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the act of dying..

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Vivek said:


"hi everyone,a lot has been said about karma,past life,future life,etc.what

about death itself?I am referring to the experience of dying.what does the

soul experience during the process of leaving the body?"






Well, being in the middle of my reading of the 8th Chapter of the Gita, I

can say that Krishna said that we become whatever our last thought is--or

else attain it. So the idea is, think holy thoughts as you die, to land in a

good place.


It would be my luck to flash on Ho Ho the Clown and Pokey the Puppet (local

characters from akid's show here in my childhood.) I'll end up reincarnated

as a sock puppet acting out scenes with Jombie The Genie or thr Del Rubio

Triplets on the re-incarnated version of Pee Wee's Playhouse. Sounds like a

happy life, anyway.


Seriously, there's that lovely prayer to Shiva asking that death be as easy

as a ripe cucumber snapping of it's vine.


We really don't know until it happens.


Best Wishes,



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It would be my luck to flash on Ho Ho the Clown and Pokey the Puppet (local

characters from akid's show here in my childhood.) I'll end up reincarnated

as a sock puppet acting out scenes with Jombie The Genie or thr Del Rubio

Triplets on the re-incarnated version of Pee Wee's Playhouse. Sounds like a

happy life, anyway.

Too cute! I had a near death experience with my last c-section (my son's birth)

in January of 1989. I don't know about the 'last thought' as my last thoughts

were fear as I don't react to anesthesia very well so I went under wondering

what the heck was going to happen this time as at that time I had two other

c-sections that did not turn out well.

When I went under, I knew instantly that I was again having a reaction because

the anesthesia doesn't mix right...I'm there paralyzed while they are cutting

into me and can feel it but can't 'move' or let 'them' know that I'm awake but

frozen. Then a heavy weight was on my chest and I thought...this is it...I'm

not going to make it this time because it feels like you can't breath and it's

painful. I went 'out' but each time I go out I'm on the 'ice'...skating

towards a huge bank of puffy clouds. It was nighttime and snow all around the

pond that I was skating on. There was a light behind those clouds that was

glowing as the clouds moved down and towards me. The voice behind the clouds

came booming out and told me to turn around and go back...it wasn't my time

yet. I ignored it and kept going <GGG>...yeah right...paradise is near and you

want me to go back? So whoever that voice was told me to turn around and

finally spun me around and pushed me back as I still had things to finish down

here on Earth (is what He said). My reaction was to say 'awwwwwww...come

ON...give me a break!' and 'he' laughed and said I always did argue with Him

and he missed it <G>. So it was a pleasant familiar experience to me at least.

I just knew that beyond those clouds was where I wanted to be:o) So the next

memory was waking up in recovery and 'knowing' I was back.


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I think....


that there are different experiences, each unique, like everything else...


each of us will experience it our way, but some things are the same


i have watched things die, we know alot about this process physically


i have thought alot about the actual conscious experience, and i have

made quite some hours of experiments in controlled consciousness for the

sake of exiting and looking at the body


i have had clearly lucid dreams, full color, full motion, full fealing,

full awareness, awareness of awareness, awareness that I was in a dream

but I was awake in the dream, very...


so I am quite of the perception that consciousness without body is quite

possible, and therefore, I think depending on your capabilities, which

are equal to your karma, you will thus experience...


sometimes when I feel faint of a heart blurp ya know...


I try to imagine the vishnu duttas or like appearing in front of me, as

I painfully exit the body...


