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The following email is a very interesting one regarding combustion of planets.

My attention was called to it from Marie whom is in charge of a Vedic astrology

group in French, and i did consider that it is important and interesting to



Bonjour Marie



<<(traduction du texte de Natabara concernant l'explication de ses éphéméridesmensuelles)


" Parasara a dit que les planètes sont combustes lorsque : - Mercure est

combuste lorsqu'il est à moins de 14° du soleil. Si Mercureest rétrograde

(vakra), l'orbe de combustion est réduite à 12°.- Vénus est combuste à moins de

10° du Soleil ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde(vakra).- Mars est combuste à moins

de 17° ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde (vakra).- Jupiter à moins de 11° du

Soleil.- Et Saturne à moins de 16°. Les orbes de combustion des planètes ont

été calculées par moi (Natabara Das), de la manière conseillée par Parasara."


<<Bonjour Natabara,


Pourrais-tu nous dire où, dans le BPHS, Parasara parle de la combustion ?


Merci d'avance,>>


Many thanks for your observation. By having a Virgo rising i am very critical

of myself and therefore i search to avoid mistakes as much as i can.


Your posting made me search the source of that information. When i did write

about the orbes for combustion, i am sure that i have copied from an

authoritative table.


Therefore i did go to the Brihat Parasara of Parasara and it was not there. I

did go to the Brihat Samhita, and the same happens. I search in different

books which i take for reference in my studies, and i found only a table for

combustion on page 185 of the book Hindu Predictive Astrology by Pandit Gopesh

Kumara Ojha. However, he does not give combustion for Mars when in a

retrograde motion, and for Saturn he gives 15° and not 16° when close to the



I could not remember the source of my table for combustion. So, i did go to

search in my collections of some 150 magazines of the Astrological Magazine

(Raman as its editor), from May 1976 to December 1991. I could find only an

article about combustion on it, but without relevance. However, i did find the

September magazine for 1978, dedicated to combustion.


There on page 711, there is an article by N. Sundaran Rajan, and he writes that

according to the Surya Siddhanta, chapters 9 to 10, the orbe for combustion is:

"The Moon within 12°.

Mars within 17°.

Mercury within14° or 12° when retro.

Jupiter within 12°.

Venus within 10° or 8° when retro.

Saturn within 15°.


My intuition tells me that this table is more accurate regarding combustion and

therefore i will make the right changes in my introduction-guide to my Astro

calendar and in my calculations which i do by hand with the help of the

Goravani Jyotish programme.


While browsing the relevant literature i came accross the following interesting data.


Marie Antoniete had Venus combust.


Raman wrote on 27 July 1978:

"Another interesting observation made in a classical work is that during the

dasa of planet in combustion "one will be drawn into unnecessary conflicts and

quarrels, wife and children are afflicted and one will meet with death", In

actual practice this rule has not been found verifiedin the majority of cases



To this i would like to add that Sanskrit is a language difficult to translate

or undertsand. While i agree that perhaps death is the meaning of the

translation, in practice i have found in several cases, that physical death is

not necesarly the case, but an important change in direction or in life.


On the same September magazine, Mr V.A.K. Ayer quotes Parasara "When the 9th

lord is debilitated or combust it makes the native resort to begging for alms".


Buell D. Huggins quotes Mantresvara's Phaladeepika Adh 20 sloka 30 "When a

planet is in combustion, its effects will be similar to that in depression".


P.S. Sastri gives interesting examples of combustion. He mentions for Mercury

combust, Kant, Gladstone, Edison, Mussolini, Ford and Goethe.


For Venus, Hiddenburg, Annie Besant, Shelley, Balfour and Shaw.


For Mars, Zola, Hardy, Huxley, Lenin.


For Jupiter, Alan Leo, Ulysses Grant, Blake, Kipling.


R. Lakshmanan says "Kerala savants say that there is moudhya bhanga or

cancellation of combustion if the combust planet is with a planet in his own or

exaltation sign or in association with kendra (angular) or trikona (trinal)



He also mentions that Mercury is out of combustion when in its own or moolatrikona sign.


And he says that "The evil of combustion is greater if the Sun is lord of the 6th or 8th house."


