Guest guest Posted May 22, 2002 Report Share Posted May 22, 2002 Planet line-up heralds tough time-Indian astrologer BANGALORE, India (Reuters) - A prominent Indian astrologer who predicted a grim tragedy for the United States eight months before the September 11 attacks says the world faces tough times in coming months. The prediction is linked to a rare grouping of five planets in a single house in celestial charts on May 13 and 14, Gayatri Devi Vasudev, editor of the monthly Astrological Magazine, said in the May issue. "On the day of the combination itself, no dire calamity will befall the world. But the months of May and June 2002 will not be peaceful for the world," Gayatri Devi wrote. "The United States may face major setbacks in its war against terrorism though it may succeed with a major terrorist catch," she says. Other hazards the United States could face included terrorist threats and an earthquake, she said. Until early June the five planets -- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -- can be seen with the naked eye as they move into a rough grouping on the same, visible, side of the sun, something that happens only once a century. Gayatri Devi, who calls astrology a science, says the charts only indicate trends that can be countered by "faith in God and in the inherent divinity of fellow humans". She says the combination was also significant for India. "The Indian government may get caught in complex developments threatening its very life but due to the inbuilt strength of its horoscope, the worst may be staved off," she said. The Hindu nationalist-led coalition government already faces stiff criticism over its failure to end religious violence in Gujarat state where more than 850 people, most of them Muslims, have been killed since late February. Gayatri Devi also said a Mars-Saturn conjunction on May 4 in Taurus "may have the effect of stimulating a wild aggression by Pakistan on the Indian borders". India and Pakistan have been locked in a military standoff since an attack on the Indian parliament in December that India blamed on Pakistan-based guerrillas fighting its rule in disputed Kashmir. She said Pakistan's military ruler General Pervez Musharraf may be in an "unresolvable situation" that could lead to his exit. Musharraf, who seized power in a coup in 1999, is seeking five more years in office through a controversial referendum on April 30. He said earlier this week he would not stay in power against the wishes of voters. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2002 Report Share Posted May 23, 2002 Interesting article but no analysis. Anyone care to dissect further or provide analogous events why this 5 planet line up on May 13-14, 2002 is so bad? It looks like Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn were all in sidereal Taurus at the time, and accompanied by Rahu as well. But why exactly is it bad (with solid proof i.e. events if possible - subjective arguments are hard to verify)? We've had multi planet lineups before in the past, at least one very recently. Here are examples: 1) May 4, 2000 - approximately: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn in sidereal Aries. 6 planets in all. No Mars or Rahu though. Definitely a KSY though (Kala Sarpa Yoga). 2) Feb 3, 1962 - approximately: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in sidereal Capricorn (Mars exalted, Saturn own sign). 7 planets in all. Accompanied by Ketu in sidereal Capricorn as well, so this is pretty much as heavy a lineup as possible (excluding outer planets). I dont recall May 2000 being bad at all (you might say the Nasdaq crash of March 2000, but in May it was still flying high at 4000 or so). 1962 I have no idea about - (Just checked - JFK was assassinated in November 1963 - much later, Bay of Pigs April 1961 - much earlier, Cuban Missile Crisis - Oct. 1962 - still too late). There must have been several additional dates around the ones above which had 5 planet line ups or more, but perhaps without Rahu-Ketu. Which is why if you remember, I have posed a question to this list very recently - i.e. is the coupling of Rahu-Ketu axis around the Saturn-Pluto opposition an extraordinarily significant event? VAS gjlist, "Hans Hopfgartner" <hanho@c...> wrote: > Planet line-up heralds tough > time-Indian astrologer > > BANGALORE, India (Reuters) - A > prominent Indian astrologer who > predicted a grim tragedy for the United States eight > months before the September 11 attacks says the > world faces tough times in coming months. > > The prediction is linked to a rare grouping of five > planets in a single house in celestial charts on May 13 > and 14, Gayatri Devi Vasudev, editor of the monthly > Astrological Magazine, said in the May issue. > > "On the day of the combination itself, no dire calamity > will befall the world. But the months of May and June > 2002 will not be peaceful for the world," Gayatri Devi > wrote. > > "The United States may face major setbacks in its war > against terrorism though it may succeed with a major > terrorist catch," she says. Other hazards the United > States could face included terrorist threats and an > earthquake, she said. > > Until early June the five planets -- Mercury, Venus, > Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -- can be seen with the > naked eye as they move into a rough grouping on the > same, visible, side of the sun, something that > happens only once a century. > > Gayatri Devi, who calls astrology a science, says the > charts only indicate trends that can be countered by > "faith in God and in the inherent divinity of fellow > humans". > > She says the combination was also significant for > India. > > "The Indian government may get caught in complex > developments threatening its very life