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Visha Kanya; Comments/Input, Please...

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Visha Kanya

Saturday, August 03, 2002



I'm wondering if any of you would have anything to

offer concerning a set of combinations known as Visha

Kanya, literally, "Poison Maidens". Parashara speaks

about this at length in his Brihat Parashara Hora

Shastra, and so have other scholars after him. This

set of specific horoscopic conditions, based on the

Vara (Weekday), Lunar Naksatra (the Moon Zodiacal Sign

that the natal Moon is in) and Tithi (Lunar Day) is

said to portend widowhood should it be seen in the

chart of a female. In the chart of a male, it is said

to bring about the destruction of his family.


DeFouw has gone into this subject at some length, in

his most recent work, Light on Relationships. He seems

to feel, in the modern Western context, that these

combinations would suggest a heightened degree of

being prone to drug addiction, alcoholism, and so on;

he also seems to think that such a set of conditions

can bring about a severely weakened health system. I

have taken these notes of his from his book, and put

them onto my Palm device. Those notes are pasted into

this letter, and appear below:


Visha Kanya

-Means literally "poison damsel" & classically refers

to combinations of widowhood & misery for the


-DeFouw offers a more updated meaning, one that

applies equally to men & women: that very often, VK

represents a heightened suscepitibility to "poison" -

like drugs, alcohol, etc. It can also suggest a very

weakened health system, & may be a burden on the

spouse/family as a result

-VK occurs when a birth is:

1.On a Sunday which is the 2 Lunar day & the Moon is

in Ashlesha

2.On a Saturday which is the 7 Lunar day & the Moon is

in Krittika

3.On a Tuesday which is the 12 Lunar day & the Moon is

in Satabisha

4.When Saturn is in the Asc, the Sun is in the 5 &

Mars in the 9

-When the Asc is occupied by both a benefic & a

malefic, both of them being in an emeny's sign

-There are 3 antidotes to this affliction here:

1.When the lord of the 7 is in its own house, from the

Asc or Moon

2.When a benefic occupies the 7 house from the Moon or


3.If benefics aspect the Moon


Also, Raman speaks of similar situations; Again, from

the notes on this matter imbedded in my Palm device:


Raman gives, in his book Muhurtha, a set of

combinations that are strikingly similar to the "Visha

Kanya" combinations discussed in DeFouw's work. Like

the combinations DeFouw talks about in his book, this

set of conditions Raman speaks to is based in the

main, on the Lunar Naksatra position of the female's

Moon in her chart. However, this seems to put a bit

more emphasis on the certain quarters of certain

Naksatras. They are:


-First Quarter of Moola: misfortune for husband's


-First Quarter of Aslesha: misfortune for husband's


-First Quarter of Jyestha: misfortune for husband's

elder brother

-Last Quarter of Visakha: misfortune for husband's

younger brother


I have completed a cursory search of my horoscope

databases for such cases of charts, male of female,

and I have found none, so all of this is, at the

moment, theoretical for me. I am wondering if any one

of you has anything, from personal experience to

offer, on the matters explained above. Also, if you do

have such experience, would you mind please sharing

the horoscope data with me, for further study and



Additionally: Through all of my ups and downs in

relationships, I think I may have found the right

person for me. She is a very nice girl named Tia, and

she was born on May 18, 1983, 12:28am EDT, in

Philadelphia, PA. I have closely studied all of our

connections including an extensive study of the Kutas,

and have fair reason to believe that things should go

well for us, all other things not withstanding.

However, I am also keenly aware of being too

subjective when it comes to matters like this. So, I

am wondering if anyone of you out there would have any

comments to share with regard to me and Tia, how our

charts line up and so on. My data, for those among you

who do not have it, is Dec 2, 1968 9:43am EST, in

Philadelphia, PA. I would be so happy to hear from

anyone of you on this matter. Tia would also like to

know what other Astrologers, whom I know and respect,

has to say about her chart. I tend not to discuss such

matters with her, precisely because of those

subjective matters spoken of earlier.










Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

2Way Pager: 1-877-345-6499/8773456499; Cell phone:


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