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What a religion!

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Hi everyone,

I read recently that a man was sentenced to death in

Pakistan for saying something against the koran and

the prophet.Every year,hundreds of people are executed

under Pakistan's blasphemy laws.The same is true of

other Islamic countries as well.

Under Islamic laws,if you say even one word which goes

against the koran or the prophet's teachings,you get

the death penalty.Besides,if any four muslim men

testify that you committed blasphemy,it is deemed to

be true,even if you deny it.In Pakistan,this law is

freely used as a means of revenge and blackmail.

What a religion Islam is!!

By the way,astrology is strictly prohibited in Islam

as only Allah knows the past,present and future.to say

that you know the future is blasphemy.By Islamic laws,

we are all liable for the death penalty.

In Islam,so many things are blasphemy,that you wonder

if you can do anything at all.







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Dear Vivek


Even though I do not know much about Islam but I tend to think that it is

the mis-interpretation of the Religion Islam. I just do not beleive that

'The Holy Quran' says what people are doing . SOME people are only bending

the religion for their convenience.


I understand Islam and Christianity are inter related. For that matter all

religions are inter related. In fact the word Re-ligion meand 'To relaize'

that 'You are God' yourself. You are one with the God, 'Aham Brahma Asmi'.

I trust and beleive that all religions have 'Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema

and Ahimsa' say. 'Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-Violence' as the

roots of the religion. As soon one deviates from these values, one ceases

to follow ANY RELIGION.




Ravinder Grover



vivek <keviv90


Wednesday, July 31, 2002 5:26 PM

[GJ] What a religion!



> Hi everyone,

> I read recently that a man was sentenced to death in

> Pakistan for saying something against the koran and

> the prophet.Every year,hundreds of people are executed

> under Pakistan's blasphemy laws.The same is true of

> other Islamic countries as well.

> Under Islamic laws,if you say even one word which goes

> against the koran or the prophet's teachings,you get

> the death penalty.Besides,if any four muslim men

> testify that you committed blasphemy,it is deemed to

> be true,even if you deny it.In Pakistan,this law is

> freely used as a means of revenge and blackmail.

> What a religion Islam is!!

> By the way,astrology is strictly prohibited in Islam

> as only Allah knows the past,present and future.to say

> that you know the future is blasphemy.By Islamic laws,

> we are all liable for the death penalty.

> In Islam,so many things are blasphemy,that you wonder

> if you can do anything at all.


> Yours,

> vivek.



> ______________________

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> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




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Dear Vivek,

Each person and each group will do according to his/its own

understanding...there is room in this world for those of fundamentalist belief,

since life is dynamic rather than static; there is room for growth in love and

tolerance by the Muslims and by the rest of the world as well. That is the

lesson all are to learn!

Love, Carol

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Dear Ravinder,

I do not know much about Islam either.Perhaps as you

say,what is happening is a misrepresentation and

misuse of the real Islam.But it is also true that the

blasphemy law that I mentioned,is followed in all

Islamic countries.

I am not against any religion.Every person has his or

her religious belief and following according to the

person's karma.(maybe my post was a bit offensive to

the Islamic religion --- sorry about that).

All religions teach truth,compassion,tolerance,

universal brotherhood,etc ---- very true.

BUT-- It is also true that the religions contradict

each other.---- One believes that the soul is ever

existing,eternal and part and parcel of god.another

believes that you were created by god.---- One


in reincarnation by karma.another does not believe in

it but believes in a day of judgement followed by

being awarded with heaven or hell for ever.

My point is that both cannot be true.If one is true,

then the other is false. --- It is nice to be

sentimental and say that all religions are nice and

good and it does'nt matter which path you follow.All

lead to the Almighty God. --- But it does not suit a

genuine seeker of truth.A seeker of truth has to be

discriminating and logical.

Coming back to the topic of my post,The subject should

have been "what a misuse of religion" instead of "what

a religion" ----Regards,vivek.

--- Ravinder Grover

<astrology wrote: > Dear Vivek


> Even though I do not know much about Islam but I

> tend to think that it is

> the mis-interpretation of the Religion Islam. I

> just do not beleive that

> 'The Holy Quran' says what people are doing . SOME

> people are only bending

> the religion for their convenience.


> I understand Islam and Christianity are inter

> related. For that matter all

> religions are inter related. In fact the word

> Re-ligion meand 'To relaize'

> that 'You are God' yourself. You are one with the

> God, 'Aham Brahma Asmi'.