but due to the > inbuilt strength of its horoscope, the worst may be > staved off," she said. > > The Hindu nationalist-led coalition government > already faces stiff criticism over its failure to end > religious violence in Gujarat state where more than > 850 people, most of them Muslims, have been killed > since late February. > > Gayatri Devi also said a Mars-Saturn conjunction on > May 4 in Taurus "may have the effect of stimulating a > wild aggression by Pakistan on the Indian borders". > > India and Pakistan have been locked in a military > standoff since an attack on the Indian parliament in > December that India blamed on Pakistan-based > guerrillas fighting its rule in disputed Kashmir. > > She said Pakistan's military ruler General Pervez > Musharraf may be in an "unresolvable situation" that > could lead to his exit. > > Musharraf, who seized power in a coup in 1999, is > seeking five more years in office through a > controversial referendum on April 30. He said earlier > this week he would not stay in power against the > wishes of voters. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2002 Report Share Posted May 23, 2002 Hello Vas and everyone, Peace be with you all. Respects to everyone. At this time, I can offer only the following on the points about this current multi planet line up raised by VAS, mostly showing his doubt about whether or not this is a "bad" lineup: Notice how we are noticing it. We are aware of it. Why? Because it's odd. It's not every day we get that kind of lineup. As astrologers, therefore, we automatically assume that this is significant, and I think that is correct. My experience with astrology has taught me to respect everything about the planets and their behaviors as significant. The question is how is it significant then. To assume it is "bad" is one conclusion, and that is quite common. I wish to add this: It may not be that the bad is evident to the world at large. It may be that it is significant events telling, but they may be events hardly noticed, not at all by the media. Take for example, when in the heart of Hitler, did certain key things take actual firming- at which moment in time, and where. That astrological moment is very significant for the whole world. Yet, it was just a moment while he sat alone in prison or something... Also, what if a president makes a decision to begin planning a large war. We don't know it yet, but it's coming. For example, the bad of what Saturn does while debilitated, is not realized until Saturn is in Taurus, I feel. I feel that an astrologer should think like that. I think for example, that while Saturn is in Aries, that it means the Saturn people of the world are more likely to be oppressed. Direct correlation, that's all. Saturn=humble people and Aries=it's opression. Then, Saturn is quite comfy in Taurus, because the Lord is friend, and it's Yoga Karaka there, or very respected, very much appreciated as the Lord of both Fortune and Success for Taurus. So now this portends Saturn=humble people and Taurus='Saturn feels strong'; and a sub flavor or aspect of Saturn owning the 9th is there is a "Religious tone" to his own words while he's in Taurus, so: Little people speaking out their religion, which was oppressed. So like the Suicide bombers, on a deeper emotional level, it's them crying out for survival. They feel their world of belief is threatened by Western irreligious global domination. Fair enough, it's a just worry, if you hate Western Irreligious Society, which arguably, it really is. So this thing is a direct result of what was felt and planned years ago, when Saturn was in Aries. The 9/11 attack that is...and alot of what's going on now. Now is when all the planets come to see what's going on with the little brown people (Saturn) who are speaking religios stuff and survival stuff (10th house is actually a survival related house). So this is like Pakistan and India, and the Taliban, 9/11, Palestine and Israel... it's all religion related, it's all "the oppressed verse the oppressor", and there's a "historical buildup", and the Sun (America) and Mercury (the Media) and Venus (everyone's sense of well being and pleasure) all came together because the threat of the suicide bomber (Rahu/Saturn conjunction) is a very threatening prospect for everyone in populated free Western major cities. Now wherever you go in a big Western city, if you see some young middle eastern men, which you always do, everywhere in Europe and America, then you have to wonder, "what do they have under their coats". It's awful. This is the significance of this conjunction, or one of them. Think of it, before 9/11, the Western World had never thought it was so vulnerable. We thought Pearl Harbor was "Vulnerable". That's NOTHING compared to this. That we can now track with radar easily. Not this. There's NO WAY to stop this. Actually, suicide bombing and jet hijacking, those are rudimentary. Imagine biological agents delivered into Los Angeles's water supply at the source one day. Imagine dirty bombs in NY, Calcutta, Los Angeles, Athens, Zurich, Bombay, or what about an actual Nuclear Bomb. They are small enough to drive around in cars. Cars go everywhere, unsearched, usually. The world became sorely aware of this only recently, as Palestinians continue to do suicide bombings within Israel. Here in America, if you're listening, the government is clearly saying that they have information of the likelihood of suicide bombings beginning in America. This is the essence of Saturn/Rahu. Everything about these two potentially dangerous planets becomes combined. So at this time, amazing progress is suddenly made in engineering, on the one side, and on the other side, the most poisonous and insidious kind of death becomes known and we are made