I have read somewhere that Mercury although in combustion, losses combustion

when it is in a different sign to the Sun.

Best wishes

Natabara Das

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Om. Namaha Shivaya.

Naresh Desai-"natabara" Sat, 25 May 2002

13:19:03 +0100"GJList" [GJ] ABOUT COMBUSTIONContent-Type:

text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

The following email is a very interesting one regarding combustion of planets.

My attention was called to it from Marie whom is in charge of a Vedic astrology

group in French, and i did consider that it is important and interesting to



Bonjour Marie



<<(traduction du texte de Natabara concernant l'explication de ses éphéméridesmensuelles)


" Parasara a dit que les planètes sont combustes lorsque : - Mercure est

combuste lorsqu'il est à moins de 14° du soleil. Si Mercureest rétrograde

(vakra), l'orbe de combustion est réduite à 12°.- Vénus est combuste à moins de

10° du Soleil ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde(vakra).- Mars est combuste à moins

de 17° ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde (vakra).- Jupiter à moins de 11° du

Soleil.- Et Saturne à moins de 16°. Les orbes de combustion des planètes ont

été calculées par moi (Natabara Das), de la manière conseillée par Parasara."



Pourrais-tu nous dire où, dans le BPHS, Parasara parle de la combustion ?


Merci d'avance,>>


Many thanks for your observation. By having a Virgo rising i am very critical

of myself and therefore i search to avoid mistakes as much as i can.


Your posting made me search the source of that information. When i did write

about the orbes for combustion, i am sure that i have copied from an

authoritative table.


Therefore i did go to the Brihat Parasara of Parasara and it was not there. I

did go to the Brihat Samhita, and the same happens. I search in different

books which i take for reference in my studies, and i found only a table for

combustion on page 185 of the book Hindu Predictive Astrology by Pandit Gopesh

Kumara Ojha. However, he does not give combustion for Mars when in a

retrograde motion, and for Saturn he gives 15° and not 16° when close to the



I could not remember the source of my table for combustion. So, i did go to

search in my collections of some 150 magazines of the Astrological Magazine

(Raman as its editor), from May 1976 to December 1991. I could find only an

article about combustion on it, but without relevance. However, i did find the

September magazine for 1978, dedicated to combustion.


There on page 711, there is an article by N. Sundaran Rajan, and he writes that

according to the Surya Siddhanta, chapters 9 to 10, the orbe for combustion is:

"The Moon within 12°.

Mars within 17°.

Mercury within14° or 12° when retro.

Jupiter within 12°.

Venus within 10° or 8° when retro.

Saturn within 15°.


My intuition tells me that this table is more accurate regarding combustion and

therefore i will make the right changes in my introduction-guide to my Astro

calendar and in my calculations which i do by hand with the help of the

Goravani Jyotish programme.


While browsing the relevant literature i came accross the following interesting data.


Marie Antoniete had Venus combust.


Raman wrote on 27 July 1978:

"Another interesting observation made in a classical work is that during the

dasa of planet in combustion "one will be drawn into unnecessary conflicts and

quarrels, wife and children are afflicted and one will meet with death", In

actual practice this rule has not been found verifiedin the majority of cases



To this i would like to add that Sanskrit is a language difficult to translate

or undertsand. While i agree that perhaps death is the meaning of the

translation, in practice i have found in several cases, that physical death is

not necesarly the case, but an important change in direction or in life.


On the same September magazine, Mr V.A.K. Ayer quotes Parasara "When the 9th

lord is debilitated or combust it makes the native resort to begging for alms".


Buell D. Huggins quotes Mantresvara's Phaladeepika Adh 20 sloka 30 "When a

planet is in combustion, its effects will be similar to that in depression".


P.S. Sastri gives interesting examples of combustion. He mentions for Mercury

combust, Kant, Gladstone, Edison, Mussolini, Ford and Goethe.


For Venus, Hiddenburg, Annie Besant, Shelley, Balfour and Shaw.


For Mars, Zola, Hardy, Huxley, Lenin.


For Jupiter, Alan Leo, Ulysses Grant, Blake, Kipling.


