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Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

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Dear Ajay,

My knowledge in respect to the nodes is very limited in regards to the

nodes, and I am always open to correction, but I am happy to share what I

understand of there influences in the chart.

For some indication of past karma and the influences you have brought forth

to this incarnation you must examine the fifth house, and any planets in

that house and any aspects to that house, and also the nature of the house

itself including rulership.

If any planet is conjunct the nodes it will influence the nature of the node

depending on the nature of the planet, which will of course influence the

nature of that mahadasha, bhukti, or antaradasha of that node. In the same

way an aspect to the nodes, and the house in which it is placed in the rashi

will influence the nature of its planetary periods.

If any planet exists outside the nodes, that breaks the kala sarpa yoga, and

the nature of that planet will color the that person interacts with the

world. For instance if Mars is the planet that breaks the kala sarpa yoga,

the way in which that person generally approaches situations in life is with

a certain amount of Mars like energy, and if not benefically aspected will

tend towards doing things for me, me me... and if aspected by Jupiter for

exapmle it will still want for me, but what it wants for me it also wants

for others as well so it can give the disposition of an avocate.

The nodes and some nakshatras get a bad rap, and like any planets has two

sides to its nature. Rahu for instance may poison the mind, or it may allow

ones perception to penetrate into areas of the mind of another person to

extract the poison from there mind. Or someone with moon in Ashlesha may

have the ability to see into the hidden areas of our mind, and see clearly

what is at the root of some mental imbalance. That does not mean the

Ashlesha moon person will be demon like etc...

As for propitation if one realizes they an aspect of Divine consciousness,

inseparable from The Divine, sincere and heart felt prayer or mantra will

always open the one approaching the Divine to Grace. No matter how many

arishta yoga a chart may have, grace is the one power that can change


I hope this will be of some help.

All the Best,








"Ajay P. Nagrecha" <eyelite


Wednesday, May 08, 2002 7:49 PM

[GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,



> Dear Group,


> The Rahu Ketu article was nice. Am I to understand that all planets

> posited between Ketu and Rahu when looking in an anticlockwise manner

> represent my life in this birth and therefore are results of past life

> karma? And does this apply to planets between Rahu and Ketu being the


> I need to hone upon?


> What are Rahu and Ketu like when aspected?


> Another burning question is what is Gana defined as? I've noticed people


> various gana tend to behave differently, as per the Gana. Dev and Rakhshas

> Gana tend to behave selflessly or selfishly respectively, how does


> Gana fit in? How does one balance the Ganas. Is there any propitiation to

> change Gana ?


> Ajay

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-





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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Group,


the last time I had a three part question which I have not received good

advice on, could all please share their input?


I understand that all planets posited between Ketu and Rahu when looking

in an anticlockwise manner represent my life in this birth and therefore

are results of past life karma? And does this apply to planets between Rahu

and Ketu being the areas I need to hone upon?


What are Rahu and Ketu like when aspected?


Another burning question is what is Gana defined as? I've noticed people of

various gana tend to behave differently, as per the Gana. Dev and Rakhshas

Gana tend to behave selflessly or selfishly respectively, how does Manushya

Gana fit in? How does one balance the Ganas. Is there any propitiation to

change Gana ?



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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Ajit,


> the last time I had a three part question which I have not received


> advice on, could all please share their input?


> I understand that all planets posited between Ketu and Rahu when


> in an anticlockwise manner represent my life in this birth and therefore

> are results of past life karma? And does this apply to planets between Rahu

> and Ketu being the areas I need to hone upon?


> What are Rahu and Ketu like when aspected?



Your life in this birth is actually given by all graha position, Rahu and Ketu


course bear a special significane, since they tend to eclipse the Surya (atma)


the Chandra (manas). Rahu represents the desire for which the jivaatma took the

body, while ketu represents what we have lost or have renounced in the previous

life. You need to hone upon the lesson given by chara ATMAKARAK graha which

represents the soul in the chart. It is no wonder why Rahu and Ketu will

significantly represent the karma from the past, being both retrograde and


away from the Sun (ATMA-liberation). Grahas conjunct rahu will indicate the main

focus of DESIRE in this life time, while Grahas conjunct Ketu will indicate what


lost or renounced in the previous life-depending on the position of ketu. For

instance if well placed ketu is with Guru, than spiritual quest was taken in the

previous birth and the person is at ease with it in this life time. Badly placed

ketu will indicate the losses from the previous birth (like of the children) and


denial or self-denial of the same in this birthtime. Yet, focus on ATMAKARAK it


tell the whole story in a few minutes. Why Ketu cannot be charkarak? Do think





> Another burning question is what is Gana defined as? I've noticed people of

> various gana tend to behave differently, as per the Gana. Dev and Rakhshas

> Gana tend to behave selflessly or selfishly respectively, how does Manushya

> Gana fit in? How does one balance the Ganas. Is there any propitiation to

> change Gana ?



