultimately more balance.


Venus's dispositor (in the Rasi chart again) is 8th and 11th lord Jupiter,

luckily strong in 11th, helping to gain from the capacity for transformation

through love. It also suggests a need for freedom, again an idealistic nature

and some originality. That same Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant in Navamsha,

giving relief.


What about vitality? The Sun again in Capricorn (not combusting Mercury at all)

and in 9th should help in the long run, or at least gives some authority, but

in Navamsha is conjunct a debilitated Mars in Cancer. This whole chart would

suggest that the more vitalistic energies are not easily directed in a positive

way. The emotional and mental issues have centre-stage.


Finally, the suicidal attempts would be confirmed by Saturn in 5th in D8 where

Venus (Rasi's 1st lord) is in the first: the passion again directed against



Well, thanks for reading this and I'll appreciate any comments.


Best regards



> > The birth data is (anonymous for obvious reasons)> > 6th Feb, 1976> Durban,

South Africa> 13:30> female native> 30e56> 29s55> 2he> > Have a lovely Easter!>

Cheers - Robyn> > > > -> "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry (AT) comcast (DOT) net>> <gjlist>> Saturday, March

30, 2002 11:00 PM> Re: [GJ] Jupiter afflictions> > > > Hi Dear Robyn,>

>> > Yes, I'd be interested in seeing this chart definitely. I'm trying to get>

> back to the lists more this week but have been swamped since my brother's> >

death and my daughter's appendix surgery and other things here.> >> > Please do

post the data for this chart. We'd all like a good look at it! I> > am going to

have to get off of here with Easter tomorrow and my family all> > eagerly

awaiting me. I keep stealing minutes up here and my heart is> always> > in such

joy doing Jyotish!> >> > I would be interested in this data and please do share

it with us. You> have> > to see the whole chart to draw any real conclusions -

or at least I do.> >> > As I said, nodes conjunct Moon can indicate other

things as well. Das has> > written about this quite a bit on here too. Ketu is

also Moksha Karaka and> > from my still beginner status I think a lot depends

on the condition of> this> > Ketu and then in this chart particularly the Moon

and even how strong the> > Lagna is. Also, in this chart what is the condition

of Mars as lord of> 12H.> > All these things.> >> > In her chart it would be

interesting also as 12H is karaka for hospitals> but> > also Moksha, as you

know. We could also look at the dasas and transits.> >> > Also, I've been

wanting to share more regarding my brother's chart and> death> > but haven't

found the time yet. Jupiter had a definite role in his death> > too. I know

Maddalena is also eager to hear what I learned regarding my> > brother's chart.

I'm still hoping to get back to this soon while there is> > interest and with

that interest much more can be learned.> >> > Great regards,> > Patrice> >> >

Robyn wrote:> >> > For instance, Patrice, you might be interested in this chart

I am looking> at> > now. She is a brilliant, young journalist and writer with

Taurus asc and> > Moon closely conjunct Ketu in 12th House. She has had a

number of> breakdowns> > already and a number of suicide attempts.> >> > She

seems to be stabilizing now, but it has been quite a time with her.> She> >

holds two masters in english lit and journalism resp. and is now going> onto> >

to her phd.> >> > Any insights into this conjunction of Moon and Ketu for me?>

>> >> >> >> >> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> > To

, send an email to: gjlist-> >

http://www.goravani.com> >> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya;

Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> :

gjlist-> http://www.goravani.com> > > Your use of

is subject to > > Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Interesting your insight on materialistic and idealistic. Yes, she has that as

well. Very much so. But what I was referring to is a Driksamsthavasita Yoga

formed by rasi asc Taurus and navamsa asc Aquarian. Very personal, so if you

have Parasara Light or some programme to bring up that yoga, you can see what I

mean. Didn't mean to sound mysterious, but it answers many questions about her

fundamental conflict.