R. Lakshmanan says "Kerala savants say that there is moudhya bhanga or

cancellation of combustion if the combust planet is with a planet in his own or

exaltation sign or in association with kendra (angular) or trikona (trinal)



He also mentions that Mercury is out of combustion when in its own or moolatrikona sign.


And he says that "The evil of combustion is greater if the Sun is lord of the 6th or 8th house."


I have read somewhere that Mercury although in combustion, losses combustion

when it is in a different sign to the Sun.

Best wishes

Natabara DasOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo

, send an email to:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

-- _____________Sign-up for your own FREE

Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

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Dear Naresh

Because of the presence of Mercury and Rahu in the 8th there is no Vipareet Raja Yoga .

The combustion of Mercury is fairly wide so it should not be too problematic .

However Mercury is weakened beacuse it's deposiror is debilitated and it is

badly placed .This is compensated somwhat by the close aspect of a strong

Jupiter giving some wisdom and depth to a fresh type of intelligence .

This may give significant obstructions in terms of one's life direction ,health

problems and danger from accidents .The strength of Venus and Jupiter should

give good fortune ,home ,assets , spirtual knowledge and wealth .Some type of

spiritual transformation is possible also .

Best Wishes



Naresh desai


Thursday, June 06, 2002 7:13 AM


Namaskar to all. I am virgo rising with Venus in the ninth. Mercury,Sun and Rahu

in the 8th house. Venus is my strongest planet. Mercury is weak and I have just

started Mercury's antar dasha. My date of birth is April 25th 1948 at 5.55 p.m

in Navsari India ( Long 72 E. 55 Lat 20N51) time zone E 5.50. My question is

what happens during this dasha. since Mercury is combust but since Sun is

strong and participates in the Viparita raj yoga does that come into play or

what? Mercury is in the tenth house in Navamsa and in the fifth in Dasamsa in

Gemini. I am a student of Jyotish trying to understand. Any help is greatly


Om. Namaha Shivaya.

Naresh Desai-"natabara" Sat, 25 May 2002

13:19:03 +0100"GJList" [GJ] ABOUT COMBUSTIONContent-Type:

text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

The following email is a very interesting one regarding combustion of planets.

My attention was called to it from Marie whom is in charge of a Vedic astrology

group in French, and i did consider that it is important and interesting to



Bonjour Marie



<<(traduction du texte de Natabara concernant l'explication de ses éphéméridesmensuelles)


" Parasara a dit que les planètes sont combustes lorsque : - Mercure est

combuste lorsqu'il est à moins de 14° du soleil. Si Mercureest rétrograde

(vakra), l'orbe de combustion est réduite à 12°.- Vénus est combuste à moins de

10° du Soleil ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde(vakra).- Mars est combuste à moins

de 17° ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde (vakra).- Jupiter à moins de 11° du

Soleil.- Et Saturne à moins de 16°. Les orbes de combustion des planètes ont

été calculées par moi (Natabara Das), de la manière conseillée par Parasara."



Pourrais-tu nous dire où, dans le BPHS, Parasara parle de la combustion ?


Merci d'avance,>>


Many thanks for your observation. By having a Virgo rising i am very critical

of myself and therefore i search to avoid mistakes as much as i can.


Your posting made me search the source of that information. When i did write

about the orbes for combustion, i am sure that i have copied from an

authoritative table.


Therefore i did go to the Brihat Parasara of Parasara and it was not there. I

did go to the Brihat Samhita, and the same happens. I search in different

books which i take for reference in my studies, and i found only a table for

combustion on page 185 of the book Hindu Predictive Astrology by Pandit Gopesh

Kumara Ojha. However, he does not give combustion for Mars when in a

retrograde motion, and for Saturn he gives 15° and not 16° when close to the



I could not remember the source of my table for combustion. So, i did go to

search in my collections of some 150 magazines of the Astrological Magazine

(Raman as its editor), from May 1976 to December 1991. I could find only an

article about combustion on it, but without relevance. However, i did find the

September magazine for 1978, dedicated to combustion.


There on page 711, there is an article by N. Sundaran Rajan, and he writes that

according to the Surya Siddhanta, chapters 9 to 10, the orbe for combustion is:

"The Moon within 12°.

Mars within 17°.

Mercury within14° or 12° when retro.

Jupiter within 12°.