I do think it is quite painful at times


once I had a dream, where I was repeatedly being pulled from my body by

some force, which seemed to be malefic, and personal, but I couldn't see

it... it just happened over and over again... this INTENSE feeling

while I lay in bed from a sinus infection... I took two conflicting

medications unknowingly, and boy, did I experience hell


it felt like I was being pulled up out of my body by my arm... i would

be laying on my side, and then I would be pulled up ferocieously by some

force way too strong... it was grabbing my bicep, upper arm, and just

lifting my like a kitten til nearly standing then dropping me back into

my body over and over.


i could feel my body, then myself, the sentient bodily feeling of arms,

chest, head, etc., all being ripped separate from physical body into a

second subtle body exactly matching it but like with no skin, it hurt to

be ripped into the air like that, like "where are you taking me" and

"what is going on" were really clear thoughts... I did not feel in

control... that's what makes a real death experience, you must totally

loose control, when you do, you know it, this cannot be bought, paid

for, forced, coerced, or faked... it is the most horrifying thing... no

control at all, none at all, no reality, no whim, no say... nothing...


the fact that some people die "peacefully" is a complete illusion...



I have had nightmares laying perfectly still and barely breathing with

others in the room unaware of my horror


consciousness is capable of many things, so it's important to spend time

getting as much control over ours while embodied, or at least more or

less have an escape plan, you know, a plan for when you feel, uh oh,

here it is, some prayer or last thought or something... like "here goes"






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Dear All

This is not meant to upset anyone or to propose a belief system. That

caveat said I would like to share an experience because it was far more than

a dream.


Some years ago I had a client who committed suicide. I had referred him to

a therapist to whom he had been going regularly. Then, shortly before the

act, I saw him at a public event. I was doing little sessions and he came

for one. I tried to reassure him, but time was short and well, I frankly

was frustrated with him he had so much in so many areas, why could he not

see it!


Several weeks later I heard he had killed himself. I heard not details but

I went into a dark state wondering why I had been so frustrated. Why had I

not made certain he was seeing a shrink. Why did I not know the signs of

his break down.


I struggled with this for at least 10 days. One morning I was in the

in-between-state. The "dream" had him walk into a room where I stood. He

took me by the hand and we sat together on a settee. He was holding a

revolver and he had a gunshot wound on the side of his head. He showed me

where to place it on the side of my head and I pulled the trigger. Soon I

felt the greatest sense of ecstasy that great sex can only mimic. I felt

all of my energy spilling out into a great stream and then sea of life. It

was fantastic!


He sat there smiling and said "so you can know." I looked around and saw

many other with similar wounds and realized that there is a group who come

into this life with this as the end. It isn't that they have so little, it

is that they know where they are going and can only linger with us so long.


I have no desire nor do I feel seduced to end my life so spare the lectures

on karma, I'm simply sharing the experience that I was given so you can know



Oh, a couple of years later a bumped into another astrologer who told the

story of a male client who came in and whose signs she read clearly. She

called and made him an apt. with a psychiatrist. He went, was evaluated and

agreed to go in for residential treatment. He took his dog to the vet to be

boarded then went home and took his life. It was the same man.



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Dear Cynthia,

That's a fascinating message that you were given, and provides much ffod

for thought. I know that babies spontaneously leave the body sometimes, and

that it has been said "they chose to be with God rather than remain on

earth." But I've also read what you refer to as the inadvisabilioty of

anyone ending his/her life before God chooses to do so....I find a glimmer of

hope in your story, but I'm unsure if it's anything other than the man's

spirit telling you he gladly escaped traumas the shortcut way without dealing

with them so that progress could be made (however slight during this

lifetime), while he was on earth.

Thanks again for a really curious story!

Best wishes,


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Can you post the guy's birth details? We're wondering

if Saturn or Rahu contributed to his death.




John R.





--- cynthia novak <c.a.novak wrote:

> Dear All

> This is not meant to upset anyone or to propose a

> belief system. That

> caveat said I would like to share an experience

> because it was far more than

> a dream.


> Some years ago I had a client who committed suicide.

> I had referred him to

> a therapist to whom he had been going regularly.

> Then, shortly before the

> act, I saw him at a public event. I was doing

> little sessions and he came

> for one. I tried to reassure him, but time was

> short and well, I frankly

> was frustrated with him he had so much in so many

> areas, why could he not

> see it!


> Several weeks later I heard he had killed himself.