Ganas are mostly used in compatibility. Yup, there are Deva, Rakshasa and


Manushya is like the earth-polarity of good and evil. Look in the Navamsa more

carefully-you will see the same divison in there. Navamsa is more important it


dharma, what one carries into the next life. One can change the gana , becouse,


is NOT the Gana. One is ATMA

Best wishes



Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa


web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Hello Zoran,

Very interesting comments. I didn't pose the original questions that

you answered, but seeing your knowledge, I have a couple of

additional queries relating to Rahu & Ketu:


1) How exactly do Rahu & Ketu figure in synastry (I think that is the

right term for relationship analysis?)? A little bit of background is

in order: I, unlike most people you will find on this and other such

groups, have not yet formed a conclusive opinion either on God or on

astrology or the relationship between the two, which most astrology

believers take for granted - perhaps they have some divine knowledge

or experience that I dont. I do not intend to do so (form conclusive

opinions, that is) until I personally see proof either way. So I tend

to become a rather irritating member (to other members) of

both "believer" and "skeptic" groups. That said, I do see

tantalizing bits of evidence of astrology (vedic), but not yet enough

for a "Eureka!" experience. Synastry seems to be one of those areas,

and Rahu and Ketu in particular. Simply by plotting my chart

(sidereal), my wife's chart and my daughter's chart I have seen the

following: My ASC-DESC axis is EXACTLY conjunct my wife's RAHU-KETU

axis. My Sun is exactly conjunct my daughter's RAHU. When I say

exactly, I really mean pretty exactly - less, sometimes much less,

than 1 degree. It seems to me more than a coincidence that these

matches would occur. However, the meaning of these matches are

unclear to me other than the rather vague statement that we are

karmically destined to be together (for good? for bad? where exactly

is the karma that we are "working out" focussed?). I see conflicting

reports on the meanings. Could you elaborate a little bit in this

regard? Others, please feel free to answer but please please do give


2) I have read several books (M.C. Jain's Rahu Ketu for e.g, a very

good book in general) that repeatedly stress, in essence, that Ketu

is BAD (a hard time in which lessons are learned) and Rahu is GOOD

(expression of materialistic desires, perhaps?). I have not observed

this correlation myself (in my personal life that is, not other

people's charts). People tend to use the 5th house to see "past

lives". Ketu, as you essentially say, signifies past Karma. Since

past lives and past Karma seem to me at least to be meaning the same

thing, would it be fair to say then that if your 5th house

significations are good, that Ketu must be good? If the 5th house and

Ketu do not point both towards the same things, then what does that



I hope I am not offending the readers of this group by my repeated

querying without supplying any answers myself..




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Hello Vac,



> 1) How exactly do Rahu & Ketu figure in synastry (I think that is the

> right term for relationship analysis?)? A little bit of background is

> in order: I, unlike most people you will find on this and other such

> groups, have not yet formed a conclusive opinion either on God or on

> astrology or the relationship between the two, which most astrology

> believers take for granted - perhaps they have some divine knowledge

> or experience that I dont. I do not intend to do so (form conclusive

> opinions, that is) until I personally see proof either way. So I tend

> to become a rather irritating member (to other members) of

> both "believer" and "skeptic" groups. That said, I do see

> tantalizing bits of evidence of astrology (vedic), but not yet enough

> for a "Eureka!" experience.


Ok. It's up to you of course. The Jivaatma has a choice all the time:)


> Synastry seems to be one of those areas,

> and Rahu and Ketu in particular. Simply by plotting my chart

> (sidereal), my wife's chart and my daughter's chart I have seen the

> following: My ASC-DESC axis is EXACTLY conjunct my wife's RAHU-KETU

> axis. My Sun is exactly conjunct my daughter's RAHU. When I say

> exactly, I really mean pretty exactly - less, sometimes much less,

> than 1 degree. It seems to me more than a coincidence that these

> matches would occur. However, the meaning of these matches are

> unclear to me other than the rather vague statement that we are

> karmically destined to be together (for good? for bad? where exactly

> is the karma that we are "working out" focussed?). I see conflicting

> reports on the meanings. Could you elaborate a little bit in this

> regard? Others, please feel free to answer but please please do give

> explanations..


There are LOADS of information about family charts. One will spot many

similar areas. It is too extensive theme. For marriege and kids, navamsa is

the key. Since you are interested in Rahu and Ketu. Usually, the people with

vice-versa axise will be carmically attached to you. What you state is less

signifcant for family chart comparison. There are subcharts, and some basic

themes in rashi as wll, rather than positions of " Your Sun on your daughter




> 2) I have read several books (M.C. Jain's Rahu Ketu for e.g, a very

> good book in general) that repeatedly stress, in essence, that Ketu

> is BAD (a hard time in which lessons are learned) and Rahu is GOOD

> (expression of materialistic desires, perhaps?).


I cannot agree with this with all due respect to Jain. Jaimini says that Ketu

is Shubha or benefic standing for Moksha and spiritual emancipation. Concepts

of Good and Bad is purely fictional from the viewpoint of one's own mind.

There is no reason that one may think that Rahu dasha will itself be better

than Ketu. It all depends on their individual position in the chart.


> I have not observed

> this correlation myself (in my personal life that is, not other

> people's charts). People tend to use the 5th house to see "past

> lives".


