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Dear Maddalena



<<you wrote: "I am sorry about not answering in time but as you can see our

emails have crossed."


<<It is me that should ask for pardon for being so hasty. Sometimes I realize

that whilst e-mails are a great way of communicating, at the same time they

sort of change my 'perception of time'. It's quite incredible that I've become

so used to everything being necessarily fast, such as answers to e-mails. >>



Please, you do not need to ask for pardon, not offence or damage has been done,

i do understand your hurry. You must have a Virgo somewhere in your chart. I

have Virgo in my ascendant and therefore, i know well how difficult is to tame

a wild Mercury, its lord planet.


I believe that it was my age that could tame that part of Mercury. Virgo gives

analysis and therefore we analyse ourselves to the maximum sometimes, although

many times, even if we become aware of our "imperfections", we find it

difficult to control or tame the wild horse of Mercury.


An example which i like to give about Virgos, is the fact that when we ask

someone for the time, we may say "what time is it?", and adding 3 seconds later

when we do not get a fast answer, "I have ask you what time is it?". We should

become aware that people having other signs, may not answer as fast as we

should wish. They may require time to think or to act before giving the



Of course, not all the Virgos are fast in their thinking or acting, if their 4th

house, Virgo or Mercury are under the influence of malefic planets, it is likely

that there is some delays in their speed.


Another interesting factor from Virgos is that their Mercury gives them the gift

(or the curse) of talking about many subject matters at once.


Only people with similar signs can follow up with the same speed. This is

noticed on Virgo or Gemini Moon, rising sign, Sun sign, or Mercury sign.



<<Thank you for your explanation on the outers, it has given me a new

perspective and much food for thought and reflection. >>



I could say the same when i first heard from my teachers about those planets.

Because i was open minded i could taste that knowledge much better, an

antagonist attitude those not help at all.


I could appreciate that one of my teachers had at least 40 years more experience

than me and that i could learn a lot from him.



<<Actually much more than what I was initially hoping for. I also found very

interesting your explanation on the effect of Uranus transiting in Aquarius for

the specific generation with Uranus and Pluto in Leo and with Saturn in

Aquarius. I know one person with these positions, and the effects you mention

are showing now in that person's life. >>



In the beginning i could not understand well what i told you, because it was a

new concept to me, but later on with some research i could see the magnitude of

the explanation. You could go deeper as i did, and you will understand the

picture more.


I know as well some persons with those configurations. After all the obstacles

they had in the past, it is difficult for them to grasp that things are getting

easier for them and that in fact, much of their past experiences were like a

training for the future.


You can see that later on when Uranus will be moving in Pisces and Neptune in

Aquarius, both planets will be making a kind of interchanging of signs.


By then, the transit of Pluto into Sagittarius will be making a new breed of

leaders and together, those 3 planets will indicate a new direction in human

society, with a new and positive generation in power.


I have talked to Vedic astrologers about those expectations, and they all seem

to be very entusiastic. After all, mother Durga knows better.


Best wishes

Natabara Das

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