Also, look for severe childhood abuse. I am still working on this chart and it

takes me ages before I get the full picture. Sorry, early days yet for me and

my enthusiasm for Jyotish sometimes overrides my knowledge, so I have to force

myself to go slowly and try to stick to the basics.





Maddalena Cecchinato


Monday, April 01, 2002 8:23 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn,


thanks for answering. About the different ascendants, would the conflict be

between a materialistic and a idealistic nature? One the one hand, Taurus would

show a need to build a sense of security for oneself and this is often done by

"accumulation" (money, status, possessions in general). Aquarius on the other

hand gives the need to work for the benefit of society, overcoming one's own

"greed", freeing oneself from traditional needs.

The conflict could also possibly be about the wanting and not wanting children

(or not being able to).

You are making me curious :)


Best regards






Monday, April 01, 2002 12:19 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Maddalena,


Thanks for that, interesting. I need more time to go through it more carefully,

and we need a more experienced eye on this chart than mine.


What you have analysed certainly seems to fit in well with what I know about

her. One point that might lead you to insights concerning one of her main life

conflicts: Taurus ascendant in rasi and Aquarius asc in navamsa.


Best wishes





Maddalena Cecchinato


Sunday, March 31, 2002 1:39 AM

[GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn, dear Patrice and list,


thank you for this chart.

Although it was primarily meant for Patrice, I'd like to try and intepret a bit

(only way for a begginer to learn and it would be good for me if my mistakes

are pointed out)


This is a very interesting chart and probably one which an expert would call "exemplary".


10th and 9th lord Saturn is in the 3rd house, indicating a career connected with

communication, writing, journalism pursued in an ambitious and unrelenting

manner. But Saturn is also retrograde in Cancer, giving some uncertainty about

the real direction in life, and is emotionally vulnerable.


Mercury in Capricorn, disposited and aspected by Saturn, suggests the

intelligence and ability to concentrate and pursue the mental aims. Me is 5th

and 2nd lord, taking on itself the vitality and sense of security of the native

and should theoretically be a good influence in 9th giving an open mind and love

of knowledge. But it also is weak in infancy and aspected by own dispositor. Too

much: it would seem there is a sort of big super-ego complex, forcing the person

to do always her very best and come out on top. She must be intelligent and

mentally productive (otherwise her world would fall apart she thinks).


Saturn will give problems to the moon too (the mind), with the close tenth

aspect. The Moon is 3L, again the communication and intelligence, but weak like

Mercury, even more so considering the gandanta point and the placement in 12th.

So Saturn is aspecting its own dispositor, all the energies of the chart are


The 12th in Aries suggests an impulsive, aggressive way of finally surrendering

to things ... after all the mental activity and sense of duty suddenly there

comes the emotional (Moon) surrender, and mars the dispositor of

surrender/loss goes to harm the 1st, the self, the body.


This harm may also take place through others (Mars 7th lord) suggesting

sensitivity in relantionships.

As can be seen looking at Venus in 8th, lord of 6th house of conflicts and

disease and most importantly lord of 1st. Again a fiery sign, Sagittarius,

suggesting idealism too, in the 8th house of passion and transformation and

also aspected by Ketu, co-lord for the 7th house: a deprivation of love

perhaps, which will be compensated by the hard work and mental activities. But

Venus is in Libra in Navamsha, giving ultimately more balance.


Venus's dispositor (in the Rasi chart again) is 8th and 11th lord Jupiter,

luckily strong in 11th, helping to gain from the capacity for transformation

through love. It also suggests a need for freedom, again an idealistic nature

and some originality. That same Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant in Navamsha,

giving relief.


What about vitality? The Sun again in Capricorn (not combusting Mercury at all)

and in 9th should help in the long run, or at least gives some authority, but

in Navamsha is conjunct a debilitated Mars in Cancer. This whole chart would

suggest that the more vitalistic energies are not easily directed in a positive

way. The emotional and mental issues have centre-stage.


