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another stock market observation -- Thomas Rieder

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Dear List,


All quiet in the markets these days. They are trending lower in the past

couple of weeks but nothing to suggest that a big drop is imminent. The

deteriorating political and military situation in Israel, however, presents

us with another possible scenario that could destablilize stock prices. It

assumes its rightful place alongside our old favourite bugbears: the Enron

scandal, the ongoing Japanese recession, and the Bush's adminstration's

"War on Terror".


I was recently was flipping through "Astrological Warnings and the Stock

Market" by Thomas Rieder(1972) and was struck by the fact that the

planetary pattern he identified as the key bear market pattern will soon

occur. One of the main ideas in the book was that bear markets will occur

70% of the time whenever there is a 1) conjunction of Mars with a

slow-moving planet (ie. Jupiter to Pluto) AND 2)that planet is square or

opposed to another slow moving planet. He did not use any natal charts

for his historical research and relied solely on transit patterns. Rieder

used the tropical zodiac (although it's not necessary for this tenet of his

theory), the outer planets, and did not include the nodes for consideration.


I found it noteworthy that one such configuration will soon occur when Mars

conjuncts Saturn in Taurus while opposing Pluto in Scorpio within the 5

degree orb specified by him. I'm not sure what the effect of the

simultaneous Saturn-Neptune trine is, although Rieder believed that soft

aspects to other planets did alleviate the severity of the basic bear

market pattern, particularly when the orb of the soft aspect was smaller

than the hard aspect.


In his research on movements of the DJIA from 1899 to 1971, he found that

the likelihood of a bear market increased above 70% if Mars was conjunct

Saturn, square Neptune, or opposite Jupiter. Obviously, the present

pattern fits puts us into this higher realm of likelihood. He also noted

that the likelihood goes up further still, if the aspect to Mars from the

3rd planet is an opposition, as is the present case.


I can only think that the probability is further increased by the

involvement of the nodes with Saturn and Mars at this time.


Finally, it is also worth noting that the early May window indicated by

Rieder's theory is the same time frame pointed out by American astrologer

Ron Grimes in his recent prediction of a major market drop made a couple of

months ago.




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Dear Chris


I told you that May was the target time for a down turn <grins>


I've watched the Mars Saturn transits for some time and they indicate

restructuring and down sizing.


If Mars is action and Saturn is restriction the general tendency will be to

stop action.


Pluto does not help nor does the emotion that accompanies eclipses.


I've noticed that eclipses indicate turning points. If the market is up

just before it goes down, if it was down it turns up. It is more likely to

go up on a Rahu eclipse and down on a Ketu.


No great predications just observations from a long-time star watcher.


BTW, July when Jupiter spills into Cancer should be good, and I have found

that Jupiter Mars = buy buy buy






Christopher Kevill <ckevill


Friday, April 05, 2002 7:58 PM

[GJ] another stock market observation -- Thomas Rieder



> Dear List,


> All quiet in the markets these days. They are trending lower in the past

> couple of weeks but nothing to suggest that a big drop is imminent. The

> deteriorating political and military situation in Israel, however,


> us with another possible scenario that could destablilize stock prices.


> assumes its rightful place alongside our old favourite bugbears: the Enron

> scandal, the ongoing Japanese recession, and the Bush's adminstration's

> "War on Terror".


> I was recently was flipping through "Astrological Warnings and the Stock

> Market" by Thomas Rieder(1972) and was struck by the fact that the

> planetary pattern he identified as the key bear market pattern will soon

> occur. One of the main ideas in the book was that bear markets will occur

> 70% of the time whenever there is a 1) conjunction of Mars with a

> slow-moving planet (ie. Jupiter to Pluto) AND 2)that planet is square or

> opposed to another slow moving planet. He did not use any natal charts

> for his historical research and relied solely on transit patterns. Rieder

> used the tropical zodiac (although it's not necessary for this tenet of


> theory), the outer planets, and did not include the nodes for



> I found it noteworthy that one such configuration will soon occur when


> conjuncts Saturn in Taurus while opposing Pluto in Scorpio within the 5

> degree orb specified by him. I'm not sure what the effect of the

> simultaneous Saturn-Neptune trine is, although Rieder believed that soft

> aspects to other planets did alleviate the severity of the basic bear

> market pattern, particularly when the orb of the soft aspect was smaller

> than the hard aspect.