aware. Rahu is poison, and Saturn rules death. Rahu and Saturn together is really evil producing, as well as productive in some areas that benefit us as well, as there is always that kind of duality. An assembly of the Gods never goes in vain, this you can trust. You must know the astronomy of the planets, so that you are not fooled. For example, a conjunction of Mercury, Sun and Venus is not special, because it is happening nearly constantly. What makes things special is the slower planets, when they are in conjunction, such as now, with Saturn and Rahu, and since Jupiter is close by, that two then becomes significant. There was tremendous world awareness jumps made around that lineup in May of 2000- for one, that was when America became sure that it had fooled itself with the Y2K thing. That was big in popular consciousness. Up until January, for months before, everyone in the country was getting really scared. Lots of people stored food and spent alot of money on that kind of thing, and virtually NOTHING happened. It was a joke. But it took months for people to actually exhale. That was that lineup. That was one thing anyway. There was others. How do you know for example, when Osamma and crew started planning the 9/11 thing. I bet there was significant progress made in May of 2000 on that plan, without those scheming fellows even knowing that they are meer puppetts, as are we all. I watch the sky in my own life on a regular basis, and for that, I use the Lagna, because only it moves at the speed of daily events, with some help from the Moon in Vargas. I find it's always amazingly right on the money. When things happen, the lagna is usually in that house, or over the karaka planet, etc. Always something and always exact. Really, almost always exactly on something or some perfect angle from the right thing- like tenth from the planet ruling the fourth for success in a real estate thing, or getting your fixed back out of the shop, or a happy call from your mother, and at the same time, you realize you're happy (also a tenth from the fourth thing). I watch life carefully and I watch the lagna doing it's "karmic second hand" number on me anyway. Now, more personally and locally, I suffered like hell during this lineup. Only in the last 3 days have things for me PERSONALLY eased up tremendously, after many months of agony. For some friends and my kids, and friends of friends I hear about, I see it there too, at least the heavy times that have been. I hear extensively from my seat of "much information received" here at Dancing Moon central... I've been hearing for months... business is down, relationships are breaking up, people are depressed, people are going through changes, the papers for divorce were filed, they started counseling, the car finally broke, I got diagnosed, they're not together anymore... This was clear to many I talked to, it was a general consensus at least at my receiver here. But that too is under karma, so that may just be my assigned experience during all this since it was over my Sun and Mercury, and Saturn formed a 10th aspect on my Moon. You can't trust anything, in a world where everything mental and thus communicated, everything we share, is springing forth only from our conceptions of what we're seeing, mixed with our god-limited abilities of material perception, combined with more vulgar misaligning factors such as language difperceptions. So then let the tasting sincere heart be the guide! So that's my take on the current alignment, or part of my take on it, there's so much more. You can know alot, if you watch the exact positions, in both distance and speed and so forth. See the dance, understand who is who, listen to the talking, their dance positions reveal or are one with their speaking. Their Sambandas, relationships, are key now. For example, if one passes another, that is a type of disregard, one-upmanship, and there is some jealousy, on the part of the planet being passed, so any contracts he has going with the passer, are temporarily damaged. This would be true of anyone, so it is true of the Gods I have found. das g raghu rick Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2002 Report Share Posted May 23, 2002 Hello Das, I appreciate your view, but there is one problem I have with it. It is more of an issue with methodology. In your world view, you accomodate both observable events and unobservable events which are sometimes the true precursors to observable events. Astrology, as I hope you will agree, is the science of correlating celestial events to events in this world. By DEFINITION, if you correlate a celestial event to an unobservable event, then essentially it is a useless correlation because that event is unobservable. How do you know it actually occurred - blind faith, a sixth sense? If astrology is to have a future as a SCIENCE, it must correlate between unambiguous observables. Otherwise, if you allow yourself and others to cite correlations between celestial events and unobservable precursors as a "proof" of the influence of the celestial event, astrology will continue to be misused and misrepresented by clever con-men. Consider a con man with a limited knowledge of astrology predicting - On so and so day, I see this alignment in your chart which shows that you will be successful in an exam. Suppose that alignment actually does exist on that day. And you end up failing in that exam. You go back to the con-man and confront him and he says - you might have been unsuccessful on this plane, but you were actually successful on another higher plane. Here what has happened is that the con-man has cleverly used an unobservable event ("success on the higher plane") to cover his tracks. Since it is unobservable, it is unverifiable. So it is best not to