Finally, the suicidal attempts would be confirmed by Saturn in 5th in D8 where

Venus (Rasi's 1st lord) is in the first: the passion again directed against



Well, thanks for reading this and I'll appreciate any comments.


Best regards



> > The birth data is (anonymous for obvious reasons)> > 6th Feb, 1976> Durban,

South Africa> 13:30> female native> 30e56> 29s55> 2he> > Have a lovely Easter!>

Cheers - Robyn> > > > -> "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry (AT) comcast (DOT) net>> <gjlist>> Saturday, March

30, 2002 11:00 PM> Re: [GJ] Jupiter afflictions> > > > Hi Dear Robyn,>

>> > Yes, I'd be interested in seeing this chart definitely. I'm trying to get>

> back to the lists more this week but have been swamped since my brother's> >

death and my daughter's appendix surgery and other things here.> >> > Please do

post the data for this chart. We'd all like a good look at it! I> > am going to

have to get off of here with Easter tomorrow and my family all> > eagerly

awaiting me. I keep stealing minutes up here and my heart is> always> > in such

joy doing Jyotish!> >> > I would be interested in this data and please do share

it with us. You> have> > to see the whole chart to draw any real conclusions -

or at least I do.> >> > As I said, nodes conjunct Moon can indicate other

things as well. Das has> > written about this quite a bit on here too. Ketu is

also Moksha Karaka and> > from my still beginner status I think a lot depends

on the condition of> this> > Ketu and then in this chart particularly the Moon

and even how strong the> > Lagna is. Also, in this chart what is the condition

of Mars as lord of> 12H.> > All these things.> >> > In her chart it would be

interesting also as 12H is karaka for hospitals> but> > also Moksha, as you

know. We could also look at the dasas and transits.> >> > Also, I've been

wanting to share more regarding my brother's chart and> death> > but haven't

found the time yet. Jupiter had a definite role in his death> > too. I know

Maddalena is also eager to hear what I learned regarding my> > brother's chart.

I'm still hoping to get back to this soon while there is> > interest and with

that interest much more can be learned.> >> > Great regards,> > Patrice> >> >

Robyn wrote:> >> > For instance, Patrice, you might be interested in this chart

I am looking> at> > now. She is a brilliant, young journalist and writer with

Taurus asc and> > Moon closely conjunct Ketu in 12th House. She has had a

number of> breakdowns> > already and a number of suicide attempts.> >> > She

seems to be stabilizing now, but it has been quite a time with her.> She> >

holds two masters in english lit and journalism resp. and is now going> onto> >

to her phd.> >> > Any insights into this conjunction of Moon and Ketu for me?>

>> >> >> >> >> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> > To

, send an email to: gjlist-> >

http://www.goravani.com> >> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya;

Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> :

gjlist-> http://www.goravani.com> > > Your use of

is subject to > > Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Guest guest

Dear Robin,


I have only JHLite and Junior Jyotish and I'm sure I'm in a much earlier stage

than you are :)

I don't yet know all the proper terms and don't know what a driksamsthavasita

yoga is (anything to do with quadrants?).

I've still got to study the various yogas and their meanings.


Saturn, as lord of Aquarius, is important for Taurus ascendants (9th and 10th

lord) and is indeed a strong influence in this chart. It is also the functional

significator for father.

I had actually thought of a difficult maternal influence.

The moon is badly placed in this chart, and the Sun being functional

significator for mother (or maybe parents in general) and mental peace as lord

of 4th is, as I mentioned, with Mars in the Navamsha. And Mars in Rasi is 12th

lord in 1st... and maybe, as I said, Mars being 7th lord as well suggests the

harm coming from "others".

Venus in dusthana is lord of lagna (self, first part of life), possibly showing

the lack of love issue.

Rahu (Aquarius co-lord?) in Navamsha is in the fourth.