> I trust and beleive that all religions have 'Sathya,

> Dharma, Shanti, Prema

> and Ahimsa' say. 'Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love

> and Non-Violence' as the

> roots of the religion. As soon one deviates from

> these values, one ceases

> to follow ANY RELIGION.


> Love


> Ravinder Grover


> -

> vivek <keviv90

> <gjlist>

> Wednesday, July 31, 2002 5:26 PM

> [GJ] What a religion!



> > Hi everyone,

> > I read recently that a man was sentenced to death

> in

> > Pakistan for saying something against the koran

> and

> > the prophet.Every year,hundreds of people are

> executed

> > under Pakistan's blasphemy laws.The same is true

> of

> > other Islamic countries as well.

> > Under Islamic laws,if you say even one word which

> goes

> > against the koran or the prophet's teachings,you

> get

> > the death penalty.Besides,if any four muslim men

> > testify that you committed blasphemy,it is deemed

> to

> > be true,even if you deny it.In Pakistan,this law

> is

> > freely used as a means of revenge and blackmail.

> > What a religion Islam is!!

> > By the way,astrology is strictly prohibited in

> Islam

> > as only Allah knows the past,present and future.to

> say

> > that you know the future is blasphemy.By Islamic

> laws,

> > we are all liable for the death penalty.

> > In Islam,so many things are blasphemy,that you

> wonder

> > if you can do anything at all.


> > Yours,

> > vivek.

> >

> >

> >



> > Want to sell your car? advertise on Autos

> Classifieds. It's Free!!

> > visit http://in.autos.

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> > :

> gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >






> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

> Sat

> :

> gjlist-




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Re. Islam, Christianity


In both, esp. Islam, due to the lack of real

philosophy that works on Earth for people the way they

are, they instead force an unnatural set of "pure"

habits and lifestyle on people, which basically has

everything tasty, interesting, and pleasant removed,

and the people under such have to live in fear of

having any natural impulses, acting on them, or even

thinking or saying new ideas.


This is because, simply, to hold together something

nobody likes, you have to do it with total fear. It's

very similar to a military regime in a country, or the

Police, etc. People in these religions do and follow

these things out of "fear of God". How often have we

been taught these silly Paulist/Moses/Gabriel stuff

that teaches us to fear God, fear our bodies, fear our

thoughts, etc. It's just to hold together a cult.


Islam and Christianity are both started as full on

religions, capable of delivering you supposedly to the

eternal life, but they are in conflict, and so they

cannot both be right. Also, how silly.


You see, like I said yesterday, it is time for these

religions to go. Both Christianity and Islam.


Did you see the photo of the young boys in the street

of Kabul, looking at pictures of Indian models? Lust

is universal, it's normal, because it's the presence

of the seeking of reciprocation, which is in for

divine reasons, and we have to learn to relate, that's

what it is for!


To deny it simply means to not make progress on it.

There's no taste in being devoted to an unseen God who

allows no taste in this life! Hence, priests having

sex, with whatever!


By the way, all prostitutes in England and near to

Arabia in all European countries will tell you that

Arab men, shieks, the one's with four wives and such,

they come, and they are horny, and agressive, and

totally into white meat, and completely drueling over

it, paying for it, fucking it, and then going home to

where in their country such things are fully illegal.

In other words, like Americans go to Las Vegas to play

(not me), so Arabs go to Amsterdam, Switzerland,

anywhere prostitution is legal.


They are no different than any other men. And lets not

talk about real sex, do you think they aren't

masturbating? They are. From the presidents and Mulas

on down. This is a world of fakes and illusions,

period. Islam is a joke as a religion. I've read the

Koran. It contains next to no information that is at

all helpful or new. It's a bad read-alike of the old

testament. It could only be meaningful to you if you

are an Arab.


Which brings me back to my point- religions based on

one person, are called Cults. They worship and follow

this one person. Islam tried to wipe this out with "no

states or pictures", but who you gonna QUOTE and

FOLLOW, is what's important. Other people just prefer

to look at the persons face that is totally running

their lives. Muslims would rather not see his face. OK.


I hate this world because it is so life negative. All

around me are confused and sick people and if they go

for help to ANY religious worker, there just gonna get

"Jesus", the same old non-working junk.


Of course, there are many people that agree with me,

thank God, and they are generally much more happy,

peaceful, and healthier than their counterparts.


I have no problem saying Islam is backwards to me.

It's not the same as India at all, where there, in

Hinduism, people do not feel this absolute preassure

of one life and hell, and so forth. You can say or do

whatever you want in India, and America. These are

countries "for the people", democracies, and one is

the leader in Spirit, the other the leader in Matter.