> I heard not details but

> I went into a dark state wondering why I had been so

> frustrated. Why had I

> not made certain he was seeing a shrink. Why did I

> not know the signs of

> his break down.


> I struggled with this for at least 10 days. One

> morning I was in the

> in-between-state. The "dream" had him walk into a

> room where I stood. He

> took me by the hand and we sat together on a settee.

> He was holding a

> revolver and he had a gunshot wound on the side of

> his head. He showed me

> where to place it on the side of my head and I

> pulled the trigger. Soon I

> felt the greatest sense of ecstasy that great sex

> can only mimic. I felt

> all of my energy spilling out into a great stream

> and then sea of life. It

> was fantastic!


> He sat there smiling and said "so you can know." I

> looked around and saw

> many other with similar wounds and realized that

> there is a group who come

> into this life with this as the end. It isn't that

> they have so little, it

> is that they know where they are going and can only

> linger with us so long.


> I have no desire nor do I feel seduced to end my

> life so spare the lectures

> on karma, I'm simply sharing the experience that I

> was given so you can know

> too.


> Oh, a couple of years later a bumped into another

> astrologer who told the

> story of a male client who came in and whose signs

> she read clearly. She

> called and made him an apt. with a psychiatrist. He

> went, was evaluated and

> agreed to go in for residential treatment. He took

> his dog to the vet to be

> boarded then went home and took his life. It was the

> same man.


> cynthia


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> :

> gjlist-




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Subject #3 woman 2-23-1965 9:25am Fort Belvoir (MD?)

Note: Fort Belvoir is in Virginia. It's an Army base, less than an hour's drive

south of Washington, D.C.

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In different moods I might see it as heinously self centered. I can tell

you that the woman who was a long-time partner to the physician who took his

life had a similar experience where he returned and told her he was fine.

I agree with Cynthia that suicide may actually be a 'path' that some souls

choose to take prior to getting here. If we are to experience the height and

depth and width of the entire human experience in order to learn all facets of

being, living, feeling...then would it not be logical that we would incarnate

in a multitude of races, both sexes, in various countries and in ALL kinds of

experiences? Even if one's life is dependent on one's karma from previous

times....if one is harsh in judgement about another committing suicide...would

that not set up a *time* where one may be driven to suicide in order to learn

compassion as to what corners a person into that act? If one is a nazi and

murders coldbloodedly....or one is the person that flips the switch on

Hiroshima then could that not set you up to *be* in a crisis situation like

that or similar in order to learn what it feels like to not only be on the

'sending' level but also the 'receiving' level? Edgar Cayce said something to

the effect that we 'meet self' with all that we do and experience. We 'meet

self' from prior decisions and acts in other times and places. So if we

condemn a suicidal person...then we must experience what that person felt in

order to be tolerant possibly down the road. Or at least some facet of that

experience such as a relative who loves that person dearly and *understands*

why the person chose to kill themselves and therefore broadens their

compassionate nature (or a counselor, doctor....professional who encounters

desperate people in desperate situations).

And who knows....a group may have endured the bomb in Hiroshima but they may

also (like the WTC) have chosen to sacrifice themselves to teach others about

the horrors of nuclear war OR could have mass slaughtered others at some other

time in history OR may have been completely innocent...who knows. One has to

allow for any possibility. What's the saying? Pride cometh before the fall?

Japan was extremely prideful just like the Nazi's were....they would not listen

to our warnings and would have slaughtered us in as cruel a way as they did many

in the South Pacific theater that my grandfather (a doctor in the Navy) saw upon

rescue missions and instead of rescuing anyone...got to see our men cut up and

tortured...their genitals stuffed in their mouths as they died. So maybe the

'fall' occurred to some prideful groups such as the Japanese if you get my


OH and if you aren't fully educated on history yet in terms of WWII...right

about the time we dropped the bomb, Japan had just about perfected chemical and

biological warfare and had shared that info with Germany. We were in a race

against time so if we had NOT forced Japan into surrender...we may have faced a

much worse scenario for a larger group of people elsewhere.


