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Dear Maddalena


Thank you so much for your email that says:


"Dear Natabara,

you wrote:

<<On page 394 [of the Brihat Samhita] we read “If Jupiter lord of the house of

badha is located in 6th, 8th, or 12th house and in Kendra to Rahu (1st, 4th,

7th or 10th from Rahu), the badha (trouble) should be deemed to arise due to

wrath of serpents of a high class. If such a Jupiter is in Kendra (corner)

from Gulik it is caused by serpents of inferior types. Rahu located in the

house of badha also indicates trouble from serpents. The serpents class being

high or low depends on the influence by association or aspect of Sun & Moon

(they make them high, otherwise it means a low class).”!



<<What kind of spirits would these serpents of a higher class be?>>



As far as i know those souls or spirits are as ordinary as you and me can be.


The Vedas in which Vedic astrology is rooted, says that as long as the soul is

conditioned within this material universe, is destined to reincarnate either in

deva loka (divine plane), Pitri loka (the plane were some of our ancestors

live), this earthly plane, or the hellish plane.


The way i like to explain this to friends, is like buying a ticket to fly around

the world. Sometimes our stopover will be a very nice place like deva loka,

another stop may be in a place similar to pitri loka, then another destination

may be a place like the earthly plane, and still sometimes we may stop in a

place very similar to hell.


For example, i have not been to Afghanistan right now, or to Palestine, but for

what i see on the TV news, those places look like hell to me.


Nevertheless, if my thicket say so, i may be forced to land in those places that

i do not like. What can i do?


In a similar way, mainly because of our ignorance, we are making karma, either good or bad karma.


If we are charitable and philanthropic in a life, in our next life we are likely

to get a body that is destined to be a millionaire, perhaps like Bill Gates.


However, if we perform bad karma, we are likely to land in a body destined to

move in hellish planets.


It is like a tour, some places may be good, other middle, and others bad.


It is mainly according to our desires (Venus), activities (Mars) and intentions

(the 5th house), that we are given a suitable body to our learning, by our

Mother Durga Devi.


That body in which our soul reincarnates, may be male, or female, rich or poor,

lucky or unlucky. That body has a horoscope calculated from the time that was

conceived or born.


>From that horoscope we can see past, present and future trends, provided that we

learn the art of Jyotish.


Although in general, a Vedic chart can only give past life (5th house, future

life (as seen from the 9th house) and present life (1st house), we can see that

our intentions (5th house), hardly changes, unless there is a drastic change of

heart (not heart transplant).


The fact that we are already here, means that we have been here for donkey reincarnations.


Just as a matter of interest, lets see how many reincarnations we have been

acting in the past 2,000 years?

Perhaps some 200 human lives? And what about the past 100,000 years?


The present day of Lord Brahma is calculated as being some 2 billion years old.

That is a lot of possible human generations.


And what about the reincarnations as germs, fish, plants, trees, stars?


The Vedas say that the soul transmigrates throughout 8,400,000 species of life.

Of those 400,000 species are humans.


That means that this particular universe shares all those 400,000 species of life.


That means that the soul sometimes reincarnates on earth and sometimes in other planets.


So, according to our merits, sometimes we are given a high position, middle or

low position, but the soul is the same. We are all spirit souls, we are all

brothers and sisters, it is only our desires that change.


I have to clarify that in every day of Brahma, there is the advertising to

reincarnate as for example Lord Indra, who is the general in Chief of the

demigods. So, if you so desire and have the right merits, you may be elevated

to be the next Indra.


It is only Krishna that as being the Supreme, God, nobody can reincarnate as Him.


Another clarification is that great souls, that sacrifice their own comfort on

behalf of other unlucky souls, although liberated, they volunteer to come here

to this material creation, in order to guide less fortunate souls, back to

Godhead. Those liberate souls may do a tour of hell, pitriloka etc, on behalf

of others, but they do not care. They do so on behalf of conditioned souls.

Their horoscopes may be difficult to read but they show where they come from

and where they will go, but the difference is that even if we read that their

soul is coming from a tour in hell, they are liberated and not conditioned as

you or me.


Therefore we should avoid committing offences and believe that a great soul is

an ordinary person, because by making those silly mistakes, we are likely to be




<<I have a personal interest, as it seems I qualify for the curse having Gemini

lagna, Jupiter (badhakesh) in 8th in kendra to Rahu (which is in the 2nd). >>



I have verified with care and attention your planets and yes, it seems that you

have got a lottery winner (if we could call it like that). Yes, it looks from

that reading that you have got the curse of the nagas.


>From the absolute plane, we can say that you are lucky that you did not get a

more worst course that that. There are the course of a brahman, or the course

of a guru, both worst than the naga curse.


I read one day that a Pakistani Prime Minister got the curse of a brahman.

Apparently his nadi horoscope said that in one of his previous lives, he did

murder 3 brahmans (priests), and therefore, he was destined to be murdered in 3

reincarnations. He was shot death by the military after he was found "guilty"

of something. Apparently, this was his 2nd death and had to come back to pay

for his 3rd murder of a brahman.


Regarding the curse of the nagas, there are some remedial measures to minimize

or avoid the reactions to it. A more qualified astrologer than me can tell you

more and even the remedial measures to take. Otherwise, a bona fide guru

(spiritual master) can give you the needed guidance to sort out this challenge,

and eventually qualify to go back to Krishna.


Any more questions?


I hope that these lines are helpful.


Best regards

Natabara Das

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Dear Natabara,


thank you for your kind and interesting answer.


you wrote:

<<I have verified with care and attention your planets and yes, it seems that

you have got a lottery winner (if we could call it like that). Yes, it looks

from that reading that you have got the curse of the nagas.From the absolute

plane, we can say that you are lucky that you did not get a more worst course

that that. There are the course of a brahman, or the course of a guru, both

worst than the naga curse.>>


I agree, yes, I may not be very lucky or rich, but I'm neither too unlucky, my

life - compared to those who truly suffer - is a lucky one, for which I can't


I calculated that the curse in question (from the higher spirits) applies to

about 8 percent of the population, so I'm not really that worried. I was more

interested in the difference between the "higher" and "lower" spirits the

author was referring to.

I think you have helped me to understand more what the main issue is, as relates

to karma and incarnations.


you wrote:

<<Any more questions?>>


Well, I did ask the questions about the outer planets. But I don't want to

impose on you, and I do not want you to get any stress and feel ill with all my

questions, you have been kind enough to answer this. So, no need to answer.


Thank you again and take care


Best regards


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