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Dear Charles



<<I've prepared a tabulation of the compatibilities between Nakshatras using GJ

software. I've always been curious as to what the very "best" and "worst" values

could be, in addition to being able to compare all the possible values together

- but since I wasn't able to find a tabulation I created my own. The values are

all out of the maximum 36. Surprisingly, the "maximum" is not attainable by any

combination. It's quite interesting to see the best combinations - all giving

a value of 34/36, these being:>>


Thank you very much for your tabulation, i have already saved it in my files for further reference.


It is useful to have a table for a quick look, however, the experience of the

astrologer must be there to assess the final advice.


In my experience, i have seen very few couples in a long term relationship that

have 34 points. The higher the points in a compatibility between a couple does

not mean an assurance of a long lasting relationship, other factors have to be

taken into consideration as well.


On behalf of newcomers, i will explain that in Vedic astrology we take the Moon

position in sign and naksatra (one of the 27 constellations), to assess the

compatibility in points.


For this compatibility we look at 12 factors of which 8 are more important

because of the points offered by them. Of those 12 factors, 4 do not give

points but we need to see them because they are also important.


A total of 36 points in theory can be achieved in this compatibility, but in

reality, we never see 36 points as you say.


I have heard that in India, when a couple achieve less than 18 points or less

than 50%, the compatibility is rejected. However, i have read as well from an

astrologer, that when there is a sincere love among the couple, the assessment

of astrological compatibility is not valid.


We have to assess other factors like the longevity of the couple, that dasa

chidras do not overlap, the relationships between the other planets, etc.


Dasa chidra is the time when a main period is running in its last bukti or

sub-period. Every main period as you must know as a vedic astrologer, is

sub-divided into 9 sub-period called buktis. In general, the first of those

sub-periods is somehow neutral, no many things are likely to happen, except a

change in life. (Like a friend told me, nothing much happen, only a change in



The change can be more drastic when the planets representing those main periods

are more different from each other in the vedic chart.


While dasa chidra, happens when a main period enters its last or 9th bukti. I

explain to my patients, friends, customers or whatever, that dasa chidra is

like THE END of a river and the beginning of the sea.


A river has sweet waters and the sea has salty water. At the end of the river,

where the river joins the sea, the waters are murky, we do not know where the

river ends and where the sea starts.


Dasa chidra is similar. In most cases, every person under dasa chidra does not

know if he/she is going or coming. I like to explain that during dasa chidra

we suffer a change, a clean up of energies. It is when we are more vulnerable

because our life is preparing to change from a dasa (main period) into another



Therefore, when studying the compatibility between a couple, we should see if

dasa chidra does not overlap among both horoscopes in the future.


It seems that when both in a couple are at the same time under dasa chidra, the

couple has less chance in helping each other and the risk of separation comes

more evident.


Does not matter if dasa chidra overlaps in 20 or 30 years in the future, still

some influence prevails and the lack of compatibility exists.


I have seen some elderly people coming to me under dasa chidra. They feel bad

in health but their doctors cannot find anything wrong in them. After dasa

chidra, people regain their energies, confidence and health.


Astrologically this can be studied from the chart. The dasa or main period can

be seen mainly from the houses ruled by the owner of the dasa. And the bukti or

sub-period can be seen mainly from the location of the planet ruling the bukti.


For example, in a chart indicating a change between the Jupiter Dasa to the

Saturn dasa, we have to see which houses are ruled by those two planets.


Lets suppose that we have here a Virgo rising. In this case, Jupiter rules the

4th and 7th houses and Saturn rules the 5th and 6th houses.


Therefore, during the Jupiter dasa, the indications of the 4th and 7th houses

will be more prominent and during the Saturn dasa, the 5th and 6th houses will

be more prominent.


Furthermore, although Jupiter is a "goody" planet, for Virgo rising is a

badhakasthana planet. Meaning that it is an obstructor planet. In comparison,

although Saturn is a " baddie" planet, for Virgo rising is the best planet and

therefore, better things are likely to appear to the native during Saturn dasa

than in the Jupiter Dasa.


Because every dasa chidra is bad, the Jupiter dasa chidra is not an exception

and the native is likely to see a "bad weather" in his life. Furthermore,

because astrologically, the native is changing from the effects of the houses

of Jupiter to the effects of the houses of Saturn, and from a "bad" into a

"good" planet, the ride is likely to be though.


Then after Jupiter dasa chidra, we have the bukti of Saturn as well as the

beginner of the Saturn Dasa. Therefore, we have to see the location of Saturn

to predict the events most likely to appear in this Saturn bukti.


The location of Saturn in houses and naksatra is important to assess the prediction.


Remember that the location in naksatras is assessed in regard to the natal moon

naksatra. Planets in the 3rd naksatra from the natal naksatra are likely to be

more harmful that if being in the 5th, 7th or 1st (janma naksatra), naksatra

from natal naksatra.


Regarding the compatibility which you mention, out of 36 points, 4 are offered

for the sexual compatibility. Many people misunderstand this sexual

compatibility, they think that it is something to do with the pleasure of

rubbing sexes.


However, we as vedic astrologers do not see it in that way. Sexuality is a

deeper function in humans and it is connected to other subtle and gross

manifestations of human culture.


I have done compatibilities to many people on the spiritual path. Although many

of them have told me that the sexual compatibility is not important because they

are not interested in sex, i tell them that it is important in vedic astrology

because it is connected to their social function as human beings.


In the factor related to sexual compatibility, every one of the 27 naksatras is

connected to a certain animal, very likely as in Chinese astrology. The

compatibility between those animals is taken into consideration.


The compatibility between animals is assessed with that table giving from

0,1,2,3 to 4 points. In my practical experience in assessing many

compatibilities, i have see that 4 points of sexual compatibility may bring

happiness and harmony to the couple, but it means a lack of points in other

factors. Also, 4 points may bring a material distraction from the spiritual

path. We have to learn to avoid fanaticism and harmonise material with

spiritual knowledge. 3 points is good and helpful but it other factors are

likely to suffer in points. 2 points are the average and i find it very

harmonising. 1 point, mean a lack of something and separation is likely. 0

points means a no unless there are other factors helping the couple.


I only remember a couple having 0 points and still together after 15 years plus,

they are very spiritual and perhaps their life style and determination has help

them. In other cases, although the couple was spiritually inclined, their

immaturity and the 0 points in this factor, meant a separation in the short or

long term.


Mind, that the high points alone in a compatibility does not promise a long and

lasting relationship. I can remember only of a couple in Mexico having 34

points and still happily together after 33 years. For a modern western couple

this case is rare indeed. In other cases with 34 points, separation came due

to karmic trends.


Best wishes

Natabara Das

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