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Sure, I also have the data for an ayurvedic physician who took his life too.

As I recall, his transits were more obvious, but his dear friend told me he

also struggled to stay here and that suicide was a long-time seduction for




Subject #1 Man 2-13 1951 7:56pm Dallas TX (I believed he died in

November 7 years ago, but it might have been 8)



Subject #2 Man 1-22-1932 7:15am Oklahoma City OK If memory serves me

he died in the spring 1999


Subject #3 woman 2-23-1965 9:25am Fort Belvoir (MD?) EST She is still

living and in a nice relationship, she told me that she had first wanted to

take her life when she was 13. She has a lot of serious health problems with

muscles and connective tissue. I believe her relationship really helped

keep her here.




"John Rasonabe" <jr_esq


Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:32 AM

Re: [GJ] the act of dying..



> Cynthia,


> Can you post the guy's birth details? We're wondering

> if Saturn or Rahu contributed to his death.


> Regards,


> John R.





> --- cynthia novak <c.a.novak wrote:

> > Dear All

> > This is not meant to upset anyone or to propose a

> > belief system. That

> > caveat said I would like to share an experience

> > because it was far more than

> > a dream.

> >

> > Some years ago I had a client who committed suicide.

> > I had referred him to

> > a therapist to whom he had been going regularly.

> > Then, shortly before the

> > act, I saw him at a public event. I was doing

> > little sessions and he came

> > for one. I tried to reassure him, but time was

> > short and well, I frankly

> > was frustrated with him he had so much in so many

> > areas, why could he not

> > see it!

> >

> > Several weeks later I heard he had killed himself.

> > I heard not details but

> > I went into a dark state wondering why I had been so

> > frustrated. Why had I

> > not made certain he was seeing a shrink. Why did I

> > not know the signs of

> > his break down.

> >

> > I struggled with this for at least 10 days. One

> > morning I was in the

> > in-between-state. The "dream" had him walk into a

> > room where I stood. He

> > took me by the hand and we sat together on a settee.

> > He was holding a

> > revolver and he had a gunshot wound on the side of

> > his head. He showed me

> > where to place it on the side of my head and I

> > pulled the trigger. Soon I

> > felt the greatest sense of ecstasy that great sex

> > can only mimic. I felt

> > all of my energy spilling out into a great stream

> > and then sea of life. It

> > was fantastic!

> >

> > He sat there smiling and said "so you can know." I

> > looked around and saw

> > many other with similar wounds and realized that

> > there is a group who come

> > into this life with this as the end. It isn't that

> > they have so little, it

> > is that they know where they are going and can only

> > linger with us so long.

> >

> > I have no desire nor do I feel seduced to end my

> > life so spare the lectures

> > on karma, I'm simply sharing the experience that I

> > was given so you can know

> > too.

> >

> > Oh, a couple of years later a bumped into another

> > astrologer who told the

> > story of a male client who came in and whose signs

> > she read clearly. She

> > called and made him an apt. with a psychiatrist. He

> > went, was evaluated and

> > agreed to go in for residential treatment. He took

> > his dog to the vet to be

> > boarded then went home and took his life. It was the

> > same man.

> >

> > cynthia

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> > Sat

> > :

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >





> Health - Feel better, live better

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> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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Dear Carol


I can't say for certain. I cans ay that I came out of that heighten

awareness with a sense of peace that there are those souls whose journey it

is to stay as long as they can. Theirs may be the great gift to others to

learn from the experience.


In different moods I might see it as heinously self centered. I can tell

you that the woman who was a long-time partner to the physician who took his

life had a similar experience where he returned and told her he was fine.

She did not have the awareness that he was part of a soul group. She was

very certain that he was not confused or struggling with his decision on the

other side.


I know it is not my path.






Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:59 AM

Re: [GJ] the act of dying..