5th house is a house of Future, no Past, we get the kids and success from the

5th. Past is the house of Dharma which we carry from the previous lives (9th



> Ketu, as you essentially say, signifies past Karma. Since

> past lives and past Karma seem to me at least to be meaning the same

> thing, would it be fair to say then that if your 5th house

> significations are good, that Ketu must be good? If the 5th house and

> Ketu do not point both towards the same things, then what does that

> mean?



First, you cannot state the 5th house for that. The things are not 1+1=2..

would be too simple. I would like it to be so, but it is not. You cannot

discuss past karma, unless you know the present.

Best wishes



Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa


web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Hi Zoran,

If you read message 11629 of this group, you will find a direct

contradiction. The writer of that message believes that the 5th is

the house of the past and 9th that of the future. Both you and the

writer of that message appear to have been quite successful in your

uses of astrology, yet there is disagreement on such a basic matter.

Disheartening, to say the least.


I understand that there are loads of books on many aspects of

astrology, but a good one is like a needle in a haystack. Astrology

is an unregulated field, unlike medicine for example - where by law

only accredited people may practice their profession after

establishing their credentials through an elaborate well though out

process. Forcing people to go through the full process of proving

themselves and acquiring complete knowledge does wonders for the

field - and consequently the ones truly interested in learning it -

not simply for monetary advantage. Most astrology books, IMHO,

reflect incomplete or inconsistent knowledge. I really have to cull

books by Richard Houck, BV Raman, MC Jain to get at some truths.

Other authors like James Braha, Bepin Behari and others - I really

havent found up to the mark. It might be interesting if you could

share where you found your information.







> 5th house is a house of Future, no Past, we get the kids and

success from the

> 5th. Past is the house of Dharma which we carry from the previous

lives (9th

> house)


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Hi Zoran,

If you read message 11629 of this group, you will find a direct

contradiction. The writer of that message believes that the 5th is

the house of the past and 9th that of the future. Both you and the

writer of that message appear to have been quite successful in your

uses of astrology, yet there is disagreement on such a basic matter.

Disheartening, to say the least.


I understand that there are loads of books on many aspects of

astrology, but a good one is like a needle in a haystack. Astrology

is an unregulated field, unlike medicine for example - where by law

only accredited people may practice their profession after

establishing their credentials through an elaborate well though out

process. Forcing people to go through the full process of proving

themselves and acquiring complete knowledge does wonders for the

field - and consequently the ones truly interested in learning it -

not simply for monetary advantage. Most astrology books, IMHO,

reflect incomplete or inconsistent knowledge. I really have to cull

books by Richard Houck, BV Raman, MC Jain to get at some truths.

Other authors like James Braha, Bepin Behari and others - I really

havent found up to the mark. It might be interesting if you could

share where you found your information.







> 5th house is a house of Future, no Past, we get the kids and

success from the

> 5th. Past is the house of Dharma which we carry from the previous

lives (9th

> house)


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The name of the 9th house is Dharma. What is dharma and how it comes? from

where, from the future or the past. That is the basis of Vedic Philosophy..

Including my Jyotish Guru and Paramapara, as well as learned pundits I talked

to, and my overall experience with Vedic Literature and Jyotish books, in

addition to practical experience, 9th house is the house of Destiny which is

a result of the past karma, not future one. The point is there in jyotisha

classics. Instanteniously, a Jatak Parijat occured, where the 5th is

mentioned as the future life. I am aware that some authors ascribe the 5th as

poorva punya, which I cannot accept as true. Otherwise,9th house stands for

Bhaggya or the luck, and how can one be lucky, unless some good deeds were

performed in the past? So the key point is to think of the Dharma ...I am

also aware of the inconsistancy in the books, which is unfortunate moments

for all students and learners.

Best wishes



vedicastrostudent wrote:


> Hi Zoran,

> If you read message 11629 of this group, you will find a direct

> contradiction. The writer of that message believes that the 5th is

> the house of the past and 9th that of the future. Both you and the

> writer of that message appear to have been quite successful in your

> uses of astrology, yet there is disagreement on such a basic matter.

> Disheartening, to say the least.


> I understand that there are loads of books on many aspects of

> astrology, but a good one is like a needle in a haystack. Astrology

> is an unregulated field, unlike medicine for example - where by law

> only accredited people may practice their profession after

> establishing their credentials through an elaborate well though out

> process. Forcing people to go through the full process of proving

> themselves and acquiring complete knowledge does wonders for the

> field - and consequently the ones truly interested in learning it -

> not simply for monetary advantage. Most astrology books, IMHO,

> reflect incomplete or inconsistent knowledge. I really have to cull

> books by Richard Houck, BV Raman, MC Jain to get at some truths.

> Other authors like James Braha, Bepin Behari and others - I really

> havent found up to the mark. It might be interesting if you could

> share where you found your information.