I'm looking forward to the "solution" as regards the fundamental conflict, but

maybe you could wait for inputs from other members before giving the answer :)


Best wishes







Monday, April 01, 2002 9:57 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions



Interesting your insight on materialistic and idealistic. Yes, she has that as

well. Very much so. But what I was referring to is a Driksamsthavasita Yoga

formed by rasi asc Taurus and navamsa asc Aquarian. Very personal, so if you

have Parasara Light or some programme to bring up that yoga, you can see what I

mean. Didn't mean to sound mysterious, but it answers many questions about her

fundamental conflict.


Also, look for severe childhood abuse. I am still working on this chart and it

takes me ages before I get the full picture. Sorry, early days yet for me and

my enthusiasm for Jyotish sometimes overrides my knowledge, so I have to force

myself to go slowly and try to stick to the basics.





Maddalena Cecchinato


Monday, April 01, 2002 8:23 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn,


thanks for answering. About the different ascendants, would the conflict be

between a materialistic and a idealistic nature? One the one hand, Taurus would

show a need to build a sense of security for oneself and this is often done by

"accumulation" (money, status, possessions in general). Aquarius on the other

hand gives the need to work for the benefit of society, overcoming one's own

"greed", freeing oneself from traditional needs.

The conflict could also possibly be about the wanting and not wanting children

(or not being able to).

You are making me curious :)


Best regards






Monday, April 01, 2002 12:19 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Maddalena,


Thanks for that, interesting. I need more time to go through it more carefully,

and we need a more experienced eye on this chart than mine.


What you have analysed certainly seems to fit in well with what I know about

her. One point that might lead you to insights concerning one of her main life

conflicts: Taurus ascendant in rasi and Aquarius asc in navamsa.


Best wishes





Maddalena Cecchinato


Sunday, March 31, 2002 1:39 AM

[GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn, dear Patrice and list,


thank you for this chart.

Although it was primarily meant for Patrice, I'd like to try and intepret a bit

(only way for a begginer to learn and it would be good for me if my mistakes

are pointed out)


This is a very interesting chart and probably one which an expert would call "exemplary".


10th and 9th lord Saturn is in the 3rd house, indicating a career connected with

communication, writing, journalism pursued in an ambitious and unrelenting

manner. But Saturn is also retrograde in Cancer, giving some uncertainty about

the real direction in life, and is emotionally vulnerable.


Mercury in Capricorn, disposited and aspected by Saturn, suggests the

intelligence and ability to concentrate and pursue the mental aims. Me is 5th

and 2nd lord, taking on itself the vitality and sense of security of the native

and should theoretically be a good influence in 9th giving an open mind and love

of knowledge. But it also is weak in infancy and aspected by own dispositor. Too

much: it would seem there is a sort of big super-ego complex, forcing the person

to do always her very best and come out on top. She must be intelligent and

mentally productive (otherwise her world would fall apart she thinks).


Saturn will give problems to the moon too (the mind), with the close tenth

aspect. The Moon is 3L, again the communication and intelligence, but weak like

Mercury, even more so considering the gandanta point and the placement in 12th.

So Saturn is aspecting its own dispositor, all the energies of the chart are


The 12th in Aries suggests an impulsive, aggressive way of finally surrendering

to things ... after all the mental activity and sense of duty suddenly there

comes the emotional (Moon) surrender, and mars the dispositor of

surrender/loss goes to harm the 1st, the self, the body.


This harm may also take place through others (Mars 7th lord) suggesting

sensitivity in relantionships.

As can be seen looking at Venus in 8th, lord of 6th house of conflicts and

disease and most importantly lord of 1st. Again a fiery sign, Sagittarius,

suggesting idealism too, in the 8th house of passion and transformation and

also aspected by Ketu, co-lord for the 7th house: a deprivation of love

perhaps, which will be compensated by the hard work and mental activities. But

Venus is in Libra in Navamsha, giving ultimately more balance.


Venus's dispositor (in the Rasi chart again) is 8th and 11th lord Jupiter,

luckily strong in 11th, helping to gain from the capacity for transformation

through love. It also suggests a need for freedom, again an idealistic nature

and some originality. That same Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant in Navamsha,

giving relief.