> Dear Cynthia,

> That's a fascinating message that you were given, and provides much


> for thought. I know that babies spontaneously leave the body sometimes,


> that it has been said "they chose to be with God rather than remain on

> earth." But I've also read what you refer to as the inadvisabilioty of

> anyone ending his/her life before God chooses to do so....I find a glimmer


> hope in your story, but I'm unsure if it's anything other than the man's

> spirit telling you he gladly escaped traumas the shortcut way without


> with them so that progress could be made (however slight during this

> lifetime), while he was on earth.

> Thanks again for a really curious story!

> Best wishes,

> Carol




> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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Thanks Carol


I don't know why my chart file had the city but not the state. I hoped someone

out there would know.





Carolhook (AT) aol (DOT) com


Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:41 PM

Re: [GJ] the act of dying..

In a message dated 7/23/2002 10:40:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, c.a.novak (AT) worldnet (DOT) att.net writes:

Subject #3 woman 2-23-1965 9:25am Fort Belvoir (MD?) Note: Fort Belvoir is in

Virginia. It's an Army base, less than an hour's drive south of Washington, D.C.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat SatTo , send an

email to: gjlist-http://www.goravani.comYour use of

is subject to the

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if one is harsh in judgement about another committing suicide...would that not

set up a *time* where one may be driven to suicide in order to learn compassion


Dear Renee,

Very thoughtful comments, many thanks, Renee. It's possible the individual

in Cynthia's story was learning this lesson of compassion, and so would attempt

to communicate that he had met his need to understand the dynamics of that

painful event.

Having learned compassion, he would want to give an uplifting message to

those who were newly distressed by his action; to calm them, he would offer the

only answer that would console his survivors: he is now released (because he

knows what it is like to despair) from his former disinterest in others' pain,

and is joyful that his life lesson is learned.



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Regarding the guy from Dallas, I'm noting some

classical jyotish principles that may have contributed

to his demise.


1. From his ascendant, many of the planets are

located in tamasic (destructive) houses.


2. Mercury is located in the 6th house which could

contribute to depression and thoughts of

self-destruction, since Mercury is a significator of

the mind, in addition to the Moon.


3. He died in Jupiter's mahadasha, which is the lord

of the 8th.


4. Also, there are several planets in his 64th

navamsa, which include Venus, Rahu, and Mars.


5. The Moon could be considered in Kemadruma yoga.

Apparently, the planets in kendra to the Moon did not

cancel the kemadruma status.




John R.






--- cynthia novak <c.a.novak wrote:

> Sure, I also have the data for an ayurvedic

> physician who took his life too.

> As I recall, his transits were more obvious, but his

> dear friend told me he

> also struggled to stay here and that suicide was a

> long-time seduction for

> him.



> Subject #1 Man 2-13 1951 7:56pm Dallas TX (I

> believed he died in

> November 7 years ago, but it might have been 8)



> Subject #2 Man 1-22-1932 7:15am Oklahoma City

> OK If memory serves me

> he died in the spring 1999


> Subject #3 woman 2-23-1965 9:25am Fort Belvoir

> (MD?) EST She is still

> living and in a nice relationship, she told me that

> she had first wanted to

> take her life when she was 13. She has a lot of

> serious health problems with

> muscles and connective tissue. I believe her

> relationship really helped

> keep her here.


> c

> -

> "John Rasonabe" <jr_esq

> <gjlist>

> Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:32 AM

> Re: [GJ] the act of dying..



> > Cynthia,

> >

> > Can you post the guy's birth details? We're

> wondering

> > if Saturn or Rahu contributed to his death.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > John R.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- cynthia novak <c.a.novak

> wrote:

> > > Dear All

> > > This is not meant to upset anyone or to propose

> a

> > > belief system. That

> > > caveat said I would like to share an experience

> > > because it was far more than

> > > a dream.

> > >

> > > Some years ago I had a client who committed

> suicide.