> >

> > 5th house is a house of Future, no Past, we get the kids and

> success from the

> > 5th. Past is the house of Dharma which we carry from the previous

> lives (9th

> > house)

> >


> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa


web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Jaimini says that Ketu

is Shubha or benefic standing for Moksha and spiritual emancipation.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, Zoran, as my Ketu Dasa was a time of extreme

progress both spiritually and materially....so much so that my supervisor

during that time remarked to me something like this: "You have made more

progress in 4 years than many people make in their lifetime!" What occurred

was that I put my entire trust in God to watch over me and my 3 small sons, and

we were able to progress from poverty to relative comfort during that time, an

accomplishment I wholly attribute to God's love. I always look for ways to

repay His kindness to us when we were in need and had nothing to lose by

allowing a former disbelief in Higher Powers to be set aside in favor of asking

God to please help us move forward, and please give me a way to show my

gratitude to Him through acts I might do that would help others, but which

could be performed without detriment to our little family.

So it was that I found I was able to assist 2 stranded ladies on a lonely street

at night by giving a battery charge to their car battery, I gave pep talks to

the owners of a seemingly failed engineering company (that within a few months

was able to land the largest contract in their entire history -- subsequently

they gave me a huge bonus "for holding us together"), and other small but

helpful tasks where one can answer God's call to help our fellow human

being...these little acts are to me, divinely given, for which I thank God; His

trust in me to carry out His Will is a perfect match to my trust in Him to keep

us in His care. All these things I learned while in Ketu dasa, and will never

forget how far we've come along since that time when we were in abject poverty

that I decided to put all my trust in God (I had nothing to lose by doing that,

our situation was so bad) just in case He actually might exist and really help

us if we simply asked Him for help. Trusting that if He exists, He would

certainly help us, I gave profound thanks in advance of the manifestation of

His help. The result was our phenomenal progress as a family from wondering

where our next meal might come from to today wondering how best we can continue

serving the One who has provided us far more than we need.



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Dear Vas

I read your messages and wonder what your goal is, did I miss it somewhere?

Are you wanting astrology to be akin to laws of physics? Medicine is indeed

regulated but there is a wide range of types of practices and practitioners

and an even broader range of talents and how they are applied or misapplied.


That said, I was taught that there are 3 dharma houses. They are gifts that

were earned in past lives. The 1st being the body you are given at birth,

the 5th the gift of children, your potential for luck (or lack thereof) and

the 9th is the deepest and richest of all. The 9th to me can simply be

blind-dumb luck <grins> or it can represent the potential for evolution in

this life. It suggests who will help you and how easily you will be helped.

In the case of each chart, the yogas reveal the difficulty and the

opportunity. If you don't find this verified in a book that really doesn't

matter to me because this is how the house speaks to me and I get great

results with it. When you are dealing with a complicated map you must

expect the astrologer to bring in his or her grace, heart, ego and hopefully

compassion into the mixture. If this were not valuable, we would not need

astrologers just merely a good report writer program to spit out



Zoran is very articulate in explaining complicated things very simply. I

wonder if you would be helped by loosening you tight and literal hold of

words and their managing.


I can identify with your struggle. I read a number of books and was about

to explode. Much of what I read was, in my experience wrong!!!! I was

saddened by this and also heartened by those that were very accurate. I

suspect that astrology is too rich and subtle for scientific verification.

Then again, an x-ray read by a person who has limited vision is very

different than one read by a person with combined experience and refined

vision. I ultimately found that Jyotish has a simplicity and and clarity.

Perhaps you will encounter that as well.


Wishing you the best on your journey




vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent


Friday, May 24, 2002 9:05 PM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,



> Hi Zoran,

> If you read message 11629 of this group, you will find a direct

> contradiction. The writer of that message believes that the 5th is

> the house of the past and 9th that of the future. Both you and the

> writer of that message appear to have been quite successful in your

> uses of astrology, yet there is disagreement on such a basic matter.

> Disheartening, to say the least.


> I understand that there are loads of books on many aspects of

> astrology, but a good one is like a needle in a haystack. Astrology

> is an unregulated field, unlike medicine for example - where by law

> only accredited people may practice their profession after

> establishing their credentials through an elaborate well though out

> process. Forcing people to go through the full process of proving

> themselves and acquiring complete knowledge does wonders for the

> field - and consequently the ones truly interested in learning it -

> not simply for monetary advantage. Most astrology books, IMHO,

> reflect incomplete or inconsistent knowledge. I really have to cull

> books by Richard Houck, BV Raman, MC Jain to get at some truths.

> Other authors like James Braha, Bepin Behari and others - I really

> havent found up to the mark. It might be interesting if you could

> share where you found your information.






> >

> > 5th house is a house of Future, no Past, we get the kids and

> success from the

> > 5th. Past is the house of Dharma which we carry from the previous

> lives (9th

> > house)

> >






> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to




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Dear Carol,


That was a very insightful and heart felt insight into Ketu's affects. It is of

interest to me becasue I am jsut entering a Ketu bhukti, of Jupiter dasha with

ketu conjunct venus in the ninth and Jupiter in natal 5th house Scorpio. I am

watching the inner shift and anticipating the affects of Jupiter coming over my

ascendant in July. I have always been of a spiritual bent and felt it may be a

time of deeper initiation, as I have had initiation in the past by a Guru.

That said I have been surprised but people saying that the affects of ketu can

give materially, I had read too what Komilla Sutton had on her website

concerning the affects of ketu and its ability to bring material gain. This

was a surprise to hear this, because it had always been my impression that ketu

being moksha karaka would tend to strip us of our material belongings.

