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Dear Zoran



you<<The name of the 9th house is Dharma. What is dharma and how it comes?

fromwhere, from the future or the past. That is the basis of Vedic




What is dharma? We could translate the Sanskrit word dharma into English as

religion. But in reality dharma is the inherent thing in the soul that make us

or break us.


Dharma is coming from Sanatana Dharma or the eternal occupation of the soul.

And what is that occupation? to render a selfless service to the Supreme Lord.


Dharma then implies our duties and our belief system. Depending on our beliefs

we render our dharma.


The soul reincarnates in a body which can be represented by a horoscope.

According to our intentions, desires and karma, we get a suitable body to

develop our destiny. Each body has a mixture of gunas or modes of nature.

They are satva guna, ruled by Visnu; raja guna, ruled by Brahma; and tama guna

ruled by Shiva.


Satva guna is full of happiness, raya guna is full of passion and tama. Guna is

full of ignorance. When those 3 gunas are mixed we get 3 X 3 = 9 shades of

gunas. And when mixed again we get 9 X 9 = 81 gunas and so forth. But

basically we have 3 main gunas.


Those gunas are mixed in a body but in general we can characterise a body into a

guna, for example a swan is in general in the satvic mode; a crow in the raya

mode and a vulture in the tama mode.


According to the prevailing mode in a body, the soul within becomes bewildered,

intoxicated or identified. Therefore, the energies produced by that body would

be tainted with any of those modes of nature.


In that way even our dharma becomes tainted by the gunas and therefore, our

beliefs, faith, desires, intentions, deeds etc, become a product of those



Although dharma is one, it becomes many according to those gunas.


>From where dharma comes? You did not answer. It comes from God. The past or the

future are linear in Vedic philosophy, unlike Greek-Roman thought which is




<<Including my Jyotish Guru and Paramapara, as well as learned pundits I

talkedto, and my overall experience with Vedic Literature and Jyotish books,

inaddition to practical experience, 9th house is the house of Destiny which isa

result of the past karma, not future one. >>



I believe that destiny is the result of a past karma, but I believe that the 9th

house indicates a future life. The 9th house is the 5th house from the 5th

house, or the future from the past. Therefore, we can say that destiny is the

future from the past, and not the result of our future as you are implying.


Therefore, the future of our future will be our present, a cycle as told by

Vedic philosophy. In other words, the 5th house from the 9th is the 1st house

or our present reincarnation.



<<The point is there in jyotisha classics. Instanteniously, a Jatak Parijat

occured, where the 5th is mentioned as the future life. I am aware that some

authors ascribe the 5th as poorva punya, which I cannot accept as true.>>



Perhaps you do not accept what other authors more advanced than you ascribe, but

your beliefs are tainted by the mode of gunas because you are conditioned by

them as we all are.


I do not say that you are wrong but I do not say either that I am wrong.

However, you are free to believe what it works better for you. My intuition

tells me that the 5th house means purva punya, (purva = previous; punya =

merits), or the house indicating our previous actions, either good or bad, or

in other words, our previous existence.


That belief has worked well for me in the past 26 years.



<<Otherwise,9th house stands for Bhaggya or the luck, and how can one be lucky,

unless some good deeds were performed in the past? So the key point is to think

of the Dharma ..>>



The way that I see it, is that the 5th and the 9th houses are angular houses.

What is in the 9th house is due to the past. In other words, what is in our

future is due to the past.


Bhagya and Dharma are represented by the 9th house but we do not say that they

are in our future. They are in our present reincarnation, but in a modified

way, they will be in our future. Because our present existence is the past of

our future, our bhagya and dharma will be moulded by our present deeds.



<<.I am also aware of the inconsistancy in the books, which is unfortunate

momentsfor all students and learners.>>



Each author writes according to his/her own beliefs, and his/her followers will

be tuned to those beliefs born out of the gunas.


There are 18 Puranas in the Vedic literature. 6 of those are written by those

in the mode of satva, 6 for those in the mode of raya and the other 6 for those

in the mode of tamas.


According to those 3 gunas, people will tune themselves to any of those 18 Purana.


In the beginning of my studies of Vedic astrology, I was confronted with some

doubts. My first teachers, the Indian Mazatecas told me in their mountains to

learn how to cultivate my intuition. Intuition is the most subtle energy that

can help us to follow our dharma. Our modern education fails to teach us how

to exercise our intuition.


After 6 years of studying western astrology, I bought 10 books on Vedic

astrology, and at the beginning of my studies, I saw that I had to chose a

suitable ayanamsa.


