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Snake Course

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Dear Raja


Thank u very much X u interesting posting.



<<I do believe in the power pooja and jaap . it has its own effect>>



I too do believe that puja (pronounce puya) [rituals] and japa (yapa) [prayers]

can deliver benefits to the performer.



<<Ya this pooja u cannot do on ur own u gotta get it done from some pujari who

usually does this pooja>>



Yes indeed, we need the help or services from a professional to do the job. A

pujari (puyari) is usually well trained and knows what he is doing. There are

different pujas (puyas) for different rituals.


I am writing this including the guidance to the pronunciations, on behalf of

newcomers. By being a Vaisnava student, i am aware of Indian (India) culture.


Notice that here i am indicating Indian from India, because in the West we have

Indians as well but they may be from Canada, America, Mexico, Central America,

South America or Australia. Sometimes we mention Indians like if they were

Hindus, but not all of them are Hindus, that is why i call them from India.


I speak as a guy that grew in Western culture, brainwashed by a "patriotic"

culture and a "Roman and Apostolic" inheritance.


However, i have dug into the essence of my education and find that it is the

same for all other cultures and positive in essence.


I have know in the West many pujaris that have different skills. We can find

them in charge of the worship of the deities in Hindu temples.


Once i did go to the Hindu Temple at Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North of

England, and several pujaris were performing pujas.


There was a particular pujari doing a nava graha puja, or a ritualistic ceremony

to the 9 (nava) grahas (planets or centres of energy).


In another puja, the leading pujari asked the audience in the close circle

(those persons, men and women, that were sitting close to him and close to the

main altar), about their nama naksatra (their natal Moon constellation).


Then the pujari did the puja saying "May God protect Asvini naksatra people",

This he did for each naksatra mentioned to him.


For the nava graha puja, the pujari that was coming from South India, chanted

Sanskrit mantras for 3 hours non-stop and by memory.


In a similar way, when you require to build your house, you need the services of

an architect or builder. You cannot build your own house, unless you are expert

at doing that.


Pujaris as well know their jobs well, but they have to know the kind of japa required.


Like in every department of knowledge, we have experts an we have cheaters.

According to our karma, we will get what we need.


There are some pujas that are free and others that we have to pay for it. Some

pujas require expensive items and therefore the expensive fees.


For example, for a Surya Yagya (A ceremony to the Sun), only first class

ingredients are allowed and ruby dust as well.


In essence, a pujari is supposed to live only from donations, but unfortunately,

we are living in Kali yuga, the age were most people take things for granted and

do not know how to donate properly. Therefore a fee is recommended.


In Vedic times, the Vedic king used to support pujaris, astrologers and

musicians, but we do not have a Vedic government..........Yet.



<<pls note that i have done this pooja for myself thru a pujari in trimbakeshwar

(nasik) this was told to me by my astrologer >>



I do understand that at Nasik, we can find very good pujaris experts in Naga

puja (Naga means snake).


The nagas are mentioned in Vedic literature. They are living beings having

magical powers. Among the most advanced of them, they have the knowledge of

how transform themselves into any form that they want. Among the lesser nagas,

we find the ordinary snakes.


Nevertheless, the killing of a snake, even by accident, brings the course of the

nagas, which is very powerful indeed.


In Mexico, we have what we call the Nagual, or a shaman (brujo), that can change

shape at will. I remember the tales when young, that certain people in a remote

village, were running after a wild dog that was in reality a nagual. People

were close to get him when the dog became a raven and flew out of their reach.



<<first i would suggest that u ocnsult a proper astrologer and find out if

actually there is any sarp dosh>>



sarp dosh means the course of the snake (sarpa) or serpent. This sarp dosh can

be seen by a Vedic astrologer from the Vedic horoscope, provided that he/she

(the astrologer) knows how to read it.


In general, we do not find that information in books, we require a special

training and teachers to learn that branch of astrology.


We can see that there is a lot to learn in Vedic astrology, some cheaters may

try their tricks on this but there is a warning, "keep away from what you do

not know, because the reactions are heavy". In Mexico the English word HEAVY,

means like in "It is Heavy man", something that it is difficult to carry, a

burden, a challenge, or heavy stuff, something that it is difficult to

understand or to approach.


To kill or insult a snake brings a reaction. We may not remember to have kill a

snake, or we may not have killed a snake in this life, but what about the deeds

done in a previous life?


A Vedic horoscope indicates the present reincarnation which is based in the

desires (Venus) and activities (Mars) done in previous lives.


The 4th house, its owner, and the Moon, generally indicate the mentality, the

way of thinking of a person. But the intentions are indicated from the 5th



The intentions of the person are the most important thing in life. Good

intentions are rewarded and bad intentions are chastised.


The planets indicate the equations to be solved. Mother Durga (known as mother

Nature by most of the cultures) gives the soul a suitable body, according to

his desires and intentions.


If the soul wants to be a murderer, the soul will reincarnate in the body of a

murderer that has those evil intentions and tendencies, and the murderer

therefore will be punished either in this life or in the next.