I also have found suprising the fact that some people with ketu in the seventh

have had long and meaningful relationships, which I would have thought would

have contributed to them being unable to endure... So the nodes to have a

ceratin mystery about them for sure.

I think your growth through the ketu dasha seems to indicate the ability of ketu

to give no only deep spiritual perception but also in unexpected ways.

Just a question about your chart is your ketu conjunct any other planet, or

aspected by a benefic?

Thanks for sharing that I found it inspirational.





Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com


Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:42 AM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

In a message dated 5/24/2002 9:27:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net writes:

Jaimini says that Ketuis Shubha or benefic standing for Moksha and spiritual

emancipation.I wholeheartedly agree with you, Zoran, as my Ketu Dasa was a time

of extreme progress both spiritually and materially....so much so that my

supervisor during that time remarked to me something like this: "You have made

more progress in 4 years than many people make in their lifetime!" What

occurred was that I put my entire trust in God to watch over me and my 3 small

sons, and we were able to progress from poverty to relative comfort during that

time, an accomplishment I wholly attribute to God's love. I always look for ways

to repay His kindness to us when we were in need and had nothing to lose by

allowing a former disbelief in Higher Powers to be set aside in favor of asking

God to please help us move forward, and please give me a way to show my

gratitude to Him through acts I might do that would help others, but which

could be performed without detriment to our little family. So it was that I

found I was able to assist 2 stranded ladies on a lonely street at night by

giving a battery charge to their car battery, I gave pep talks to the owners of

a seemingly failed engineering company (that within a few months was able to

land the largest contract in their entire history -- subsequently they gave me

a huge bonus "for holding us together"), and other small but helpful tasks

where one can answer God's call to help our fellow human being...these little

acts are to me, divinely given, for which I thank God; His trust in me to carry

out His Will is a perfect match to my trust in Him to keep us in His care. All

these things I learned while in Ketu dasa, and will never forget how far we've

come along since that time when we were in abject poverty that I decided to put

all my trust in God (I had nothing to lose by doing that, our situation was so

bad) just in case He actually might exist and really help us if we simply asked

Him for help. Trusting that if He exists, He would certainly help us, I gave

profound thanks in advance of the manifestation of His help. The result was our

phenomenal progress as a family from wondering where our next meal might come

from to today wondering how best we can continue serving the One who has

provided us far more than we need.Love,CarolOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Om Namo Narayanaya,

There is a classic rule. Ketu in Kendra with sambhanda (link) to lord

of kona or vice versa will give Raj Yoga. Ketu will also imbibe the quality

of Graha he is conjunct with. Ketu in Arudha Lagna will give spiritual

rise. Ketu associated with 11th from AL will promote gains. Ketu as Yogada

graha (associating lagna, Hora lagna and Ghati Lagna) will give an immense

success, so there are many rules, don't bother with negative thoughts..

rely on HIM!

Best wishes


Don wrote:


Carol, That was a very

insightful and heart felt insight into Ketu's affects. It is of interest

to me becasue I am jsut entering a Ketu bhukti, of Jupiter dasha with ketu

conjunct venus in the ninth and Jupiter in natal 5th house Scorpio.

I am watching the inner shift and anticipating the affects of Jupiter coming

over my ascendant in July. I have always been of a spiritual bent

and felt it may be a time of deeper initiation, as I have had initiation

in the past by a Guru. That said I have been surprised but people

saying that the affects of ketu can give materially, I had read too what

Komilla Sutton had on her website concerning the affects of ketu and its

ability to bring material gain. This was a surprise to hear this,

because it had always been my impression that ketu being moksha karaka

would tend to strip us of our material belongings.I

also have found suprising the fact that some people with ketu in the seventh

have had long and meaningful relationships, which I would have thought

would have contributed to them being unable to endure... So the nodes

to have a ceratin mystery about them for sure.I

think your growth through the ketu dasha seems to indicate the ability

of ketu to give no only deep spiritual perception but also in unexpected

ways.Just a question about

your chart is your ketu conjunct any other planet, or aspected by a benefic?Thanks

for sharing that I found it inspirational.Respectfully,Don



Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com


Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:42


Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

In a message dated 5/24/2002

9:27:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net





says that Ketu

is Shubha or benefic standing

for Moksha and spiritual emancipation.

I wholeheartedly agree with

you, Zoran, as my Ketu Dasa was a time of extreme progress both spiritually

and materially....so much so that my supervisor during that time remarked

to me something like this: "You have made more progress in 4 years than

many people make in their lifetime!" What occurred was that I put

my entire trust in God to watch over me and my 3 small sons, and we were

able to progress from poverty to relative comfort during that time, an

accomplishment I wholly attribute to God's love. I always look for ways

to repay His kindness to us when we were in need and had nothing to lose

by allowing a former disbelief in Higher Powers to be set aside in favor

of asking God to please help us move forward, and please give me a way

to show my gratitude to Him through acts I might do that would help others,

but which could be performed without detriment to our little family.

