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What a religion!

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I'm sorry for introducing myself this way but can we please keep

castigation of religion and religious ideals and practices out of

this list? I'm not sure how relevant this is to what this list is





gjlist, vivek <keviv90> wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> I read recently that a man was sentenced to death in

> Pakistan for saying something against the koran and

> the prophet.Every year,hundreds of people are executed

> under Pakistan's blasphemy laws.The same is true of

> other Islamic countries as well.

> Under Islamic laws,if you say even one word which goes

> against the koran or the prophet's teachings,you get

> the death penalty.Besides,if any four muslim men

> testify that you committed blasphemy,it is deemed to

> be true,even if you deny it.In Pakistan,this law is

> freely used as a means of revenge and blackmail.

> What a religion Islam is!!

> By the way,astrology is strictly prohibited in Islam

> as only Allah knows the past,present and future.to say

> that you know the future is blasphemy.By Islamic laws,

> we are all liable for the death penalty.

> In Islam,so many things are blasphemy,that you wonder

> if you can do anything at all.


> Yours,

> vivek.






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I'm sorry for introducing myself this way but can we

please keep

castigation of religion and religious ideals and

practices out of

this list? I'm not sure how relevant this is to what

this list is






Hi, and thanks for your opinion. Personally, I feel,

that astrologers must know this stuff too. Otherwise,

how can you know what's going through the head of

people you meet in life, Islamic, or whatever they

are. Since I've read the Koran (very boring and

tedious), I know what Islam is really about. It's

about basic religion, ie, similar to Christianity, and

then it's about politics. Their idea of heaven

includes sense gratification, quite clearly, at least

for the silly. Like "getting served by blacked eyed

virgins", is appealing to Arab men, but I say, the

fact that their virgins means nobody is having sex

with them, right? So don't get lusty for heaven dude!


When you see heaven described as containing things

which are localized on Earth, then you know you're

dealing with less than a really "thinking" religion.

Religion should be bigger than local. And if it says

nonbelievers go to an eternal hell, then you can know

for sure, just drop the damn thing in the trash. I

say, lets stack up all the bibles in the United

states, and burn 'em.


Keep some, so people in the future can look back on

the crazy ideas. Similarly, in Arab states, some of

them castrate girls. They can never have a normal

clitoral orgasm ever. This is good for sex, because

they go longer.... funner for men. Oh, that's not

why they do it though, no no no.


Perhaps it's just a sign, like circumcision, at their

way of dealing with this issue of sex:


If you don't understand it and haven't mastered it,

just kill it, ie, cut pieces of it off before the

person can move or voice an opinion.


I didn't even know "foreskin" existed until quite late

in childhood. Now I realize that "collar" just behind

my dicks head, is actually a big fuckin SKAR that was

put there when I was 1 second old.


Hows that for imprint of sexual dysfunction?


We know so much more these days. Jesus! I can't wait

for the world to actually implement truth and sensability.









Das Goravani , President


2852 Willamette St, #353

Eugene, Oregon, 97405










Home of "Goravani Jyotish"


Vedic Astrology Software , and more...

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I keep thinking I am soon to resign from the list to study for my postal

exams and my atttempts at the teaching exams and here I go again...


When I was getting my art history degree, and the majority of my classes

were in medieval areas, my prof and advisor pointed out that while Europe

was going through the dark ages, the Muslims were far ahead of us. We were

dirty little pigs who didn't like baths--yeah, even us Celts, Das, Arabs

brought soap to the barbarian hordes, that means us white folks. That's

right, Arabs, and black Moors going into Spain from Morrocco, et al, got to

soap well before we Lily Whites did.


Muslims did lovely, bright things with mathematics and archetechture and

abstract design in their buildings in Europe after the fall of

Constantinople--remember that used to be the head of the Christian church,

gang, things were really pretty stable in the Ottoman Empire. I remember

reading some book review int he NYTimes that was practically a precis of the

book. Basically a lot of the Eastern European countries weren't, for

example, conquered by the Ottomans, they were sorta enveloped and saw a good

thing when they saw it. They went Moslem.


We are in a major period of religious fundamentalist mentality. Period.

Doesn't matter which one, they're all getting nuts and have been for a long

while, while a lot of us would like a serous amount of slack cut to us in

our views of God and spirtuality.


Incidentaly, growing up in a town with a large population of Lebanese all

coming here over 120 years ago from the same town, and we have a very large

influx of Iranians too as part of the landscape and haing a lot of freinds

from the persian community and a few from the Arab/Palestian

population--more Lebanese and Palestianins--and remeber if you're not a

jew, but are Christian or Muslim--you can be a kicked off your land and

therefore claim the title of Palestinian--Arabs and Iranians are pretty

diffrent and it's fun to listen to them talk bad about each other, really

very amusing...