> In his research on movements of the DJIA from 1899 to 1971, he found that

> the likelihood of a bear market increased above 70% if Mars was conjunct

> Saturn, square Neptune, or opposite Jupiter. Obviously, the present

> pattern fits puts us into this higher realm of likelihood. He also noted

> that the likelihood goes up further still, if the aspect to Mars from the

> 3rd planet is an opposition, as is the present case.


> I can only think that the probability is further increased by the

> involvement of the nodes with Saturn and Mars at this time.


> Finally, it is also worth noting that the early May window indicated by

> Rieder's theory is the same time frame pointed out by American astrologer

> Ron Grimes in his recent prediction of a major market drop made a couple


> months ago.


> regards,

> Chris





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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Posted By: Rosalinda

Friday, 5 April 2002, 11:04 p.m.




even surpassing that of Enron.


A Bloomberg wire on Thursday pointed to the fact

that, according to Moody's Investors Service,

the corporate bond default by Enron last year

amounted to $9.9 billion (excluding bank credits and derivatives, of


while the British cable-TV company NTL, based in New York,

is now about to default on $11.5 billion of corporate bonds.


On Monday this week, NTL was not able to meet interest payments

on its bonds. As Bloomberg writes: "It now has time until May 1

to make good on the payment or trigger

the world's biggest corporate debt default,

which would send it into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from



NTL is the leading cable-TV group in Britain.

Its stock price plunged 43% on Monday alone,

while its market capitalization since the beginning of 2001 melted down from

$11 billion to $23 million.


London's Financial Times notes that with total debt

more than 500 times larger than market value,

NTL surely qualifies for the "Guinness Book" of records.



said today that it expects to post the biggest annual loss

by a Japanese nonfinancial company. NTT said it will record

a loss of 865 billion yen ($6.5 billion) for the fiscal year

ended March 31 of this year. This will result from NTT writing


2 trillion yen ($15 billion) in its investments in overseas

companies AT&T Wireless of America, Royal KPN of Netherland's

mobile phone unit, and Verio, Inc. of America,

and including a reorganization charge of NTT's own domestic unit.


Meanwhile, financially troubled Worldcom announced it would

layoff another 3,700 workers, or 4% of its total workforce.

Worldcom is America's second largest long-distance phone company,

and the world's biggest carrier of Internet traffic.



Germany is now heading into its biggest corporate bankruptcy ever.


In about one week from now, the KirchMedia group will run out of cash

and will be forced to file for bankruptcy protection,

unless there should be some last-minute bail-out.


Negotiations on such a rescue action by KirchMedia shareholder Rupert


Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and German banks

collapsed on Tuesday this week as Murdoch and Berlusconi

refused to contribute to an emergency bridge loan,

knowing that the exposure of German banks to KirchMedia

is so high that the banks would have to pay

any asked price to prevent an insolvency of the company.


Fearing an imminent collapse of KirchMedia,

the German government, several German state governments,

and representatives of the 36 top German soccer clubs

already held an emergency meeting to prevent the clubs

from disintegrating as well.


For most of the soccer clubs, the quarterly payments

of about 100 million Euro by KirchMedia

are a crucial part of their total income,

and they could not survive without it.


On Thursday, Miriam Meckel, the Deputy Finance Minister

of Northrhine-Westfalia, confirmed reports

that German federal and state governments have agreed

to come up with up to 200 million Euro in emergency credits

for the soccer clubs, should KirchMedia actually go bankrupt.


At the same time, she emphasized that the soccer markets,

driven by sky-rocketting prices paid for TV broadcasts,

in recent years have turned into a

"speculative bubble" that is now bursting.



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"Christopher Kevill" <ckevill


Friday, April 05, 2002 5:58 PM

[GJ] another stock market observation -- Thomas Rieder



> Dear List,


> All quiet in the markets these days. They are trending lower in the past

> couple of weeks but nothing to suggest that a big drop is imminent. The

> deteriorating political and military situation in Israel, however,


> us with another possible scenario that could destablilize stock prices.


> assumes its rightful place alongside our old favourite bugbears: the Enron

> scandal, the ongoing Japanese recession, and the Bush's adminstration's

> "War on Terror".