So it was that I found I

was able to assist 2 stranded ladies on a lonely street at night by giving

a battery charge to their car battery, I gave pep talks to the owners of

a seemingly failed engineering company (that within a few months was able

to land the largest contract in their entire history -- subsequently they

gave me a huge bonus "for holding us together"), and other small but helpful

tasks where one can answer God's call to help our fellow human being...these

little acts are to me, divinely given, for which I thank God; His trust

in me to carry out His Will is a perfect match to my trust in Him to keep

us in His care. All these things I learned while in Ketu dasa, and will

never forget how far we've come along since that time when we were in abject

poverty that I decided to put all my trust in God (I had nothing to lose

by doing that, our situation was so bad) just in case He actually might

exist and really help us if we simply asked Him for help. Trusting

that if He exists, He would certainly help us, I gave profound thanks in

advance of the manifestation of His help. The result was our phenomenal

progress as a family from wondering where our next meal might come from

to today wondering how best we can continue serving the One who has provided

us far more than we need.





Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat





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Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Om Namo Narayanaya,



> I can identify with your struggle. I read a number of books and was about

> to explode. Much of what I read was, in my experience wrong!!!! I was

> saddened by this and also heartened by those that were very accurate. I

> suspect that astrology is too rich and subtle for scientific verification.

> Then again, an x-ray read by a person who has limited vision is very

> different than one read by a person with combined experience and refined

> vision. I ultimately found that Jyotish has a simplicity and and clarity.

> Perhaps you will encounter that as well.


> Wishing you the best on your journey


> cynthia


After all struggles and confusion, everything becomes very simple. So nicely

said Cynthia..When the time comes, one will be able to glance at the chart and

tell the main story in a few minutes. That is the reward for all efforts. All

Glory to HIM

Best wishes



Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa


web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Hi Zoran,

Thank you for you comments. I still don't know how you find the arudha lagna.

I know it is a chaya graha raj yoga as venus owns 4 and 11 for my chart, and

ketu is posited in the 9th about two degrees past venus. Venus 18 11 Revati

and ketu 20 5 Revati. But I have never studied any methods for assess various

lagnas as you mentioned. If you could mention the technique for this, I would

like to apply it to my chart, despite my natural willingness to rely on Him as

you say. *s*

Best regards,




Zoran Radosavljevic


Saturday, May 25, 2002 4:13 PM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

Om Namo Narayanaya, There is a classic rule. Ketu in Kendra with sambhanda

(link) to lord of kona or vice versa will give Raj Yoga. Ketu will also imbibe

the quality of Graha he is conjunct with. Ketu in Arudha Lagna will give

spiritual rise. Ketu associated with 11th from AL will promote gains. Ketu as

Yogada graha (associating lagna, Hora lagna and Ghati Lagna) will give an

immense success, so there are many rules, don't bother with negative thoughts..

rely on HIM! Best wishes Zoran Don wrote:

Dear Carol, That was a very insightful and heart felt insight into Ketu's

affects. It is of interest to me becasue I am jsut entering a Ketu bhukti, of

Jupiter dasha with ketu conjunct venus in the ninth and Jupiter in natal 5th

house Scorpio. I am watching the inner shift and anticipating the affects of

Jupiter coming over my ascendant in July. I have always been of a spiritual

bent and felt it may be a time of deeper initiation, as I have had initiation

in the past by a Guru. That said I have been surprised but people saying that

the affects of ketu can give materially, I had read too what Komilla Sutton had

on her website concerning the affects of ketu and its ability to bring material

gain. This was a surprise to hear this, because it had always been my

impression that ketu being moksha karaka would tend to strip us of our material

belongings.I also have found suprising the fact that some people with ketu in

the seventh have had long and meaningful relationships, which I would have

thought would have contributed to them being unable to endure... So the nodes

to have a ceratin mystery about them for sure.I think your growth through the

ketu dasha seems to indicate the ability of ketu to give no only deep spiritual

perception but also in unexpected ways.Just a question about your chart is your

ketu conjunct any other planet, or aspected by a benefic?Thanks for sharing

that I found it inspirational.Respectfully,Don


Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com


Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:42 AM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc., In a message dated 5/24/2002 9:27:19 PM

Eastern Daylight Time, ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net writes: Jaimini says that Ketu is

Shubha or benefic standing for Moksha and spiritual emancipation.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, Zoran, as my Ketu Dasa was a time of extreme

progress both spiritually and materially....so much so that my supervisor

during that time remarked to me something like this: "You have made more

progress in 4 years than many people make in their lifetime!" What occurred

was that I put my entire trust in God to watch over me and my 3 small sons, and

we were able to progress from poverty to relative comfort during that time, an

accomplishment I wholly attribute to God's love. I always look for ways to

repay His kindness to us when we were in need and had nothing to lose by

allowing a former disbelief in Higher Powers to be set aside in favor of asking

God to please help us move forward, and please give me a way to show my

gratitude to Him through acts I might do that would help others, but which

could be performed without detriment to our little family. So it was that I

found I was able to assist 2 stranded ladies on a lonely street at night by

giving a battery charge to their car battery, I gave pep talks to the owners of

a seemingly failed engineering company (that within a few months was able to

land the largest contract in their entire history -- subsequently they gave me

a huge bonus "for holding us together"), and other small but helpful tasks

where one can answer God's call to help our fellow human being...these little

acts are to me, divinely given, for which I thank God; His trust in me to carry

out His Will is a perfect match to my trust in Him to keep us in His care. All

these things I learned while in Ketu dasa, and will never forget how far we've

come along since that time when we were in abject poverty that I decided to put

all my trust in God (I had nothing to lose by doing that, our situation was so

bad) just in case He actually might exist and really help us if we simply asked

Him for help. Trusting that if He exists, He would certainly help us, I gave

profound thanks in advance of the manifestation of His help. The result was our

phenomenal progress as a family from wondering where our next meal might come

from to today wondering how best we can continue serving the One who has

provided us far more than we need. Love, Carol Om Namo Bhagavate

Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat :

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Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat :

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-- Zoran Radosavljevic Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre mails:

ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an

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Zoran and Don

I don't know how to calculate the arudha lagna either. Does anyone feel

like going thru the

technique for us?


At 06:31 PM 5/25/02 -0700, you wrote:



Thank you for you comments. I

still don't know how you find the arudha lagna. I know it is a

chaya graha raj yoga as venus owns 4 and 11 for my chart, and ketu is

posited in the 9th about two degrees past venus. Venus 18 11 Revati

and ketu 20 5 Revati. But I have never studied any methods

for assess various lagnas as you mentioned. If you could mention

the technique for this, I would like to apply it to my chart, despite my

natural willingness to rely on Him as you say.


Best regards,



- Zoran Radosavljevic To:

gjlist Saturday, May 25, 2002 4:13 PM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

Om Namo Narayanaya, There is a classic rule. Ketu in Kendra with sambhanda

(link) to lord of kona or vice versa will give Raj Yoga. Ketu will also imbibe

the quality of Graha he is conjunct with. Ketu in Arudha Lagna will give

spiritual rise. Ketu associated with 11th from AL will promote gains. Ketu as

Yogada graha (associating lagna, Hora lagna and Ghati Lagna) will give an

immense success, so there are many rules, don't bother with negative thoughts..

rely on HIM! Best wishes Zoran

Don wrote:

Dear Carol, That was a very insightful and heart felt insight into Ketu's

affects. It is of interest to me becasue I am jsut entering a Ketu bhukti, of

Jupiter dasha with ketu conjunct venus in the ninth and Jupiter in natal 5th

house Scorpio. I am watching the inner shift and anticipating the affects of

Jupiter coming over my ascendant in July. I have always been of a spiritual

bent and felt it may be a time of deeper initiation, as I have had initiation

in the past by a Guru. That said I have been surprised but people saying that

the affects of ketu can give materially, I had read too what Komilla Sutton had

on her website concerning the affects of ketu and its ability to bring material

gain. This was a surprise to hear this, because it had always been my

impression that ketu being moksha karaka would tend to strip us of our material

belongings.I also have found suprising the fact that some people with ketu in

the seventh have had long and meaningful relationships, which I would have

thought would have contributed to them being unable to endure... So the nodes

to have a ceratin mystery about them for sure.I think your growth through the

ketu dasha seems to indicate the ability of ketu to give no only deep spiritual

perception but also in unexpected ways.Just a question about your chart is your

ketu conjunct any other planet, or aspected by a benefic?Thanks for sharing

that I found it inspirational.Respectfully,Don -

Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com


Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:42 AM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

In a message dated 5/24/2002 9:27:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net writes:

Jaimini says that Ketu

is Shubha or benefic standing for Moksha and spiritual emancipation.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, Zoran, as my Ketu Dasa was a time of extreme

progress both spiritually and materially....so much so that my supervisor

during that time remarked to me something like this: "You have made more

progress in 4 years than many people make in their lifetime!" What occurred

was that I put my entire trust in God to watch over me and my 3 small sons, and

we were able to progress from poverty to relative comfort during that time, an

accomplishment I wholly attribute to God's love. I always look for ways to

repay His kindness to us when we were in need and had nothing to lose by

allowing a former disbelief in Higher Powers to be set aside in favor of asking

God to please help us move forward, and please give me a way to show my

gratitude to Him through acts I might do that would help others, but which

could be performed without detriment to our little family.

So it was that I found I was able to assist 2 stranded ladies on a lonely street

at night by giving a battery charge to their car battery, I gave pep talks to

the owners of a seemingly failed engineering company (that within a few months

was able to land the largest contract in their entire history -- subsequently

they gave me a huge bonus "for holding us together"), and other small but

helpful tasks where one can answer God's call to help our fellow human

being...these little acts are to me, divinely given, for which I thank God; His

trust in me to carry out His Will is a perfect match to my trust in Him to keep

us in His care. All these things I learned while in Ketu dasa, and will never

forget how far we've come along since that time when we were in abject poverty

that I decided to put all my trust in God (I had nothing to lose by doing that,

our situation was so bad) just in case He actually might exist and really help

us if we simply asked Him for help. Trusting that if He exists, He would

certainly help us, I gave profound thanks in advance of the manifestation of

His help. The result was our phenomenal progress as a family from wondering

where our next meal might come from to today wondering how best we can continue

serving the One who has provided us far more than we need.



Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

: gjlist-


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

: gjlist-




Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

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Om Namo Narayanaya,

1. Arudha means image or mount. Count as many signs as lagna lord went

from lagna. E.G. If lagna lord is in 3rd, count 3 from 3rd and you will

get 5th as arudha lagna. There are two exceptions

2. When lagnesh goes to 4th and 10th from lagna, arudha would fall

in the 4th from a lagna (bhava)

3. When lagnesh goes into lagna and 7th, arudha would fall into the

10th bhava.

Thank you for you

comments. I still don't know how you find the arudha lagna.

I know it is a chaya graha raj yoga as venus owns 4 and 11 for my chart,

and ketu is posited in the 9th about two degrees past venus. Venus

18 11 Revati and ketu 20 5 Revati. But I have never studied

any methods for assess various lagnas as you mentioned. If you could

mention the technique for this, I would like to apply it to my chart, despite

my natural willingness to rely on Him as you say. *s*Best


Ketu in your chart is not Raj Yog karak due to conjunction with

Shukra, since Shukra is badhaka not RajaYogkaraka. It forms some yoga due

to 4th lord in 9th. Shukra and Ketu will form Tapaswi or Spiritual Yoga.

You would be blessed if Chandra takes 5th and 11th house. Otherwise Ketu

is very well placed due to its multrikon sign pisces and its lordship of

scorpio in the 5th house(see Jaimini and Parashara)

best wishes


Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Dear Zoran,

Thank you for the clarification on ascertaining the arudha lagna, that is helpful.

Just to make sure I understand fully, I shall get Aries for arudha lagna if with

a Cancer lagna and the moon placed in the 7th house...correct?

On Sri Gurave Namah




Zoran Radosavljevic


Sunday, May 26, 2002 2:43 AM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

Om Namo Narayanaya, 1. Arudha means image or mount. Count as many signs as lagna

lord went from lagna. E.G. If lagna lord is in 3rd, count 3 from 3rd and you

will get 5th as arudha lagna. There are two exceptions 2. When lagnesh goes to

4th and 10th from lagna, arudha would fall in the 4th from a lagna (bhava) 3.

When lagnesh goes into lagna and 7th, arudha would fall into the 10th bhava.

Thank you for you comments. I still don't know how you find the arudha lagna.

I know it is a chaya graha raj yoga as venus owns 4 and 11 for my chart, and

ketu is posited in the 9th about two degrees past venus. Venus 18 11 Revati

and ketu 20 5 Revati. But I have never studied any methods for assess various

lagnas as you mentioned. If you could mention the technique for this, I would

like to apply it to my chart, despite my natural willingness to rely on Him as

you say. *s*Best regards,Don

Ketu in your chart is not Raj Yog karak due to conjunction with Shukra, since

Shukra is badhaka not RajaYogkaraka. It forms some yoga due to 4th lord in 9th.

Shukra and Ketu will form Tapaswi or Spiritual Yoga. You would be blessed if

Chandra takes 5th and 11th house. Otherwise Ketu is very well placed due to its

multrikon sign pisces and its lordship of scorpio in the 5th house(see Jaimini

and Parashara) best wishes Zoran Zoran Radosavljevic Jyotish Teacher at Shri

Jagannath Vedic Centre mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net web

address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om

Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Om Namo Narayanayam

Dear Don. Yes, you are correct.

Don wrote:


Zoran,Thank you for the

clarification on ascertaining the arudha lagna, that is helpful.Just

to make sure I understand fully, I shall get Aries for arudha lagna if

with a Cancer lagna and the moon placed in the 7th house...correct?On

Sri Gurave NamahRespectfully,Don



Zoran Radosavljevic


Sunday, May 26, 2002 2:43 AM

Re: [GJ] Rahu, Ketu, etc.,

Om Namo Narayanaya,

1. Arudha means image or mount. Count as many signs as lagna lord went

from lagna. E.G. If lagna lord is in 3rd, count 3 from 3rd and you will

get 5th as arudha lagna. There are two exceptions

2. When lagnesh goes to 4th and 10th from lagna, arudha would fall

in the 4th from a lagna (bhava)

3. When lagnesh goes into lagna and 7th, arudha would fall into the

10th bhava.

Thank you for

you comments. I still don't know how you find the arudha lagna.

I know it is a chaya graha raj yoga as venus owns 4 and 11 for my chart,

and ketu is posited in the 9th about two degrees past venus. Venus

18 11 Revati and ketu 20 5 Revati. But I have never studied

any methods for assess various lagnas as you mentioned. If you could

mention the technique for this, I would like to apply it to my chart, despite

my natural willingness to rely on Him as you say. *s*Best regards,Don

Ketu in your chart is not Raj Yog karak due to conjunction with

Shukra, since Shukra is badhaka not RajaYogkaraka. It forms some yoga due

to 4th lord in 9th. Shukra and Ketu will form Tapaswi or Spiritual Yoga.

You would be blessed if Chandra takes 5th and 11th house. Otherwise Ketu

is very well placed due to its multrikon sign pisces and its lordship of

scorpio in the 5th house(see Jaimini and Parashara)

best wishes


Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu



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Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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