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Hi All

I am intending to post on this GJLIST once a month both, the moon and the astro

calendars. It is very useful for the astrologer and people to know the daily

position of the moon and the planets to study their effects on our lives and

other horoscopes as well.

Here is a posting of the moon calendar for the JUNE 2002. This

introduction/guide is mainly for newcomers for every month.

As to give an example here i am giving the Moon calendar for natives of

Cancer/Pushya. For other signs/constellations (35 more), you have to adjust

the calendar accordingly, but the basic data of timming and dates remain the


The calculations are based on Lahiris ayanamsa. The ENDING TIMES are in GMT

(you have to adjust it to your official time) for the 3 energies is

approximated within 5 minutes on either side. This means that to be on the

safe side, give a margin of 5 minutes before and after the times given here.

The ending time is given for the tithis or days of the moon. When the moon ends

each constellation and when the moon ends each sign is also given.

In this way we can see when the moon days end and the next moon day starts.

When the Moon ends the travel in one naksatra and starts the next. And when

the moon ends travelling in a sign and starts the next sign.

Beside the ending times for the moon days you can see if that energy is

generally good = G or bad = X

For example G/X means that up to the time given the energy is good and after

that time becomes negative in general.

With my experience i only need the required basic data to understand the

calendar. But if i want to attract other people to Jyotish, they require a

simple language. After many years of testing i think that most of the vedic

astrology students are happy with this format which i give in a calendar format

to those wanting, for a better appreciation. You could paste this monthly data

on a calendar format if you so wish but it takes about 15 minutes to do so, but

it looks very nice on the wall.

Here you will see the raw info in GMT.

The ending times for every one of the 3 factors is given in GMT. The G means

that until the given time (G/) the factor is bad or after the time (/G). The

"G" means that until or after (/G) the ending time given the moon day is good.

For clarity and practicality of the students i put an "X" beside the end of the

moon days to indicate a bad moon day and i put a "G" to indicate a Good moon


There are 9 TB or Tara Balas = strength of your star, and of those, TB 1, 5, 7

or 3 in increasing proportion are bad. TB 1 is mild and TB 3 is the worst.

The rest of the TB are good.

There are 12 CB or chandra balas = strength of your moon sign. When the moon is

in a sign that from your moon sign is 6,8, or 12, it is bad in increasing

proportion. 6 = debts, obstacles or enemies. 8 = death or the end of things

and 12 = losses or falls. However, those days can be very good for meditation.

The rest of the CB are ok.

Please notice that this moon calendar give 3 basic moon energies.

First we have the tithi or moon day. LD = light moon day and DD= dark day.

Second, we have the Moon leaving a constellation © and there are 27

constellations, which are a certain TB for your own star.

Third, we have the Moon in a sign or leaving a sign and entering the next and

determining the CB for your natal moon sign.

Notice as well that some days can have the ending of 2 moon days or 2

constellations. Some other days will not see the end of a moon say or

constellation, this is due to the speed of the moon on those days.

Days of the moon

The first energy indicated in this calendar is the Moon day. When the sun and

moon are together, it is called the new moon and when they are opposite to each

other or at 180° from each other, it is the end of the 15th DL day light moon

day or the end of the full moon.

There are 15 moon light days from the new moon to the full moon or when the moon

is increasing. And there are 15 DD dark days of the moon from the full moon to

the new moon or when the moon is decreasing. Every time when the moon

separates from the sun by 12 degrees of arc, there is the ending time of a

particular moon day.

Good moon days to start a new activity are 1,2,3,5,7,10,11,13 and 15 in

increasing proportion. This means that the 1st moon day will be relatively

mild and the 15th will be the best. But check out from muhurta books when

studying different activities because this guidelines are general.

Bad moon days will be the 4,6,8,9,12,and 14 in increasing proportion. This

means that the 4th moon day is mild and the 14th is the worst.

I try to avoid starting new and important activities or to do important readings

on the 14th moon day. This does not means that i remain idle on bad days,

routine jobs or activities that i have already started are ok. And in anyway,

your own personal experience will tell you how to follow the moon calendar.

By looking at the calendar you will see which days bring you either good or bad vibrations.

In my humble experience, this calendar is a basic tool to your own moon sign and

moon constellation and it is a must to students of jyotish and a good help.

As an astrologer you are very likely to understand this calendar and how to use

it. For newcomers, non-astrologers or customers, you as an astrologer can

advise and guide accordingly.

This moon calendar is the basis for many daily activities and events happening around.

