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Celts and the Caribbean

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Hi, Renee,


The black cat thing: It also wouldn't surprize me if the people

dealing with the sacrifice here--or maiming & torture of black

cats on Halloween are just garden variety sociopaths & sadists.

And wanna be Satanists. Who knows. I don't think they're gonna

come clean on the subject very often.


Clarification, here, needed?

I'm beginning to wonder if I mistyped something. Yeah, I've seen

the references to the Irish and African slave intermingling.

Nothing about the intermingling of Santeria and Irish faiths as a

result however. Just the black folks speaking Gaelic.


Yes, it's well-known that the South Americans and the Africans

do "mix it up" I've seen flims on the Brazilians Catholic rites and

also I've seen photos and film of the Africans doing tribal

ceremonies and then going straight into some sort of Islamic

worship--African style. Ben--the second kid's progenitor--used to

have this really cool painted carved wooden box, with a carved

horse's head, and a tail at the back. It was a representation of

Mohammed's horse, who took him up toheaven. No pictures of

Mohammed allowed, but I guess his horse being represented is

kosher--excuse the pun--should I have said halal?-- And a

performer would wear it and the rest of his costume and dance

around in it for some ceremony--I've seen photos of others of

these West African tribals doing this--not the same box--but still

made the same way, still Mohammed's horse. Clearly a tribal

dance that had been turned into an Islamic celebration.


Actually that box was so cool, I wish I'd had a loose $5Gs for it.

Lots of other things to do before buying a horse-box

however...The horse's name is Lightening, in Arabic. For some

reason I think that's really funny, becasue so many horses here

have that name..


My altar is extremely crowded too. I empathize with you. A

coconut as Ganesh, Matsyavatara, Saraswati, Hanuman and a

picture of Hanuman from the Taos Shrine, Parvati and Ganesh

picture and a one of Baby Jesus and the Virgin Mary given to me

by a Bangladeshi Christian friend on the rim of the Hanuman

painting along with a booklet on the Haidakhan Babaji..Ghee

lamps, incense, fruit, yantras...A porcelin handpainted Durga is

around my neck. (All I left out was a partridge in a pear tree.) I

have trouble understanding the uh, vociferiousness against

Christianity by it's apostates for the most part. I missed most of

the negativity, since my family was pretty rotten about going to

mass, and I didn't go to Catholic school..But I am quite offended

by anyone saying their religious gig is the only-est or the

best-est. I usually call myself an Equal Opportunity Prayer..


Best Wishes,



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