> I was recently was flipping through "Astrological Warnings and the Stock

> Market" by Thomas Rieder(1972) and was struck by the fact that the

> planetary pattern he identified as the key bear market pattern will soon

> occur. One of the main ideas in the book was that bear markets will occur

> 70% of the time whenever there is a 1) conjunction of Mars with a

> slow-moving planet (ie. Jupiter to Pluto) AND 2)that planet is square or

> opposed to another slow moving planet. He did not use any natal charts

> for his historical research and relied solely on transit patterns. Rieder

> used the tropical zodiac (although it's not necessary for this tenet of


> theory), the outer planets, and did not include the nodes for



> I found it noteworthy that one such configuration will soon occur when


> conjuncts Saturn in Taurus while opposing Pluto in Scorpio within the 5

> degree orb specified by him. I'm not sure what the effect of the

> simultaneous Saturn-Neptune trine is, although Rieder believed that soft

> aspects to other planets did alleviate the severity of the basic bear

> market pattern, particularly when the orb of the soft aspect was smaller

> than the hard aspect.


> In his research on movements of the DJIA from 1899 to 1971, he found that

> the likelihood of a bear market increased above 70% if Mars was conjunct

> Saturn, square Neptune, or opposite Jupiter. Obviously, the present

> pattern fits puts us into this higher realm of likelihood. He also noted

> that the likelihood goes up further still, if the aspect to Mars from the

> 3rd planet is an opposition, as is the present case.


> I can only think that the probability is further increased by the

> involvement of the nodes with Saturn and Mars at this time.


> Finally, it is also worth noting that the early May window indicated by

> Rieder's theory is the same time frame pointed out by American astrologer

> Ron Grimes in his recent prediction of a major market drop made a couple


> months ago.


> regards,

> Chris





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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--- Christopher Kevill <ckevill wrote:

>Hi Chris:


read your posts with interest...just a thought -

suppose some of the trends you observe apply to

sectors and not the whole market - ever thought of


Hope everything is going well...school work is growing

heavier with more duties - I am driving now...had my

mandatory accident in Feb but am recovered..


Planning on buying the house this summer


You seem to be really into astro - I am so glad. Wish

I could get my act together more..

Do you think fellow capro - that I ever will?

I miss our chats






Dear List,


> All quiet in the markets these days. They are

> trending lower in the past

> couple of weeks but nothing to suggest that a big

> drop is imminent. The

> deteriorating political and military situation in

> Israel, however, presents

> us with another possible scenario that could

> destablilize stock prices. It

> assumes its rightful place alongside our old

> favourite bugbears: the Enron

> scandal, the ongoing Japanese recession, and the

> Bush's adminstration's

> "War on Terror".


> I was recently was flipping through "Astrological

> Warnings and the Stock

> Market" by Thomas Rieder(1972) and was struck by the

> fact that the

> planetary pattern he identified as the key bear

> market pattern will soon

> occur. One of the main ideas in the book was that

> bear markets will occur

> 70% of the time whenever there is a 1) conjunction

> of Mars with a

> slow-moving planet (ie. Jupiter to Pluto) AND 2)that

> planet is square or

> opposed to another slow moving planet. He did not

> use any natal charts

> for his historical research and relied solely on

> transit patterns. Rieder

> used the tropical zodiac (although it's not

> necessary for this tenet of his

> theory), the outer planets, and did not include the

> nodes for consideration.


> I found it noteworthy that one such configuration

> will soon occur when Mars

> conjuncts Saturn in Taurus while opposing Pluto in

> Scorpio within the 5

> degree orb specified by him. I'm not sure what the

> effect of the

> simultaneous Saturn-Neptune trine is, although

> Rieder believed that soft

> aspects to other planets did alleviate the severity

> of the basic bear

> market pattern, particularly when the orb of the

> soft aspect was smaller

> than the hard aspect.


> In his research on movements of the DJIA from 1899

> to 1971, he found that

> the likelihood of a bear market increased above 70%

> if Mars was conjunct

> Saturn, square Neptune, or opposite Jupiter.

> Obviously, the present

> pattern fits puts us into this higher realm of

> likelihood. He also noted

> that the likelihood goes up further still, if the

> aspect to Mars from the

> 3rd planet is an opposition, as is the present case.



> I can only think that the probability is further

> increased by the

> involvement of the nodes with Saturn and Mars at

> this time.


> Finally, it is also worth noting that the early May

> window indicated by

> Rieder's theory is the same time frame pointed out

> by American astrologer

> Ron Grimes in his recent prediction of a major

> market drop made a couple of

> months ago.


> regards,

> Chris





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> :

> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to








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