What about vitality? The Sun again in Capricorn (not combusting Mercury at all)

and in 9th should help in the long run, or at least gives some authority, but

in Navamsha is conjunct a debilitated Mars in Cancer. This whole chart would

suggest that the more vitalistic energies are not easily directed in a positive

way. The emotional and mental issues have centre-stage.


Finally, the suicidal attempts would be confirmed by Saturn in 5th in D8 where

Venus (Rasi's 1st lord) is in the first: the passion again directed against



Well, thanks for reading this and I'll appreciate any comments.


Best regards



> > The birth data is (anonymous for obvious reasons)> > 6th Feb, 1976> Durban,

South Africa> 13:30> female native> 30e56> 29s55> 2he> > Have a lovely Easter!>

Cheers - Robyn> > > > -> "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry (AT) comcast (DOT) net>> <gjlist>> Saturday, March

30, 2002 11:00 PM> Re: [GJ] Jupiter afflictions> > > > Hi Dear Robyn,>

>> > Yes, I'd be interested in seeing this chart definitely. I'm trying to get>

> back to the lists more this week but have been swamped since my brother's> >

death and my daughter's appendix surgery and other things here.> >> > Please do

post the data for this chart. We'd all like a good look at it! I> > am going to

have to get off of here with Easter tomorrow and my family all> > eagerly

awaiting me. I keep stealing minutes up here and my heart is> always> > in such

joy doing Jyotish!> >> > I would be interested in this data and please do share

it with us. You> have> > to see the whole chart to draw any real conclusions -

or at least I do.> >> > As I said, nodes conjunct Moon can indicate other

things as well. Das has> > written about this quite a bit on here too. Ketu is

also Moksha Karaka and> > from my still beginner status I think a lot depends

on the condition of> this> > Ketu and then in this chart particularly the Moon

and even how strong the> > Lagna is. Also, in this chart what is the condition

of Mars as lord of> 12H.> > All these things.> >> > In her chart it would be

interesting also as 12H is karaka for hospitals> but> > also Moksha, as you

know. We could also look at the dasas and transits.> >> > Also, I've been

wanting to share more regarding my brother's chart and> death> > but haven't

found the time yet. Jupiter had a definite role in his death> > too. I know

Maddalena is also eager to hear what I learned regarding my> > brother's chart.

I'm still hoping to get back to this soon while there is> > interest and with

that interest much more can be learned.> >> > Great regards,> > Patrice> >> >

Robyn wrote:> >> > For instance, Patrice, you might be interested in this chart

I am looking> at> > now. She is a brilliant, young journalist and writer with

Taurus asc and> > Moon closely conjunct Ketu in 12th House. She has had a

number of> breakdowns> > already and a number of suicide attempts.> >> > She

seems to be stabilizing now, but it has been quite a time with her.> She> >

holds two masters in english lit and journalism resp. and is now going> onto> >

to her phd.> >> > Any insights into this conjunction of Moon and Ketu for me?>

>> >> >> >> >> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> > To

, send an email to: gjlist-> >

http://www.goravani.com> >> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya;

Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> :

gjlist-> http://www.goravani.com> > > Your use of

is subject to > > Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

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is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

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Guest guest

Hi there,


Will do. I told you its a fascinating chart!





Maddalena Cecchinato


Monday, April 01, 2002 10:49 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robin,


I have only JHLite and Junior Jyotish and I'm sure I'm in a much earlier stage

than you are :)

I don't yet know all the proper terms and don't know what a driksamsthavasita

yoga is (anything to do with quadrants?).

I've still got to study the various yogas and their meanings.


Saturn, as lord of Aquarius, is important for Taurus ascendants (9th and 10th

lord) and is indeed a strong influence in this chart. It is also the functional

significator for father.

I had actually thought of a difficult maternal influence.