Arabia and such Islamic countries lead only in

opression of their peoples, which we see proven when

their rich come to our freer countries.


Oh, by the way, the most expensive prostitute in

Switzerland, she's $15,000 a night, she said on TV

that Arab men are especially fond of taking small

video tapes of their sessions with her. Why? Small

because they search you and take such "illegal items",

secondly, then they can watch themselves fucking a

white swiss chick over and over while jacking off.

Yes, it's simple.


Then they go give big donations to Osama to kill those

sick Westerners who put pussy on TV. What did they do

in Zurich? They filmed pussy for themselves. Happens



Hypocrisy. It's called "Holy Smoke", because it's just

hot air.


Osama isn't interested in the Koran, and neither are

any the big leaders in any field there. They just

touch it to their head and that's it. It's like

Christians, they do whatever they want, to us, each

other, the world, etc. How many "Christians" work in

businesses that produce weapons that kill people?

Tons. But that's against their religion!


The hypocrisy and lieing is unending in Kali Yuga. And

sastra says, the only way to dharma in this age is to

start with truth.


Like I said, it's the time for techniques and

knowledge, not these kind of ancient fear based

control oriented religions.


By the way, for those who have not read the Koran, let

me tell you some things briefly.


Firstly, the whole authority for the religion comes

not from Mohamed, but Gabriel, the angel. You see,

supposedly, Mohamed had constant regular audience with

this "Arch Angel" for days, and those teachings the

angel said are what is in the Koran as the "right to

exist". Mohamed was just a regular guy, pissed off at

his powerful wife, so he would hang out in the cave in

the hills, where he supposedly met Gabriel.


Then, when he had gather enough followers, when it was

just enough to guarantee a win in overthrowing Medina

(a city near Mecca), then they did that. In other

words, he taught, and then their first action, his

first goal, was to capture the power over a city, and

make it Islamic. Then, when they had enough power from

that, he turned his sites on Mecca, which he also took.


In other words, from day one it was a militant

religion with aims at controlling politics as well as

religion. The State is the Church in these places, so

to speak, hence the Police even enforce, to the death,

the "religious laws".


Think of that- how do you reason "law" and "religion"

together. You know how we talk, and know, that

astrology works, and we know that progress is made

slowly over lifetimes, and we see it's true,

practically speaking, so this relies on the freedoms

God makes apparent here, and like a baby learning to

walk, falls are inevitable, but in Islam, you're dead

if you fall. This is not religion, this is BEING WITH

God. They are dealing like "we're there", but

obviously we're not.


Therefore in my opinion they have no clear Sidhanta or

Sandharba. Conclusions, declarations, philosophy. No,

it's just all emotion, sentiment, fanaticism. Notice

the countries that spawn suicide bombers: Japan and

Islam. These countries are fanatical. Go to either

and see it and feel it.


Recently I talked to a youth in Karachi Pakistan over

the phone. He was perhaps say 20 years old, and spoke

perfect English, fluently, with slang, everything.


He told me quite clearly that:


All his friends agree with this

All youths of any brains in Paki agree with this

They are Indians, not Pakistanis

They prefer to identify themselves as Indians, and he

said the reason literally was "why would I want to

identify with a 50 year old thing when I can identify

with a5000 year old thing.

Further, when I mentioned restrictions and such and


He blew it off like "phhhhh, oh brother, give me a

break", ie, total disregard, could care less


So it's just talk. A few fanatics who are hypocrites.

Our servicemen, should they be engaged again in a real

way against Arabs, could know, oh well, it's gonna

happen to these folks sooner or later, which is true.

I've always said to friends, and maybe on this list,

that two places have explosive futures due to present

ignorance and denial: China/ArabCountries. These two

have to still go through their change phase from way

old ideas which use ALOT of opression to keep peaple

artificially "good citizens".


My sister, God cries, is becoming a Rabbi. I asked her

why, and her response was:


"The Jewish community here is my family!" with

happiness and joy, because this woman has found none

forever, doesn't fit in, but the dinky Jewish

community in Fresno sure loves that she runs the place

for them. So, she's in. Her and her half white-half

Jordanean daughter run the Freson Beth Israel temple,

and they are new converts. That's why. Thats the real

reason why. Community feels good. I don't have any, so

I know. But, that's NOT religion. Community is a now

thing, a thing of this world. Religion is about

techniques for reviving some sort of lost

consciousness and lifestyle which when re-established

will help us, or lead us, to a better place.


Naturally, that should include all information, not

partial, and for the sake of understanding, one needs

access to self-proof, experimentation, etc. The great

thinkers and philosophers often actually did weird

things as tests. That's how they learned. Like Newton

dropping an Apple out of window. Not the usual use of

an Apple, crunch.


