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Death-- the experience

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Hi Vivek,

About what one experiences at the moment of death, one can only surmise

from reading the words of others. I've read that persons undergoing

operations during which the heart stopped for several minutes, reportedly

found themselves "floating" above the body on the operating table, looking

from the vantage point of the ceiling down to see the body being attended to

by doctors and nurses. The experience of being there is of course, without

bodily pain at all. When the soul returns to the body, pain resumes.

I have read that each person has an idea of what his/her heaven is

like....whether it be a garden setting or otherwise...and that for many, this

will be a recognizable setting that the soul reaches at death, so that it may

be comforted by the experience of being unattached from the body.

There are many reports of souls seeing a pinpoint light in the distance,

and the soul willing itself towards that light and finding itself traveling

towards it as if traveling through a dark tunnel to the opening beyond.

I have read of the passage of the soul upwards through various stages of

gloominess populated with discarnate entities, that gradually fall back as

the soul travels upwards towards the light, where the gloom fades away and

clearer colors can be seen.

At the moment of death for a pet cat I once had, which I held in my arms

as she gasped for breath, I "heard" an eerie howling in my mind....it was the

call of wild cats, howling and screeching all together, calling my little

"Pumpkin cat" to them....it was the most amazing thing to hear these calls

that were on an unhearable level except in my own mind's ear. I'd never

thought before that cats existed on other planes, or that they would call

Pumpkin to them....but she lay lifeless in my lap a few moments afterwards,

and I was calmed by having shared with her what I believe she also heard;

she'd been called to her own, by her own, and it was her time.

I had a nurse or nanny when I grew up, a spinster lady from Austria. We

called her Miss Tunner all her life. Back in 1980 she came to see me and I

snapped a photo of her holding my baby boy in the same pose as I have a

picture of her holding me as a baby. In 1982, Miss Tunner wrote me a letter

saying she was going back to Austria "for good". She had a tumor in her head

and was going to go back to live with her sister and nephew until the end

came; she wouldn't be returning to America any more. I wrote her back and

expressed my gratitude and love for her having been in my life, and asked her

a special favor. If it is true that the soul survives after death, could she

do me a favor and somehow communicate to me when she passed on, that she was

all right? She wrote back to me that she would do that. Typically, she

enclosed a feather of her nephew's parakeet, deep aqua blue. She always used

to put stickers of realistic birds and flowers on her letters, or send a tiny

seashell, 4-leaf clover, or other memento of nature's beauty.

Her sister Poldi wrote me a black-edged note not long afterwards,

saying that Elizabeth Tunner had succumbed on Good Friday, and had always

been fond of my family. I wrote Poldi my condolences and love of her sister

and then waited. A month passed, and then one afternoon my 5-year old son

demanded to have all of his $50.00 birthday money that relatives had sent to

him in cards. I gave it to him telling him that he needed to save it. But

he had different ideas. Getting on his bicycle, he declared he was going to

go to the pet shop a block from our house and he was going to buy a snake! I

had a sleeping baby at home and could not dissuade him from leaving. "It's my

money and I can do what I want! I want a snake and I'm going to get one!" he

told me and rode off.

I was upset at myself for having given him his birthday money. We

certainly did not need a snake in or near our house! What was I going to do,

how to resolve this when he returned with a snake!

My son returned after awhile, with a box on the back of his bike, and a

cage in his hand. I didn't know what to expect. "This is for you, Mommy,"

he said. I looked at the cage--it was a bird cage, not a reptile aquarium.

Okay so far.... Then I asked him what was in the box. "It's for you, I

bought it all myself!" I peeked in the box--it was a parakeet! I brought

the bird and cage into the house and put the bird in it. My son had gotten

seed and gravel and everything for this little bird. Then I looked closely

at the parakeet and saw something that amazed me. Its color was deep aqua

blue, the same rare color that Miss Tunner's feather was. I became aware

she'd somehow turned my son's mind from getting a snake for himself...I was

incredulous and yet thankful at the same time...."Thank you, Miss Tunner! I

know you are all right now!" I went back to the pet shop that afternoon and

looked in the cage of parakeets they had...all different colors....none like

the one we now had. I went back home and asked my son, "What made you buy a

bird for me instead of a snake for you?I just wanted to, Mommy.Well,

you wanted to get a snake and I was pretty sure you were going to do that!

When did you change your mind?" "Well I got in the door and started to walk

towards the snakes, but I saw the birds and I just thought I wanted to get

one of them." "But you didn't get it for yourself!" "I just thought I

wanted to get it for you, Mommy." "How did you decide which one to pick

out?" "I picked out the prettiest one, that's all."

I have no doubt that my usually stubborn son's change of heart was

caused by Miss Tunner somehow, and that she is doing fine in heaven!

Love to all,


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Based on my understanding of samadhi and the rishis

who were able to leave the body at will, I believe the

experience of death is simply: not breathing.


In my opinion, the ancient rishis were able to

circumvent the automatic mechanism in the body which

prevents an individual from not breathing. I believe

they were able to do this through the mantras they

use. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras describe the technology

for developing various siddhis, including the feat of

intentionally leaving the body.




John R.







--- vivek <keviv90 wrote:

> hi everyone,a lot has been said about karma,past

> life,future life,etc.what about death itself?I am

> referring to the experience of dying.what does the

> soul experience during the process of leaving the

> body? Even in our present life,we experience

> different states--- awakenness,deep sleep,dreaming

> etc.between awakenness and sleep,there is an exact

> point of time,a fraction of a second,when you shift

> from one state to another. similarly,whatever the

> manner of death,with suffering or not,there must be

> an exact point of time when you shift to a different

> state of existence.what do you experience after

> that?------- I am not referring to

> reincarnation,liberation,etc but to the process of

> leaving the body.what exactly does one feel? What

> do the vedic scriptures have to say? can someone

> throw light on the subject? Regards,vivek.



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Dear Vivek


You might a book by Danion Brinkley (I cannot recall its title) wherein he goes

to great detail to describe his death before he was revived. What was so

unusual about Danion is he had no religiouns or spiritula inclinations. He was

struck by lightning while talking on the telephone and if memory serves mehe was

listed as ded for over 50 minutes. That sound impossible as I type it, but that

is what I remember.


The death was documented, the results on his life would change him forever. He

died again several years later this time after finding a sense of peace and

purpose in his life.


He has dedicated the past 10 years or so to educating others in the process of

death. He goes to nursing homes and hospise facilities to talk to people so

that they will not be afraid.


I read the book at least 8 years ago. I've also met him and found him to be

very believeable. You might call him a bodhisatva (sp?)


I do not recall anything about the last thought being meaningful in the process.

It might simply be the last thought the brain clings to during the process.


I highly recommend his book and I'm sure you can still find it. There was also

a movie made about his life but as you can imagine it was not as powerful as

his book.





Saturday, July 20, 2002 2:47 AM

[GJ] Death-- the experience

hi everyone,a lot has been said about karma,past life,future life,etc.what about

death itself?I am referring to the experience of dying.what does the soul

experience during the process of leaving the body? Even in our present

life,we experience different states--- awakenness,deep sleep,dreaming

etc.between awakenness and sleep,there is an exact point of time,a fraction of

a second,when you shift from one state to another. similarly,whatever the

manner of death,with suffering or not,there must be an exact point of time when

you shift to a different state of existence.what do you experience after

that?------- I am not referring to reincarnation,liberation,etc but to the

process of leaving the body.what exactly does one feel? What do the vedic

scriptures have to say? can someone throw light on the subject?


Sell you car, by placing a classified ad on India Autos . It's Free!!

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an

email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

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