The moon is badly placed in this chart, and the Sun being functional

significator for mother (or maybe parents in general) and mental peace as lord

of 4th is, as I mentioned, with Mars in the Navamsha. And Mars in Rasi is 12th

lord in 1st... and maybe, as I said, Mars being 7th lord as well suggests the

harm coming from "others".

Venus in dusthana is lord of lagna (self, first part of life), possibly showing

the lack of love issue.

Rahu (Aquarius co-lord?) in Navamsha is in the fourth.


I'm looking forward to the "solution" as regards the fundamental conflict, but

maybe you could wait for inputs from other members before giving the answer :)


Best wishes







Monday, April 01, 2002 9:57 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions



Interesting your insight on materialistic and idealistic. Yes, she has that as

well. Very much so. But what I was referring to is a Driksamsthavasita Yoga

formed by rasi asc Taurus and navamsa asc Aquarian. Very personal, so if you

have Parasara Light or some programme to bring up that yoga, you can see what I

mean. Didn't mean to sound mysterious, but it answers many questions about her

fundamental conflict.


Also, look for severe childhood abuse. I am still working on this chart and it

takes me ages before I get the full picture. Sorry, early days yet for me and

my enthusiasm for Jyotish sometimes overrides my knowledge, so I have to force

myself to go slowly and try to stick to the basics.





Maddalena Cecchinato


Monday, April 01, 2002 8:23 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn,


thanks for answering. About the different ascendants, would the conflict be

between a materialistic and a idealistic nature? One the one hand, Taurus would

show a need to build a sense of security for oneself and this is often done by

"accumulation" (money, status, possessions in general). Aquarius on the other

hand gives the need to work for the benefit of society, overcoming one's own

"greed", freeing oneself from traditional needs.

The conflict could also possibly be about the wanting and not wanting children

(or not being able to).

You are making me curious :)


Best regards






Monday, April 01, 2002 12:19 AM

Re: [GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Maddalena,


Thanks for that, interesting. I need more time to go through it more carefully,

and we need a more experienced eye on this chart than mine.


What you have analysed certainly seems to fit in well with what I know about

her. One point that might lead you to insights concerning one of her main life

conflicts: Taurus ascendant in rasi and Aquarius asc in navamsa.


Best wishes





Maddalena Cecchinato


Sunday, March 31, 2002 1:39 AM

[GJ] Jupiter's non-afflictions

Dear Robyn, dear Patrice and list,


thank you for this chart.

Although it was primarily meant for Patrice, I'd like to try and intepret a bit

(only way for a begginer to learn and it would be good for me if my mistakes

are pointed out)


This is a very interesting chart and probably one which an expert would call "exemplary".


10th and 9th lord Saturn is in the 3rd house, indicating a career connected with

communication, writing, journalism pursued in an ambitious and unrelenting

manner. But Saturn is also retrograde in Cancer, giving some uncertainty about

the real direction in life, and is emotionally vulnerable.


Mercury in Capricorn, disposited and aspected by Saturn, suggests the

intelligence and ability to concentrate and pursue the mental aims. Me is 5th

and 2nd lord, taking on itself the vitality and sense of security of the native

and should theoretically be a good influence in 9th giving an open mind and love

of knowledge. But it also is weak in infancy and aspected by own dispositor. Too

much: it would seem there is a sort of big super-ego complex, forcing the person

to do always her very best and come out on top. She must be intelligent and

mentally productive (otherwise her world would fall apart she thinks).


Saturn will give problems to the moon too (the mind), with the close tenth

aspect. The Moon is 3L, again the communication and intelligence, but weak like

Mercury, even more so considering the gandanta point and the placement in 12th.

So Saturn is aspecting its own dispositor, all the energies of the chart are


The 12th in Aries suggests an impulsive, aggressive way of finally surrendering

to things ... after all the mental activity and sense of duty suddenly there

comes the emotional (Moon) surrender, and mars the dispositor of

surrender/loss goes to harm the 1st, the self, the body.


This harm may also take place through others (Mars 7th lord) suggesting

sensitivity in relantionships.