let unverifiable events creep into our reasoning, or we might end up conning ourselves. Very similar reasoning applies to "delayed" effects. Again a methodology issue. If you claim that a celestial event has a delayed effect, then in order to be fair, you must place an absolute and tight bound on how much it is going to be delayed. Otherwise, any celestial event can be correlated to any event in the world, given a sufficient delay. VAS Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2002 Report Share Posted May 23, 2002 Hi You are right Vas, but, I am too. Because, what is true in my world, doesn't need to be proven scientifically. But you are right, what I see, will not be understood by all, not revealed to all, cannot be taught to all. For astrology to be a science, it must be testable. I believe through my own research that this is possible, especially using real people and their real life events. I see too much correlation, so I believe that computers can be taught to catch it, chart it, store it, crunch it, and actually form their own complex yogas. This has always been my thought, and so I am laboring towards that end ultimately. But what I said is still true, even though, true, it cannot be used as the basis for mundane scientific approach to proving Jyotish for the sake of convincing those of no awareness. I too wish they would become convinced. It is more God's business, not my business, I've come to learn, but I keep laboring in this direction as my work in life. Without referring to the truth, such as the planning of war is as bad as war, and without referring to Gods, it will be hard to teach the real astrology. Purely based on math and so forth, the truth will elude. Only when the God's personalities are added, including how and when they are offended, things that are arrived at by personality analysis, I feel only then will things work well. In other words, I am saying, that the funny paradox is that through science you cannot discover the source, since matter, and thus material science, is a by product of the thing after which we search, so it's not a possibility for us to find the source, the truth, of a thing, without surrending to the existence of that source. It's like looking for Palestine and simultaneously saying it doesn't exist. Religion and Truth, are inextricably bound together, I agree. But we must remember that religion as we know it in the West is an invention of one person who says he got it from God, and doesn't at all represent the religious thinking of our own ancestors or the thinking of the Rishis of India, for whom I need not express their right to opinion on what is and what is not religion. So often in the West we feel the need to not include religion, as we are definitely, some of us, tired of what we see as a non-scientific Judeo-Chrisitian-Islamic type of paradigm. But that is not the Vedic nor Druidic paradigm, both of which are more interesting to me as being more related to the complete truth, including the functioning of the material nature we live in, as compared to Christianity, which focuses solely on the mind, mood and faith of a certain spiritual ontology only. So yes, we may booboo religion here in the West, but keep in mind the religios leanings I express are definitely not your typical Christian-of-the-West type expressions, as I am obviously speaking like a Hindu. I am interested, as are you, in the science of Jyotish, and it's being Proven to the world. I like that too. Very much. But here, where we are all already convinced, I take the liberty to be a bit more colloquial and comfy in my expressions, give myself the latitude, and go ahead and use religious assumptions with the audience. It's only here I'd do that, dare to do that. It's kinda fun being back on the list, but this is typical malarky, You too are not saying anything, but rather, asking as if to show someone else you heard is wrong, ie, "prove to me this is negative". Prove to me it's not. How's that? I say this in jest by the way. Just poking fun Vyas. Purse only, I dough and tin oh astrology. (say fast and slurry to get) personally I don't know astrology, which could also mean I don't no astrology, which means, I don't say no to it, I don't negate it, question it, because it works, and is greater than me word games for fun only, no agression from this drui Das Goravani , President 2852 Willamette St, #353 Eugene, Oregon, 97405 USA Voice: or <> Home of "Goravani Jyotish" Vedic Astrology Software , and more... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2002 Report Share Posted May 24, 2002 Re your post yesterday. Thanks, that was really interesting. But I would like to add to what you said. You interpret the planetary energies well, but you didn't mention houses. I have noticed many times the play between 1st, 11th and 12th houses when there is a line up of planets. From Saturn in Aries (as you described), Pisces is 12th (religious issues, dreams of heaven, feeling of imprisonment, attraction to the foreign, losses, frustration). Next comes Saturn in Taurus and Pisces is 11th and the issues get their time of power and expression by foreign groups. All the more so when many planets station in Taurus. What comes about when Taurus is occupied by many malefic planets is a lot of negative Piscean development in a (negative) Taurean way. Religious fanatics feeling trapped by luxurious West, liberation through materialism, suicide bombings. If you look at Astakavarga for 11th house. Pisces will have high points, 40-50 at a rough guess if you put Taurus as 1st. It is fortunate that the gathering of these forces is brief. Like to know what you think further. Regards Gordon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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