Venus within 10° or 8° when retro.

Saturn within 15°.


My intuition tells me that this table is more accurate regarding combustion and

therefore i will make the right changes in my introduction-guide to my Astro

calendar and in my calculations which i do by hand with the help of the

Goravani Jyotish programme.


While browsing the relevant literature i came accross the following interesting data.


Marie Antoniete had Venus combust.


Raman wrote on 27 July 1978:

"Another interesting observation made in a classical work is that during the

dasa of planet in combustion "one will be drawn into unnecessary conflicts and

quarrels, wife and children are afflicted and one will meet with death", In

actual practice this rule has not been found verifiedin the majority of cases



To this i would like to add that Sanskrit is a language difficult to translate

or undertsand. While i agree that perhaps death is the meaning of the

translation, in practice i have found in several cases, that physical death is

not necesarly the case, but an important change in direction or in life.


On the same September magazine, Mr V.A.K. Ayer quotes Parasara "When the 9th

lord is debilitated or combust it makes the native resort to begging for alms".


Buell D. Huggins quotes Mantresvara's Phaladeepika Adh 20 sloka 30 "When a

planet is in combustion, its effects will be similar to that in depression".


P.S. Sastri gives interesting examples of combustion. He mentions for Mercury

combust, Kant, Gladstone, Edison, Mussolini, Ford and Goethe.


For Venus, Hiddenburg, Annie Besant, Shelley, Balfour and Shaw.


For Mars, Zola, Hardy, Huxley, Lenin.


For Jupiter, Alan Leo, Ulysses Grant, Blake, Kipling.


R. Lakshmanan says "Kerala savants say that there is moudhya bhanga or

cancellation of combustion if the combust planet is with a planet in his own or

exaltation sign or in association with kendra (angular) or trikona (trinal)



He also mentions that Mercury is out of combustion when in its own or moolatrikona sign.


And he says that "The evil of combustion is greater if the Sun is lord of the 6th or 8th house."


I have read somewhere that Mercury although in combustion, losses combustion

when it is in a different sign to the Sun.

Best wishes

Natabara DasOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo

, send an email to:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the --

_____________Sign-up for your own FREE

Personalized E-mail at Mail.comOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om

Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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Do Nodes Rahu and Ketu have the effect of Combustion?


V Satish-"Nicholas" Thu, 6 Jun 2002

20:08:14 +1000Re: [GJ] ABOUT COMBUSTIONContent-Type: text/html;


Dear Naresh

Because of the presence of Mercury and Rahu in the 8th there is no Vipareet Raja Yoga .

The combustion of Mercury is fairly wide so it should not be too problematic .

However Mercury is weakened beacuse it's deposiror is debilitated and it is

badly placed .This is compensated somwhat by the close aspect of a strong

Jupiter giving some wisdom and depth to a fresh type of intelligence .

This may give significant obstructions in terms of one's life direction ,health

problems and danger from accidents .The strength of Venus and Jupiter should

give good fortune ,home ,assets , spirtual knowledge and wealth .Some type of

spiritual transformation is possible also .

Best Wishes



Naresh desai


Thursday, June 06, 2002 7:13 AM


Namaskar to all. I am virgo rising with Venus in the ninth. Mercury,Sun and Rahu

in the 8th house. Venus is my strongest planet. Mercury is weak and I have just

started Mercury's antar dasha. My date of birth is April 25th 1948 at 5.55 p.m

in Navsari India ( Long 72 E. 55 Lat 20N51) time zone E 5.50. My question is

what happens during this dasha. since Mercury is combust but since Sun is

strong and participates in the Viparita raj yoga does that come into play or

what? Mercury is in the tenth house in Navamsa and in the fifth in Dasamsa in

Gemini. I am a student of Jyotish trying to understand. Any help is greatly


Om. Namaha Shivaya.

Naresh Desai-"natabara" Sat, 25 May 2002

13:19:03 +0100"GJList" [GJ] ABOUT COMBUSTIONContent-Type:

text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

The following email is a very interesting one regarding combustion of planets.

