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Vivek, boy I'm talking a lot to you these days, aren't I?


Ever run across any Sylvia Browne books? She is a psychic who reguarly

communicates and sees ghosts. it runs in her family. her grandmother was the

same way, so is her granddaughter. Her son is also psychic, but doesn't

communicate with the dead. Sje's pointed out that there are earthbound

spirtis--ghosts, and people who are dead, who cojme by to see how things are

with you these days..two different types of entities. Wonderful fun to read.


She said it's easier to see ghosts--they're stuck here and very clear. The

ones who've gone on to the "other side" , it's like looking through a fan at

them,a nd they're voices are very high and sharep and kind of chirpy to her.


Are you in India or over here in the states? The books are easy to find

here. Often used on enbay or sometimes really cheap on amazon, too. Or

ABEbooks.com is a good used source.


Alsao there's the Spiritualist xchurches that we have in out

communities...Mary Todds Lincoln the Pres. wife, used to attend them in the

19th century. They meet here on Sunday afternoons to have a little chat with

dear old deprted Grandma or granpa or whoever shows up, I guess. I've never

gone, but another friend of mine has...


The macrobiotics have special sets of spiritual exercise to help yo see

stuff like that--the last I heard on that was, depending on what side of

your familiy hte ghost is from, it shows up as a wavering sinsation next to

your head...


As far as the Vedic scripture on them, I'm clueless...Right now i rather

wish Martin Gansten were availible here, as he's a Sanskrit scholar, he's

probaly read it all..


Several of the member of these lists are priests and pundits of various

groups...it will be interesting to see if anyone pipes up...


Best Wishes,



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Dear Vivek



<<Once during a lecture at ISKCON,

someone raised the topic of GHOSTS.The lecturing devotee confirmed

that ghosts do exist and POSSESSION is also real.From what he

said,I understand that this is a situation where the soul has cast

off the body,but the mind remains.Thus,it is an in between situation where

the soul neither takes rebirth nor is liberated.

Does anyone have more information about this?>>



According to the education that we are exposed to, we receive different

experiences and our mind is moulded to a required frame of mind and

therefore, we react accordingly.


The mind is very subtle but it is the seat of the powers of thinking,

feeling and willing. Therefore, our mind is like a machine to reject or

accept things.


We should observe and analyse our environment before accepting or rejecting



Because I was exposed to subtle sciences from an early age in my native

Mexico, I accepted that there are different dimensions around us. One thing

is superstition and another thing is a subtle science.


In the Ramayana, a classical book from India than can be counted as a

literary gem as the Iliad or the Odyssey among the Greek civilization, we

can read that Lord Ramachandra performed a fire ceremony to satisfy every

living being, including ghosts.


Ghosts do exist in a different dimension to us, they have a subtle body

consisting mainly of mind (the Moon), intellect (Mercury), and false ego

(the sun).


The film "Ghost" presents these phenomena very well, because the script was

well researched.


Like in every thing, among ghosts we find good and bad ghosts. The Vedas

say that Lord Shiva is in charge of ghosts (among other things), and he can

send a ghost to reincarnate in a baby that has been conceived in an

inauspicious time.


The life of a ghost is not permanent but temporary. It is a level to

correct our intentions.


In many graduates from university level, we find many sceptical people,

because their minds have been "screened" or "moulded" to satisfy a

materialistic and blind society.


They may deny this fact because the false ego would not accept that, but

from a deep analysis we can come to that conclusion.

That is way many of them do not accept "occult" sciences like astrology,

because their "education" has taken out the facts to accept a science, which

they cannot appreciate or know.



<<What do the Vedic scriptures say about ghosts? >>



There is a branch in the Vedas dealing with ghosts and it requires a

lifetime of dedication to become an expert in that science.


In our days, we can see that the culture produced by the country called

America, is permeated all over the Earth, in different shades and dilutions.

In a similar way, the Vedic culture was permeating or influencing every

culture on Earth before the present Kali Yuga started.


With the influence of Kali Yuga, the Vedic culture almost vanished from

Earth, but we can still appreciate the Vedic influence in many so-called

myths and in the reminiscences of old cultures.


Because the Vedic culture was spread on Earth some 5,000 years ago we can

still find its influence in other parts outside India.


The name of the sciences dealing with ghostly entities may be different

according to the culture and language but it is still existent.


There are many references in the Vedas dealing with a ghostly dimension. To

mention one, the planet Rahu is considered a ghostly planet.


The graha Rahu is driven or ruled by Rahu who according to the Srimad

Bhagavatam is asura-apasadaha, or the lowest among the asuras. SB. 5.25.1


In every sacred scripture of the world we can read about the eternal fight

between the demigods or "goodies" and the asuras or "baddies". The asuras

are demons opposed to a godly civilization, and among the asuras we have

ghostly entities, therefore we can find ghosts in Rahu.