Another thing along these lines, not that it would be able to happen now:

when the Arab/muslims controlled Palestine, before the creation of

Israel--no fighting. Everyone got along. It was after Israel was created

that things got..nasty. Not to say that it wouldn't have happened

eventually--it's the era of fundementalism that's doing it..


I've had Iranian paramours and many more friends. (got a Venus & Pluto line

running right on through Iran!!) Yeah, there're a lot of good things about

the culture--I would agree with Carol on that one. I was a professional cook

specializing in Persian food at one time. I picked it up after two years of

macrobiotic cooking...I've yet to meet a Persian man who doesn't read his

country's poetry in the evening. Can't say that for the Europeans as a

whole, but then I don't know all Persians either, only the ones here in my



I think I'm trying to say that everything goes in stages..and Islam and the

rest of us are in a strict fundementalist gig at the moment. Or it seems

dominant at times.


Best Wishes,



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That was a great dose of 'Jupiterian' energy mixed

witha alot of Venus

(Jupiter aspects Venus in Lagna..) and later witha lot

of Saturn...Finally,

the martian regulation of lists did also show

up..These skeletons are still

in your cupboard. Throw them out.



I take this as a direct insult, spoken with your self

appointed privelage as an Indian Guru.


Secondly, how do you throw out your nature and planets?


How do you know I have not thrown my spears and arrows

on purpose exactly where they hit?


I can tell you I've been pretty cognizant. Sometimes

I'm tripping out, and writing too emotionallyk, but I

try to remain steady.


At least I do something, say something. I don't need

this kind of input at all.



das goravani

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YOu know what? YOu convinced me. I am sorry. He does have a right to

his opinion. So do you and I.


I think I am extra sensitive these days -- what with everything going

on -- about what I perceive to be criticism (read censure) about

Islam and what it has "resulted" in (and no, I am not muslim) and so

his tone is what put me off.






gjlist, Das Goravani <das@g...> wrote:



> I'm sorry for introducing myself this way but can we

> please keep

> castigation of religion and religious ideals and

> practices out of

> this list? I'm not sure how relevant this is to what

> this list is

> about.


> idg.



> Hi, and thanks for your opinion. Personally, I feel,

> that astrologers must know this stuff too. Otherwise,

> how can you know what's going through the head of

> people you meet in life, Islamic, or whatever they

> are. Since I've read the Koran (very boring and

> tedious), I know what Islam is really about. It's

> about basic religion, ie, similar to Christianity, and

> then it's about politics. Their idea of heaven

> includes sense gratification, quite clearly, at least

> for the silly. Like "getting served by blacked eyed

> virgins", is appealing to Arab men, but I say, the

> fact that their virgins means nobody is having sex

> with them, right? So don't get lusty for heaven dude!


> When you see heaven described as containing things

> which are localized on Earth, then you know you're

> dealing with less than a really "thinking" religion.

> Religion should be bigger than local. And if it says

> nonbelievers go to an eternal hell, then you can know

> for sure, just drop the damn thing in the trash. I

> say, lets stack up all the bibles in the United

> states, and burn 'em.


> Keep some, so people in the future can look back on

> the crazy ideas. Similarly, in Arab states, some of

> them castrate girls. They can never have a normal

> clitoral orgasm ever. This is good for sex, because

> they go longer.... funner for men. Oh, that's not

> why they do it though, no no no.


> Perhaps it's just a sign, like circumcision, at their

> way of dealing with this issue of sex:


> If you don't understand it and haven't mastered it,

> just kill it, ie, cut pieces of it off before the

> person can move or voice an opinion.


> I didn't even know "foreskin" existed until quite late

> in childhood. Now I realize that "collar" just behind

> my dicks head, is actually a big fuckin SKAR that was

> put there when I was 1 second old.


> Hows that for imprint of sexual dysfunction?


> We know so much more these days. Jesus! I can't wait

> for the world to actually implement truth and sensability.





> Sorry,

> --



> Das Goravani , President


> 2852 Willamette St, #353

> Eugene, Oregon, 97405



> Voice:


> or


> das@g... <das@g...>



> Home of "Goravani Jyotish"


> Vedic Astrology Software , and more...

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Dear All

These are sensitive times. I've found this transit of Mars in Cancer has

NOT been softened much by the Jupiter association. Folks are more sensitive

than ever.


Since 9-11 there has been more fear of frustration and anger at a religion

than anything. This is rather amusing to me because I;m not attached to any

religion (I do the ability Moon to the max grins).


On a gardening site, someone referred to Japanese beetles as terrorists of

her garden and she was attacked for her insensitivity! Sounds funny now But

the person was really serious.


I hope that all religions will look back to the essence of their "truth."