My intuition told me to follow Lahiri’s ayanamsa, and since then I have been

happy with it. Then I had to confront which system of houses I should follow,

my intuition again told me to follow the equal house system. My third main

confrontation was which Rahu to follow, the mean or the so-called real?. I

chose the mean Rahu. My 4th main confrontation was which system to follow

regarding the 360 or the 365.25 days in a year. I chose the 365.25 days but I

am quite comfortable to understand the 360 days, as in the case of Brahma’s



Best wishesNatabara Das

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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Natabara,


then implies our duties and our belief system. Depending on

our beliefs we render our dharma.

The soul reincarnates

in a body which can be represented by a horoscope.According

to our intentions, desires and karma, we get a suitable body to develop

our destiny.Each body has a mixture

of gunas or modes of nature.They

are satva guna, ruled by Visnu; raja guna, ruled by Brahma; and tama guna

ruled by Shiva.


As you nicely explained

the Dharma, "our duties and our beleif system" and Guna we brought from

the previous life will determine Dharma. So it is again 9th house


>From where dharma comes?

You did not answer.It comes from

God. The past or the future are linear in Vedic philosophy, unlike Greek-Roman

thought which is linear.


Dharma as Pure notion comes from the God, as you stated, while tainted

with Guna it comes from God's shaktis. It is for that reason that 9th house

rules religious beleives, phylosophy, ideals etc.


I believe that destiny

is the result of a past karma, but I believe that the 9th house

indicates a future life.The 9th

house is the 5th house from the 5th house, or the

future from the past.Therefore,

we can say that destiny is the future from the past, and not the result

of our future as you are implying.



On which bases you gave 5th house as the past. You mentioned nothing,

just used it as counting point.

You admit that 5th is the "FUTURE" from above. In that case, the future

(5th) from Lagna (self) would be the past life? that is absurd..you see..

Who rules the father? Dharma Pitru and Matru Sukha- or Dharma comes

from e Father and Sukha from mother. 9th house is the house of father and

elders, while 5th house is the house of Children. I understand that time

is conceptional matter, but leave it aside at the moment. Who comes

earlier, father or children? Or I will use the argument of yours, and see

what I get: Lagna is the future(5th) from the past life (9th), so the Self

and all about the life of the person is the future from the past life,

which agrees.


Perhaps you do not accept

what other authors more advanced than you ascribe, but your beliefs are

tainted by the mode of gunas because you are conditioned by them as we

all are


This is not my personal

concept. I have also accepted the more advenced than me who stated the

9th for the past.


However, you are free

to believe what it works better for you.My

intuition tells me that the 5th house means purva punya, (purva

= previous; punya = merits), or the house indicating our previous actions,

either good or bad, or in other words, our previous existence.

That belief has worked

well for me in the past 26 years.


I can also use your words," but your beliefs are tainted by the mode

of gunas because you are conditioned by them as we all are" so that intuition

is tainted with gunas, while we are dealing with Jyotish-divine shastra/

My beleif has not only worked during my Jyotish practice which is not little,

but worked throughout the lives of my teacher, his teacher and parampara...

Parampara of Shri Jagannath Vedic centres traices back to Shri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu and Shri Achyuta Das.

So we do not rely on beleif, but on the Paramapara. But again, as I

said so many times. If you are happy with your beleif, that is completely

ok with me.



The way that I see it,

is that the 5th and the 9th houses are angular houses.What

is in the 9th house is due to the past.In

other words, what is in our future is due to the past.

Bhagya and Dharma are

represented by the 9th house but we do not say that they are

in our future.They are in our present

reincarnation, but in a modified way, they will be in our future.Because

our present existence is the past of our future, our bhagya and dharma

will be moulded by our present deeds.


I suppose you wanted to say trinal house, since angular houses are

kendras. 10th house of karma has argala or intervention (see Parashara)

on the 9th. So it is our 10th house of karma which makes Bhagya and Dharma

be PRESENT in our reincarnation depending on the karma."our bhagya and

dharma will be moulded by our present deeds."- this statement of yours

is fully compatible with the concept of Argala. (10th house of karma will

mould (argala) the previous bhagya and dharma), so this is not based on

the 5th house, but on the 9th and argala performed by 10th



Each author writes according

to his/her own beliefs, and his/her followers will be tuned to those beliefs

born out of the gunas.


This is purely irrelevenat, since each teaching(indludding yours) could

be discared on that bases.

Best wishes



Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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