> > > I had referred him to

> > > a therapist to whom he had been going regularly.

> > > Then, shortly before the

> > > act, I saw him at a public event. I was doing

> > > little sessions and he came

> > > for one. I tried to reassure him, but time was

> > > short and well, I frankly

> > > was frustrated with him he had so much in so

> many

> > > areas, why could he not

> > > see it!

> > >

> > > Several weeks later I heard he had killed

> himself.

> > > I heard not details but

> > > I went into a dark state wondering why I had

> been so

> > > frustrated. Why had I

> > > not made certain he was seeing a shrink. Why

> did I

> > > not know the signs of

> > > his break down.

> > >

> > > I struggled with this for at least 10 days. One

> > > morning I was in the

> > > in-between-state. The "dream" had him walk into

> a

> > > room where I stood. He

> > > took me by the hand and we sat together on a

> settee.

> > > He was holding a

> > > revolver and he had a gunshot wound on the side

> of

> > > his head. He showed me

> > > where to place it on the side of my head and I

> > > pulled the trigger. Soon I

> > > felt the greatest sense of ecstasy that great

> sex

> > > can only mimic. I felt

> > > all of my energy spilling out into a great

> stream

> > > and then sea of life. It

> > > was fantastic!

> > >

> > > He sat there smiling and said "so you can know."

> I

> > > looked around and saw

> > > many other with similar wounds and realized that

> > > there is a group who come

> > > into this life with this as the end. It isn't

> that

> > > they have so little, it

> > > is that they know where they are going and can

> only

> > > linger with us so long.

> > >

> > > I have no desire nor do I feel seduced to end my

> > > life so spare the lectures

> > > on karma, I'm simply sharing the experience that

> I

> > > was given so you can know

> > > too.

> > >

> > > Oh, a couple of years later a bumped into

> another

> > > astrologer who told the

> > > story of a male client who came in and whose

> signs

> > > she read clearly. She

> > > called and made him an apt. with a psychiatrist.

> He

> > > went, was evaluated and

> > > agreed to go in for residential treatment. He

> took

> > > his dog to the vet to be

> > > boarded then went home and took his life. It was

> the

> > > same man.

> > >

> > > cynthia

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om

> Tat

> > > Sat

> > > :

> > > gjlist-

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject to

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Health - Feel better, live better

> > http://health.

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> > :

> gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >






> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> :

> gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to








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Dear John and Cynthia

You might like to note also that 4 of the planets are in Purvabhadrapada a

nakshatra symbolised by the funeral cot and having notoions of suffering

without reaching a philosophical understanding .I have seen this nakshatra

influential in many lives of persons who have a dark side .

Kind regards



"John Rasonabe" <jr_esq


Saturday, July 27, 2002 9:25 AM

Re: [GJ] the act of dying..



> Cynthia,


> Regarding the guy from Dallas, I'm noting some

> classical jyotish principles that may have contributed

> to his demise.


> 1. From his ascendant, many of the planets are

> located in tamasic (destructive) houses.


> 2. Mercury is located in the 6th house which could

> contribute to depression and thoughts of

> self-destruction, since Mercury is a significator of

> the mind, in addition to the Moon.


> 3. He died in Jupiter's mahadasha, which is the lord

> of the 8th.


> 4. Also, there are several planets in his 64th

> navamsa, which include Venus, Rahu, and Mars.


> 5. The Moon could be considered in Kemadruma yoga.

> Apparently, the planets in kendra to the Moon did not

> cancel the kemadruma status.


> Regards,


> John R.






> --- cynthia novak <c.a.novak wrote:

> > Sure, I also have the data for an ayurvedic

> > physician who took his life too.

> > As I recall, his transits were more obvious, but his

> > dear friend told me he

> > also struggled to stay here and that suicide was a

> > long-time seduction for

> > him.