For example, a customer may feel depressed each time when the moon crosses the

6th, 8th or 12th houses.

>From the astro calendar we will see when the moon is conjunction with Rahu or

Saturn, and experience will tell you that on those days some sensitive people

may feel either afraid or depressed, mainly when they are under a negative

planetary period or they have in their chart those planetary configurations.

You can read more in the astro calendar.

Some people may understand this explanation but others may need a different

explanation. I am learning to explain jyotish to different mentalities so

please do not hesitate if you get stuck, it may be the way that i explain


Any questions are welcome.

Yours in the service of jyotish.

Natabara Das


In western astrology we hear "what is your sun sign?". This refers to western

astrology and to the tropical sky. This sky is an imaginary line across the

sky on earth that goes from the tropic of Capricorn to the tropic of Cancer

passing at the equator and viceverse from the tropic of Cancer to the tropic of



So when the sun is at the equator on the 20 or 21 or 23 March we say that it is

the beginning of the spring or that the sun is entering tropical Aries. 3

months later the sun will be entering cancer or when the sun reaches the tropic

of Cancer. From here the sun will go south reaching tropical Libra 3 months

later and the tropic of Capricorn 3 months later before starting its journey

northwards. All this is western astrology.


Mayas used to build 3 pyramids or 3 landmarks to see when the sun rised above

them to see the beginning of planting or fishing or the beginning of the autumn

to prepare for the harvest or the cold season.


Here we are following vedic astrology or sidereal astrology which is more

precise and has more tools for research and predictions. Vedic astrology

follows the planets across the sidereal sky or the sky as it is seen at night.


In some astronomical magazines they may say that Saturn is now in Gemini but at

night we can see the sky and see that Saturn is still in Taurus. How is it

that the beautifull Aldebaran is in Gemini in tropical astrology-astronomy when

Aldebaran has been a landmark for Taurus for thousands of years?


In India or vedic astrology, we can hear "what is your janma rasi and your janma

naksatra. Janma = birth, rasi = your horoscope or sign where you have your moon

at birth, and naksatra = constellation.


There are 12 signs of the zodiac as you know which are represented within an

square divided in 12 areas, segments or regions. In vedic architecture, the

square is the perfect figure in the universe.


There are 3 main styles in India to represent the horoscope. I prefer the North

Indian style but i can read as well the South Indian style or the Bengal style.

But, this is just a matter of preference.


>From the horoscope North Indian style, you can see that the rising sign or

ascendant is always represented at the middle top of the graphic and in the

south indian style, it is represented with some letters like LAG for lagna or

Cap for Capricorn lagna or with 10, the number for Capricorn. The 2nd house is

ruled by the next sign which is Aquarius. By following the rest of the signs

and giving one sign per house you will arrive at the 12th sector or 12th house

wich should be the previous sign to your rising sign. In your case, it should

be Sagittarius.


Every astrologer on this list is used to the order of the signs and their own

chart. However, if there is any questions just ask, i do not bite.


For a reading of transits you can follow your moon sign as a priority or your

rising sign as well. But the moon sign is a priority when reading the



So, in your case your chart will have Capricorn as the 1st house and the second

house will be ruled by the next sign of Aquarius. So your moon chart or

chandra lagna will look like this:


1st house = Capricorn

2 = Aqu

3 = Pis

4 = Ari

5 = Tau

6 = Gem

7 = Can

8 = Leo

9 = Vir

10 = Lib

11 = Sco

12 = Sag


CB or Chandra Balas

Beside the ending time for the moon in Capricorn you are suppose to write CB 1

to indicate your chandra bala 1 and do so with the rest of your moon houses, CB

2, CB 3 etc until CB 12. When you consult the moon calendar, you can see when

the moon is in Libra. On those days (about 60 hours), the moon will be in

transit on Libra or your 10th Moon sign or 10th house from the your moon or CB



Plese notice that the moon takes about 60 hours to cross one sign and therefore

in some days the moon will not end any sign and you may see only the sign where

the moon is on that day. For example, Ar = Aries, Ta = Taurus and so on.

Nevertheless, beside those letters, you are supposed to put your CB 1, CB 2

etc, to indicate to you on the calendar, which Chandra bala the moon has on

that particular day.

Chandra Bala or CB is the strenght (bala) of your moon (Chandra) sign. So you

have 12 chandra balas.


When the moon is in CB 1, the moon is starting a new cycle for you and is

bringing new energies to you.