As can be seen looking at Venus in 8th, lord of 6th house of conflicts and

disease and most importantly lord of 1st. Again a fiery sign, Sagittarius,

suggesting idealism too, in the 8th house of passion and transformation and

also aspected by Ketu, co-lord for the 7th house: a deprivation of love

perhaps, which will be compensated by the hard work and mental activities. But

Venus is in Libra in Navamsha, giving ultimately more balance.


Venus's dispositor (in the Rasi chart again) is 8th and 11th lord Jupiter,

luckily strong in 11th, helping to gain from the capacity for transformation

through love. It also suggests a need for freedom, again an idealistic nature

and some originality. That same Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant in Navamsha,

giving relief.


What about vitality? The Sun again in Capricorn (not combusting Mercury at all)

and in 9th should help in the long run, or at least gives some authority, but

in Navamsha is conjunct a debilitated Mars in Cancer. This whole chart would

suggest that the more vitalistic energies are not easily directed in a positive

way. The emotional and mental issues have centre-stage.


Finally, the suicidal attempts would be confirmed by Saturn in 5th in D8 where

Venus (Rasi's 1st lord) is in the first: the passion again directed against



Well, thanks for reading this and I'll appreciate any comments.


Best regards



> > The birth data is (anonymous for obvious reasons)> > 6th Feb, 1976> Durban,

South Africa> 13:30> female native> 30e56> 29s55> 2he> > Have a lovely Easter!>

Cheers - Robyn> > > > -> "Patrice Curry"

<patricecurry (AT) comcast (DOT) net>> <gjlist>> Saturday, March

30, 2002 11:00 PM> Re: [GJ] Jupiter afflictions> > > > Hi Dear Robyn,>

>> > Yes, I'd be interested in seeing this chart definitely. I'm trying to get>

> back to the lists more this week but have been swamped since my brother's> >

death and my daughter's appendix surgery and other things here.> >> > Please do

post the data for this chart. We'd all like a good look at it! I> > am going to

have to get off of here with Easter tomorrow and my family all> > eagerly

awaiting me. I keep stealing minutes up here and my heart is> always> > in such

joy doing Jyotish!> >> > I would be interested in this data and please do share

it with us. You> have> > to see the whole chart to draw any real conclusions -

or at least I do.> >> > As I said, nodes conjunct Moon can indicate other

things as well. Das has> > written about this quite a bit on here too. Ketu is

also Moksha Karaka and> > from my still beginner status I think a lot depends

on the condition of> this> > Ketu and then in this chart particularly the Moon

and even how strong the> > Lagna is. Also, in this chart what is the condition

of Mars as lord of> 12H.> > All these things.> >> > In her chart it would be

interesting also as 12H is karaka for hospitals> but> > also Moksha, as you

know. We could also look at the dasas and transits.> >> > Also, I've been

wanting to share more regarding my brother's chart and> death> > but haven't

found the time yet. Jupiter had a definite role in his death> > too. I know

Maddalena is also eager to hear what I learned regarding my> > brother's chart.

I'm still hoping to get back to this soon while there is> > interest and with

that interest much more can be learned.> >> > Great regards,> > Patrice> >> >

Robyn wrote:> >> > For instance, Patrice, you might be interested in this chart

I am looking> at> > now. She is a brilliant, young journalist and writer with

Taurus asc and> > Moon closely conjunct Ketu in 12th House. She has had a

number of> breakdowns> > already and a number of suicide attempts.> >> > She

seems to be stabilizing now, but it has been quite a time with her.> She> >

holds two masters in english lit and journalism resp. and is now going> onto> >

to her phd.> >> > Any insights into this conjunction of Moon and Ketu for me?>

>> >> >> >> >> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> > To

, send an email to: gjlist-> >

http://www.goravani.com> >> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya;

Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat> :

gjlist-> http://www.goravani.com> > > Your use of

is subject to > > Om Namo

Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

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is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

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is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

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