> >

> >

> > Subject #1 Man 2-13 1951 7:56pm Dallas TX (I

> > believed he died in

> > November 7 years ago, but it might have been 8)

> >

> >

> > Subject #2 Man 1-22-1932 7:15am Oklahoma City

> > OK If memory serves me

> > he died in the spring 1999

> >

> > Subject #3 woman 2-23-1965 9:25am Fort Belvoir

> > (MD?) EST She is still

> > living and in a nice relationship, she told me that

> > she had first wanted to

> > take her life when she was 13. She has a lot of

> > serious health problems with

> > muscles and connective tissue. I believe her

> > relationship really helped

> > keep her here.

> >

> > c

> > -

> > "John Rasonabe" <jr_esq

> > <gjlist>

> > Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:32 AM

> > Re: [GJ] the act of dying..

> >

> >

> > > Cynthia,

> > >

> > > Can you post the guy's birth details? We're

> > wondering

> > > if Saturn or Rahu contributed to his death.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > John R.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- cynthia novak <c.a.novak

> > wrote:

> > > > Dear All

> > > > This is not meant to upset anyone or to propose

> > a

> > > > belief system. That

> > > > caveat said I would like to share an experience

> > > > because it was far more than

> > > > a dream.

> > > >

> > > > Some years ago I had a client who committed

> > suicide.

> > > > I had referred him to

> > > > a therapist to whom he had been going regularly.

> > > > Then, shortly before the

> > > > act, I saw him at a public event. I was doing

> > > > little sessions and he came

> > > > for one. I tried to reassure him, but time was

> > > > short and well, I frankly

> > > > was frustrated with him he had so much in so

> > many

> > > > areas, why could he not

> > > > see it!

> > > >

> > > > Several weeks later I heard he had killed

> > himself.

> > > > I heard not details but

> > > > I went into a dark state wondering why I had

> > been so

> > > > frustrated. Why had I

> > > > not made certain he was seeing a shrink. Why

> > did I

> > > > not know the signs of

> > > > his break down.

> > > >

> > > > I struggled with this for at least 10 days. One

> > > > morning I was in the

> > > > in-between-state. The "dream" had him walk into

> > a

> > > > room where I stood. He

> > > > took me by the hand and we sat together on a

> > settee.

> > > > He was holding a

> > > > revolver and he had a gunshot wound on the side

> > of

> > > > his head. He showed me

> > > > where to place it on the side of my head and I

> > > > pulled the trigger. Soon I

> > > > felt the greatest sense of ecstasy that great

> > sex

> > > > can only mimic. I felt

> > > > all of my energy spilling out into a great

> > stream

> > > > and then sea of life. It

> > > > was fantastic!

> > > >

> > > > He sat there smiling and said "so you can know."

> > I

> > > > looked around and saw

> > > > many other with similar wounds and realized that

> > > > there is a group who come

> > > > into this life with this as the end. It isn't

> > that

> > > > they have so little, it

> > > > is that they know where they are going and can

> > only

> > > > linger with us so long.

> > > >

> > > > I have no desire nor do I feel seduced to end my

> > > > life so spare the lectures

> > > > on karma, I'm simply sharing the experience that

> > I

> > > > was given so you can know

> > > > too.

> > > >

> > > > Oh, a couple of years later a bumped into

> > another

> > > > astrologer who told the

> > > > story of a male client who came in and whose

> > signs

> > > > she read clearly. She

> > > > called and made him an apt. with a psychiatrist.

> > He

> > > > went, was evaluated and

> > > > agreed to go in for residential treatment. He

> > took

> > > > his dog to the vet to be

> > > > boarded then went home and took his life. It was

> > the

> > > > same man.

> > > >

> > > > cynthia

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om

> > Tat

> > > > Sat

> > > > :

> > > > gjlist-

> > > >

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> > > >

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> > > >

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> > > Health - Feel better, live better

> > > http://health.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> > Sat

> > > :

> > gjlist-

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject to

> >

> > >

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> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> > Sat

> > :

> > gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >





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> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

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