CB 2. The moon in transit across your moon house 2, indicates things related to

family, assets etc. Indications of your 2nd house.

CB 3. This transit is connected to communications, short travels etc.

CB 4. Here the moon will focus on home affairs, education, mother, mind etc

CB 5. This sector is related to higher instructions, intentions, diplomacy,

love, children, previous life, games, etc

CB 6. Obstacles, enemies or illnesses are focus here by the moon.

CB 7. Partners, marriage etc are more prominent.

CB 8. Unexpected results, inheritances, the end of things, death etc are more prominent.

CB 9. When the moon comes to this house, Guru, good luck, religion, belief

system, father etc will be more prominent.

CB 10. Here, karma, vocation, profession etc is more prominent.

CB11. When the moon comes to this house, friends, elder siblings, earnins,

income will be more prominent.

CB 12. The moon in transit over this house is likely to indicate losses, or

tendencies for freedom, liberation or expenditure.


Notice that the Moon in CB 6, 8 or 12 indicate a bad transit for you. This is

because Chandra bala 6 indicates struggles, CB 8 indicates death and CB 12

indicates losses or falls. So while in transit the CB 6,8, or 12 in increasing

proportion will be bad for some activities although good for others like

meditation, charity etc. Increasing proportion means that the CB 6 is

relatively mild and the CB12 is the hardest.


As astrologer you can read like this but remember that a planet in those houses

will alter the effects of the moon on the individual. You should use your

knowledge, experience and intuition when assesing a reading.


How to use the moon calendar? By observing when customers get in touch, we can

see a pattern. Mostly the customers ring or get in thouch after having felt

the effects of the moon in their bad houses, or when there is a good or bad

transit for you. Experience will tell you. I have been using this calendar

since perhaps 1978 when i used to calculate it, following the rules given by

Raman in his book Muhurtha and with the help of a small calculator.


Later on, a computer wizard and my first student made a computer programe to get

the calendar, calculate horoscopes and gave me a computer Vic 20 in 1982. All

that made my astrology life more easy.


Tara Bala. Regarding the Tara bala. An example. Suppose that your moon

naksatra is Uttarashada or constellation 21 which is ruled by the sun.


Lets see now the Naksatras.

There are 27 naksatras or constellations and they are divided into 3 groups ruled by a planet.


1 10 19 Ketu

2 11 20 venus

3 12 21 Sun

4 13 22 Moon

5 14 23 Mars

6 15 24 Rahu

7 16 25 Jupiter

8 17 26 Saturn

9 18 27 Mercury


Notice that your moon constellation is 21 or Uttarashada which is ruled by the

sun. This is why we say that you were born under the main period or dasa of

the sun. Notice that constellations 3, 12 (2+1=3) and 21 (2+1=3) are ruled by

the sun and they are your Tara Bala 1.


You can follow the Moon calendar and see when the Moon is in C1 or Constellation

21. Beside the ending time or when the moon leaves that particular

constellation and starts the next constellation you should write TB1 for Tara

Bala 1. The next constellation 22 is your TB 2, next is TB 3. This means

that constellations 9, 18 or 27 will be you TB 7 and C1, C10 or C19 are your TB

8 and so on until you fill C5, C14, or C23 as your TB 3.


The effects of the tara balas are more or less like this:


TB1= When the moon comes to a constellation which is TB1, we have many things

in our head that we get the tendencies to be space out or lacking in

concentration to the point that we become prone to accidents. More alert is

needed in those days.

TB2= During this tara bala, activities started here, have the tendency to

increase our fortunes.

TB3= This TB is the worst and much care has to be put on. A friend of mine

said that during this TB, his health was more weak and when old he did not go

out or talk to avoid health deterioration. He lived to see 93.

TB4= This is a good TB bringing positive results to activities started here.

TB5= A bad TB and new activities should not be started here.

TB6= A good TB.

TB7= A bad TB.

TB8= Increases good luck because it is a friendly constellation.

TB9= Increases good luck because it is a friendly constellation.


Routine activities or activities already started are ok. But when starting new

activities, try to avoid bad TB. Bad TB in increasing proportion are TB1, 5 7

and 3. TB1 is the mildest and TB3 is the worst.


I hope that this clarifies the use of the moon calendar otherwise question are

welcome. The moon calendar is very useful.


Although i can follow this calendar as seen on the list, for my students and

customers i provide the calendar in a calendar format as provided by print

Artist. It takes me upto 1 hour to adjust the 12 months according to moon sign

and moon naksatra but the result is that a calendar can be seen clearly and it

has a lot of pages for guidance and explanation if they get stuck.