My attention was called to it from Marie whom is in charge of a Vedic astrology

group in French, and i did consider that it is important and interesting to



Bonjour Marie



<<(traduction du texte de Natabara concernant l'explication de ses éphéméridesmensuelles)


" Parasara a dit que les planètes sont combustes lorsque : - Mercure est

combuste lorsqu'il est à moins de 14° du soleil. Si Mercureest rétrograde

(vakra), l'orbe de combustion est réduite à 12°.- Vénus est combuste à moins de

10° du Soleil ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde(vakra).- Mars est combuste à moins

de 17° ou à moins de 8° si rétrograde (vakra).- Jupiter à moins de 11° du

Soleil.- Et Saturne à moins de 16°. Les orbes de combustion des planètes ont

été calculées par moi (Natabara Das), de la manière conseillée par Parasara."



Pourrais-tu nous dire où, dans le BPHS, Parasara parle de la combustion ?


Merci d'avance,>>


Many thanks for your observation. By having a Virgo rising i am very critical

of myself and therefore i search to avoid mistakes as much as i can.


Your posting made me search the source of that information. When i did write

about the orbes for combustion, i am sure that i have copied from an

authoritative table.


Therefore i did go to the Brihat Parasara of Parasara and it was not there. I

did go to the Brihat Samhita, and the same happens. I search in different

books which i take for reference in my studies, and i found only a table for

combustion on page 185 of the book Hindu Predictive Astrology by Pandit Gopesh

Kumara Ojha. However, he does not give combustion for Mars when in a

retrograde motion, and for Saturn he gives 15° and not 16° when close to the



I could not remember the source of my table for combustion. So, i did go to

search in my collections of some 150 magazines of the Astrological Magazine

(Raman as its editor), from May 1976 to December 1991. I could find only an

article about combustion on it, but without relevance. However, i did find the

September magazine for 1978, dedicated to combustion.


There on page 711, there is an article by N. Sundaran Rajan, and he writes that

according to the Surya Siddhanta, chapters 9 to 10, the orbe for combustion is:

"The Moon within 12°.

Mars within 17°.

Mercury within14° or 12° when retro.

Jupiter within 12°.

Venus within 10° or 8° when retro.

Saturn within 15°.


My intuition tells me that this table is more accurate regarding combustion and

therefore i will make the right changes in my introduction-guide to my Astro

calendar and in my calculations which i do by hand with the help of the

Goravani Jyotish programme.


While browsing the relevant literature i came accross the following interesting data.


Marie Antoniete had Venus combust.


Raman wrote on 27 July 1978:

"Another interesting observation made in a classical work is that during the

dasa of planet in combustion "one will be drawn into unnecessary conflicts and

quarrels, wife and children are afflicted and one will meet with death", In

actual practice this rule has not been found verifiedin the majority of cases



To this i would like to add that Sanskrit is a language difficult to translate

or undertsand. While i agree that perhaps death is the meaning of the

translation, in practice i have found in several cases, that physical death is

not necesarly the case, but an important change in direction or in life.


On the same September magazine, Mr V.A.K. Ayer quotes Parasara "When the 9th

lord is debilitated or combust it makes the native resort to begging for alms".


Buell D. Huggins quotes Mantresvara's Phaladeepika Adh 20 sloka 30 "When a

planet is in combustion, its effects will be similar to that in depression".


P.S. Sastri gives interesting examples of combustion. He mentions for Mercury

combust, Kant, Gladstone, Edison, Mussolini, Ford and Goethe.


For Venus, Hiddenburg, Annie Besant, Shelley, Balfour and Shaw.


For Mars, Zola, Hardy, Huxley, Lenin.


For Jupiter, Alan Leo, Ulysses Grant, Blake, Kipling.


R. Lakshmanan says "Kerala savants say that there is moudhya bhanga or

cancellation of combustion if the combust planet is with a planet in his own or

exaltation sign or in association with kendra (angular) or trikona (trinal)



He also mentions that Mercury is out of combustion when in its own or moolatrikona sign.


And he says that "The evil of combustion is greater if the Sun is lord of the 6th or 8th house."


I have read somewhere that Mercury although in combustion, losses combustion

when it is in a different sign to the Sun.

Best wishes

Natabara DasOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo

, send an email to:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the --

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Personalized E-mail at Mail.comOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om

Tat Sat:

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is subject to the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat:

gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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