There is another way of doing life, which I'm pushing,

which is based on knowledge, science, mutually granted

freedoms, etc. This is what's happening in America

today. Here in Eugene, one cal learn from Sihks,

Muslims, Jews, Christians, and all types of New Agers.

The latter has the healthiest looking members, because

actually caring about yourself, your body, mind,

spirit, is actually a part of the new age movement,

and not those archaeic Jewish based relgions.


Like a favorite Kelt Author says: The bible is at

best a national history for a small nomadic tribe. It

pails in comparison to Druidic knowledge or Hindu



By the way, prostitues who live near Hare Krishna

temples often point out to lower Hare Krishna clients

that the big guy comes there too. I've heard it from a

few devotees- they say stuff like "Yeah, the guys with

the funny underwear and Robes". Oh my god, they even

go in their saffron cloth. Then preach to the

Brahmacaris not to even THINK of woman.


Truth is where it all starts.


If people would admit their real positions, they would

see they need basic Sadhanas, basic things to help

them control their senses and minds. Then meditation,

knowledge, bhakti, etc. It's a training program in

Hinduism. It's not absolute, and everything is

acceptable. They even give instructions for

homosexuality, stealing wives, and have sex. The fact

is, people are going to do these things, so you you

might as well do them correctly. (The latter two I've

personally seen in old Indian books, the first I was

told was there, but I haven't seen it. Sex and wife

stealing are both covered in the Kama Sutra. This is

not really a scripture, but it's an example of the

open minded ways of the Hindu culture.)


Tons of souls are stuck in utter oppression on Earth

still. It's very sad to see for souls.







Das Goravani , President


2852 Willamette St, #353

Eugene, Oregon, 97405










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Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaya

Dear Raghu,

That was a great dose of 'Jupiterian' energy mixed witha alot of Venus

(Jupiter aspects Venus in Lagna..) and later witha lot of Saturn...Finally,

the martian regulation of lists did also show up..These skeletons are still

in your cupboard. Throw them out. Akbar ruled India not because of his

prowess but due to the Rajputs killing Mirabai..we Jyotisha understand this,

and know that it is just a matter of time. So long as it is a linear scale

of time, we are still doing Jyotish, when it becomes a circular time scale,

then we are into philosophy..

Finally, it is OM TAT SAT.

With best wishes

Sanjay Rath

http://sanjayrath.tripod.com <http://sanjayrath.tripod.com>




Das Goravani []

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:33 PM


Re: [GJ] Re: What a religion!





I'm sorry for introducing myself this way but can we

please keep

castigation of religion and religious ideals and

practices out of

this list? I'm not sure how relevant this is to what

this list is






Hi, and thanks for your opinion. Personally, I feel,

that astrologers must know this stuff too. Otherwise,

how can you know what's going through the head of

people you meet in life, Islamic, or whatever they

are. Since I've read the Koran (very boring and

tedious), I know what Islam is really about. It's

about basic religion, ie, similar to Christianity, and

then it's about politics. Their idea of heaven

includes sense gratification, quite clearly, at least

for the silly. Like "getting served by blacked eyed

virgins", is appealing to Arab men, but I say, the

fact that their virgins means nobody is having sex

with them, right? So don't get lusty for heaven dude!


When you see heaven described as containing things

which are localized on Earth, then you know you're

dealing with less than a really "thinking" religion.

Religion should be bigger than local. And if it says

nonbelievers go to an eternal hell, then you can know

for sure, just drop the damn thing in the trash. I

say, lets stack up all the bibles in the United

states, and burn 'em.


Keep some, so people in the future can look back on

the crazy ideas. Similarly, in Arab states, some of

them castrate girls. They can never have a normal

clitoral orgasm ever. This is good for sex, because

they go longer.... funner for men. Oh, that's not

why they do it though, no no no.


Perhaps it's just a sign, like circumcision, at their

way of dealing with this issue of sex:


If you don't understand it and haven't mastered it,

just kill it, ie, cut pieces of it off before the

person can move or voice an opinion.


I didn't even know "foreskin" existed until quite late

in childhood. Now I realize that "collar" just behind

my dicks head, is actually a big fuckin SKAR that was

put there when I was 1 second old.


Hows that for imprint of sexual dysfunction?


We know so much more these days. Jesus! I can't wait

for the world to actually implement truth and sensability.









Das Goravani , President


2852 Willamette St, #353

Eugene, Oregon, 97405










Home of "Goravani Jyotish"


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Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

: gjlist-




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