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The Mystery of Vin Diesel

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The Mystery of Vin Diesel

Tuesday, August 13, 2002


For several years, actor Vin Diesel has graced the

silver screen in, with a few exceptions, films that

would be considered by some as sophmoric - "The Fast

and The Furious" and the current movie, "XXX". But,

Diesel also shows that he may indeed have legitimate

acting talent - witness his parts in "The Iron Giant"

and "Saving Private Ryan".


Diesel, at least his on-screen persona, is nothing new

- he is the latest media creation out of Hollywood,

the muscle-bound anti-hero of the 21st Century, that

is not unlike the Stallone/Rambo or Arnold/Commando

characters we saw in the 80s.


Vin Diesel, according to the International Movie

Database, was born on July 18, 1967 in Mahattan, New

York. At present, no birth time is known. He guards

his past very closely, but what we do know, is that he

grew up around the theatre environment, as his father

had some connection to that world. His mother, was a

psychologist, and, interestingly enough, an Astrologer

as well. It would be a pure delight to hear what she

has to say about her now very famous son. And, it is

also interesting to point out that, like Stallone

(another actor born in NYC), his mom is also an



Perhaps the most interesting - or disturbing,

depending on where you sit- thing about Diesel, is his

outright refusal to discuss the nature of racial

lineage, beyond the fact that he is, in part, Italian.

There has been strong speculation that the other part

of him is Black/African American, and since his father

is virtually unknown to us, unlike his mother, this

could be very possible. Some say that it doesn't

matter, others (I, being among them) would contend

that such a stance is at the very least problematic,

if not shameful, of his background. Afterall, in

America, Race does matter, especially in the World of

Entertainment - just look at Elvis and Eminem, two

examples of white men who can capitalize on Black art

forms; and then, there is Halle Berry, the actress,

who, last year, won the Oscar award for her

controversial role in "Monster's Ball". She too is

bi-racial, her father being Black, and it is

well-known that Hollywood, who is controlled by

whites, tend to favor her for her "ethnic" but not

"too Black" looks. Perhaps of all areas of human

endeavor in the United States, the issue of Race, in

Hollywood is the most blatant. Perhaps Diesel knows,

that if her were to reveal that he was indeed in part

Black, that could effect his bottom-line. A truly sad

commentary, if accurate.


Because there is no known birth time for Diesel, we

have to go on the date alone. But we can still glean a

good deal of info, as we can apply the technique known

in Vedic Astrology cirles as the Chandra Lagna, or

"Moon Ascendant". Doing that, we see that Diesel's

humble beginnings would not impede his success - note

that he has two planets well placed by sign. Mercury

is in Gemini, and Jupiter is exalted in Cancer.

Further, note that he has the very important Dharma

Karma Adi Pati Yoga in the 9 house - the Sun, ruler of

the 10, and Jupiter, ruler of the 5, are associated in

the 9. Of all the Raj Yogas in VA, this combination,

the coming together of a lord of a trinal house and

the lord of an angular house, is the most important.

It represents the meeting of action (angular house)

and good fortune (trinal house), nearly all Jyotishis

(Vedic Astrologers) look for these when first scanning

a horoscope for success potential. These combinations

alone, birth time or not, augur much success for

Diesel's career.


Another tell-tale signal of Diesel's profession, can

be seen in the fact that, from the Moon, Venus, the

planet of the Arts, is placed in the 10 house. In

fact, it is very common to see actors and singers have

the combination of Venus in an angle from the Moon. R.

Kelly, who I have written about earlier this Summer,

also has such a combination; mega-actor Tom Cruise,

has the Moon and Venus in the same house, and so on.

In that Venus also rules the 7 in Diesel's chart, only

serves to strengthen its role in his life.


Mars, the planet of muscles and weightlifting, rules

the Moon's sign, Scorpio. Moon in Scorpio people are

very guarded about their private lives, and tend to be

very "controlling" people, so as not to be taken

advantage of. Mars' placement in the 12 house,

conjunct the elusive Ketu, makes for Diesel's mystery

past all the more apparent. He is a very private man.


But perhaps Diesel's chart can give a clue or two into

his racial identity. Since African Americans still

are, for the most part, considered "outcastes" in the

USA, we can taken the planets Rahu and Saturn to

represent Black folks. We see that Mars is mutually

aspected by Rahu, and, we also note that Mars is the

lord of the signs that both the Moon and Rahu are

placed, Scorpio and Aries respectively. Note that the

Moon is the 9 lord of the father - and - note that the

Sun is in the 9. A classical dictum about this says,

that whenever the Sun, Mars or Saturn occupy the 9

house, the native will either be separated from the

father, or in some other way, there will be problems

with him (Sapta Rishi Nadi). If this is so, and it

appears that his father may indeed be Black, then this

fact could point us in the direction of the

possibility of Diesel being born in the daytime, as

the Sun is the planet ruling the father in a day time

birth, whereas, Saturn is the planet ruling father in

a night time birth. Also, as the Moon, as of 6am, is

about 20 degrees of Scorpio, it is possible that he

could have been born between midnight and 9:30pm or

so. We'll see if my surmise is correct.


Although it is very difficult to comment further based

on the lack of a time for Diesel, along with the

relative paucity of intimate life details to attempt a

rectification (a process to arrive at an estimated

birth time in the absence of timed data), we can keep

an eye out for a very interesting, and, key clue in

the times ahead. The transit of the Nodes, who always

play a role in matters of Race, are right now touching

down on Diesel's Moon. Rahu and Ketu have been in the

signs of Taurus/Scorpio since March of this year;

right now, they are at about 21 degrees

Taurus/Scorpio. If the continued interest in Diesel's

racial identity continues, the degree positions of the

Nodes could give a clue on the accurate degree

position of Diesel's Moon - and points us in the

direction of a possible Ascendant (time of day). We'll









Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


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