In my own life, i always put on the wall the monthly moon calendar and astro

calendar and they are very useful to myself or when people come for astro



To me the calendar is very practical to follow or see at a glance. ******

This moon calendar is based as a matter of example on someone having the Moon

sign in Cancer and in the constellation of Pushya (8th on the list of

constellations). For other signs you have to adjust it accordingly or get in

touch with me for advise.


I can not post here the 36 different calendars needed. We have 12 signs of the

zociac, each one having 3 naksatras or constellations. Therefore, there are 36

(12 X 3 = 36) different moon calendars. This means that your moon calendar can

be shared by only 1 in 36 people or by those that have a similar moon sign and

moon constellation. Then again, this moon calendar is calculated for GMT, and

other time zones in the world (there are 24 of them) have to either add or

substract the times given here.


There are almost 600 members in this GJLIST, therefore 600 / 27 = 22. This

means that following the law of probabilities, we must have here some 22

members having the moon in Cancer and moon in Pushya. For them, this calendar

has been calculated but according to GMT.


Perhaps with the demand, later on Das may be inspired to offer this format in

his GJ astro-computer programe and in that way by just pressing few buttons you

could have it done according to your location.


Best wishes

Natabara Das


DD6 09:19 X/G

C23 TB= 7 X

CP 11:37 CB= 7 G/X


DD7 11:05 G/X

C23 00:44 TB= 7 X/G

AQ CB= 8 X


DD8 13:14 X/X

C24 03:22 TB= 8 G/G

AQ 23:31 CB= 8 X/G


DD9 15:34 X/G

C25 06:15 TB= 9 G/X

PS CB= 9 G


DD10 17:53 G/G

C26 09:10 TB= 1 X/G

PS CB= 9 G


DD11 19:59 G/X

C27 11:55 TB= 2 G/X

PS 11:55 CB= 9 G/G


DD12 21:42 X/G

C1 14:21 TB= 3 X/G

AR CB= 10 G


DD13 22:56 G/X

C2 16:20 TB= 4 G/X

AR 22:48 CB= 10 G/G


DD14 23:38 X/G

C3 17:50 TB= 5 X/G

TA CB= 11 G


DD15 23:46 G/G


C4 18:47 TB= 6 G/X

TA CB= 11 G


LD1 23:25 G/G

C5 19:14 TB= 7 X/G

TA 07:04 CB= 11 G/X


LD2 22:35 G/G

C6 19:13 TB= 8 G/G

GE CB= 12 X


LD3 21:20 G/X

C7 18:46 TB= 9 G/X

GE 12:54 CB= 12 X/G


LD4 19:45 X/G

C8 18:00 TB= 1 X/G

CN CB= 1 G


LD5 17:54 G/X

C9 16:56 TB= 2 G/X

CN 16:56 CB= 1 G/G


LD6 15:51 X/G

C10 15:40 TB= 3 X/G

LE CB= 2 G


LD7 13:38 G/X

C11 14:15 TB= 4 G/X

LE 19:53 CB= 2 G/G


LD8 11:20 X/X

C12 12:44 TB= 5 X/G

VI CB= 3 G


LD9 09:00 X/G

C13 11:12 TB= 6 G/X

VI 22:25 CB= 3 G/G


LD10 06:40 G/G

C14 09:40 TB= 7 X/G

LI CB= 4 G


LD11 04:26 G/X

C15 08:15 TB= 8 G/G

LI CB= 4 G


LD12 02:20 X/G

C16 06:59 TB= 9 G/X

LI 01:15 CB= 4 G/G


LD13 00:27 G/X

LD14 22:52 X/G

C17 05:57 TB= 1 X/G

SC CB= 5 G


LD15 21:42 G/G


C18 05:15 TB= 2 G/X

SC 05:15 CB= 5 G/X


DD1 21:03 G/G

C19 04:58 TB= 3 X/G

SG CB= 6 X


DD2 20:54 G/G

C20 05:11 TB= 4 G/X

SG 11:20 CB= 6 X/G


DD3 21:19 G/X

C21 05:56 TB= 5 X/G

CP CB= 7 G


DD4 22:19 X/G

C22 07:16 TB= 6 G/X

CP 20:07 CB= 7 G/X


DD5 23:52 G/X

C23 09:09 TB= 7 X/G

AQ CB= 8 X



C24 11:31 TB= 8 G/G

AQ CB= 8 X

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