A friend of mine expert in ghosts told me that he has seen many ghosts in

India, but that England has more ghost than India, and that in Peru, there

is even more, and in Cuzco, much more than in any other place that he has



Perhaps this is due to the fact that in Cuzco there is a cave that

communicates with India across a system of tunnels, and through this tunnel,

the demon Ravana (of Ramayana fame) used to send gold and precious gems to

his brother living in South America. This was a long time ago.


When we have not been exposed to this knowledge of tunnels, we may say "Oh

no, they do not exist". However, they do exist.


In 1976, I was sharing a flat in Paris with a Peruvian friend. He told me

that in a previous year (perhaps 1974 or 1975), he was visiting Cuzco, and

there he met the first Russian cosmonaut. My friend did ask to her what she

was doing in Cuzco. She responded that they had seen some interesting

tunnels in Cuzco from outer space.

Oh well, I believe well that story because of my knowledge about tunnels in

Mexico and other parts of the world.


One day, a group of American explorers went into a cave in South America, to

explore. Somehow, they did not come back. One Sunday, a priest was giving

mass in a church in Peru, when he heard some noises from behind the altar.

They broke the wall of the altar and they found one of the American



He was lost in that system of caves and unfortunately, he died a few days



Then, few days ago I read in the Internet alternative news, that the

American government lifted a ban on a secret machine that they have been

using since at least 1978. With that machine they can see tunnels on Earth

from outer space. They did find a tunnel among the Mayas, which can be

traced for 800 km from Tikal. This finding now suggests that the Mayas

could have well run away to other places when they left their land.


Also, in 1978, they found that deep under the Pyramids of Keops in Egypt

there is the remains of a 3 level city built 15,000 years ago.


It is very likely that both the Russians and the Americans had that "secret"

machine since 1970. We can just imagine what they have found so far.



<<In the BHAGVAD

GITA,reincarnation is explained but this topic has not been dealt




That is why we require gurus, guides, teachers, to explain or deal with

those Vedic topics.


I hope that I have explain this matter well.


Best wishes

Natabara Das

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Dear Hari Das



<<I've read in one of Sri Rajneesh"s books;


There are individual unconscious, subconscious,

conscious and super conscious.>>


<<And there are collective unconscious, subconscious,

conscious and super conscious.


And also there are cosmic unconscious, sub conscious,

conscious and super conscious.>>



Although i have read some of Sri Rajneesh's books and i can see that he was

a good tale teller, i would like to hear about his definition of what is

super conscious?


I do not agree with everything that he had said and i can see that many of

his theories were misunderstood and others were not conducing to a spiritual



However i do like very much his translation and commentary of the Saint

Tomas Gospel. Perhaps due to this "banned" book, some politicians and

religious people gave him a hard time.


<<When a person sees or possessed by ghosts, it is

nothing but his or her unconscious and sub conscious

overpowering the conscious.>>



With all my respects, i do not agree with this bit of yours. I have been

exposed to heavy-duty possessions and to the works of experts on this

matter, and i can tell you that what you are saying is not truth.



<<When groups of people encounter such phenomena,

it is the collective uncoscious and sub conscious

acting upon them.>>



Nope. Perhaps this happens to groups that do not know how to handle those

subtle dimensions, but believe me, I know that the donkey is white because i

got his hairs in my hand.



<<This is me talkin astrologically;


Severe affliction of Rahu, Ketu and/or the Moon are

the culprit of these ghosts possession whether

they are individual or mass.


Because as you know Rahu Ketu can eclipse the soul(the Sun)

and the mind and the sub conscious(the Moon).

Mass possesion can occur at the time when Rahu and

Ketu are afflicted by bad muhurta.


Such as people behaving unusually during full Moon

is due to her influence on collective sub conscious.>>



That is your theory produced from an imperfect homework, i can see that not

much practice has been evaluated by you in this sector, and therefore you

are only theorising on some reading done from a few books.


You should come down to the workshop and see for yourself.


You can read about the astrological implications in the case of possesion,

from the excellent book of B.V. Raman "300 Important Combinations"



<<My guees is that UFO phenomena is a manifestatio of

cosmic sub or unconscious.>>



That is your perspective moulded by misinformation, missing information and



The UFO phenomena is real and the Vedas have a lot of information about it.

Dig more about all that phenomena and you will see the truth that has been

covered up by many selfish interests. Because the implications are huge on

many aspects of this present human culture, those that are in power have

been covering about this subject for at least 50 years, but very likely 100.


Just read in the Internet about the Disclosure Project, and you will find a

lot of information about this particular knowledge.


Hari Om

Natabara Das

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