I would say more, but it seems that my number came up recently so I'm laying



To anyone interested in this concept. The book "The Alphabet Versus the

Goddess" by Schlain is not so much a feminist book as the title might

suggest. It is a survey of the origins of world religions. Not very deep,

it is a survey with the correlation that as a religion focuses upon its

"words" rather than deed it shifts to a rather dark or tyrannical side of

human nature. For example. The Jews get the word of god trough Moses and

as it is written it is also written that only male children should read and

write the words.


The words of the Koran are the ultimate for the religion and the culture.

No images in the mosques only the words. The author suggests that the

further a culture goes from human images the further it seems to go from

compassion and humanity. So you can find most anything in the words and use

that to make most any deed e.g. the crusades or the burring of Catholics or

Protestants by each other seem rational.


The current trend to fundamentalism reminds me that we are not far from

those bloody times and when a society loses the value of the human or the

individual it loses its humanity and so I can feel the frustration of the

author of this thread "What a religion!" indeed.


Will the people of the world stand by and watch the burning times again?

That has yet to be seen. At least we know that they are happening and can

choose to ignore and separate because they have the right to brutalize their

people in the name of god or we can begin with frustration and try to do

something about it.


I'll stop there, I'm going out of town so if this takes big hits they will

fall on deaf ears.





"idasgupta98" <idasgupta98


Friday, August 02, 2002 2:35 AM

[GJ] Re: What a religion!



> YOu know what? YOu convinced me. I am sorry. He does have a right to

> his opinion. So do you and I.


> I think I am extra sensitive these days -- what with everything going

> on -- about what I perceive to be criticism (read censure) about

> Islam and what it has "resulted" in (and no, I am not muslim) and so

> his tone is what put me off.


> thanks.


> idg.


> gjlist, Das Goravani <das@g...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > I'm sorry for introducing myself this way but can we

> > please keep

> > castigation of religion and religious ideals and

> > practices out of

> > this list? I'm not sure how relevant this is to what

> > this list is

> > about.

> >

> > idg.

> >

> >

> > Hi, and thanks for your opinion. Personally, I feel,

> > that astrologers must know this stuff too. Otherwise,

> > how can you know what's going through the head of

> > people you meet in life, Islamic, or whatever they

> > are. Since I've read the Koran (very boring and

> > tedious), I know what Islam is really about. It's

> > about basic religion, ie, similar to Christianity, and

> > then it's about politics. Their idea of heaven

> > includes sense gratification, quite clearly, at least

> > for the silly. Like "getting served by blacked eyed

> > virgins", is appealing to Arab men, but I say, the

> > fact that their virgins means nobody is having sex

> > with them, right? So don't get lusty for heaven dude!

> >

> > When you see heaven described as containing things

> > which are localized on Earth, then you know you're

> > dealing with less than a really "thinking" religion.

> > Religion should be bigger than local. And if it says

> > nonbelievers go to an eternal hell, then you can know

> > for sure, just drop the damn thing in the trash. I

> > say, lets stack up all the bibles in the United

> > states, and burn 'em.

> >

> > Keep some, so people in the future can look back on

> > the crazy ideas. Similarly, in Arab states, some of

> > them castrate girls. They can never have a normal

> > clitoral orgasm ever. This is good for sex, because

> > they go longer.... funner for men. Oh, that's not

> > why they do it though, no no no.

> >

> > Perhaps it's just a sign, like circumcision, at their

> > way of dealing with this issue of sex:

> >

> > If you don't understand it and haven't mastered it,

> > just kill it, ie, cut pieces of it off before the

> > person can move or voice an opinion.

> >

> > I didn't even know "foreskin" existed until quite late

> > in childhood. Now I realize that "collar" just behind

> > my dicks head, is actually a big fuckin SKAR that was

> > put there when I was 1 second old.

> >

> > Hows that for imprint of sexual dysfunction?

> >

> > We know so much more these days. Jesus! I can't wait

> > for the world to actually implement truth and sensability.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sorry,

> > --

> >

> >

> > Das Goravani , President

> >

> > 2852 Willamette St, #353

> > Eugene, Oregon, 97405

> > USA

> >

> > Voice:

> >

> > or

> >

> > das@g... <das@g...>

> >

> >

> > Home of "Goravani Jyotish"

> >

> > Vedic Astrology Software , and more...





> Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

> : gjlist-




> Your use of is subject to



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It is evident to me from your respective posts that both you and Raghu are

sincere and good people, and I just wanted to share this with you. I

definitely gather that he thinks of you as a real friend, despite that last

post from him; and I risk writing you unbidden to share my specifically psychic

hunch that this particular friendship is precious, will be helpful to the world,

and should be cultivated, as you surely do in your reply. I am honored to be in

the company of two Jyotishis such as you and Raghu.

Very sincerely,

Jesse Abbot

Infant Jyotishi

In a message dated 8/2/2002 4:11:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, srath (AT) softhome (DOT) net writes:

Dear Raghu

This was never meant to be an insult, and as always I will be the first to apologise for it

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