If the soul wants to be the president of a country and has enough merits "to buy

that body", then Durga devi, will give to that soul, a body that is destined to

be a President.


Therefore, the Vedic horoscope indicates all tendencies to be experienced by the

soul inside that body.


When we die, higher authorities "read" our intentions and decide where we are

going to be send to. That "reading" is done very fast, like in the scanning

done by a super computer.


Our ordinary language is to slow to communicate. The reading of the intentions

from any individual is faster that language, faster than the mind or intellect.


When we become vegetarian, we change our mentality (Moon), our Intellect

(Mercury), our behaviour (Jupiter), our karma (Mars), our desires (Venus) and

our destiny (Saturn). Because of free will, we have the chance to choose

between eating meat and be a lacto vegetarian. Both paths are different and

give different results.


In a similar way, by choosing to be Vedic astrologers, higher authorities give

to us the facilities to develop what we are best at.


The branches are many, natal, yearly, compatibilities, agriculture,

architecture, medicine, meteorology, mantras, yantras etc. You choose and you

will get.



<<and u can consult from him regarding where it should be done>>



A good vedic astrologer expert on that can tell you.


I have to say that Vaisnavas (worshippers or followers of Vishnu, Krishna), do

not rely on all those pujas. There is not harm in them and it is like when

going to the dentist or doctor, we do get a suitable treatment to our ills.


However, we Vaisnavas rely more in Krishna's Grace. Of course we should try

remedial measures to our ills, but on a higher level we know that Krishna is

the Supreme controller.


We should avoid fanaticism. But we should develop our intelligence. I remember

that a devotee told me that one day that he was in a terrible pain, and someone

came and told him "just chant your prescribed mantras and you will be alright,

remember that you are not this body". To this, my friend reply, "Because you

are not in this body, that is why you do not understand this pain"


The Srimad Bhagavatam, which is the cream of the Vedas, tells of how at the

beginning of this Kali Yuga, Maharaja (Majaray) Pariksit (Parikit), was coursed

by a brahman (from the priestly class) boy, to die at the end of the 7th day

from the course.


Maharaja Pariksit was then the Emperor of the Earth, and with his Vedic training

he could easily counteract that course. However, he did not counteract it

because he saw that course as Krishna's grace. He therefore left his position

as a Vedic king of Hastinapura, (now New Delhi) and went to the banks of the

Ganges to hear the Srimad Bhagavatam, from Sukadeva Goswami, who was a

self-realised soul, a pure devotee of Krishna.


Thanks to that sacrifice, we inherited the Srimad Bhagavatam.



<<also i would say that some people have commented on the list that u can be

fooled for this , it could be possible also some people have said that the

charges are exorbidontly high , well for me it was around Rs.5000/- this also

was told by my astrolger that the amount would be in the range of 7000/-- to

8000/- but this pujari was the one from who we conduct our rudri pooja at

trimbak every year >>



I believe that you have paid about $US 160, which many people pay more for other

remedies. Those that can afford to pay that, then it is their choice.


i have been to a Vedic ceremony in London in which a recommended donation of $16

was fixed. We were about 60 persons and therefore, the pujari paid for his

ticket and paraphernalia used in the ritual. But of course, it was not a naga



Talking about being cheated. According to our karma, we receive a body that is

destined to be cheated. Therefore our belief system is conditioned to think

that we are on the right track, when in fact we are cheated.


Like Bob Marley sings "You believe that you are in heaven, but you are in hell".


Sometimes, we "wake up" in this life from being cheated and rectify our

direction. But sometimes, we continue being cheated all throughout this life.


It is a question of karma.


Sometimes we are cheated 2, 3, 4 times until we have paid all our karma or have learned our lessons.


One of my teachers said one day, that we are like the wolf in the cartoons, we

stand up on the railroad and see the train coming. We say "The train is not

going to hit us", and we are hit by the train. Later on, we do the same thing

again, and we say again "The train is not going to hit us again", and we are

hit again until we learn our lesson. Do not stand up on the railroad in front

of the train.


Best wishes

Natabara Das

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Dear Natabara,


thank you for your kind and interesting answer.


you wrote:

<<I have verified with care and attention your planets and yes, it seems that

you have got a lottery winner (if we could call it like that). Yes, it looks

from that reading that you have got the curse of the nagas.From the absolute

plane, we can say that you are lucky that you did not get a more worst course

that that. There are the course of a brahman, or the course of a guru, both

worst than the naga curse.>>


I agree, yes, I may not be very lucky or rich, but I'm neither too unlucky, my

life - compared to those who truly suffer - is a lucky one, for which I can't


I calculated that the curse in question (from the higher spirits) applies to

about 8 percent of the population, so I'm not really that worried. I was more

interested in the difference between the "higher" and "lower" spirits the

author was referring to.

I think you have helped me to understand more what the main issue is, as relates

to karma and incarnations.


you wrote:

<<Any more questions?>>


Well, I did ask the questions about the outer planets. But I don't want to

impose on you, and I do not want you to get any stress and feel ill with all my

questions, you have been kind enough to answer this. So, no need to answer.


Thank you again and take care


Best regards


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